A collection of functions for the conversion of key presses and their modifiers from the window syste...
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:28
bool initializeMods()
Initialises the values to return for the mod*() functions below.
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:1086
uint stringUserToMod(const QString &mod)
Converts the modifier given as user-readable string (in English) to KKey::ModFlag modifier,...
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:96
bool symXModXToKeyQt(uint32_t keySym, uint16_t modX, int *keyQt)
Converts the given symbol and modifier combination to a Qt key code.
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:1467
QList< int > keyQtToSymXs(int keyQt)
Extracts the symbols from the given Qt key and converts it to an X11 symbol + modifiers.
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:1439
bool keyQtToSymX(int keyQt, int *keySym)
Extracts the symbol from the given Qt key and converts it to an X11 symbol + modifiers.
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:1404
bool isShiftAsModifierAllowed(int keyQt)
Test if the shift modifier should be recorded for a given key.
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:106
bool keyboardHasMetaKey()
Returns true if the current keyboard layout supports the Meta key.
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:1306
bool xEventToQt(XEvent *e, int *keyQt)
Converts an X keypress event into a Qt key + modifier code.
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:1572
bool keyQtToCodeX(int keyQt, int *keyCode)
Extracts the code from the given Qt key.
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:1353
QList< int > keyQtToCodeXs(int keyQt)
Extracts the codes from the given Qt key.
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:1378
bool modXToQt(uint modX, int *modQt)
Converts the mask of ORed X11 modifiers to a mask of ORed Qt key code modifiers.
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:1530
uint accelModMaskX()
Returns bitwise OR'ed mask containing Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and Win (if available).
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:1567
bool keyQtToModX(int modQt, uint *modX)
Extracts the modifiers from the given Qt key and converts them in a mask of X11 modifiers.
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:1510
QString modToStringUser(uint mod)
Converts the mask of ORed KKey::ModFlag modifiers to a user-readable string.
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:91
bool xcbKeyPressEventToQt(xcb_generic_event_t *e, int *keyQt)
Converts an XCB keypress event into a Qt key + modifier code.
Definition kkeyserver.cpp:1612
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:53:44 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:53:44 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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