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Page Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Page:


listTAction actions
Flickable flickable
Item globalToolBarItem
int globalToolBarStyle
PActionIconGroup icon
bool isCurrentPage
alias overlay
var progress
Component titleDelegate


void backRequested (var event)

Detailed Description

Page is a container for all the app pages: everything pushed to the ApplicationWindow's pageStack should be a Page.

See also
ScrollablePage For content that should be scrollable, such as ListViews, use ScrollablePage instead.

Definition at line 19 of file Page.qml.

Property Documentation

◆ actions

listTAction Page::actions

This property holds the actions for the page.

These actions will be displayed in the toolbar on the desktop and inside the ContextDrawer on mobile.

import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
Kirigami.Page {
actions: [
Kirigami.Action {...},
Kirigami.Action {...}

Definition at line 52 of file Page.qml.

◆ flickable

Flickable Page::flickable

If the central element of the page is a Flickable (ListView and Gridview as well) you can set it there.

Normally, you wouldn't need to do that, but just use the ScrollablePage element instead.

Use this if your flickable has some non standard properties, such as not covering the whole Page.

See also

Definition at line 34 of file Page.qml.

◆ globalToolBarItem

Item Page::globalToolBarItem

The item used as global toolbar for the page present only if we are in a PageRow as a page or as a layer, and the style is either Titles or ToolBar.

This property is read-only

Definition at line 108 of file Page.qml.

◆ globalToolBarStyle

int Page::globalToolBarStyle

The style for the automatically generated global toolbar: by default the Page toolbar is the one set globally in the PageRow in its property.

A single page can override the application toolbar style for itself. It is discouraged to use this, except very specific exceptions, like a chat application which can't have controls on the bottom except the text field. If the Page is not in a PageRow, by default the toolbar will be invisible, so has to be explicitly set to Kirigami.ApplicationHeaderStyle.ToolBar if desired to be used in that case.

Definition at line 118 of file Page.qml.

◆ icon

PActionIconGroup Page::icon

This holds the icon that represents this page.

Definition at line 81 of file Page.qml.

◆ isCurrentPage

bool Page::isCurrentPage

This property tells us if it is the currently active page.

Specifies if it's the currently selected page in the window's pages row, or if layers are used whether this is the topmost item on the layers stack. If the page is not attached to either a column view or a stack view, expect this to be true.

This property is read-only

Definition at line 65 of file Page.qml.

◆ overlay

alias Page::overlay

An item which stays on top of every other item in the page, if you want to make sure some elements are completely in a layer on top of the whole content, parent items to this one.

This property is read-only

It's a "local" version of ApplicationWindow's overlay


Definition at line 76 of file Page.qml.

◆ progress

var Page::progress

Progress of a task this page is doing.

Set to undefined to indicate that there are no ongoing tasks.

default: undefined

Definition at line 91 of file Page.qml.

◆ titleDelegate

Component Page::titleDelegate

The delegate which will be used to draw the page title.

It can be customized to put any kind of Item in there.


Definition at line 99 of file Page.qml.

Member Function Documentation

◆ backRequested

void Page::backRequested ( var event)

Emitted when the application requests a Back action.

For instance a global "back" shortcut or the Android Back button has been pressed. The page can manage the back event by itself, and if it set event.accepted = true, it will stop the main application to manage the back event.

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Generated on Fri Feb 21 2025 11:47:54 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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