
2 This file is part of the KDE libraries
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2005-2006 Olivier Goffart <ogoffart at>
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2015 Martin Klapetek <>
6 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
12#include <knotifications_export.h>
14#include <QList>
15#include <QObject>
16#include <QPair>
17#include <QPixmap>
18#include <QUrl>
19#include <QVariant>
20#include <QWindow>
22#include <memory>
27class KNotificationActionPrivate;
30 * @class KNotificationAction knotification.h KNotificationAction
31 *
32 * This class represents a notification. This can be a button on the notification
33 * popup, or triggered by clicking the notification popup itself.
34 *
35 * @since 6.0
36 */
37class KNOTIFICATIONS_EXPORT KNotificationAction : public QObject
40 /**
41 * @copydoc label
42 */
46 explicit KNotificationAction(QObject *parent = nullptr);
48 /**
49 * Creates an action with given label
50 * @param label The label for the action
51 */
52 explicit KNotificationAction(const QString &label);
54 ~KNotificationAction() override;
56 /**
57 * The user-facing label for the action
58 */
59 QString label() const;
61 /**
62 * Set the user-facing label for the action
63 */
64 void setLabel(const QString &label);
67 /**
68 * Emitted when the user activates the action
69 */
70 void activated();
72 /**
73 * Emitted when @p label changed.
74 */
78 friend class KNotification;
79 friend class NotifyByPortalPrivate;
80 friend class NotifyByPopup;
81 friend class NotifyBySnore;
82 friend class NotifyByAndroid;
84 void setId(const QString &id);
85 QString id() const;
87 std::unique_ptr<KNotificationActionPrivate> const d;
91 * @class KNotification knotification.h KNotification
92 *
93 * KNotification is the main class for creating notifications.
94 */
95class KNOTIFICATIONS_EXPORT KNotification : public QObject
98 /**
99 * @copydoc setEventId
100 * @since 5.88
101 */
103 /**
104 * @copydoc setTitle
105 * @since 5.88
106 */
108 /**
109 * @copydoc setText
110 * @since 5.88
111 */
113 /**
114 * @copydoc setIconName
115 * @since 5.88
116 */
118 /**
119 * @copydoc setFlags
120 * @since 5.88
121 */
123 /**
124 * @copydoc setComponentName
125 * @since 5.88
126 */
128 /**
129 * @copydoc setUrls
130 * @since 5.88
131 */
133 /**
134 * @copydoc setUrgency
135 * @since 5.88
136 */
138 /**
139 * @copydoc setAutoDelete
140 * @since 5.88
141 */
143 /**
144 * @since 5.90
145 */
147 /**
148 * @copydoc setHint
149 * @since 5.101
150 */
151 Q_PROPERTY(QVariantMap hints READ hints WRITE setHints NOTIFY hintsChanged)
154 /**
155 * @see NotificationFlags
156 */
158 /**
159 * The notification will be automatically closed after a timeout. (this is the default)
160 */
163 /**
164 * The notification will NOT be automatically closed after a timeout.
165 * You will have to track the notification, and close it with the
166 * close function manually when the event is done, otherwise there will be a memory leak
167 */
170 /**
171 * The audio plugin will loop the sound until the notification is closed
172 */
173 LoopSound = 0x08,
175 /**
176 * Sends a hint to Plasma to skip grouping for this notification
177 *
178 * @since 5.18
179 */
182 /**
183 * The notification will be automatically closed if the window() becomes
184 * activated.
185 *
186 * You need to set a window using setWindow().
187 *
188 * @since 6.0
189 */
192 /**
193 * @internal
194 * The event is a standard kde event, and not an event of the application
195 */
196 DefaultEvent = 0xF000,
198 };
200 /**
201 * Stores a combination of #NotificationFlag values.
202 */
206 /**
207 * default events you can use in the event function
208 */
210 Notification,
211 Warning,
212 Error,
213 Catastrophe,
214 };
216 /**
217 * The urgency of a notification.
218 *
219 * @since 5.58
220 * @sa setUrgency
221 */
222 enum Urgency {
223 DefaultUrgency = -1,
224 LowUrgency = 10,
225 NormalUrgency = 50,
226 HighUrgency = 70,
227 CriticalUrgency = 90,
228 };
229 Q_ENUM(Urgency)
231 /**
232 * Create a new notification.
233 *
234 * You have to use sendEvent to show the notification.
235 *
236 * The pointer is automatically deleted when the event is closed.
237 *
238 * @since 4.4
239 *
240 * @param eventId is the name of the event
241 * @param flags is a bitmask of NotificationFlag
242 * @param parent parent object
243 */
244 explicit KNotification(const QString &eventId, NotificationFlags flags = CloseOnTimeout, QObject *parent = nullptr);
246 ~KNotification() override;
248 /**
249 * @return the name of the event
250 */
251 QString eventId() const;
252 /**
253 * Set the event id, if not already passed to the constructor.
254 * @since 5.88
255 */
256 void setEventId(const QString &eventId);
258 /**
259 * @return the notification title
260 * @see setTitle
261 * @since 4.3
262 */
263 QString title() const;
265 /**
266 * Set the title of the notification popup.
267 * If no title is set, the application name will be used.
268 *
269 * @param title The title of the notification
270 * @since 4.3
271 */
272 void setTitle(const QString &title);
274 /**
275 * @return the notification text
276 * @see setText
277 */
278 QString text() const;
280 /**
281 * Set the notification text that will appear in the popup.
282 *
283 * In Plasma workspace, the text is shown in a QML label which uses Text.StyledText,
284 * ie. it supports a small subset of HTML entities (mostly just formatting tags)
285 *
286 * If the notifications server does not advertise "body-markup" capability,
287 * all HTML tags are stripped before sending it to the server
288 *
289 * @param text The text to display in the notification popup
290 */
291 void setText(const QString &text);
293 /**
294 * \return the icon shown in the popup
295 * \see setIconName
296 * \since 5.4
297 */
298 QString iconName() const;
300 /**
301 * Set the icon that will be shown in the popup.
302 *
303 * @param icon the icon
304 * @since 5.4
305 */
306 void setIconName(const QString &icon);
308 /**
309 * \return the pixmap shown in the popup
310 * \see setPixmap
311 */
312 QPixmap pixmap() const;
313 /**
314 * Set the pixmap that will be shown in the popup. If you want to use an icon from the icon theme use setIconName instead.
315 *
316 * @param pix the pixmap
317 */
318 void setPixmap(const QPixmap &pix);
320 /**
321 * @return the default action, or nullptr if none is set
322 * @since 6.0
323 */
324 KNotificationAction *defaultAction() const;
326 /**
327 * Add a default action that will be triggered when the notification is
328 * activated (typically, by clicking on the notification popup). The default
329 * action typically raises a window belonging to the application that sent it.
330 *
331 * The string will be used as a label for the action, so ideally it should
332 * be wrapped in i18n() or tr() calls.
333 *
334 * The visual representation of actions depends on the notification server.
335 * In Plasma and Gnome desktops, the actions are performed by clicking on
336 * the notification popup, and the label is not presented to the user.
337 *
338 * Calling this overrides the current default action
339 *
340 * @since 6.0
341 */
342 [[nodiscard]] KNotificationAction *addDefaultAction(const QString &label);
344 /**
345 * Add an action to the notification.
346 *
347 * The visual representation of actions depends
348 * on the notification server.
349 *
350 * @param label the user-visible label of the action
351 *
352 * @see KNotificationAction
353 *
354 * @since 6.0
355 */
356 [[nodiscard]] KNotificationAction *addAction(const QString &label);
358 /**
359 * Removes all actions previously added by addAction()
360 * from the notification.
361 *
362 * @see addAction
363 *
364 * @since 6.0
365 */
366 void clearActions();
368 /**
369 * @return the inline reply action.
370 * @since 5.81
371 */
372 KNotificationReplyAction *replyAction() const;
374 /**
375 * @brief Add an inline reply action to the notification.
376 *
377 * On supported platforms this lets the user type a reply to a notification,
378 * such as replying to a chat message, from the notification popup, for example:
379 *
380 * @code{.cpp}
381 * KNotification *notification = new KNotification(QStringLiteral("notification"));
382 * ...
383 * auto replyAction = std::make_unique<KNotificationReplyAction>(i18nc("@action:button", "Reply"));
384 * replyAction->setPlaceholderText(i18nc("@info:placeholder", "Reply to Dave..."));
385 * QObject::connect(replyAction.get(), &KNotificationReplyAction::replied, [](const QString &text) {
386 * qDebug() << "you replied with" << text;
387 * });
388 * notification->setReplyAction(std::move(replyAction));
389 * @endcode
390 *
391 * @param replyAction the reply action to set
392 * @since 5.81
393 */
394 void setReplyAction(std::unique_ptr<KNotificationReplyAction> replyAction);
396 /**
397 * @return the notification flags.
398 */
399 NotificationFlags flags() const;
401 /**
402 * Set the notification flags.
403 * These must be set before calling sendEvent()
404 */
405 void setFlags(const NotificationFlags &flags);
407 /**
408 * Returns the component name used to determine the location of the configuration file.
409 * @since 5.88
410 */
411 QString componentName() const;
412 /**
413 * The componentData is used to determine the location of the config file.
414 *
415 * If no componentName is set, the app name is used by default
416 *
417 * @param componentName the new component name
418 */
419 void setComponentName(const QString &componentName);
421 /**
422 * URLs associated with this notification
423 * @since 5.29
424 */
425 QList<QUrl> urls() const;
427 /**
428 * Sets URLs associated with this notification
429 *
430 * For example, a screenshot application might want to provide the
431 * URL to the file that was just taken so the notification service
432 * can show a preview.
433 *
434 * @note This feature might not be supported by the user's notification service
435 *
436 * @param urls A list of URLs
437 * @since 5.29
438 */
439 void setUrls(const QList<QUrl> &urls);
441 /**
442 * The urgency of the notification.
443 * @since 5.58
444 */
445 Urgency urgency() const;
447 /**
448 * Sets the urgency of the notification.
449 *
450 * This defines the importance of the notification. For example,
451 * a track change in a media player would be a low urgency.
452 * "You have new mail" would be normal urgency. "Your battery level
453 * is low" would be a critical urgency.
454 *
455 * Use critical notifications with care as they might be shown even
456 * when giving a presentation or when notifications are turned off.
457 *
458 * @param urgency The urgency.
459 * @since 5.58
460 */
461 void setUrgency(Urgency urgency);
463 /**
464 * Sets the window associated with this notification.
465 * This is relevant when using the CloseWhenWindowActivated flag.
466 *
467 * @since 6.0
468 */
469 void setWindow(QWindow *window);
471 /**
472 * The window associated with this notification. nullptr by default.
473 * @return the window set by setWindow()
474 *
475 * @since 6.0
476 */
477 QWindow *window() const;
479 /**
480 * @internal
481 * appname used for the D-Bus object
482 */
483 QString appName() const;
485 /**
486 * Returns whether this notification object will be automatically deleted after closing.
487 * @since 5.88
488 */
489 bool isAutoDelete() const;
490 /**
491 * Sets whether this notification object will be automatically deleted after closing.
492 * This is on by default for C++, and off by default for QML.
493 * @since 5.88
494 */
495 void setAutoDelete(bool autoDelete);
497 /**
498 * Returns the activation token to use to activate a window.
499 * @since 5.90
500 */
501 QString xdgActivationToken() const;
504 /**
505 * Emitted when the notification is closed.
506 *
507 * Can be closed either by the user clicking the close button,
508 * the timeout running out or when an action was triggered.
509 */
510 void closed();
512 /**
513 * The notification has been ignored
514 */
515 void ignored();
517 /**
518 * Emitted when @c eventId changed.
519 * @since 5.88
520 */
522 /**
523 * Emitted when @c title changed.
524 * @since 5.88
525 */
527 /**
528 * Emitted when @c text changed.
529 * @since 5.88
530 */
532 /**
533 * Emitted when @c iconName changed.
534 * @since 5.88
535 */
537 /**
538 * Emitted when @c defaultAction changed.
539 * @since 5.88
540 */
542 /**
543 * Emitted when @c actions changed.
544 * @since 5.88
545 */
547 /**
548 * Emitted when @p flags changed.
549 * @since 5.88
550 */
552 /**
553 * Emitted when @p componentName changed.
554 * @since 5.88
555 */
557 /**
558 * Emitted when @p urls changed.
559 * @since 5.88
560 */
562 /**
563 * Emitted when @p urgency changed.
564 * @since 5.88
565 */
567 /**
568 * Emitted when @p autoDelete changed.
569 * @since 5.88
570 */
572 /**
573 * Emitted when @p xdgActivationToken changes.
574 * @since 5.90
575 */
577 /**
578 * Emitted when @p hints changes.
579 * @since 5.101
580 */
583public Q_SLOTS:
584 /**
585 * Close the notification without activating it.
586 *
587 * This will delete the notification.
588 */
589 void close();
591 /**
592 * Send the notification to the server.
593 *
594 * This will cause all the configured plugins to execute their actions on this notification
595 * (eg. a sound will play, a popup will show, a command will be executed etc).
596 */
597 void sendEvent();
599 /**
600 * @since 5.57
601 * Adds a custom hint to the notification. Those are key-value pairs that can be interpreted by the respective notification backend to trigger additional,
602 * non-standard features.
603 * @param hint the hint's key
604 * @param value the hint's value
605 */
606 Q_INVOKABLE void setHint(const QString &hint, const QVariant &value);
608 /**
609 * @since 5.57
610 * Returns the custom hints set by setHint()
611 */
612 QVariantMap hints() const;
614 /**
615 * @since 5.101
616 * Set custom hints on the notification.
617 * @sa setHint
618 */
619 void setHints(const QVariantMap &hints);
622 friend class KNotificationManager;
623 friend class NotificationWrapper;
624 friend class NotifyByPopup;
625 friend class NotifyByPortal;
626 friend class NotifyByPortalPrivate;
627 friend class NotifyByExecute;
628 friend class NotifyBySnore;
629 friend class NotifyByAndroid;
630 friend class NotifyByMacOSNotificationCenter;
631 struct Private;
633 KNOTIFICATIONS_NO_EXPORT void slotWindowActiveChanged();
635 /**
636 * @brief Activate the action specified action
637 * If the action is zero, then the default action is activated
638 */
639 KNOTIFICATIONS_NO_EXPORT void activate(const QString &action);
641 /**
642 * @internal
643 * the id given by the notification manager
644 */
647 /**
648 * @internal
649 * update the texts, the icon, and the actions of one existing notification
650 */
653 /**
654 * The notification will automatically be closed if all presentations are finished.
655 * if you want to show your own presentation in your application, you should use this
656 * function, so it will not be automatically closed when there is nothing to show.
657 *
658 * Don't forgot to deref, or the notification may be never closed if there is no timeout.
659 *
660 * @see deref
661 */
664 /**
665 * Remove a reference made with ref(). If the ref counter hits zero,
666 * the notification will be closed and deleted.
667 *
668 * @see ref
669 */
672 // Like setActions, but doesn't take ownership
673 void setActionsQml(QList<KNotificationAction *> actions);
674 void setDefaultActionQml(KNotificationAction *action);
675 QList<KNotificationAction *> actions() const;
677 static QString standardEventToEventId(StandardEvent event);
678 static QString standardEventToIconName(StandardEvent event);
680 std::unique_ptr<Private> const d;
683 /**
684 * @brief emit an event
685 *
686 * This method creates the KNotification, setting every parameter, and fire the event.
687 * You don't need to call sendEvent
688 *
689 * A popup may be displayed or a sound may be played, depending the config.
690 *
691 * @return a KNotification . You may use that pointer to connect some signals or slot.
692 * the pointer is automatically deleted when the event is closed.
693 *
694 * @param eventId is the name of the event
695 * @param title is title of the notification to show in the popup.
696 * @param text is the text of the notification to show in the popup.
697 * @param pixmap is a picture which may be shown in the popup.
698 * @param flags is a bitmask of NotificationFlag
699 * @param componentName used to determine the location of the config file. by default, appname is used
700 * @since 4.4
701 */
702 static KNotification *event(const QString &eventId,
703 const QString &title,
704 const QString &text,
705 const QPixmap &pixmap = QPixmap(),
707 const QString &componentName = QString());
709 /**
710 * @brief emit a standard event
711 *
712 * @overload
713 *
714 * This will emit a standard event
715 *
716 * @param eventId is the name of the event
717 * @param text is the text of the notification to show in the popup.
718 * @param pixmap is a picture which may be shown in the popup.
719 * @param flags is a bitmask of NotificationFlag
720 * @param componentName used to determine the location of the config file. by default, plasma_workspace is used
721 */
722 static KNotification *event(const QString &eventId,
723 const QString &text = QString(),
724 const QPixmap &pixmap = QPixmap(),
726 const QString &componentName = QString());
728 /**
729 * @brief emit a standard event
730 *
731 * @overload
732 *
733 * This will emit a standard event
734 *
735 * @param eventId is the name of the event
736 * @param text is the text of the notification to show in the popup
737 * @param pixmap is a picture which may be shown in the popup
738 * @param flags is a bitmask of NotificationFlag
739 */
740 static KNotification *
743 /**
744 * @brief emit a standard event
745 *
746 * @overload
747 *
748 * This will emit a standard event
749 *
750 * @param eventId is the name of the event
751 * @param title is title of the notification to show in the popup.
752 * @param text is the text of the notification to show in the popup
753 * @param pixmap is a picture which may be shown in the popup
754 * @param flags is a bitmask of NotificationFlag
755 * @since 4.4
756 */
757 static KNotification *
760 /**
761 * @brief emit a standard event with the possibility of setting an icon by icon name
762 *
763 * @overload
764 *
765 * This will emit a standard event
766 *
767 * @param eventId is the name of the event
768 * @param title is title of the notification to show in the popup.
769 * @param text is the text of the notification to show in the popup
770 * @param iconName a Freedesktop compatible icon name to be shown in the popup
771 * @param flags is a bitmask of NotificationFlag
772 * @param componentName used to determine the location of the config file. by default, plasma_workspace is used
773 * @since 5.4
774 */
775 static KNotification *event(const QString &eventId,
776 const QString &title,
777 const QString &text,
778 const QString &iconName,
780 const QString &componentName = QString());
782 /**
783 * @brief emit a standard event with the possibility of setting an icon by icon name
784 *
785 * @overload
786 *
787 * This will emit a standard event with a custom icon
788 *
789 * @param eventId the type of the standard (not app-defined) event
790 * @param title is title of the notification to show in the popup.
791 * @param text is the text of the notification to show in the popup
792 * @param iconName a Freedesktop compatible icon name to be shown in the popup
793 * @param flags is a bitmask of NotificationFlag
794 * @since 5.9
795 */
796 static KNotification *
799 /**
800 * @brief emit a standard event
801 *
802 * @overload
803 *
804 * This will emit a standard event with its standard icon
805 *
806 * @param eventId the type of the standard (not app-defined) event
807 * @param title is title of the notification to show in the popup.
808 * @param text is the text of the notification to show in the popup
809 * @param flags is a bitmask of NotificationFlag
810 * @since 5.9
811 */
814 /**
815 * This is a simple substitution for QApplication::beep()
816 *
817 * @param reason a short text explaining what has happened (may be empty)
818 */
819 static void beep(const QString &reason = QString());
821 // prevent warning
822 using QObject::event;
This class represents a notification.
void labelChanged(const QString &label)
Emitted when label changed.
void setLabel(const QString &label)
Set the user-facing label for the action.
void activated()
Emitted when the user activates the action.
KNotification is the main class for creating notifications.
void defaultActionChanged()
Emitted when defaultAction changed.
QFlags< NotificationFlag > NotificationFlags
Stores a combination of NotificationFlag values.
void sendEvent()
Send the notification to the server.
void urgencyChanged()
Emitted when urgency changed.
void eventIdChanged()
Emitted when eventId changed.
QString title
Set the title of the notification popup.
void setTitle(const QString &title)
Set the title of the notification popup.
void setEventId(const QString &eventId)
Set the event id, if not already passed to the constructor.
KNotification(const QString &eventId, NotificationFlags flags=CloseOnTimeout, QObject *parent=nullptr)
Create a new notification.
void iconNameChanged()
Emitted when iconName changed.
void closed()
Emitted when the notification is closed.
QPixmap pixmap() const
void setAutoDelete(bool autoDelete)
Sets whether this notification object will be automatically deleted after closing.
void actionsChanged()
Emitted when actions changed.
void close()
Close the notification without activating it.
void hintsChanged()
Emitted when hints changes.
QVariantMap hints
static KNotification * event(const QString &eventId, const QString &title, const QString &text, const QPixmap &pixmap=QPixmap(), const NotificationFlags &flags=CloseOnTimeout, const QString &componentName=QString())
emit an event
NotificationFlags flags
Set the notification flags.
The urgency of a notification.
static void beep(const QString &reason=QString())
This is a simple substitution for QApplication::beep()
void setFlags(const NotificationFlags &flags)
Set the notification flags.
void titleChanged()
Emitted when title changed.
QString eventId
Set the event id, if not already passed to the constructor.
QString text
Set the notification text that will appear in the popup.
Urgency urgency
Sets the urgency of the notification.
void autoDeleteChanged()
Emitted when autoDelete changed.
Q_INVOKABLE void setHint(const QString &hint, const QVariant &value)
void setIconName(const QString &icon)
Set the icon that will be shown in the popup.
void setComponentName(const QString &componentName)
The componentData is used to determine the location of the config file.
default events you can use in the event function
bool isAutoDelete() const
Returns whether this notification object will be automatically deleted after closing.
QString iconName
Set the icon that will be shown in the popup.
void textChanged()
Emitted when text changed.
void urlsChanged()
Emitted when urls changed.
bool autoDelete
Sets whether this notification object will be automatically deleted after closing.
void flagsChanged()
Emitted when flags changed.
QList< QUrl > urls
Sets URLs associated with this notification.
void xdgActivationTokenChanged()
Emitted when xdgActivationToken changes.
void setUrls(const QList< QUrl > &urls)
Sets URLs associated with this notification.
void ignored()
The notification has been ignored.
QString xdgActivationToken
@ CloseOnTimeout
The notification will be automatically closed after a timeout.
@ Persistent
The notification will NOT be automatically closed after a timeout.
@ SkipGrouping
Sends a hint to Plasma to skip grouping for this notification.
@ CloseWhenWindowActivated
The notification will be automatically closed if the window() becomes activated.
@ LoopSound
The audio plugin will loop the sound until the notification is closed.
void componentNameChanged()
Emitted when componentName changed.
QString componentName
The componentData is used to determine the location of the config file.
void setUrgency(Urgency urgency)
Sets the urgency of the notification.
void setHints(const QVariantMap &hints)
void setText(const QString &text)
Set the notification text that will appear in the popup.
QObject(QObject *parent)
virtual bool event(QEvent *e)
QObject * parent() const const
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:50:59 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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