36 // Using 32 because Icon used to redefine implicitWidth and implicitHeight and hardcode them to 32
55 m_units = engine->singletonInstance<Kirigami::Platform::Units *>("org.kde.kirigami.platform", "Units");
81 m_theme = static_cast<Kirigami::Platform::PlatformTheme *>(qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<Kirigami::Platform::PlatformTheme>(this, true));
185 mNode->setTexture(s_iconImageCache->loadTexture(window(), m_icon, QQuickWindow::TextureCanUseAtlas));
241 mNode->setTexture(s_iconImageCache->loadTexture(window(), m_icon, QQuickWindow::TextureCanUseAtlas));
247 const QSizeF iconPixSize(m_icon.width() / m_devicePixelRatio, m_icon.height() / m_devicePixelRatio);
255 QRectF destination(QPointF(0, 0), QSizeF(m_icon.size()).scaled(m_paintedSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio));
257 destination.moveTopLeft(QPointF(destination.topLeft().toPoint() * m_devicePixelRatio) / m_devicePixelRatio);
289 const QUrl possibleRedirectUrl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl();
322 if (!m_loadedImage.load(reply, filename.mid(filename.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.'))).toLatin1().constData())) {
437 QQuickImageProvider *imageProvider = dynamic_cast<QQuickImageProvider *>(engine->imageProvider(iconProviderId));
457 return m_loadedImage.scaled(size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, smooth() ? Qt::SmoothTransformation : Qt::FastTransformation);
484 QQuickTextureFactory *textureFactory = imageProvider->requestTexture(iconId, &actualSize, size);
489 // broken image from data, or the texture factory wasn't healthy, inform the user of this with some useful broken-image thing...
502 } else if (iconSource.startsWith(QLatin1String("http://")) || iconSource.startsWith(QLatin1String("https://"))) {
505 return m_loadedImage.scaled(size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, smooth() ? Qt::SmoothTransformation : Qt::FastTransformation);
510 if (engine && (qnam = engine->networkAccessManager()) && (!m_networkReply || m_networkReply->url() != url)) {
610 return QSize(m_units->iconSizes()->roundedIconSize(std::min(width(), height())), m_units->iconSizes()->roundedIconSize(std::min(width(), height())));
636 const QColor tintColor = !m_color.isValid() || m_color == Qt::transparent ? (m_selected ? m_theme->highlightedTextColor() : m_theme->textColor()) : m_color;
646 qreal roundedWidth = m_units ? m_units->iconSizes()->roundedIconSize(std::min(width(), height())) : 32;
658 newSize = QSizeF(roundedWidth, m_icon.height() * (roundedWidth / static_cast<qreal>(m_icon.width())));
663 const QSizeF iconPixSize(m_icon.width() / m_devicePixelRatio, m_icon.height() / m_devicePixelRatio);
QString placeholder
The name of an icon from the icon theme to show while the icon set in source is being loaded.
Definition icon.h:88
bool selected
Whether this icon will use the QIcon::Selected mode when drawing the icon, resulting in a graphical e...
Definition icon.h:122
Icon::Status status
Whether the icon is correctly loaded, is asynchronously loading or there was an error.
Definition icon.h:147
bool roundToIconSize
If set, icon will round the painted size to defined icon sizes.
Definition icon.h:173
QString fallback
The name of a fallback icon to load from the icon theme when the source cannot be found.
Definition icon.h:75
bool active
Whether this icon will use the QIcon::Active mode when drawing the icon, resulting in a graphical eff...
Definition icon.h:103
Q_SCRIPTABLE CaptureState status()
QAction * actualSize(const QObject *recvr, const char *slot, QObject *parent)
void finished()
int alpha() const const
bool isValid() const const
QSize actualSize(QWindow *window, const QSize &size, Mode mode, State state) const const
QPixmap pixmap(QWindow *window, const QSize &size, Mode mode, State state) const const
QIcon fromTheme(const QString &name)
bool hasThemeIcon(const QString &name)
bool isNull() const const
QString name() const const
bool isNull() const const
QNetworkReply * get(const QNetworkRequest &request)
QVariant attribute(QNetworkRequest::Attribute code) const const
NetworkError error() const const
void finished()
QNetworkAccessManager * manager() const const
QUrl url() const const
QMetaObject::Connection connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)
void deleteLater()
bool disconnect(const QMetaObject::Connection &connection)
QVariant property(const char *name) const const
QImage toImage() const const
QQmlImageProviderBase * imageProvider(const QString &providerId) const const
QNetworkAccessManager * networkAccessManager() const const
T singletonInstance(QAnyStringView uri, QAnyStringView typeName)
virtual QQuickImageResponse * requestImageResponse(const QString &id, const QSize &requestedSize)=0
virtual ImageType imageType() const const override
virtual QImage requestImage(const QString &id, QSize *size, const QSize &requestedSize)
virtual QPixmap requestPixmap(const QString &id, QSize *size, const QSize &requestedSize)
virtual QQuickTextureFactory * requestTexture(const QString &id, QSize *size, const QSize &requestedSize)
void finished()
virtual void componentComplete() override
void enabledChanged()
virtual void geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
bool heightValid() const const
virtual void itemChange(ItemChange change, const ItemChangeData &value)
void polish()
QSizeF size() const const
void smoothChanged(bool)
void update()
virtual void updatePolish()
bool widthValid() const const
QQuickWindow * window() const const
virtual QImage image() const const
qreal effectiveDevicePixelRatio() const const
QSizeF size() const const
void appendChildNode(QSGNode *node)
QSGNode * childAtIndex(int i) const const
int childCount() const const
QSGNode * firstChild() const const
QSGNode * lastChild() const const
void removeChildNode(QSGNode *node)
void setFlag(Flag f, bool enabled)
qreal height() const const
qreal width() const const
qsizetype indexOf(QChar ch, qsizetype from, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const const
bool isEmpty() const const
QString mid(qsizetype position, qsizetype n) const const
bool startsWith(QChar c, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const const
QFuture< ArgsType< Signal > > connect(Sender *sender, Signal signal)
QString fileName(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const
bool isEmpty() const const
QUrl resolved(const QUrl &relative) const const
bool isNull() const const
qreal toReal(bool *ok) const const
QString toString() const const
QUrl toUrl() const const
void valueChanged(const QVariant &value)
void visibleChanged(bool arg)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 21 2025 11:47:53 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 21 2025 11:47:53 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.