
2 This file is part of KDE.
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Cornelius Schumacher <>
6 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
12#include <QList>
13#include <QMap>
14#include <QSharedDataPointer>
15#include <QString>
16#include <QUrl>
18#include "attica_export.h"
19#include "downloaddescription.h"
20#include "homepageentry.h"
21#include "icon.h"
23class QDateTime;
25namespace Attica
28 * @class Content content.h <Attica/Content>
29 *
30 * Represents a single content
31 */
32class ATTICA_EXPORT Content
35 typedef QList<Content> List;
36 class Parser;
38 /**
39 * Creates an empty Content
40 */
43 /**
44 * Copy constructor.
45 * @param other the Content to copy from
46 */
47 Content(const Content &other);
49 /**
50 * Assignment operator.
51 * @param other the Content to assign from
52 * @return pointer to this Content
53 */
54 Content &operator=(const Content &other);
56 /**
57 * Destructor.
58 */
61 /**
62 * Sets the id of the Content.
63 * The id uniquely identifies a Content with the OCS API.
64 * @param id the new id
65 */
66 void setId(const QString &id);
68 /**
69 * Gets the id of the Content.
70 * The id uniquely identifies a Content with the OCS API.
71 * @return the id
72 */
73 QString id() const;
75 /**
76 * Sets the name of the Content.
77 * @param name the new name
78 */
79 void setName(const QString &name);
81 /**
82 * Gets the name of the Content.
83 * @return the name
84 */
85 QString name() const;
87 /**
88 * Sets the rating of the Content.
89 * @param rating the new rating, has to be in the range 0-100
90 */
91 void setRating(int rating);
93 /**
94 * Gets the rating of the Content.
95 * @return the rating in the range 0-100
96 */
97 int rating() const;
99 /**
100 * Sets the number of downloads for the Content.
101 * @param downloads the new number of downloads
102 */
103 void setDownloads(int downloads);
105 /**
106 * Gets the number of downloads for the Content (how often this has been downloaded from the server).
107 * @return the number of downloads
108 */
109 int downloads() const;
111 /**
112 * Sets the number of comments for the Content.
113 * @param numComments the new number of downloads
114 */
115 void setNumberOfComments(int numComments);
117 /**
118 * Gets the number of comments for the Content.
119 * @return the number of comments
120 */
121 int numberOfComments() const;
123 /**
124 * Sets the date and time the Content has been created.
125 * @param created the new creation date and time
126 */
127 void setCreated(const QDateTime &created);
129 /**
130 * Gets the date and time the Content has been created.
131 * @return the date and time of the last update
132 */
133 QDateTime created() const;
135 /**
136 * Sets the time the Content has been last updated.
137 * @param updated the new date and time of the last update
138 */
139 void setUpdated(const QDateTime &updated);
141 /**
142 * Gets the date and time the Content has been last updated.
143 * @return the date and time of the last update
144 */
145 QDateTime updated() const;
147 /**
148 * A summary description of this content.
149 */
150 QString summary() const;
152 /**
153 * A description of this content.
154 */
155 QString description() const;
157 /**
158 * A webpage with the detailed description of this content.
159 */
160 QUrl detailpage() const;
162 QString changelog() const;
163 QString version() const;
164 QString depend() const;
166 /**
167 Get the details about a download (a content can have multiple links, eg for different distros).
168 This is not very helpful if we don't know the allowed numbers.
169 */
172 /**
173 Get all possible downloads.
174 This is slow searching through lots of strings, so beware and don't call it too often.
175 */
178 /**
179 Get the details about a home page (a content can have multiple home pages, blog, bugs, ...).
180 This is not very helpful if we don't know the allowed numbers.
181 */
182 HomePageEntry homePageEntry(int number) const;
184 /**
185 Get all home pages for this content.
186 This is slow searching through lots of strings, so beware and don't call it too often.
187 */
190 QString previewPicture(const QString &number = QStringLiteral("1")) const;
191 QString smallPreviewPicture(const QString &number = QStringLiteral("1")) const;
192 QString license() const;
193 QString licenseName() const;
194 QString author() const;
196 /**
197 Get all icons for this content.
198 */
201 /**
202 Get all icons for this content.
203 */
204 QList<Icon> icons() const;
206 /**
207 * Set list of icons.
208 * @param icons list of icons for this content
209 */
212 /**
213 Get all videos for this content.
214 */
216 /**
217 * Set list of videos.
218 * @param videos list of videos for this content
219 */
222 /**
223 * Get all the tags for this content
224 * @since 5.50
225 */
226 QStringList tags() const;
227 /**
228 * Set the list of tags
229 * @param tags list of tags for this content
230 * @since 5.50
231 */
232 void setTags(const QStringList &tags);
234 /**
235 * Add an attribute that is not included in the basis set of attributes exposed by the Content class.
236 * If the attribute already exists it gets overwritten.
237 * @param key the key of the attribute
238 * @param value the value of the attribute
239 */
240 void addAttribute(const QString &key, const QString &value);
242 /**
243 * Get an attribute that is not included in the basis set of attributes exposed by the Content class.
244 * @param key the key of the attribute
245 * @return the value of the attribute with the specified key, or an empty string, if the key has not been found
246 */
247 QString attribute(const QString &key) const;
249 /**
250 * Get all attributes that are not included in the basis set of attributes exposed by the Content class.
251 * @return the attribute mappings
252 */
255 /**
256 * Checks whether this Content has an id
257 * @return @c true if an id has been set, @c false otherwise
258 */
259 bool isValid() const;
262 class Private;
QString description() const
A description of this content.
Definition content.cpp:155
int downloads() const
Gets the number of downloads for the Content (how often this has been downloaded from the server).
Definition content.cpp:95
int rating() const
Gets the rating of the Content.
Definition content.cpp:85
void setCreated(const QDateTime &created)
Sets the date and time the Content has been created.
Definition content.cpp:110
QDateTime created() const
Gets the date and time the Content has been created.
Definition content.cpp:115
QString attribute(const QString &key) const
Get an attribute that is not included in the basis set of attributes exposed by the Content class.
Definition content.cpp:135
int numberOfComments() const
Gets the number of comments for the Content.
Definition content.cpp:105
void addAttribute(const QString &key, const QString &value)
Add an attribute that is not included in the basis set of attributes exposed by the Content class.
Definition content.cpp:130
QUrl detailpage() const
A webpage with the detailed description of this content.
Definition content.cpp:160
QDateTime updated() const
Gets the date and time the Content has been last updated.
Definition content.cpp:125
QList< Icon > icons()
Get all icons for this content.
Definition content.cpp:295
QStringList tags() const
Get all the tags for this content.
Definition content.cpp:320
void setVideos(QList< QUrl > videos)
Set list of videos.
Definition content.cpp:315
void setId(const QString &id)
Sets the id of the Content.
Definition content.cpp:60
void setDownloads(int downloads)
Sets the number of downloads for the Content.
Definition content.cpp:90
void setName(const QString &name)
Sets the name of the Content.
Definition content.cpp:70
void setRating(int rating)
Sets the rating of the Content.
Definition content.cpp:80
Creates an empty Content.
void setNumberOfComments(int numComments)
Sets the number of comments for the Content.
Definition content.cpp:100
HomePageEntry homePageEntry(int number) const
Get the details about a home page (a content can have multiple home pages, blog, bugs,...
Definition content.cpp:252
void setTags(const QStringList &tags)
Set the list of tags.
Definition content.cpp:325
Content(const Content &other)
Copy constructor.
bool isValid() const
Checks whether this Content has an id.
Definition content.cpp:145
QString summary() const
A summary description of this content.
Definition content.cpp:150
QMap< QString, QString > attributes() const
Get all attributes that are not included in the basis set of attributes exposed by the Content class.
Definition content.cpp:140
DownloadDescription downloadUrlDescription(int number) const
Get the details about a download (a content can have multiple links, eg for different distros).
Definition content.cpp:198
QString name() const
Gets the name of the Content.
Definition content.cpp:75
QList< HomePageEntry > homePageEntries()
Get all home pages for this content.
Definition content.cpp:229
Content & operator=(const Content &other)
Assignment operator.
QList< QUrl > videos()
Get all videos for this content.
Definition content.cpp:310
QList< DownloadDescription > downloadUrlDescriptions() const
Get all possible downloads.
Definition content.cpp:175
void setIcons(QList< Icon > icons)
Set list of icons.
Definition content.cpp:305
QString id() const
Gets the id of the Content.
Definition content.cpp:65
void setUpdated(const QDateTime &updated)
Sets the time the Content has been last updated.
Definition content.cpp:120
Represents a download description.
The HomePageEntry class contains information about one home page entry.
The Attica namespace,.
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:02:10 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.