
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2003 Lubos Lunak <>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
10#include <kwindowsystem_export.h>
12#include <QChildEvent>
13#include <QObject>
14#include <QString>
15#include <QWidgetList> // for WId
16#include <QWindow>
18#include <sys/types.h>
20typedef struct _XDisplay Display;
22struct xcb_connection_t;
24class KStartupInfoId;
28 * Class for manipulating the application startup notification.
29 *
30 * This class can be used to send information about started application,
31 * change the information and receive this information. For detailed
32 * description, see kdelibs/kdecore/README.kstartupinfo.
33 *
34 * You usually don't need to use this class for sending the notification
35 * information, as KDE libraries should do this when an application is
36 * started (e.g. KRun class).
37 *
38 * For receiving the startup notification info, create an instance and connect
39 * to its slots. It will automatically detect started applications and when
40 * they are ready.
41 *
42 * @see KStartupInfoId
43 * @see KStartupInfoData
44 *
45 * @author Lubos Lunak <>
46 */
47class KWINDOWSYSTEM_EXPORT KStartupInfo : public QObject
51 /**
52 * Manual notification that the application has started.
53 * If you do not map a (toplevel) window, then startup
54 * notification will not disappear for the application
55 * until a timeout. You can use this as an alternative
56 * method in this case.
57 */
58 static void appStarted();
60 /**
61 * Sends explicit notification that the startup notification
62 * with id startup_id should end.
63 */
64 static void appStarted(const QByteArray &startup_id);
66 /**
67 * Sets a new value for the application startup notification window property for newly
68 * created toplevel windows.
69 * @param startup_id the startup notification identifier
70 * @see KStartupInfo::setNewStartupId
71 */
72 static void setStartupId(const QByteArray &startup_id);
74 /**
75 * Use this function if the application got a request with startup
76 * notification from outside (for example, when KUniqueApplication::newInstance()
77 * is called, or e.g.\ when khelpcenter opens new URL in its window).
78 * The window can be either an already existing and visible window,
79 * or a new one, before being shown. Note that this function is usually
80 * needed only when a window is reused.
81 */
82 static void setNewStartupId(QWindow *window, const QByteArray &startup_id);
84 /**
85 * Creates and returns new startup id. The id includes properly setup
86 * user timestamp.
87 *
88 * On the X11 platform the current timestamp will be fetched from the
89 * X-Server. If the caller has an adaquat timestamp (e.g. from a QMouseEvent)
90 * it should prefer using createNewStartupIdForTimestamp to not trigger a
91 * roundtrip to the X-Server
92 *
93 * @see createNewStartupIdForTimestamp
94 */
96 /**
97 * Creates and returns new startup id with @p timestamp as user timestamp part.
98 *
99 * @param timestamp The timestamp for the startup id.
100 * @see createNewStartupId
101 * @since 5.5
102 **/
103 static QByteArray createNewStartupIdForTimestamp(quint32 timestamp);
104 /**
105 *
106 */
107 enum {
108 CleanOnCantDetect = 1 << 0,
109 DisableKWinModule = 1 << 1,
110 AnnounceSilenceChanges = 1 << 2,
111 };
113 /**
114 * Creates an instance that will receive the startup notifications.
115 * The various flags passed may be
116 * @li CleanOnCantDetect - when a new unknown window appears, all startup
117 * notifications for applications that are not compliant with
118 * the startup protocol are removed
119 * @li DisableKWinModule - KWinModule, which is normally used to detect
120 * new windows, is disabled. With this flag, checkStartup() must be
121 * called in order to check newly mapped windows.
122 * @li AnnounceSilenceChanges - normally, startup notifications are
123 * "removed" when they're silenced, and "recreated" when they're resumed.
124 * With this flag, the change is normally announced with gotStartupChange().
125 *
126 * @param flags OR-ed combination of flags
127 * @param parent the parent of this QObject (can be @c nullptr for no parent)
128 *
129 */
130 explicit KStartupInfo(int flags, QObject *parent = nullptr);
132 ~KStartupInfo() override;
133 /**
134 * Sends given notification data about started application
135 * with the given startup identification. If no notification for this identification
136 * exists yet, it is created, otherwise it's updated. Note that the name field
137 * in data is required.
138 *
139 * @param id the id of the application
140 * @param data the application's data
141 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
142 * @see KStartupInfoId
143 * @see KStartupInfoData
144 */
145 static bool sendStartup(const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data);
147 /**
148 * Like sendStartup , uses @p conn instead of QX11Info::connection() for sending the info.
149 * @param conn the xcb connection of the application. Note that the name field
150 * in data is required.
151 * @param screen The x11 screen the connection belongs to
152 * @param id the id of the application
153 * @param data the application's data
154 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
155 * @since 5.18
156 */
157 static bool sendStartupXcb(xcb_connection_t *conn, int screen, const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data);
159 /**
160 * Sends given notification data about started application
161 * with the given startup identification. This is used for updating the notification
162 * info, if no notification for this identification exists, it's ignored.
163 * @param id the id of the application
164 * @param data the application's data
165 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
166 * @see KStartupInfoId
167 * @see KStartupInfoData
168 */
169 static bool sendChange(const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data);
171 /**
172 * Like sendChange , uses @p conn instead of QX11Info::connection() for sending the info.
173 * @param conn the xcb connection of the application.
174 * @param screen The x11 screen the connection belongs to
175 * @param id the id of the application
176 * @param data the application's data
177 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
178 * @since 5.18
179 */
180 static bool sendChangeXcb(xcb_connection_t *conn, int screen, const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data);
182 /**
183 * Ends startup notification with the given identification.
184 * @param id the id of the application
185 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
186 */
187 static bool sendFinish(const KStartupInfoId &id);
189 /**
190 * Like sendFinish , uses @p conn instead of QX11Info::connection() for sending the info.
191 * @param conn the xcb connection of the application.
192 * @param screen The x11 screen the connection belongs to
193 * @param id the id of the application
194 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
195 * @since 5.18
196 */
197 static bool sendFinishXcb(xcb_connection_t *conn, int screen, const KStartupInfoId &id);
199 /**
200 * Ends startup notification with the given identification and the given data
201 * (e.g.\ PIDs of processes for this startup notification that exited).
202 * @param id the id of the application
203 * @param data the application's data
204 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
205 */
206 static bool sendFinish(const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data);
208 /**
209 * Like sendFinish , uses @p conn instead of QX11Info::connection() for sending the info.
210 * @param conn the xcb connection of the application.
211 * @param screen The x11 screen the connection belongs to
212 * @param id the id of the application
213 * @param data the application's data
214 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
215 * @since 5.18
216 */
217 static bool sendFinishXcb(xcb_connection_t *conn, int screen, const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data);
219 /**
220 * Unsets the startup notification environment variable.
221 */
222 static void resetStartupEnv();
223 /**
224 * @li NoMatch - the window doesn't match any existing startup notification
225 * @li Match - the window matches an existing startup notification
226 * @li CantDetect - unable to detect if the window matches any existing
227 * startup notification
228 */
229 enum startup_t { NoMatch, Match, CantDetect };
230 /**
231 * Checks if the given windows matches any existing startup notification.
232 * @param w the window id to check
233 * @return the result of the operation
234 */
235 startup_t checkStartup(WId w);
236 /**
237 * Checks if the given windows matches any existing startup notification, and
238 * if yes, returns the identification in id.
239 * @param w the window id to check
240 * @param id if found, the id of the startup notification will be written here
241 * @return the result of the operation
242 */
243 startup_t checkStartup(WId w, KStartupInfoId &id);
244 /**
245 * Checks if the given windows matches any existing startup notification, and
246 * if yes, returns the notification data in data.
247 * @param w the window id to check
248 * @param data if found, the data of the startup notification will be written here
249 * @return the result of the operation
250 */
251 startup_t checkStartup(WId w, KStartupInfoData &data);
252 /**
253 * Checks if the given windows matches any existing startup notification, and
254 * if yes, returns the identification in id and notification data in data.
255 * @param w the window id to check
256 * @param id if found, the id of the startup notification will be written here
257 * @param data if found, the data of the startup notification will be written here
258 * @return the result of the operation
259 */
260 startup_t checkStartup(WId w, KStartupInfoId &id, KStartupInfoData &data);
261 /**
262 * Sets the timeout for notifications, after this timeout a notification is removed.
263 * @param secs the new timeout in seconds
264 */
265 void setTimeout(unsigned int secs);
266 /**
267 * Returns startup notification identification of the given window.
268 * @param w the id of the window
269 * @return the startup notification id. Can be null if not found.
270 */
271 static QByteArray windowStartupId(WId w);
272 /**
273 * @internal
274 */
275 class Data;
277 /**
278 * @internal
279 */
280 class Private;
282 /**
283 * Emitted when a new startup notification is created (i.e.\ a new application is
284 * being started).
285 * @param id the notification identification
286 * @param data the notification data
287 */
288 void gotNewStartup(const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data);
289 /**
290 * Emitted when a startup notification changes.
291 * @param id the notification identification
292 * @param data the notification data
293 */
295 /**
296 * Emitted when a startup notification is removed (either because it was detected
297 * that the application is ready or because of a timeout).
298 * @param id the notification identification
299 * @param data the notification data
300 */
304 /**
305 *
306 */
307 void customEvent(QEvent *e_P) override;
310 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void startups_cleanup())
311 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void startups_cleanup_no_age())
312 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void got_message(const QString &msg))
313 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void window_added(WId w))
314 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void slot_window_added(WId w))
316 Private *const d;
318 Q_DISABLE_COPY(KStartupInfo)
322 * Class representing an identification of application startup notification.
323 *
324 * Every existing notification about a starting application has its own unique
325 * identification, that's used to identify and manipulate the notification.
326 *
327 * @see KStartupInfo
328 * @see KStartupInfoData
329 *
330 * @author Lubos Lunak <>
331 */
335 /**
336 * Overloaded operator.
337 * @return true if the notification identifications are the same
338 */
339 bool operator==(const KStartupInfoId &id) const;
340 /**
341 * Overloaded operator.
342 * @return true if the notification identifications are different
343 */
344 bool operator!=(const KStartupInfoId &id) const;
345 /**
346 * Checks whether the identifier is valid.
347 * @return true if this object doesn't represent a valid notification identification
348 */
349 bool isNull() const;
351 /**
352 * Initializes this object with the given identification ( which may be also "0"
353 * for no notification ), or if "" is given, tries to read it from the startup
354 * notification environment variable, and if it's not set, creates a new one.
355 * @param id the new identification, "0" for no notification or "" to read
356 * the environment variable
357 */
358 void initId(const QByteArray &id = "");
359 /**
360 * Returns the notification identifier as string.
361 * @return the identification string for the notification
362 */
363 const QByteArray &id() const;
364 /**
365 * Return the user timestamp for the startup notification, or 0 if no timestamp
366 * is set.
367 */
368 unsigned long timestamp() const;
369 /**
370 * Sets the startup notification environment variable to this identification.
371 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
372 */
373 bool setupStartupEnv() const;
374 /**
375 * Creates an empty identification
376 */
378 /**
379 * Copy constructor.
380 */
381 KStartupInfoId(const KStartupInfoId &data);
383 KStartupInfoId &operator=(const KStartupInfoId &data);
384 bool operator<(const KStartupInfoId &id) const;
387 explicit KStartupInfoId(const QString &txt);
388 friend class KStartupInfo;
389 friend class KStartupInfo::Private;
390 struct Private;
391 Private *const d;
395 * Class representing data about an application startup notification.
396 *
397 * Such data include the icon of the starting application, the desktop on which
398 * the application should start, the binary name of the application, etc.
399 *
400 * @see KStartupInfo
401 * @see KStartupInfoId
402 *
403 * @author Lubos Lunak <>
404 */
405class KWINDOWSYSTEM_EXPORT KStartupInfoData
408 /**
409 * Sets the binary name of the application (e.g.\ 'kcontrol').
410 * @param bin the new binary name of the application
411 */
412 void setBin(const QString &bin);
413 /**
414 * Returns the binary name of the starting application
415 * @return the new binary name of the application
416 */
417 const QString &bin() const;
418 /**
419 * Sets the name for the notification (e.g.\ 'Control Center').
420 */
421 void setName(const QString &name);
422 /**
423 * Returns the name of the startup notification. If it's not available,
424 * it tries to use other information (binary name).
425 * @return the name of the startup notification
426 */
427 const QString &findName() const;
428 /**
429 * Returns the name of the startup notification, or empty if not available.
430 * @return the name of the startup notification, or an empty string
431 * if not set.
432 */
433 const QString &name() const;
434 /**
435 * Sets the description for the notification (e.g.\ 'Launching Control Center').
436 * I.e. name() describes what is being started, while description() is
437 * the actual action performed by the starting.
438 */
439 void setDescription(const QString &descr);
440 /**
441 * Returns the description of the startup notification. If it's not available,
442 * it returns name().
443 * @return the description of the startup notification
444 */
445 const QString &findDescription() const;
446 /**
447 * Returns the name of the startup notification, or empty if not available.
448 * @return the name of the startup notification, or an empty string
449 * if not set.
450 */
451 const QString &description() const;
452 /**
453 * Sets the icon for the startup notification (e.g.\ 'kcontrol').
454 * @param icon the name of the icon
455 */
456 void setIcon(const QString &icon);
457 /**
458 * Returns the icon of the startup notification, and if it's not available,
459 * tries to get it from the binary name.
460 * @return the name of the startup notification's icon, or the name of
461 * the binary if not set
462 */
463 const QString &findIcon() const;
464 /**
465 * Returns the icon of the startup notification, or empty if not available.
466 * @return the name of the icon, or an empty string if not set.
467 */
468 const QString &icon() const;
469 /**
470 * Sets the desktop for the startup notification (i.e.\ the desktop on which
471 * the starting application should appear ).
472 * @param desktop the desktop for the startup notification
473 */
474 void setDesktop(int desktop);
475 /**
476 * Returns the desktop for the startup notification.
477 * @return the desktop for the startup notification
478 */
479 int desktop() const;
480 /**
481 * Sets a WM_CLASS value for the startup notification, it may be used for increasing
482 * the chance that the windows created by the starting application will be
483 * detected correctly.
484 * @param wmclass the WM_CLASS value for the startup notification
485 */
486 void setWMClass(const QByteArray &wmclass);
487 /**
488 * Returns the WM_CLASS value for the startup notification, or binary name if not
489 * available.
490 * @return the WM_CLASS value for the startup notification, or the binary name
491 * if not set
492 */
493 const QByteArray findWMClass() const;
494 /**
495 * Returns the WM_CLASS value for the startup notification, or empty if not available.
496 * @return the WM_CLASS value for the startup notification, or empty
497 * if not set
498 */
499 QByteArray WMClass() const;
500 /**
501 * Adds a PID to the list of processes that belong to the startup notification. It
502 * may be used to increase the chance that the windows created by the starting
503 * application will be detected correctly, and also for detecting if the application
504 * has quit without creating any window.
505 * @param pid the PID to add
506 */
507 void addPid(pid_t pid);
508 /**
509 * Returns all PIDs for the startup notification.
510 * @return the list of all PIDs
511 */
512 QList<pid_t> pids() const;
513 /**
514 * Checks whether the given @p pid is in the list of PIDs for startup
515 * notification.
516 * @return true if the given @p pid is in the list of PIDs for the startup notification
517 */
518 bool is_pid(pid_t pid) const;
519 /**
520 * Sets the hostname on which the application is starting. It's necessary to set
521 * it if PIDs are set.
522 * @param hostname the application's hostname. If it's a null string, the current hostname is used
523 */
524 void setHostname(const QByteArray &hostname = QByteArray());
525 /**
526 * Returns the hostname for the startup notification.
527 * @return the hostname
528 */
529 QByteArray hostname() const;
531 /**
532 *
533 */
534 enum TriState { Yes, No, Unknown };
536 /**
537 * Sets whether the visual feedback for this startup notification
538 * should be silenced (temporarily suspended).
539 */
540 void setSilent(TriState state);
542 /**
543 * Return the silence status for the startup notification.
544 * @return KStartupInfoData::Yes if visual feedback is silenced
545 */
546 TriState silent() const;
548 /**
549 * The X11 screen on which the startup notification is happening, -1 if unknown.
550 */
551 int screen() const;
553 /**
554 * Sets the X11 screen on which the startup notification should happen.
555 * This is usually not necessary to set, as it's set by default to QX11Info::screen().
556 */
557 void setScreen(int screen);
559 /**
560 * The Xinerama screen for the startup notification, -1 if unknown.
561 */
562 int xinerama() const;
564 /**
565 * Sets the Xinerama screen for the startup notification ( i.e. the screeen on which
566 * the starting application should appear ).
567 * @param xinerama the Xinerama screen for the startup notification
568 */
569 void setXinerama(int xinerama);
571 /**
572 * The .desktop file used to initiate this startup notification, or empty. This information
573 * should be used only to identify the application, not to read any additional information.
574 * @since 4.5
575 **/
576 QString applicationId() const;
578 /**
579 * Sets the .desktop file that was used to initiate the startup notification.
580 * @since 4.5
581 */
582 void setApplicationId(const QString &desktop);
584 /**
585 * Updates the notification data from the given data. Some data, such as the desktop
586 * or the name, won't be rewritten if already set.
587 * @param data the data to update
588 */
589 void update(const KStartupInfoData &data);
591 /**
592 * Constructor. Initializes all the data to their default empty values.
593 */
596 /**
597 * Copy constructor.
598 */
601 KStartupInfoData &operator=(const KStartupInfoData &data);
604 explicit KStartupInfoData(const QString &txt);
605 friend class KStartupInfo;
606 friend class KStartupInfo::Data;
607 friend class KStartupInfo::Private;
608 struct Private;
609 Private *const d;
Class representing data about an application startup notification.
const QString & findDescription() const
Returns the description of the startup notification.
const QString & description() const
Returns the name of the startup notification, or empty if not available.
QByteArray WMClass() const
Returns the WM_CLASS value for the startup notification, or empty if not available.
void update(const KStartupInfoData &data)
Updates the notification data from the given data.
void setHostname(const QByteArray &hostname=QByteArray())
Sets the hostname on which the application is starting.
TriState silent() const
Return the silence status for the startup notification.
void setDesktop(int desktop)
Sets the desktop for the startup notification (i.e. the desktop on which the starting application sho...
QString applicationId() const
The .desktop file used to initiate this startup notification, or empty.
const QString & findIcon() const
Returns the icon of the startup notification, and if it's not available, tries to get it from the bin...
QList< pid_t > pids() const
Returns all PIDs for the startup notification.
const QString & name() const
Returns the name of the startup notification, or empty if not available.
const QString & bin() const
Returns the binary name of the starting application.
void addPid(pid_t pid)
Adds a PID to the list of processes that belong to the startup notification.
void setName(const QString &name)
Sets the name for the notification (e.g. 'Control Center').
void setXinerama(int xinerama)
Sets the Xinerama screen for the startup notification ( i.e.
int screen() const
The X11 screen on which the startup notification is happening, -1 if unknown.
void setWMClass(const QByteArray &wmclass)
Sets a WM_CLASS value for the startup notification, it may be used for increasing the chance that the...
void setIcon(const QString &icon)
Sets the icon for the startup notification (e.g. 'kcontrol').
int xinerama() const
The Xinerama screen for the startup notification, -1 if unknown.
void setBin(const QString &bin)
Sets the binary name of the application (e.g. 'kcontrol').
void setDescription(const QString &descr)
Sets the description for the notification (e.g. 'Launching Control Center').
const QString & icon() const
Returns the icon of the startup notification, or empty if not available.
const QByteArray findWMClass() const
Returns the WM_CLASS value for the startup notification, or binary name if not available.
void setSilent(TriState state)
Sets whether the visual feedback for this startup notification should be silenced (temporarily suspen...
bool is_pid(pid_t pid) const
Checks whether the given pid is in the list of PIDs for startup notification.
QByteArray hostname() const
Returns the hostname for the startup notification.
int desktop() const
Returns the desktop for the startup notification.
void setApplicationId(const QString &desktop)
Sets the .desktop file that was used to initiate the startup notification.
void setScreen(int screen)
Sets the X11 screen on which the startup notification should happen.
const QString & findName() const
Returns the name of the startup notification.
Class representing an identification of application startup notification.
void initId(const QByteArray &id="")
Initializes this object with the given identification ( which may be also "0" for no notification ),...
bool setupStartupEnv() const
Sets the startup notification environment variable to this identification.
bool isNull() const
Checks whether the identifier is valid.
unsigned long timestamp() const
Return the user timestamp for the startup notification, or 0 if no timestamp is set.
Creates an empty identification.
bool operator!=(const KStartupInfoId &id) const
Overloaded operator.
bool operator==(const KStartupInfoId &id) const
Overloaded operator.
const QByteArray & id() const
Returns the notification identifier as string.
static void setNewStartupId(QWindow *window, const QByteArray &startup_id)
Use this function if the application got a request with startup notification from outside (for exampl...
static void appStarted()
Manual notification that the application has started.
KStartupInfo(int flags, QObject *parent=nullptr)
Creates an instance that will receive the startup notifications.
static bool sendStartup(const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data)
Sends given notification data about started application with the given startup identification.
static bool sendChange(const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data)
Sends given notification data about started application with the given startup identification.
static bool sendStartupXcb(xcb_connection_t *conn, int screen, const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data)
Like sendStartup , uses conn instead of QX11Info::connection() for sending the info.
static void resetStartupEnv()
Unsets the startup notification environment variable.
static QByteArray createNewStartupIdForTimestamp(quint32 timestamp)
Creates and returns new startup id with timestamp as user timestamp part.
static bool sendChangeXcb(xcb_connection_t *conn, int screen, const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data)
Like sendChange , uses conn instead of QX11Info::connection() for sending the info.
void gotRemoveStartup(const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data)
Emitted when a startup notification is removed (either because it was detected that the application i...
void gotStartupChange(const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data)
Emitted when a startup notification changes.
void gotNewStartup(const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data)
Emitted when a new startup notification is created (i.e. a new application is being started).
static void setStartupId(const QByteArray &startup_id)
Sets a new value for the application startup notification window property for newly created toplevel ...
static bool sendFinish(const KStartupInfoId &id)
Ends startup notification with the given identification.
static bool sendFinishXcb(xcb_connection_t *conn, int screen, const KStartupInfoId &id)
Like sendFinish , uses conn instead of QX11Info::connection() for sending the info.
static QByteArray createNewStartupId()
Creates and returns new startup id.
QObject(QObject *parent)
virtual void customEvent(QEvent *event)
QObject * parent() const const
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Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:53:44 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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