
2 This file is part of the KDE libraries
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999, 2000 Carsten Pfeiffer <pfeiffer@kde.org>
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
11#include <kcompletion.h>
12#include <kcompletion_export.h>
14#include <QMap>
15#include <memory>
17class KCompletionBasePrivate;
20 * @class KCompletionBase kcompletionbase.h KCompletionBase
21 *
22 * An abstract base class for adding a completion feature
23 * into widgets.
24 *
25 * This is a convenience class that provides the basic functions
26 * needed to add text completion support into widgets. All that
27 * is required is an implementation for the pure virtual function
28 * setCompletedText(). Refer to KLineEdit or KComboBox
29 * to see how easily such support can be added using this as a base
30 * class.
31 *
32 * @short An abstract class for adding text completion support to widgets.
33 * @author Dawit Alemayehu <adawit@kde.org>
34 */
36class KCOMPLETION_EXPORT KCompletionBase
39 Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(KCompletionBase)
40 /**
41 * Constants that represent the items whose shortcut
42 * key binding is programmable. The default key bindings
43 * for these items are defined in KStandardShortcut.
44 */
46 /**
47 * Text completion (by default Ctrl-E).
48 */
50 /**
51 * Switch to previous completion (by default Ctrl-Up).
52 */
54 /**
55 * Switch to next completion (by default Ctrl-Down).
56 */
58 /**
59 * Substring completion (by default Ctrl-T).
60 */
62 };
64 // Map for the key binding types mentioned above.
65 typedef QMap<KeyBindingType, QList<QKeySequence>> KeyBindingMap;
67 /**
68 * Default constructor.
69 */
72 /**
73 * Destructor.
74 */
75 virtual ~KCompletionBase();
77 /**
78 * Returns a pointer to the current completion object.
79 *
80 * If the completion object does not exist, it is automatically created and
81 * by default handles all the completion signals internally unless @c handleSignals
82 * is set to false. It is also automatically destroyed when the destructor
83 * is called. You can change this default behavior using the
84 * @ref setAutoDeleteCompletionObject and @ref setHandleSignals member
85 * functions.
86 *
87 * See also @ref compObj.
88 *
89 * @param handleSignals if true, handles completion signals internally.
90 * @return a pointer to the completion object.
91 */
92 KCompletion *completionObject(bool handleSignals = true);
94 /**
95 * Sets up the completion object to be used.
96 *
97 * This method assigns the completion object and sets it up to automatically
98 * handle the completion and rotation signals internally. You should use
99 * this function if you want to share one completion object among your
100 * widgets or need to use a customized completion object.
101 *
102 * The object assigned through this method is not deleted when this object's
103 * destructor is invoked unless you explicitly call @ref setAutoDeleteCompletionObject
104 * after calling this method. Be sure to set the bool argument to false, if
105 * you want to handle the completion signals yourself.
106 *
107 * @param completionObject a KCompletion or a derived child object.
108 * @param handleCompletionSignals if true, handles completion signals internally.
109 */
110 virtual void setCompletionObject(KCompletion *completionObject, bool handleSignals = true);
112 /**
113 * Enables this object to handle completion and rotation
114 * events internally.
115 *
116 * This function simply assigns a boolean value that
117 * indicates whether it should handle rotation and
118 * completion events or not. Note that this does not
119 * stop the object from emitting signals when these
120 * events occur.
121 *
122 * @param handle if true, it handles completion and rotation internally.
123 */
124 virtual void setHandleSignals(bool handle);
126 /**
127 * Returns true if the completion object is deleted
128 * upon this widget's destruction.
129 *
130 * See setCompletionObject() and enableCompletion()
131 * for details.
132 *
133 * @return true if the completion object will be deleted
134 * automatically
135 */
136 bool isCompletionObjectAutoDeleted() const;
138 /**
139 * Sets the completion object when this widget's destructor
140 * is called.
141 *
142 * If the argument is set to true, the completion object
143 * is deleted when this widget's destructor is called.
144 *
145 * @param autoDelete if true, delete completion object on destruction.
146 */
147 void setAutoDeleteCompletionObject(bool autoDelete);
149 /**
150 * Sets the widget's ability to emit text completion and
151 * rotation signals.
152 *
153 * Invoking this function with @p enable set to @c false will
154 * cause the completion and rotation signals not to be emitted.
155 * However, unlike setting the completion object to @c nullptr
156 * using setCompletionObject, disabling the emission of
157 * the signals through this method does not affect the current
158 * completion object.
159 *
160 * There is no need to invoke this function by default. When a
161 * completion object is created through completionObject or
162 * setCompletionObject, these signals are set to emit
163 * automatically. Also note that disabling this signals will not
164 * necessarily interfere with the objects' ability to handle these
165 * events internally. See setHandleSignals.
166 *
167 * @param enable if false, disables the emission of completion and rotation signals.
168 */
169 void setEnableSignals(bool enable);
171 /**
172 * Returns true if the object handles the signals.
173 *
174 * @return true if this signals are handled internally.
175 */
176 bool handleSignals() const;
178 /**
179 * Returns true if the object emits the signals.
180 *
181 * @return true if signals are emitted
182 */
183 bool emitSignals() const;
185 /**
186 * Sets whether the object emits rotation signals.
187 *
188 * @param emitRotationSignals if false, disables the emission of rotation signals.
189 */
190 void setEmitSignals(bool emitRotationSignals);
192 /**
193 * Sets the type of completion to be used.
194 *
195 * @param mode Completion type
196 * @see CompletionMode
197 */
198 virtual void setCompletionMode(KCompletion::CompletionMode mode);
200 /**
201 * Returns the current completion mode.
202 *
203 * @return the completion mode.
204 */
205 KCompletion::CompletionMode completionMode() const;
207 /**
208 * Sets the key binding to be used for manual text
209 * completion, text rotation in a history list as
210 * well as a completion list.
211 *
212 *
213 * When the keys set by this function are pressed, a
214 * signal defined by the inheriting widget will be activated.
215 * If the default value or 0 is specified by the second
216 * parameter, then the key binding as defined in the global
217 * setting should be used. This method returns false
218 * when @p key is negative or the supplied key binding conflicts
219 * with another one set for another feature.
220 *
221 * NOTE: To use a modifier key (Shift, Ctrl, Alt) as part of
222 * the key binding simply @p sum up the values of the
223 * modifier and the actual key. For example, to use CTRL+E, supply
224 * @c "Qt::CtrlButton | Qt::Key_E" as the second argument to this
225 * function.
226 *
227 * @param item the feature whose key binding needs to be set:
228 * @li TextCompletion the manual completion key binding.
229 * @li PrevCompletionMatch the previous match key for multiple completion.
230 * @li NextCompletionMatch the next match key for for multiple completion.
231 * @li SubstringCompletion the key for substring completion
232 * @param key key binding used to rotate down in a list.
233 * @return true if key binding is successfully set.
234 * @see keyBinding
235 */
236 bool setKeyBinding(KeyBindingType item, const QList<QKeySequence> &key);
238 /**
239 * Returns the key binding used for the specified item.
240 *
241 * This method returns the key binding used to activate
242 * the feature given by @p item. If the binding
243 * contains modifier key(s), the sum of the modifier key
244 * and the actual key code is returned.
245 *
246 * @param item the item to check
247 * @return the key binding used for the feature given by @p item.
248 * @see setKeyBinding
249 * @since 5.0
250 */
251 QList<QKeySequence> keyBinding(KeyBindingType item) const;
253 /**
254 * Sets this object to use global values for key bindings.
255 *
256 * This method changes the values of the key bindings for
257 * rotation and completion features to the default values
258 * provided in KGlobalSettings.
259 *
260 * NOTE: By default, inheriting widgets should use the
261 * global key bindings so that there is no need to
262 * call this method.
263 */
264 void useGlobalKeyBindings();
266 /**
267 * A pure virtual function that must be implemented by
268 * all inheriting classes.
269 *
270 * This function is intended to allow external completion
271 * implementations to set completed text appropriately. It
272 * is mostly relevant when the completion mode is set to
273 * CompletionAuto and CompletionManual modes. See
274 * KCompletionBase::setCompletedText.
275 * Does nothing in CompletionPopup mode, as all available
276 * matches will be shown in the popup.
277 *
278 * @param text the completed text to be set in the widget.
279 */
280 virtual void setCompletedText(const QString &text) = 0;
282 /**
283 * A pure virtual function that must be implemented by
284 * all inheriting classes.
285 * @param items the list of completed items
286 * @param autoSuggest if @c true, the first element of @p items
287 * is automatically completed (i.e. preselected).
288 */
289 virtual void setCompletedItems(const QStringList &items, bool autoSuggest = true) = 0;
291 /**
292 * Returns a pointer to the completion object.
293 *
294 * This method is only different from completionObject()
295 * in that it does not create a new KCompletion object even if
296 * the internal pointer is @c NULL. Use this method to get the
297 * pointer to a completion object when inheriting so that you
298 * will not inadvertently create it.
299 *
300 * @return the completion object or @c NULL if one does not exist.
301 */
302 KCompletion *compObj() const;
305 /**
306 * Returns a key binding map.
307 *
308 * This method is the same as getKeyBinding(), except that it
309 * returns the whole keymap containing the key bindings.
310 *
311 * @return the key binding used for the feature given by @p item.
312 * @since 5.0
313 */
314 KeyBindingMap keyBindingMap() const;
316 /**
317 * Sets the keymap.
318 *
319 * @param keyBindingMap
320 */
321 void setKeyBindingMap(KeyBindingMap keyBindingMap);
323 /**
324 * Sets or removes the delegation object. If a delegation object is
325 * set, all function calls will be forwarded to the delegation object.
326 * @param delegate the delegation object, or @c nullptr to remove it
327 */
330 /**
331 * Returns the delegation object.
332 * @return the delegation object, or @c nullptr if there is none
333 * @see setDelegate()
334 */
335 KCompletionBase *delegate() const;
337 /** Virtual hook, used to add new "virtual" functions while maintaining
338 binary compatibility. Unused in this class.
339 */
340 virtual void virtual_hook(int id, void *data);
343 Q_DISABLE_COPY(KCompletionBase)
344 std::unique_ptr<KCompletionBasePrivate> const d_ptr;
An abstract base class for adding a completion feature into widgets.
KCompletionBase * delegate() const
Returns the delegation object.
void setDelegate(KCompletionBase *delegate)
Sets or removes the delegation object.
virtual void setCompletedItems(const QStringList &items, bool autoSuggest=true)=0
A pure virtual function that must be implemented by all inheriting classes.
virtual void setCompletedText(const QString &text)=0
A pure virtual function that must be implemented by all inheriting classes.
KeyBindingMap keyBindingMap() const
Returns a key binding map.
KCompletion * compObj() const
Returns a pointer to the completion object.
virtual void virtual_hook(int id, void *data)
Virtual hook, used to add new "virtual" functions while maintaining binary compatibility.
void setKeyBindingMap(KeyBindingMap keyBindingMap)
Sets the keymap.
Default constructor.
Constants that represent the items whose shortcut key binding is programmable.
@ SubstringCompletion
Substring completion (by default Ctrl-T).
@ NextCompletionMatch
Switch to next completion (by default Ctrl-Down).
@ PrevCompletionMatch
Switch to previous completion (by default Ctrl-Up).
@ TextCompletion
Text completion (by default Ctrl-E).
A generic class for completing QStrings.
This enum describes the completion mode used for by the KCompletion class.
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:03:15 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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