2 This file is part of the KDE project
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Jakub Stachowski <qbast@go2.pl>
6 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
12#include "kdnssd_export.h"
13#include <QExplicitlySharedDataPointer>
14#include <QMap>
15#include <QString>
16#include <memory>
18namespace KDNSSD
20class ServiceBasePrivate;
23 * @class ServiceBase servicebase.h KDNSSD/ServiceBase
24 * @short Describes a service
25 *
26 * This class is used to describe a service. The service
27 * can be published by the current application (in which
28 * case it is probably a PublicService) or by
29 * another application, either on the current machine or
30 * a remote machine, in which case it is probably a
31 * RemoteService returned by ServiceBrowser.
32 *
33 * You should not normally need to create a ServiceBase
34 * object yourself.
35 *
36 * @author Jakub Stachowski
37 *
38 * @see PublicService
39 */
40class KDNSSD_EXPORT ServiceBase : public QSharedData // krazy:exclude=dpointer (protected)
45 /**
46 * Creates a ServiceBase object
47 *
48 * Note that @p name, @p type and @p domain uniquely identify
49 * the service in the DNS-SD system, and @p host and @p port
50 * provide the actual location of the service.
51 *
52 * For example, RemoteService populates @p host and @p port
53 * based on the @p name, @p type and @p domain attributes
54 * using the DNS-SD resolution system.
55 *
56 * @param name service name
57 * @param type service type
58 * @param domain the DNS-SD domain name for service
59 * @param host the host name of the service (a fully-qualified domain name)
60 * @param port the port number of the service
61 */
62 explicit ServiceBase(const QString &name = QString(),
63 const QString &type = QString(),
64 const QString &domain = QString(),
65 const QString &host = QString(),
66 unsigned short port = 0);
68 virtual ~ServiceBase();
70 /**
71 * The name of the service
72 */
73 QString serviceName() const;
75 /**
76 * The type of the service
77 *
78 * This is always in the format _sometype._udp or _sometype._tcp.
79 *
80 * See the <a href="http://www.dns-sd.org">DNS-SD website</a> for
81 * <a href="http://www.dns-sd.org/ServiceTypes.html">a full list of service types</a>.
82 */
83 QString type() const;
85 /**
86 * The domain that the service belongs to
87 *
88 * It is "local." for link-local services.
89 */
90 QString domain() const;
92 /**
93 * The hostname of the service
94 *
95 * Only valid for local and resolved remote services.
96 *
97 * Together with port(), this can be used to actually
98 * access the service.
99 *
100 * @see RemoteService::resolve() and RemoteService::resolveAsync()
101 */
102 QString hostName() const;
104 /**
105 * The port number of the service
106 *
107 * Only valid for local and resolved remote services.
108 *
109 * Together with hostName(), this can be used to actually
110 * access the service.
111 *
112 * @see RemoteService::resolve() and RemoteService::resolveAsync()
113 */
114 unsigned short port() const;
116 /**
117 * Additional text data associated with the service
118 *
119 * Only valid for local and resolved remote services.
120 *
121 * This is data that provides additional information about the
122 * service. For example, it might be used to specify a printer
123 * queue on the printer server specified by hostName() and port().
124 *
125 * You can check for the data that might be associated with a
126 * particular service on the <a
127 * href="http://www.dns-sd.org/ServiceTypes.html">service types list</a>.
128 * If a @c key=value pair is given, this will appear with the @c value
129 * in a QByteArray indexed by the @c key. If the data is on its own
130 * (does not have an @c = in it), it will be used to index an empty
131 * QByteArray, and can be checked for with QMap::contains().
132 *
133 * For example, if you are accessing the _ipp._tcp service, you might
134 * do something like
135 * @code
136 * QString printerModel = "unknown";
137 * if (service->textData().contains("ty")) {
138 * printQueue = QString::fromUtf8(service->textData()["ty"].constData());
139 * }
140 * @endcode
141 * since the TXT data of the IPP service may contain data like
142 * "ty=Apple LaserWriter Pro 630". Note that you actually have to be
143 * a bit more clever than this, since the key should usually be case
144 * insensitive.
145 */
148 /**
149 * Compares services based on name, type and domain
150 *
151 * This is enough to for unique identification and omitting
152 * port, host and text data allows to compare resolved and
153 * unresolved services
154 *
155 * @param o the service to compare this service to
156 * @return @c true if this service represents the same
157 * service (from the point of view of DNS-SD) as
158 * @p o, @c false otherwise
159 */
160 bool operator==(const ServiceBase &o) const;
161 /**
162 * Compares services based on name, type and domain
163 *
164 * This is enough to for unique identification and omitting
165 * port, host and text data allows to compare resolved and
166 * unresolved services
167 *
168 * @param o the service to compare this service to
169 * @return @c false if this service represents the same
170 * service (from the point of view of DNS-SD) as
171 * @p o, @c true otherwise
172 */
173 bool operator!=(const ServiceBase &o) const;
176 KDNSSD_NO_EXPORT explicit ServiceBase(ServiceBasePrivate *const d);
178 virtual void virtual_hook(int, void *);
181 std::unique_ptr<ServiceBasePrivate> const d;
182 // We cannot use Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE_D & Q_D here because of multiple inheritance with some
183 // of the subclasses of ServiceBasePrivate, where ServiceBasePrivate is not the first base class,
184 // so reinterpret_cast as used by the functions defined with Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE_D would fail.
185 // Using a custom macro here with static_cast would require to know about the type definition
186 // of the private classes, which we though want to avoid here in the public class.
187 // So instead some custom KDNSSD_D macros are used internally...
190/* Utility functions */
193 * Check if the domain is link-local
194 *
195 * @return @c true if domain is link-local ('local.'), @c false otherwise
196 */
197bool domainIsLocal(const QString &domain);
ServiceBase(const QString &name=QString(), const QString &type=QString(), const QString &domain=QString(), const QString &host=QString(), unsigned short port=0)
Creates a ServiceBase object.
bool operator==(const ServiceBase &o) const
Compares services based on name, type and domain.
bool operator!=(const ServiceBase &o) const
Compares services based on name, type and domain.
QString serviceName() const
The name of the service.
unsigned short port() const
The port number of the service.
QMap< QString, QByteArray > textData() const
Additional text data associated with the service.
QString domain() const
The domain that the service belongs to.
QString hostName() const
The hostname of the service.
QString type() const
The type of the service.
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 14 2025 11:55:05 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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