KParts::ReadWritePart Member List
This is the complete list of members for KParts::ReadWritePart, including all inherited members.
abortLoad() | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | protected |
action(const QDomElement &element) const | KXMLGUIClient | virtual |
KParts::PartBase::action(const QString &name) const | KXMLGUIClient | |
actionCollection() const | KXMLGUIClient | virtual |
arguments() const | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | |
bindableObjectName() | QObject | |
blockSignals(bool block) | QObject | |
canceled(const QString &errMsg) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | signal |
childClients() | KXMLGUIClient | |
childEvent(QChildEvent *event) | QObject | protectedvirtual |
children() const const | QObject | |
clientBuilder() const | KXMLGUIClient | |
closeStream() | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | |
closeUrl() override | KParts::ReadWritePart | virtual |
closeUrl(bool promptToSave) | KParts::ReadWritePart | virtual |
completed() | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | signal |
completedWithPendingAction() | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | signal |
componentName() const | KXMLGUIClient | virtual |
connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor) | QObject | static |
connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *context, Functor functor, Qt::ConnectionType type) | QObject | static |
connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method, Qt::ConnectionType type) | QObject | static |
connect(const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method, Qt::ConnectionType type) | QObject | static |
connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) | QObject | static |
connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) const const | QObject | |
connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) | QObject | protectedvirtual |
customEvent(QEvent *event) override | KParts::Part | protectedvirtual |
d_ptr (defined in KParts::PartBase) | KParts::PartBase | protected |
deleteLater() | QObject | |
destroyed(QObject *obj) | QObject | |
disconnect(const QMetaObject::Connection &connection) | QObject | static |
disconnect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method) | QObject | static |
disconnect(const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method) | QObject | static |
disconnect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) | QObject | static |
disconnect(const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const const | QObject | |
disconnect(const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const const | QObject | |
disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) | QObject | protectedvirtual |
doCloseStream() | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | inlineprotectedvirtual |
domDocument() const | KXMLGUIClient | virtual |
doOpenStream(const QString &mimeType) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | inlineprotectedvirtual |
doWriteStream(const QByteArray &data) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | inlineprotectedvirtual |
dumpObjectInfo() const const | QObject | |
dumpObjectTree() const const | QObject | |
dynamicPropertyNames() const const | QObject | |
event(QEvent *e) | QObject | virtual |
eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) | QObject | virtual |
factory() const | KXMLGUIClient | |
findChild(const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const | QObject | |
findChildren(Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const | QObject | |
findChildren(const QRegularExpression &re, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const | QObject | |
findChildren(const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const | QObject | |
findVersionNumber(const QString &xml) | KXMLGUIClient | static |
guiActivateEvent(GUIActivateEvent *event) override | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | protectedvirtual |
hitTest(QWidget *widget, const QPoint &globalPos) | KParts::Part | virtual |
hostContainer(const QString &containerName) | KParts::Part | protected |
inherits(const char *className) const const | QObject | |
insertChildClient(KXMLGUIClient *child) | KXMLGUIClient | |
installEventFilter(QObject *filterObj) | QObject | |
isModified() const | KParts::ReadWritePart | |
isProgressInfoEnabled() const | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | |
isQuickItemType() const const | QObject | |
isReadWrite() const | KParts::ReadWritePart | |
isSignalConnected(const QMetaMethod &signal) const const | QObject | protected |
isWidgetType() const const | QObject | |
isWindowType() const const | QObject | |
killTimer(int id) | QObject | |
KXMLGUIClient() | KXMLGUIClient | |
KParts::PartBase::KXMLGUIClient(KXMLGUIClient *parent) | KXMLGUIClient | |
loadStandardsXmlFile() | KXMLGUIClient | protected |
localFilePath() const | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | protected |
manager() const | KParts::Part | |
metaData() const | KParts::Part | |
metaObject() const const | QObject | virtual |
moveToThread(QThread *targetThread) | QObject | |
navigationExtension() const | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | |
objectName | QObject | |
objectName() const const | QObject | |
objectNameChanged(const QString &objectName) | QObject | |
openFile() | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | protectedvirtual |
openStream(const QString &mimeType, const QUrl &url) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | |
openUrl(const QUrl &url) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | virtualslot |
parent() const const | QObject | |
parentClient() const | KXMLGUIClient | |
Part(QObject *parent=nullptr, const KPluginMetaData &data={}) | KParts::Part | explicit |
Part(PartPrivate &dd, QObject *parent) (defined in KParts::Part) | KParts::Part | protected |
partActivateEvent(PartActivateEvent *event) | KParts::Part | protectedvirtual |
PartBase() | KParts::PartBase | |
PartBase(PartBasePrivate &dd) (defined in KParts::PartBase) | KParts::PartBase | explicitprotected |
partObject() const (defined in KParts::PartBase) | KParts::PartBase | |
plugActionList(const QString &name, const QList< QAction * > &actionList) | KXMLGUIClient | |
property(const char *name) const const | QObject | |
Q_CLASSINFO(Name, Value) | QObject | |
Q_EMITQ_EMIT | QObject | |
Q_ENUM(...) | QObject | |
Q_ENUM_NS(...) | QObject | |
Q_ENUMS(...) | QObject | |
Q_FLAG(...) | QObject | |
Q_FLAG_NS(...) | QObject | |
Q_FLAGS(...) | QObject | |
Q_INTERFACES(...) | QObject | |
Q_PROPERTY(...) | QObject | |
Q_SET_OBJECT_NAME(Object) | QObject | |
Q_SLOTQ_SLOT | QObject | |
Q_SLOTSQ_SLOTS | QObject | |
QObject(QObject *parent) | QObject | |
qobject_cast(QObject *object) | QObject | |
qobject_cast(const QObject *object) | QObject | |
QObjectList | QObject | |
queryClose() | KParts::ReadWritePart | virtual |
ReadOnlyPart(QObject *parent=nullptr, const KPluginMetaData &data={}) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | explicit |
ReadOnlyPart(ReadOnlyPartPrivate &dd, QObject *parent) (defined in KParts::ReadOnlyPart) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | protected |
ReadWritePart(QObject *parent=nullptr, const KPluginMetaData &data={}) | KParts::ReadWritePart | explicit |
receivers(const char *signal) const const | QObject | protected |
reloadXML() | KXMLGUIClient | |
removeChildClient(KXMLGUIClient *child) | KXMLGUIClient | |
removeEventFilter(QObject *obj) | QObject | |
replaceXMLFile(const QString &xmlfile, const QString &localxmlfile, bool merge=false) | KXMLGUIClient | |
save() | KParts::ReadWritePart | virtualslot |
saveAs(const QUrl &url) | KParts::ReadWritePart | virtual |
saveFile()=0 | KParts::ReadWritePart | protectedpure virtual |
saveToUrl() | KParts::ReadWritePart | protectedvirtual |
sender() const const | QObject | protected |
senderSignalIndex() const const | QObject | protected |
setArguments(const OpenUrlArguments &arguments) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | |
setAutoDeletePart(bool autoDeletePart) | KParts::Part | |
setAutoDeleteWidget(bool autoDeleteWidget) | KParts::Part | |
setClientBuilder(KXMLGUIBuilder *builder) | KXMLGUIClient | |
setComponentName(const QString &componentName, const QString &componentDisplayName) | KXMLGUIClient | protectedvirtual |
setDOMDocument(const QDomDocument &document, bool merge=false) | KXMLGUIClient | protectedvirtual |
setFactory(KXMLGUIFactory *factory) | KXMLGUIClient | |
setLocalFilePath(const QString &localFilePath) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | protected |
setLocalXMLFile(const QString &file) | KXMLGUIClient | protectedvirtual |
setManager(PartManager *manager) | KParts::Part | virtual |
setModified(bool modified) | KParts::ReadWritePart | virtual |
setModified() | KParts::ReadWritePart | slot |
setObjectName(QAnyStringView name) | QObject | |
setObjectName(const QString &name) | QObject | |
setParent(QObject *parent) | QObject | |
setPartObject(QObject *object) | KParts::PartBase | |
setProgressInfoEnabled(bool show) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | |
setProperty(const char *name, QVariant &&value) | QObject | |
setProperty(const char *name, const QVariant &value) | QObject | |
setReadWrite(bool readwrite=true) | KParts::ReadWritePart | virtual |
setStatusBarText(const QString &text) | KParts::Part | signal |
setUrl(const QUrl &url) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | protected |
setWidget(QWidget *widget) | KParts::Part | protectedvirtual |
setWindowCaption(const QString &caption) | KParts::Part | signal |
setXML(const QString &document, bool merge=false) | KXMLGUIClient | protectedvirtual |
setXMLFile(const QString &file, bool merge=false, bool setXMLDoc=true) | KXMLGUIClient | protectedvirtual |
setXMLGUIBuildDocument(const QDomDocument &doc) | KXMLGUIClient | |
signalsBlocked() const const | QObject | |
sigQueryClose(bool *handled, bool *abortClosing) | KParts::ReadWritePart | signal |
slotWidgetDestroyed() | KParts::Part | protectedslot |
standardsXmlFileLocation() | KXMLGUIClient | protectedstatic |
started(KIO::Job *job) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | signal |
startTimer(int interval, Qt::TimerType timerType) | QObject | |
startTimer(std::chrono::milliseconds interval, Qt::TimerType timerType) | QObject | |
stateChanged(const QString &newstate, ReverseStateChange reverse=StateNoReverse) | KXMLGUIClient | protectedvirtual |
thread() const const | QObject | |
timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) | QObject | protectedvirtual |
tr(const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n) | QObject | static |
unplugActionList(const QString &name) | KXMLGUIClient | |
url (defined in KParts::ReadOnlyPart) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | |
url() const | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | |
urlChanged(const QUrl &url) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | signal |
waitSaveComplete() | KParts::ReadWritePart | slot |
widget() | KParts::Part | virtual |
writeStream(const QByteArray &data) | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | |
xmlFile() const | KXMLGUIClient | virtual |
xmlguiBuildDocument() const | KXMLGUIClient | |
~KXMLGUIClient() | KXMLGUIClient | virtual |
~Part() override | KParts::Part | |
~PartBase() override | KParts::PartBase | |
~QObject() | QObject | virtual |
~ReadOnlyPart() override | KParts::ReadOnlyPart | |
~ReadWritePart() override | KParts::ReadWritePart |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:03:28 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:03:28 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.