
2 This file is part of the KDE project
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007, 2009 Rafael Fernández López <>
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
11#include <QListView>
12#include <memory>
14#include <kitemviews_export.h>
16class KCategoryDrawer;
19 * @class KCategorizedView kcategorizedview.h KCategorizedView
20 *
21 * @short Item view for listing items in a categorized fashion optionally
22 *
23 * KCategorizedView basically has the same functionality as QListView, only that it also lets you
24 * layout items in a way that they are categorized visually.
25 *
26 * For it to work you will need to set a KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel and a KCategoryDrawer
27 * with methods setModel() and setCategoryDrawer() respectively. Also, the model will need to be
28 * flagged as categorized with KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel::setCategorizedModel(true).
29 *
30 * The way it works (if categorization enabled):
31 *
32 * - When sorting, it does more things than QListView does. It will ask the model for the
33 * special role CategorySortRole (@see KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel). This can return
34 * a QString or an int in order to tell the view the order of categories. In this sense, for
35 * instance, if we are sorting by name ascending, "A" would be before than "B". If we are
36 * sorting by size ascending, 512 bytes would be before 1024 bytes. This way categories are
37 * also sorted.
38 *
39 * - When the view has to paint, it will ask the model with the role CategoryDisplayRole
40 * (@see KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel). It will for instance return "F" for "foo.pdf" if
41 * we are sorting by name ascending, or "Small" if a certain item has 100 bytes, for example.
42 *
43 * For drawing categories, KCategoryDrawer will be used. You can inherit this class to do your own
44 * drawing.
45 *
46 * @note All examples cited before talk about filesystems and such, but have present that this
47 * is a completely generic class, and it can be used for whatever your purpose is. For
48 * instance when talking about animals, you can separate them by "Mammal" and "Oviparous". In
49 * this very case, for example, the CategorySortRole and the CategoryDisplayRole could be the
50 * same ("Mammal" and "Oviparous").
51 *
52 * @note There is a really performance boost if CategorySortRole returns an int instead of a QString.
53 * Have present that this role is asked (n * log n) times when sorting and compared. Comparing
54 * ints is always faster than comparing strings, without mattering how fast the string
55 * comparison is. Consider thinking of a way of returning ints instead of QStrings if your
56 * model can contain a high number of items.
57 *
58 * @warning Note that for really drawing items in blocks you will need some things to be done:
59 * - The model set to this view has to be (or inherit if you want to do special stuff
60 * in it) KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel.
61 * - This model needs to be set setCategorizedModel to true.
62 * - Set a category drawer by calling setCategoryDrawer.
63 *
64 * @see KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel, KCategoryDrawer
65 *
66 * @author Rafael Fernández López <>
67 */
68class KITEMVIEWS_EXPORT KCategorizedView : public QListView
71 Q_PROPERTY(int categorySpacing READ categorySpacing WRITE setCategorySpacing NOTIFY categorySpacingChanged)
72 Q_PROPERTY(bool alternatingBlockColors READ alternatingBlockColors WRITE setAlternatingBlockColors NOTIFY alternatingBlockColorsChanged)
73 Q_PROPERTY(bool collapsibleBlocks READ collapsibleBlocks WRITE setCollapsibleBlocks NOTIFY collapsibleBlocksChanged)
76 KCategorizedView(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
78 ~KCategorizedView() override;
80 /**
81 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
82 */
83 void setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model) override;
85 /**
86 * Calls to setGridSizeOwn().
87 */
88 void setGridSize(const QSize &size);
90 /**
91 * @warning note that setGridSize is not virtual in the base class (QListView), so if you are
92 * calling to this method, make sure you have a KCategorizedView pointer around. This
93 * means that something like:
94 * @code
95 * QListView *lv = new KCategorizedView();
96 * lv->setGridSize(mySize);
97 * @endcode
98 *
99 * will not call to the expected setGridSize method. Instead do something like this:
100 *
101 * @code
102 * QListView *lv;
103 * ...
104 * KCategorizedView *cv = qobject_cast<KCategorizedView*>(lv);
105 * if (cv) {
106 * cv->setGridSizeOwn(mySize);
107 * } else {
108 * lv->setGridSize(mySize);
109 * }
110 * @endcode
111 *
112 * @note this method will call to QListView::setGridSize among other operations.
113 *
114 * @since 4.4
115 */
116 void setGridSizeOwn(const QSize &size);
118 /**
119 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
120 */
121 QRect visualRect(const QModelIndex &index) const override;
123 /**
124 * Returns the current category drawer.
125 */
128 /**
129 * The category drawer that will be used for drawing categories.
130 */
133 /**
134 * @return Category spacing. The spacing between categories.
135 *
136 * @since 4.4
137 */
138 int categorySpacing() const;
140 /**
141 * Stablishes the category spacing. This is the spacing between categories.
142 *
143 * @since 4.4
144 */
145 void setCategorySpacing(int categorySpacing);
147 /**
148 * @return Whether blocks should be drawn with alternating colors.
149 *
150 * @since 4.4
151 */
152 bool alternatingBlockColors() const;
154 /**
155 * Sets whether blocks should be drawn with alternating colors.
156 *
157 * @since 4.4
158 */
159 void setAlternatingBlockColors(bool enable);
161 /**
162 * @return Whether blocks can be collapsed or not.
163 *
164 * @since 4.4
165 */
166 bool collapsibleBlocks() const;
168 /**
169 * Sets whether blocks can be collapsed or not.
170 *
171 * @since 4.4
172 */
173 void setCollapsibleBlocks(bool enable);
175 /**
176 * @return Block of indexes that are into @p category.
177 *
178 * @since 4.5
179 */
180 QModelIndexList block(const QString &category);
182 /**
183 * @return Block of indexes that are represented by @p representative.
184 *
185 * @since 4.5
186 */
187 QModelIndexList block(const QModelIndex &representative);
189 /**
190 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
191 */
192 QModelIndex indexAt(const QPoint &point) const override;
194 /**
195 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
196 */
197 void reset() override;
200 void categorySpacingChanged(int spacing);
201 void alternatingBlockColorsChanged(bool enable);
202 void collapsibleBlocksChanged(bool enable);
205 /**
206 * Reimplemented from QWidget.
207 */
208 void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override;
210 /**
211 * Reimplemented from QWidget.
212 */
213 void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override;
215 /**
216 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
217 */
218 void setSelection(const QRect &rect, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags flags) override;
220 /**
221 * Reimplemented from QWidget.
222 */
223 void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
225 /**
226 * Reimplemented from QWidget.
227 */
228 void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
230 /**
231 * Reimplemented from QWidget.
232 */
233 void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
235 /**
236 * Reimplemented from QWidget.
237 */
238 void leaveEvent(QEvent *event) override;
240 /**
241 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
242 */
243 void startDrag(Qt::DropActions supportedActions) override;
245 /**
246 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
247 */
248 void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) override;
250 /**
251 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
252 */
253 void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) override;
255 /**
256 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
257 */
258 void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event) override;
260 /**
261 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
262 */
263 void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) override;
265 /**
266 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
267 */
268 QModelIndex moveCursor(CursorAction cursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) override;
270 /**
271 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
272 */
273 void rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end) override;
275 /**
276 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
277 */
278 void updateGeometries() override;
280 /**
281 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
282 */
283 void currentChanged(const QModelIndex &current, const QModelIndex &previous) override;
285 /**
286 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
287 */
288 void dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QList<int> &roles = QList<int>()) override;
290 /**
291 * Reimplemented from QAbstractItemView.
292 */
293 void rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end) override;
295protected Q_SLOTS:
296 /**
297 * @internal
298 * Reposition items as needed.
299 */
300 virtual void slotLayoutChanged();
303 friend class KCategorizedViewPrivate;
304 std::unique_ptr<class KCategorizedViewPrivate> const d;
306 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotCollapseOrExpandClicked(QModelIndex))
void setCategorySpacing(int categorySpacing)
Stablishes the category spacing.
KCategoryDrawer * categoryDrawer() const
Returns the current category drawer.
void setCollapsibleBlocks(bool enable)
Sets whether blocks can be collapsed or not.
void setAlternatingBlockColors(bool enable)
Sets whether blocks should be drawn with alternating colors.
void setCategoryDrawer(KCategoryDrawer *categoryDrawer)
The category drawer that will be used for drawing categories.
QModelIndexList block(const QString &category)
void setGridSizeOwn(const QSize &size)
virtual void slotLayoutChanged()
The category drawing is performed by this class.
Q_SCRIPTABLE QString start(QString train="")
virtual void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) override
QAbstractItemModel * model() const const
virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override
virtual void reset()
virtual void setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model)
QListView(QWidget *parent)
virtual void currentChanged(const QModelIndex &current, const QModelIndex &previous) override
virtual void dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QList< int > &roles) override
virtual void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *e) override
virtual void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *e) override
virtual void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) override
virtual bool event(QEvent *e) override
void setGridSize(const QSize &size)
virtual QModelIndex indexAt(const QPoint &p) const const override
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
virtual QModelIndex moveCursor(CursorAction cursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) override
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override
virtual void rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end) override
virtual void rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end) override
virtual void setSelection(const QRect &rect, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command) override
virtual void startDrag(Qt::DropActions supportedActions) override
virtual void updateGeometries() override
virtual QRect visualRect(const QModelIndex &index) const const override
QObject * parent() const const
typedef DropActions
typedef KeyboardModifiers
virtual void leaveEvent(QEvent *event)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
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Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:01:26 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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