
2 This file is part of the KDE libraries
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999 Matthias Ettrich <>
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Lubos Lunak <>
6 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
9 * kwindowinfo.h. Part of the KDE project.
10 */
15#include <QExplicitlySharedDataPointer>
16#include <QStringList>
17#include <QWidgetList> //For WId
18#include <kwindowsystem_export.h>
20#include <netwm_def.h>
22class KWindowInfoPrivate;
25 * This class provides information about a given X11 window. It provides the information
26 * for the current state when a KWindowInfo instance gets created.
27 * The instance does not get updated when the
28 * window changes. To get update about window changes connect to the
29 * @link KX11Extras::windowChanged windowChanged@endlink signal of KX11Extras
30 * and create a new KWindowInfo instance to reflect the current state.
31 *
32 * KWindowInfo does not encapsulate all information about the window. One needs to
33 * request which information is required by passing the appropriate NET::Property and
34 * NET::Property2 flags to the constructor. Please refer to the documentation of the
35 * methods to see which flags are required. This is done to limit the interaction with
36 * the xserver and avoid excess roundtrips.
37 *
38 * KWindowInfo does nothing when running outside of X11.
39 *
40 * Example usage of this class illustrated by monitoring a QWidget for change of the
41 * demands attention window state:
42 *
43 * @code
44 * QWidget *widget = new QWidget(nullptr);
45 * widget->show(); // ensures native window gets created
46 * connect(KX11Extras::self(), &KX11Extras::KWindowSystem::windowChanged,
47 * [window](WId id, NET::Properties properties, NET::Properties2 properties2) {
48 * if (widget->winId() != winId) {
49 * return; // not our window
50 * }
51 * if (properties & NET::WMState) {
52 * // let's check whether our window is demanding attention
53 * KWindowInfo info(widget->winId(), NET::WMState);
54 * qDebug() << "Has demands attention: " << info.hasState(NET::DemandsAttention);
55 * }
56 * });
57 * @endcode
58 */
62 /**
63 * Reads all the info about the given window.
64 *
65 * Only the information requested through the @p properties and @p properties2
66 * parameters are fetched. Refer to the methods you are interested in to see
67 * which flags to pass.
68 *
69 * @param window The platform specific window identifier
70 * @param properties Bitmask of NET::Property
71 * @param properties2 Bitmask of NET::Property2
72 */
73 KWindowInfo(WId window, NET::Properties properties, NET::Properties2 properties2 = NET::Properties2());
75 /**
76 * Returns false if this window info is not valid.
77 *
78 * In case the window does not exist @c false is returned.
79 *
80 * @param withdrawn_is_valid if true, windows in the withdrawn state
81 * (i.e. not managed) are also considered. This is usually not the case.
82 */
83 bool valid(bool withdrawn_is_valid = false) const;
84 /**
85 * Returns the window identifier.
86 */
87 WId win() const;
88 /**
89 * Returns the window's state flags.
90 *
91 * Requires NET::WMState passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
92 *
93 * @code
94 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
95 * window->show();
96 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMState);
97 * if (info.valid())
98 * info.state();
99 * @endcode
100 *
101 * @see NET::State
102 */
103 NET::States state() const;
104 /**
105 * Returns true if the window has the given state flag set.
106 *
107 * Requires NET::WMState passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
108 * @code
109 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
110 * window->show();
111 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMState);
112 * if (info.valid())
113 * info.hasState(NET::DemandsAttention);
114 * @endcode
115 *
116 * @see NET::State
117 */
118 bool hasState(NET::States s) const;
119 /**
120 * Returns true if the window is minimized.
121 *
122 * Note that it is true only if the window is truly minimized,
123 * not shaded or on another virtual desktops,
124 * which makes it different from mappingState() == NET::Iconic
125 * or QWidget::isMinimized().
126 * Requires NET::WMState and NET::XAWMState passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
127 *
128 * @code
129 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
130 * window->show();
131 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMState | NET::XAWMState);
132 * if (info.valid())
133 * info.isMinimized();
134 * @endcode
135 */
136 bool isMinimized() const;
137 /**
138 * Returns the mapping state of the window.
139 *
140 * Note that it's very likely that you don't want to use this function,
141 * and use isOnDesktop(), isMinimized() etc. instead.
142 * Requires NET::XAWMState passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
143 *
144 * @code
145 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
146 * window->show();
147 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::XAWMState);
148 * if (info.valid())
149 * info.mappingState();
150 * @endcode
151 *
152 * @see NET::MappingState
153 * @see isOnDesktop()
154 * @see isMinimzed()
155 */
157 /**
158 * Returns the window extended (partial) strut.
159 *
160 * Requires NET::WM2ExtendedStrut passed as properties2 parameter to the constructor.
161 *
162 * @code
163 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
164 * window->show();
165 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), 0, NET::WM2ExtendedStrut);
166 * if (info.valid())
167 * info.extendedStrut();
168 * @endcode
169 */
171 /**
172 * Returns the window type of this window.
173 *
174 * The argument should be all window types your application supports.
175 * Requires NET::WMWindowType passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
176 *
177 * @code
178 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
179 * window->show();
180 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMWindowType);
181 * if (info.valid())
182 * info.windowType(NET::NormalMask | NET::DialogMask);
183 * @endcode
184 *
185 * @see NET::WindowType
186 * @see NET::WindowTypeMask
187 */
188 NET::WindowType windowType(NET::WindowTypes supported_types) const;
189 /**
190 * Returns the visible name of the window.
191 *
192 * The visible name differs from the name by including possible <2> appended
193 * when there are two or more windows with the same name.
194 * Requires NET::WMVisibleName passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
195 *
196 * @code
197 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
198 * window->show();
199 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMVisibleName);
200 * if (info.valid())
201 * info.visibleName();
202 * @endcode
203 *
204 * @see name()
205 */
206 QString visibleName() const;
207 /**
208 * Returns a visible name with state.
209 *
210 * This is a simple convenience function that returns the
211 * visible name but with parentheses around minimized windows.
212 * Requires NET::WMVisibleName, NET::WMState and NET::XAWMState passed
213 * as properties parameter to the constructor.
214 * @return the window name with state
215 *
216 * @code
217 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
218 * window->show();
219 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMVisibleName | NET::WMState | NET::XAWMState);
220 * if (info.valid())
221 * info.visibleNameWithState();
222 * @endcode
223 *
224 * @see visibleName()
225 */
227 /**
228 * Returns the name of the window, as specified by the application.
229 *
230 * The difference to visibleName() is that this is the name provided by
231 * the application without any modifications by the window manager.
232 * You should often use visibleName() instead.
233 * Requires NET::WMName passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
234 *
235 * @code
236 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
237 * window->show();
238 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMName);
239 * if (info.valid())
240 *;
241 * @endcode
242 *
243 * @see visibleName()
244 */
245 QString name() const;
246 /**
247 * Returns the visible name of the window that should be shown in a taskbar.
248 *
249 * Note that this has nothing to do with normal icons but with an "iconic"
250 * representation of the window.
251 * Requires NET::WMVisibleIconName passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
252 *
253 * @code
254 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
255 * window->show();
256 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMVisibleIconName);
257 * if (info.valid())
258 * info.visibleIconName();
259 * @endcode
260 */
261 QString visibleIconName() const;
262 /**
263 * Returns a visible icon name with state.
264 *
265 * This is a simple convenience function that returns the
266 * visible iconic name but with parentheses around minimized windows.
267 * Note that this has nothing to do with normal icons.
268 * Requires NET::WMVisibleIconName, NET::WMState and NET::XAWMState passed
269 * as properties parameter to the constructor.
270 * @return the window iconic name with state
271 *
272 * @code
273 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
274 * window->show();
275 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMVisibleIconName | NET::WMState | NET::XAWMState);
276 * if (info.valid())
277 * info.visibleIconNameWithState();
278 * @endcode
279 *
280 * @see visibleIconName()
281 */
283 /**
284 * Returns the name of the window that should be shown in taskbar.
285 *
286 * Note that this has nothing to do with normal icons but with an "iconic"
287 * representation of the window.
288 * Requires NET::WMIconName passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
289 *
290 * @code
291 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
292 * window->show();
293 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMIconName);
294 * if (info.valid())
295 * info.iconName();
296 * @endcode
297 */
298 QString iconName() const;
299 /**
300 * Returns true if the window is on the currently active virtual desktop.
301 *
302 * Requires NET::WMDesktop passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
303 *
304 * @code
305 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
306 * window->show();
307 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMDesktop);
308 * if (info.valid())
309 * info.isOnCurrentDesktop();
310 * @endcode
311 */
312 bool isOnCurrentDesktop() const;
313 /**
314 * Returns true if the window is on the given virtual desktop.
315 *
316 * Requires NET::WMDesktop passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
317 *
318 * @code
319 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
320 * window->show();
321 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMDesktop);
322 * if (info.valid())
323 * info.isOnDesktop(KWindowSystem::currentDesktop());
324 * @endcode
325 */
326 bool isOnDesktop(int desktop) const;
327 /**
328 * Returns true if the window is on all desktops.
329 *
330 * A window is on all desktops if desktop() returns NET::OnAllDesktops.
331 * Requires NET::WMDesktop passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
332 *
333 * @code
334 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
335 * window->show();
336 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMDesktop);
337 * if (info.valid())
338 * info.onAllDesktops();
339 * @endcode
340 *
341 * @see desktop()
342 */
343 bool onAllDesktops() const;
344 /**
345 * Returns the virtual desktop this window is on.
346 *
347 * If the window is on all desktops NET::OnAllDesktops is returned.
348 * You should prefer using isOnDesktop().
349 * Requires NET::WMDesktop passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
350 *
351 * @code
352 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
353 * window->show();
354 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMDesktop);
355 * if (info.valid())
356 * info.desktop();
357 * @endcode
358 *
359 * @see isOnDesktop()
360 */
361 int desktop() const;
362 /**
363 * Returns the list of activity UUIDs this window belongs to.
364 *
365 * The Plasma workspace allows the user to separate her work into
366 * different activities, by assigning windows, documents etc. to
367 * the specific ones. An activity is an abstract concept whose meaning
368 * can differ from one user to another. Typical examples of activities
369 * are "developing a KDE project", "studying the 19th century art",
370 * "composing music", "lazing on a Sunday afternoon" etc.
371 *
372 * If the list is empty, or contains a null UUID, the window is on
373 * all activities.
374 *
375 * Requires NET::WM2Activities passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
376 *
377 * @code
378 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
379 * window->show();
380 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), 0, NET::WM2Activities);
381 * if (info.valid())
382 * info.desktop();
383 * @endcode
384 *
385 * @note Activities are only supported on Plasma Workspace on X11
386 *
387 * @since 5.0
388 */
389 QStringList activities() const;
390 /**
391 * Returns the position and size of the window contents.
392 *
393 * Requires NET::WMGeometry passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
394 *
395 * @code
396 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
397 * window->show();
398 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMGeometry);
399 * if (info.valid())
400 * info.geometry();
401 * @endcode
402 */
403 QRect geometry() const;
404 /**
405 * Returns the frame geometry of the window, i.e. including the window decoration.
406 *
407 * Requires NET::WMFrameExtents passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
408 *
409 * @code
410 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
411 * window->show();
412 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMFrameExtents);
413 * if (info.valid())
414 * info.frameGeometry();
415 * @endcode
416 */
417 QRect frameGeometry() const;
418 /**
419 * Returns the window identifier of the main window this window belongs to.
420 *
421 * This is the value of the WM_TRANSIENT_FOR X11 property.
422 *
423 * Requires NET::WM2TransientFor passed as properties2 parameter to the constructor.
424 *
425 * @code
426 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
427 * window->show();
428 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), 0, NET::WM2TransientFor);
429 * if (info.valid())
430 * info.transientFor();
431 * @endcode
432 */
433 WId transientFor() const;
434 /**
435 * Returns the leader window for the group the window is in, if any.
436 *
437 * Requires NET::WM2GroupLeader passed as properties2 parameter to the constructor.
438 *
439 * @code
440 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
441 * window->show();
442 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), 0, NET::WM2GroupLeader);
443 * if (info.valid())
444 * info.groupLeader();
445 * @endcode
446 */
447 WId groupLeader() const;
449 /**
450 * Returns the class component of the WM_CLASS X11 property for the window.
451 *
452 * Requires NET::WM2WindowClass passed as properties2 parameter to the constructor.
453 *
454 * @code
455 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
456 * window->show();
457 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), 0, NET::WM2WindowClass);
458 * if (info.valid())
459 * info.windowClassClass();
460 * @endcode
461 */
464 /**
465 * Returns the name component of the WM_CLASS X11 property for the window.
466 *
467 * Requires NET::WM2WindowClass passed as properties2 parameter to the constructor.
468 *
469 * @code
470 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
471 * window->show();
472 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), 0, NET::WM2WindowClass);
473 * if (info.valid())
474 * info.windowClassName();
475 * @endcode
476 */
479 /**
480 * Returns the WM_WINDOW_ROLE X11 property for the window.
481 *
482 * Requires NET::WM2WindowRole passed as properties2 parameter to the constructor.
483 *
484 * @code
485 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
486 * window->show();
487 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), 0, NET::WM2WindowRole);
488 * if (info.valid())
489 * info.windowRole();
490 * @endcode
491 */
492 QByteArray windowRole() const;
494 /**
495 * Returns the WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property for the window.
496 *
497 * Requires NET::WM2ClientMachine passed as properties2 parameter to the constructor.
498 *
499 * @code
500 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
501 * window->show();
502 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), 0, NET::WM2ClientMachine);
503 * if (info.valid())
504 * info.clientMachine();
505 * @endcode
506 */
509 /**
510 * Returns true if the given action is currently supported for the window.
511 *
512 * The supported actions are set by the window manager and
513 * can differ depending on the window manager.
514 * Requires NET::WM2AllowedActions passed as properties2 parameter to the constructor.
515 *
516 * @code
517 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
518 * window->show();
519 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), 0, NET::WM2AllowedActions);
520 * if (info.valid())
521 * info.actionSupported(NET::ActionClose);
522 * @endcode
523 */
524 bool actionSupported(NET::Action action) const;
526 /**
527 * Returns the desktop file name of the window's application if present.
528 *
529 * This is either the base name without full path and without file extension of the
530 * desktop file for the window's application (e.g. "").
531 *
532 * If the application's desktop file name is not at a standard location it should be
533 * the full path to the desktop file name (e.g. "/opt/kde/share/").
534 *
535 * Requires NET::WM2DesktopFileName passed as properties2 parameter to the constructor.
536 *
537 * @code
538 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
539 * window->show();
540 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), 0, NET::WM2DesktopFileName);
541 * if (info.valid())
542 * info.desktopFileName();
543 * @endcode
544 *
545 * @since 5.29
546 **/
549 /**
550 * Returns the GTK application id of the window if present.
551 *
552 * This is comparable to desktopFileName.
553 *
554 * Requires NET::WM2GTKApplicationId passed as properties2 parameter to the constructor.
555 *
556 * @code
557 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
558 * window->show();
559 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), 0, NET::WM2GTKApplicationId);
560 * if (info.valid())
561 * info.gtkApplicationId();
562 * @endcode
563 *
564 * @since 5.91
565 **/
568 /**
569 * Returns the process ID of the window's application if present.
570 *
571 * Requires NET::WMPid passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
572 *
573 * @code
574 * QWidget *window = new QWidget(nullptr);
575 * window->show();
576 * KWindowInfo info(window->winId(), NET::WMPid);
577 * if (info.valid())
578 *;
579 * @endcode
580 *
581 * @since 5.29
582 */
583 int pid() const;
585 /**
586 * Returns service name of a window's application menu if present.
587 *
588 * Requires NET::WMPid passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
589 *
590 * @since 5.69
591 */
594 /**
595 * Returns object path of a window's application menu if present.
596 *
597 * Requires NET::WMPid passed as properties parameter to the constructor.
598 *
599 * @since 5.69
600 */
603 /**
604 * Copy constructor.
605 */
606 KWindowInfo(const KWindowInfo &);
607 /**
608 * Assignment operator.
609 */
613 bool KWINDOWSYSTEM_NO_EXPORT icccmCompliantMappingState() const;
614 bool KWINDOWSYSTEM_NO_EXPORT allowedActionsSupported() const;
619#endif // multiple inclusion guard
QString iconName() const
Returns the name of the window that should be shown in taskbar.
NETExtendedStrut extendedStrut() const
Returns the window extended (partial) strut.
bool isMinimized() const
Returns true if the window is minimized.
int pid() const
Returns the process ID of the window's application if present.
QString visibleName() const
Returns the visible name of the window.
bool valid(bool withdrawn_is_valid=false) const
Returns false if this window info is not valid.
bool actionSupported(NET::Action action) const
Returns true if the given action is currently supported for the window.
QByteArray gtkApplicationId() const
Returns the GTK application id of the window if present.
QByteArray windowClassName() const
Returns the name component of the WM_CLASS X11 property for the window.
QByteArray windowRole() const
Returns the WM_WINDOW_ROLE X11 property for the window.
QString visibleIconNameWithState() const
Returns a visible icon name with state.
bool isOnCurrentDesktop() const
Returns true if the window is on the currently active virtual desktop.
QString visibleNameWithState() const
Returns a visible name with state.
NET::States state() const
Returns the window's state flags.
bool isOnDesktop(int desktop) const
Returns true if the window is on the given virtual desktop.
WId win() const
Returns the window identifier.
bool hasState(NET::States s) const
Returns true if the window has the given state flag set.
WId transientFor() const
Returns the window identifier of the main window this window belongs to.
QByteArray applicationMenuServiceName() const
Returns service name of a window's application menu if present.
KWindowInfo & operator=(const KWindowInfo &)
Assignment operator.
QString visibleIconName() const
Returns the visible name of the window that should be shown in a taskbar.
WId groupLeader() const
Returns the leader window for the group the window is in, if any.
bool onAllDesktops() const
Returns true if the window is on all desktops.
QRect geometry() const
Returns the position and size of the window contents.
NET::WindowType windowType(NET::WindowTypes supported_types) const
Returns the window type of this window.
QByteArray desktopFileName() const
Returns the desktop file name of the window's application if present.
int desktop() const
Returns the virtual desktop this window is on.
KWindowInfo(WId window, NET::Properties properties, NET::Properties2 properties2=NET::Properties2())
Reads all the info about the given window.
QByteArray windowClassClass() const
Returns the class component of the WM_CLASS X11 property for the window.
NET::MappingState mappingState() const
Returns the mapping state of the window.
QRect frameGeometry() const
Returns the frame geometry of the window, i.e.
QStringList activities() const
Returns the list of activity UUIDs this window belongs to.
QByteArray clientMachine() const
Returns the WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property for the window.
QString name() const
Returns the name of the window, as specified by the application.
QByteArray applicationMenuObjectPath() const
Returns object path of a window's application menu if present.
QFlags< WindowTypeMask > WindowTypes
Stores a combination of WindowTypeMask values.
Definition netwm_def.h:478
Window type.
Definition netwm_def.h:357
QFlags< Property > Properties
Stores a combination of Property values.
Definition netwm_def.h:750
QFlags< State > States
Stores a combination of State values.
Definition netwm_def.h:581
QFlags< Property2 > Properties2
Stores a combination of Property2 values.
Definition netwm_def.h:827
Actions that can be done with a window (_NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS).
Definition netwm_def.h:644
Client window mapping state.
Definition netwm_def.h:623
Partial strut class for NET classes.
Definition netwm_def.h:180
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:53:44 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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