
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 This file is part of the kcalcore library.
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2003 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org>
5 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Allen Winter <winter@kde.org>
7 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
10 @file
11 This file is part of the API for handling calendar data and
12 defines the Todo class.
14 @author Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org>
15 @author Allen Winter <winter@kde.org>
21#include "incidence.h"
22#include "kcalendarcore_export.h"
24namespace KCalendarCore
27class TodoPrivate;
30 @brief
31 Provides a To-do in the sense of RFC2445.
33class KCALENDARCORE_EXPORT Todo : public Incidence
36 /**
37 A shared pointer to a Todo object.
38 */
41 /**
42 List of to-dos.
43 */
46 ///@cond PRIVATE
47 // needed for Akonadi polymorphic payload support
48 typedef Incidence SuperClass;
49 ///@endcond
51 /**
52 Constructs an empty to-do.
53 */
56 /**
57 Copy constructor.
58 @param other is the to-do to copy.
59 */
60 Todo(const Todo &other);
62 /**
63 Costructs a todo out of an incidence
64 This constructs allows to make it easy to create a todo from an event.
65 @param other is the incidence to copy.
66 @since 4.14
67 */
68 Todo(const Incidence &other); // krazy:exclude=explicit (copy ctor)
70 /**
71 Destroys a to-do.
72 */
73 ~Todo() override;
75 /**
76 @copydoc IncidenceBase::type()
77 */
78 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT IncidenceType type() const override;
80 /**
81 @copydoc IncidenceBase::typeStr()
82 */
83 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QByteArray typeStr() const override;
85 /**
86 Returns an exact copy of this todo. The returned object is owned by the caller.
87 @return A pointer to a Todo containing an exact copy of this object.
88 */
89 Todo *clone() const override;
91 /**
92 Sets due date and time.
94 @param dtDue The due date/time.
95 @param first If true and the todo recurs, the due date of the first
96 occurrence will be set. If false and the todo recurs, the occurrence at
97 that date/time becomes the current occurrence. If the todo does not recur,
98 the due date of the todo will be set.
99 */
100 void setDtDue(const QDateTime &dtDue, bool first = false);
102 /**
103 Returns the todo due datetime.
105 @param first If true and the todo recurs, the due datetime of the first
106 occurrence will be returned. If false and recurrent, the datetime of the
107 current occurrence will be returned. If non-recurrent, the normal due
108 datetime will be returned.
109 @return A QDateTime containing the todo due datetime.
110 */
111 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QDateTime dtDue(bool first = false) const;
113 /**
114 Returns if the todo has a due datetime.
115 @return true if the todo has a due datetime; false otherwise.
116 */
117 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool hasDueDate() const;
119 /**
120 Returns if the todo has a start datetime.
121 @return true if the todo has a start datetime; false otherwise.
122 */
123 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool hasStartDate() const;
125 /**
126 @copydoc IncidenceBase::dtStart()
127 */
128 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QDateTime dtStart() const override;
130 /**
131 Returns the start datetime of the todo.
133 @param first If true, the start datetime of the todo will be returned;
134 also, if the todo recurs, the start datetime of the first occurrence
135 will be returned.
136 If false and the todo recurs, the relative start datetime will be returned,
137 based on the datetime returned by dtRecurrence().
138 @return A QDateTime for the start datetime of the todo.
139 */
140 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QDateTime dtStart(bool first) const;
142 /**
143 Returns whether the todo is completed or not.
144 @return true if the todo is 100% completed, has status @c StatusCompleted,
145 or has a completed date; false otherwise.
147 @see isOverdue, isInProgress(), isOpenEnded(), isNotStarted(bool),
148 setCompleted(), percentComplete()
149 */
150 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isCompleted() const;
152 /**
153 Sets completion percentage and status.
155 @param completed If @c true, percentage complete is set to 100%, and
156 status is set to @c StatusCompleted; the completion date is @b not set or cleared.
157 If @c false, percentage complete is set to 0%,
158 status is set to @c StatusNone, and the completion date is cleared.
161 @see isCompleted(), percentComplete(), hasCompletedDate()
162 */
163 void setCompleted(bool completed);
165 /**
166 Returns what percentage of the to-do is completed.
167 @return The percentage complete of the to-do as an integer between 0 and 100, inclusive.
168 @see setPercentComplete(), isCompleted()
169 */
170 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT int percentComplete() const;
172 /**
173 Sets what percentage of the to-do is completed.
175 To prevent inconsistency, if @p percent is not 100, completed() is cleared,
176 and if status() is StatusCompleted it is reset to StatusNone.
178 @param percent is the completion percentage. Values greater than 100 are
179 treated as 100; values less than p are treated as 0.
181 @see isCompleted(), setCompleted()
182 */
183 void setPercentComplete(int percent);
185 /**
186 Returns the to-do was completion datetime.
188 @return A QDateTime for the completion datetime of the to-do.
189 @see hasCompletedDate()
190 */
191 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QDateTime completed() const;
193 /**
194 Marks this Todo, or its current recurrence, as completed.
196 If the todo does not recur, its completion percentage is set to 100%,
197 and its completion date is set to @p completeDate. If its status is not
198 StatusNone, it is set to StatusCompleted.
200 @note
201 If @p completeDate is invalid, the completion date is cleared, but the
202 todo is still "complete".
204 If the todo recurs, the first incomplete recurrence is marked complete.
206 @param completeDate is the to-do completion date.
207 @see completed(), hasCompletedDate()
208 */
209 void setCompleted(const QDateTime &completeDate);
211 /**
212 Returns if the to-do has a completion datetime.
214 @return true if the to-do has a date associated with completion; false otherwise.
215 @see setCompleted(), completed()
216 */
217 bool hasCompletedDate() const;
219 /**
220 Returns true, if the to-do is in-progress (started, or >0% completed);
221 otherwise return false. If the to-do is overdue, then it is not
222 considered to be in-progress.
224 @param first If true, the start and due dates of the todo will be used;
225 also, if the todo recurs, the start date and due date of the first
226 occurrence will be used.
227 If false and the todo recurs, the relative start and due dates will be
228 used, based on the date returned by dtRecurrence().
229 @see isOverdue(), isCompleted(), isOpenEnded(), isNotStarted(bool)
230 */
231 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isInProgress(bool first) const;
233 /**
234 Returns true, if the to-do is open-ended (no due date); false otherwise.
235 @see isOverdue(), isCompleted(), isInProgress(), isNotStarted(bool)
236 */
237 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isOpenEnded() const;
239 /**
240 Returns true, if the to-do has yet to be started (no start date and 0%
241 completed); otherwise return false.
243 @param first If true, the start date of the todo will be used;
244 also, if the todo recurs, the start date of the first occurrence
245 will be used.
246 If false and the todo recurs, the relative start date will be used,
247 based on the date returned by dtRecurrence().
248 @see isOverdue(), isCompleted(), isInProgress(), isOpenEnded()
249 */
250 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isNotStarted(bool first) const;
252 /**
253 @copydoc IncidenceBase::shiftTimes()
254 */
255 void shiftTimes(const QTimeZone &oldZone, const QTimeZone &newZone) override;
257 /**
258 @copydoc IncidenceBase::setAllDay().
259 */
260 void setAllDay(bool allDay) override;
262 /**
263 Identify the earliest uncompleted occurrence of a recurring Todo.
265 @param dt Normally, the start date-time of the occurrence.
266 For backwards compatibility, if the Todo does not have a @c dtStart()
267 then pass the occurrence's due date-time.
268 */
269 void setDtRecurrence(const QDateTime &dt);
271 /**
272 Returns an identifier for the earliest uncompleted occurrence of a
273 recurring Todo.
275 @note
276 Do not rely on the returned value to determine whether the Todo is
277 completed; use @c isCompleted() instead.
278 */
279 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QDateTime dtRecurrence() const;
281 /**
282 Returns true if the @p date specified is one on which the to-do will
283 recur. Todos are a special case, hence the overload. It adds an extra
284 check, which make it return false if there's an occurrence between
285 the recur start and today.
287 @param date is the date to check.
288 @param timeZone is the time zone
289 */
290 bool recursOn(const QDate &date, const QTimeZone &timeZone) const override;
292 /**
293 Returns true if this todo is overdue (e.g. due date is lower than today
294 and not completed), else false.
295 @see isCompleted(), isInProgress(), isOpenEnded(), isNotStarted(bool)
296 */
297 bool isOverdue() const;
299 /**
300 @copydoc IncidenceBase::dateTime()
301 */
302 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QDateTime dateTime(DateTimeRole role) const override;
304 /**
305 @copydoc IncidenceBase::setDateTime()
306 */
307 void setDateTime(const QDateTime &dateTime, DateTimeRole role) override;
309 /**
310 @copydoc IncidenceBase::mimeType()
311 */
312 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QLatin1String mimeType() const override;
314 /**
315 @copydoc Incidence::iconName()
316 */
317 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QLatin1String iconName(const QDateTime &recurrenceId = {}) const override;
319 /**
320 @copydoc
321 Incidence::supportsGroupwareCommunication()
322 */
323 bool supportsGroupwareCommunication() const override;
325 /**
326 Returns the Akonadi specific sub MIME type of a KCalendarCore::Todo.
327 */
328 Q_REQUIRED_RESULT static QLatin1String todoMimeType();
331 /**
332 Compare this with @p todo for equality.
333 @param todo is the to-do to compare.
334 */
335 bool equals(const IncidenceBase &todo) const override;
337 /**
338 @copydoc IncidenceBase::assign()
339 */
340 IncidenceBase &assign(const IncidenceBase &other) override;
342 /**
343 @copydoc IncidenceBase::virtual_hook()
344 */
345 void virtual_hook(VirtualHook id, void *data) override;
348 /**
349 @copydoc IncidenceBase::accept()
350 */
351 bool accept(Visitor &v, const IncidenceBase::Ptr &incidence) override;
353 /**
354 Disabled, otherwise could be dangerous if you subclass Todo.
355 Use IncidenceBase::operator= which is safe because it calls
356 virtual function assign().
357 @param other is another Todo object to assign to this one.
358 */
359 Todo &operator=(const Todo &other) = delete;
361 // For polymorphic serialization
362 void serialize(QDataStream &out) const override;
363 void deserialize(QDataStream &in) override;
365 //@cond PRIVATE
367 //@endcond
370} // namespace KCalendarCore
372//@cond PRIVATE
375Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KCalendarCore::Todo *)
An abstract class that provides a common base for all calendar incidence classes.
The different types of incidences, per RFC2445.
QSharedPointer< IncidenceBase > Ptr
A shared pointer to an IncidenceBase.
The different types of incidence date/times roles.
QDateTime recurrenceId() const override
Returns the incidence recurrenceId.
Provides a To-do in the sense of RFC2445.
Definition todo.h:34
void setPercentComplete(int percent)
Sets what percentage of the to-do is completed.
Definition todo.cpp:349
void virtual_hook(VirtualHook id, void *data) override
Standard trick to add virtuals later.
Definition todo.cpp:601
bool hasDueDate() const
Returns if the todo has a due datetime.
Definition todo.cpp:260
Todo(const Incidence &other)
Costructs a todo out of an incidence This constructs allows to make it easy to create a todo from an ...
QDateTime dtRecurrence() const
Returns an identifier for the earliest uncompleted occurrence of a recurring Todo.
Definition todo.cpp:453
IncidenceBase & assign(const IncidenceBase &other) override
Provides polymorfic assignment.
Todo * clone() const override
Returns an exact copy of this todo.
IncidenceType type() const override
Returns the incidence type.
bool isCompleted() const
Returns whether the todo is completed or not.
Definition todo.cpp:290
bool recursOn(const QDate &date, const QTimeZone &timeZone) const override
Returns true if the date specified is one on which the to-do will recur.
Definition todo.cpp:466
bool isNotStarted(bool first) const
Returns true, if the to-do has yet to be started (no start date and 0% completed); otherwise return f...
Definition todo.cpp:405
QByteArray typeStr() const override
Prints the type of incidence as a string.
bool hasStartDate() const
Returns if the todo has a start datetime.
Definition todo.cpp:266
QDateTime dateTime(DateTimeRole role) const override
Returns a date/time corresponding to the specified DateTimeRole.
Definition todo.cpp:538
void setCompleted(bool completed)
Sets completion percentage and status.
Definition todo.cpp:296
bool equals(const IncidenceBase &todo) const override
Compare this with todo for equality.
bool isOverdue() const
Returns true if this todo is overdue (e.g.
Definition todo.cpp:473
bool isOpenEnded() const
Returns true, if the to-do is open-ended (no due date); false otherwise.
Definition todo.cpp:397
Constructs an empty to-do.
Todo(const Todo &other)
Copy constructor.
void setDtRecurrence(const QDateTime &dt)
Identify the earliest uncompleted occurrence of a recurring Todo.
Definition todo.cpp:447
QLatin1String iconName(const QDateTime &recurrenceId={}) const override
Returns the name of the icon that best represents this incidence.
Definition todo.cpp:617
bool isInProgress(bool first) const
Returns true, if the to-do is in-progress (started, or >0% completed); otherwise return false.
Definition todo.cpp:369
QDateTime dtDue(bool first=false) const
Returns the todo due datetime.
Definition todo.cpp:236
QLatin1String mimeType() const override
Returns the Akonadi specific sub MIME type of a KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase item,...
Definition todo.cpp:607
~Todo() override
Destroys a to-do.
QDateTime dtStart() const override
Definition todo.cpp:271
int percentComplete() const
Returns what percentage of the to-do is completed.
Definition todo.cpp:343
void setAllDay(bool allDay) override
Sets whether the incidence is all-day, i.e.
Definition todo.cpp:484
QSharedPointer< Todo > Ptr
A shared pointer to a Todo object.
Definition todo.h:39
bool hasCompletedDate() const
Returns if the to-do has a completion datetime.
Definition todo.cpp:337
QDateTime completed() const
Returns the to-do was completion datetime.
Definition todo.cpp:313
QList< Ptr > List
List of to-dos.
Definition todo.h:44
void setDateTime(const QDateTime &dateTime, DateTimeRole role) override
Sets the date/time corresponding to the specified DateTimeRole.
Definition todo.cpp:587
void shiftTimes(const QTimeZone &oldZone, const QTimeZone &newZone) override
Shift the times of the incidence so that they appear at the same clock time as before but in a new ti...
Definition todo.cpp:428
void setDtDue(const QDateTime &dtDue, bool first=false)
Sets due date and time.
This class provides the interface for a visitor of calendar components.
Definition visitor.h:31
This file is part of the API for handling calendar data and defines the Incidence class.
Namespace for all KCalendarCore types.
Definition alarm.h:37
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:57:17 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.