
2 This file is part of the KDE libraries
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999 Matthias Ettrich <>
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Lubos Lunak <>
6 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
9#ifndef KX11EXTRAS_H
10#define KX11EXTRAS_H
12#include <QObject>
13#include <QWindow>
15#include <kwindowsystem_export.h>
17#include "netwm_def.h"
19class NETWinInfo;
20class NETEventFilter;
23 * A collection of functions to obtain information from and manipulate
24 * X11 windows. These are generally not applicable to other window systems
25 *
26 * @since 5.101
27 */
28class KWINDOWSYSTEM_EXPORT KX11Extras : public QObject
32 /**
33 * @brief Whether desktop compositing is active
34 */
38 static KX11Extras *self();
40 /**
41 * Returns the list of all toplevel windows currently managed by the
42 * window manager in the order of creation. Please do not rely on
43 * indexes of this list: Whenever you enter Qt's event loop in your
44 * application, it may happen that entries are removed or added.
45 * Your module should perhaps work on a copy of this list and verify a
46 * window with hasWId() before any operations.
47 *
48 * Iteration over this list can be done easily with
49 * \code
50 * QList<WId> windows = KWindowSystem::windows();
51 * for (auto it = windows.cbegin(), end = windows.cend(); it != end; ++it) {
52 * ... do something here, (*it) is the current WId.
53 * }
54 * \endcode
55 * @return the list of all toplevel windows
56 */
57 static QList<WId> windows();
59 /**
60 * Test to see if @p id still managed at present.
61 * @param id the window id to test
62 * @return true if the window id is still managed
63 **/
64 static bool hasWId(WId id);
66 /**
67 * Returns the list of all toplevel windows currently managed by the
68 * window manager in the current stacking order (from lower to
69 * higher). May be useful for pagers.
70 * @return the list of all toplevel windows in stacking order
71 */
74 /**
75 * Returns the currently active window, or 0 if no window is active.
76 * @return the window id of the active window, or 0 if no window is
77 * active
78 **/
79 static WId activeWindow();
81 /**
82 * Requests that window @p win is activated.
83 *
84 * There are two ways how to activate a window, by calling
85 * activateWindow() and forceActiveWindow(). Generally,
86 * applications shouldn't make attempts to explicitly activate
87 * their windows, and instead let the user to activate them.
88 * In the special cases where this may be needed, applications
89 * should use activateWindow(). Window manager may consider whether
90 * this request wouldn't result in focus stealing, which
91 * would be obtrusive, and may refuse the request.
92 *
93 * The usage of forceActiveWindow() is meant only for pagers
94 * and similar tools, which represent direct user actions
95 * related to window manipulation.
96 * Except for rare cases, this request will be always honored,
97 * and normal applications are forbidden to use it.
98 *
99 * In case of problems, consult the KWin README in the kdebase
100 * package (kdebase/kwin/README), or ask on the
101 * mailing list.
102 *
103 * @param win the id of the window to make active
104 * @param time X server timestamp of the user activity that
105 * caused this request
106 */
107 static void activateWindow(WId win, long time = 0);
109 /**
110 * Sets window @p win to be the active window. Note that this
111 * should be called only in special cases, applications
112 * shouldn't force themselves or other windows to be the active
113 * window. Generally, this call should used only by pagers
114 * and similar tools. See the explanation in description
115 * of activateWindow().
116 *
117 * @param win the id of the window to make active
118 * @param time X server timestamp of the user activity that
119 * caused this request
120 */
121 static void forceActiveWindow(WId win, long time = 0);
123 /**
124 * Sets window @p win to be the active window. Note that this
125 * should be called only in special cases, applications
126 * shouldn't force themselves or other windows to be the active
127 * window. Generally, this call should used only by pagers
128 * and similar tools. See the explanation in the description
129 * of activateWindow().
130 *
131 * @param win the window to make active
132 * @param time X server timestamp of the user activity that
133 * caused this request
134 * @since 6.0
135 */
136 Q_INVOKABLE static void forceActiveWindow(QWindow *window, long time = 0);
138 /**
139 * Returns true if a compositing manager is running (i.e. ARGB windows
140 * are supported, effects will be provided, etc.).
141 */
142 static bool compositingActive();
144 /**
145 * Returns the current virtual desktop.
146 * @return the current virtual desktop
147 **/
148 static int currentDesktop();
150 /**
151 * Returns the number of virtual desktops.
152 * @return the number of virtual desktops
153 **/
154 static int numberOfDesktops();
156 /**
157 * Convenience function to set the current desktop to @p desktop.
158 * See NETRootInfo.
159 * @param desktop the number of the new desktop
160 */
161 static void setCurrentDesktop(int desktop);
163 /**
164 * Sets window @p win to be present on all virtual desktops if @p
165 * is true. Otherwise the window lives only on one single desktop.
166 *
167 * @param win the id of the window
168 * @param b true to show the window on all desktops, false
169 * otherwise
170 */
171 static void setOnAllDesktops(WId win, bool b);
173 /**
174 * Moves window @p win to desktop @p desktop.
175 *
176 * @param win the id of the window
177 * @param desktop the number of the new desktop
178 */
179 static void setOnDesktop(WId win, int desktop);
181 /**
182 * Moves window @p win to activities @p activities.
183 *
184 * @param win the id of the window
185 * @param activities the list of activity UUIDs
186 *
187 * @see KWindowInfo::activities
188 */
189 static void setOnActivities(WId win, const QStringList &activities);
191 /**
192 * Returns an icon for window @p win.
193 *
194 * If @p width and @p height are specified, the best icon for the requested
195 * size is returned.
196 *
197 * If @p scale is true, the icon is smooth-scaled to have exactly
198 * the requested size.
199 *
200 * @param win the id of the window
201 * @param width the desired width, or -1
202 * @param height the desired height, or -1
203 * @param scale if true the icon will be scaled to the desired size. Otherwise the
204 * icon will not be modified.
205 * @return the icon of the window
206 */
207 static QPixmap icon(WId win, int width = -1, int height = -1, bool scale = false);
209 /**
210 * Masks specifying from which sources to read an icon. They are tried from the best
211 * until an icon is found.
212 * @li NETWM from property from the window manager specification
213 * @li WMHints from WMHints property
214 * @li ClassHint load icon after getting name from the classhint
215 * @li XApp load the standard X icon (last fallback)
216 */
218 NETWM = 1, //!< read from property from the window manager specification
219 WMHints = 2, //!< read from WMHints property
220 ClassHint = 4, //!< load icon after getting name from the classhint
221 XApp = 8, //!< load the standard X icon (last fallback)
222 };
223 /**
224 * @overload
225 *
226 * Overloaded variant that allows specifying from which sources the icon should be read.
227 * You should usually prefer the simpler variant which tries all possibilities to get
228 * an icon.
229 *
230 * @param win the id of the window
231 * @param width the desired width, or -1
232 * @param height the desired height, or -1
233 * @param scale if true the icon will be scaled to the desired size. Otherwise the
234 * icon will not be modified.
235 * @param flags OR-ed flags from the IconSource enum
236 */
237 static QPixmap icon(WId win, int width, int height, bool scale, int flags);
239 /**
240 * @overload
241 *
242 * Overloaded variant that allows passing in the NETWinInfo to use for reading the
243 * information. This variant is only useful on the X11 platform, other platforms do not
244 * use NETWinInfo and delegate to the variant without NETWinInfo. Though if compiled with
245 * X11 support the X11 variant is used on other platforms if info is not @c nullptr.
246 * This can be used by applications using e.g. platform wayland but also connecting to an
247 * XServer.
248 *
249 * The NETWinInfo must be constructed with property NET::WMIcon in order to use the
250 * IconSource flag NETWM. NET::WM2IconPixmap for IconSource flag WMHints and
251 * NET::WM2WindowClass for IconSource flag ClassHint.
252 *
253 * @param win the id of the window
254 * @param width the desired width, or -1
255 * @param height the desired height, or -1
256 * @param scale if true the icon will be scaled to the desired size. Otherwise the
257 * icon will not be modified.
258 * @param flags OR-ed flags from the IconSource enum
259 * @param into the NETWinInfo to use for reading properties.
260 **/
261 static QPixmap icon(WId win, int width, int height, bool scale, int flags, NETWinInfo *info);
263 /**
264 * Minimizes the window with id @p win.
265 * On X11 this follows the protocol described in ICCCM section 4.1.4.
266 *
267 * @param win The window to minimize
268 * @see unminimizeWindow()
269 */
270 static void minimizeWindow(WId win);
271 /**
272 * Unminimizes the window with id @p win.
273 * On X11 this follows the protocol described in ICCCM section 4.1.4.
274 *
275 * @param win The window to unminimize
276 * @see minimizeWindow()
277 **/
278 static void unminimizeWindow(WId win);
280 /**
281 * Returns the workarea for the specified desktop, or the current
282 * work area if no desktop has been specified.
283 * @param desktop the number of the desktop to check, -1 for the
284 * current desktop
285 * @return the size and position of the desktop
286 **/
287 static QRect workArea(int desktop = -1);
289 /**
290 * Returns the workarea for the specified desktop, or the current
291 * work area if no desktop has been specified. Excludes struts of
292 * clients in the exclude List.
293 *
294 * @param excludes the list of clients whose struts will be excluded
295 * @param desktop the number of the desktop to check, -1 for the
296 * current desktop
297 * @return the size and position of the desktop
298 **/
299 static QRect workArea(const QList<WId> &excludes, int desktop = -1);
301 /**
302 * Returns the name of the specified desktop.
303 * @param desktop the number of the desktop
304 * @return the name of the desktop
305 **/
306 static QString desktopName(int desktop);
308 /**
309 * Sets the name of the specified desktop.
310 * @param desktop the number of the desktop
311 * @param name the new name for the desktop
312 **/
313 static void setDesktopName(int desktop, const QString &name);
315 /**
316 * Function that reads and returns the contents of the given text
317 * property (WM_NAME, WM_ICON_NAME,...).
318 */
319 static QString readNameProperty(WId window, unsigned long atom);
321 /**
322 * Returns true if viewports are mapped to virtual desktops.
323 */
324 static bool mapViewport();
326 /**
327 * Sets the strut of window @p win to @p left_width
328 * ranging from @p left_start to @p left_end on the left edge,
329 * and simiarly for the other edges. For not reserving a strut, pass 0 as the width.
330 * E.g. to reserve 10x10 square in the topleft corner, use e.g.
331 * setExtendedStrut( w, 10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ).
332 *
333 * @param win the id of the window
334 * @param left_width width of the strut at the left edge
335 * @param left_start starting y coordinate of the strut at the left edge
336 * @param left_end ending y coordinate of the strut at the left edge
337 * @param right_width width of the strut at the right edge
338 * @param right_start starting y coordinate of the strut at the right edge
339 * @param right_end ending y coordinate of the strut at the right edge
340 * @param top_width width of the strut at the top edge
341 * @param top_start starting x coordinate of the strut at the top edge
342 * @param top_end ending x coordinate of the strut at the top edge
343 * @param bottom_width width of the strut at the bottom edge
344 * @param bottom_start starting x coordinate of the strut at the bottom edge
345 * @param bottom_end ending x coordinate of the strut at the bottom edge
346 */
347 static void setExtendedStrut(WId win,
348 qreal left_width,
349 qreal left_start,
350 qreal left_end,
351 qreal right_width,
352 qreal right_start,
353 qreal right_end,
354 qreal top_width,
355 qreal top_start,
356 qreal top_end,
357 qreal bottom_width,
358 qreal bottom_start,
359 qreal bottom_end);
360 /**
361 * Convenience function for setExtendedStrut() that automatically makes struts
362 * as wide/high as the screen width/height.
363 * Sets the strut of window @p win to @p left, @p right, @p top, @p bottom.
364 *
365 * @param win the id of the window
366 * @param left the left strut
367 * @param right the right strut
368 * @param top the top strut
369 * @param bottom the bottom strut
370 */
371 static void setStrut(WId win, qreal left, qreal right, qreal top, qreal bottom);
373 /**
374 * Sets the type of window @p win to @p windowType.
375 *
376 * @param win the id of the window
377 * @param windowType the type of the window (see NET::WindowType)
378 *
379 * @since 6.0
380 */
381 static void setType(WId win, NET::WindowType windowType);
383 /**
384 * Clears the state of window @p win from @p state.
385 *
386 * Possible values are or'ed combinations of NET::Modal,
387 * NET::Sticky, NET::MaxVert, NET::MaxHoriz, NET::Shaded,
388 * NET::SkipTaskbar, NET::SkipPager, NET::Hidden,
389 * NET::FullScreen, NET::KeepAbove, NET::KeepBelow,
390 * NET::SkipSwitcher
391 *
392 * @param win the id of the window
393 * @param state the flags that will be cleared
394 *
395 * @since 6.0
396 */
397 static void clearState(WId win, NET::States state);
399 /**
400 * Sets the state of window @p win to @p state.
401 *
402 * Possible values are or'ed combinations of NET::Modal,
403 * NET::Sticky, NET::MaxVert, NET::MaxHoriz, NET::Shaded,
404 * NET::SkipTaskbar, NET::SkipPager, NET::Hidden,
405 * NET::FullScreen, NET::KeepAbove, NET::KeepBelow,
406 * NET::SkipSwitcher
407 *
408 * @param win the id of the window
409 * @param state the new flags that will be set
410 *
411 * @since 6.0
412 */
413 static void setState(WId win, NET::States state);
417 /**
418 * Switched to another virtual desktop.
419 * @param desktop the number of the new desktop
420 */
421 void currentDesktopChanged(int desktop);
423 /**
424 * A window has been added.
425 * @param id the id of the window
426 */
427 void windowAdded(WId id);
429 /**
430 * A window has been removed.
431 * @param id the id of the window that has been removed
432 */
433 void windowRemoved(WId id);
435 /**
436 * Hint that <Window> is active (= has focus) now.
437 * @param id the id of the window that is active
438 */
441 /**
442 * Desktops have been renamed.
443 */
446 /**
447 * The number of desktops changed.
448 * @param num the new number of desktops
449 */
452 /**
453 * The workarea has changed.
454 */
457 /**
458 * Something changed with the struts, may or may not have changed
459 * the work area. Usually just using the workAreaChanged() signal
460 * is sufficient.
461 */
464 /**
465 * Emitted when the stacking order of the window changed. The new order
466 * can be obtained with stackingOrder().
467 */
470 /**
471 * The window changed.
472 *
473 * Carries the NET::Properties and NET::Properties2 that were changed.
474 *
475 * @param id the id of the window
476 * @param properties the properties that were modified
477 * @param properties2 the properties2 that were modified
478 */
479 void windowChanged(WId id, NET::Properties properties, NET::Properties2 properties2);
481 /**
482 * Compositing was enabled or disabled.
483 *
484 * Note that this signal may be emitted before any compositing plugins
485 * have been initialized in the window manager.
486 *
487 * If you need to check if a specific compositing plugin such as the
488 * blur effect is enabled, you should track that separately rather
489 * than test for it in a slot connected to this signal.
490 */
491 void compositingChanged(bool enabled);
494 void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) override;
497 friend class KWindowInfo;
498 friend class KWindowSystemPrivateX11;
499 friend class NETEventFilter;
500 friend class MainThreadInstantiator;
502 enum FilterInfo {
503 INFO_BASIC = 1, // desktop info, not per-window
504 INFO_WINDOWS = 2, // also per-window info
505 };
507 KWINDOWSYSTEM_NO_EXPORT void init(FilterInfo info);
508 KWINDOWSYSTEM_NO_EXPORT QPoint desktopToViewport(int desktop, bool absolute);
509 KWINDOWSYSTEM_NO_EXPORT int viewportToDesktop(const QPoint &pos);
511 KWINDOWSYSTEM_NO_EXPORT QPoint constrainViewportRelativePosition(const QPoint &pos);
513 // used in xcb/kwindowsystem.cpp
514 static bool showingDesktop();
515 static void setShowingDesktop(bool showing);
517 /**
518 * @internal
519 * Returns mapped virtual desktop for the given window geometry.
520 */
521 KWINDOWSYSTEM_NO_EXPORT static int viewportWindowToDesktop(const QRect &r);
523 KWINDOWSYSTEM_NO_EXPORT NETEventFilter *s_d_func()
524 {
525 return d.get();
526 }
527 std::unique_ptr<NETEventFilter> d;
A collection of functions to obtain information from and manipulate X11 windows.
Definition kx11extras.h:29
static bool compositingActive()
Returns true if a compositing manager is running (i.e.
static void setOnAllDesktops(WId win, bool b)
Sets window win to be present on all virtual desktops if is true.
static bool hasWId(WId id)
Test to see if id still managed at present.
static QPixmap icon(WId win, int width=-1, int height=-1, bool scale=false)
Returns an icon for window win.
bool compositingActive
Whether desktop compositing is active.
Definition kx11extras.h:35
static void forceActiveWindow(WId win, long time=0)
Sets window win to be the active window.
void windowChanged(WId id, NET::Properties properties, NET::Properties2 properties2)
The window changed.
void activeWindowChanged(WId id)
Hint that <Window> is active (= has focus) now.
void numberOfDesktopsChanged(int num)
The number of desktops changed.
static int currentDesktop()
Returns the current virtual desktop.
static int numberOfDesktops()
Returns the number of virtual desktops.
static void setCurrentDesktop(int desktop)
Convenience function to set the current desktop to desktop.
Masks specifying from which sources to read an icon.
Definition kx11extras.h:217
read from property from the window manager specification
Definition kx11extras.h:218
@ WMHints
read from WMHints property
Definition kx11extras.h:219
@ ClassHint
load icon after getting name from the classhint
Definition kx11extras.h:220
@ XApp
load the standard X icon (last fallback)
Definition kx11extras.h:221
static QList< WId > stackingOrder()
Returns the list of all toplevel windows currently managed by the window manager in the current stack...
static WId activeWindow()
Returns the currently active window, or 0 if no window is active.
void windowRemoved(WId id)
A window has been removed.
void strutChanged()
Something changed with the struts, may or may not have changed the work area.
static QList< WId > windows()
Returns the list of all toplevel windows currently managed by the window manager in the order of crea...
void desktopNamesChanged()
Desktops have been renamed.
static void activateWindow(WId win, long time=0)
Requests that window win is activated.
static void setOnActivities(WId win, const QStringList &activities)
Moves window win to activities activities.
void stackingOrderChanged()
Emitted when the stacking order of the window changed.
void windowAdded(WId id)
A window has been added.
void compositingChanged(bool enabled)
Compositing was enabled or disabled.
void workAreaChanged()
The workarea has changed.
void currentDesktopChanged(int desktop)
Switched to another virtual desktop.
static void setOnDesktop(WId win, int desktop)
Moves window win to desktop desktop.
Common API for application window properties/protocols.
Definition netwm.h:967
Window type.
Definition netwm_def.h:357
QFlags< Property > Properties
Stores a combination of Property values.
Definition netwm_def.h:750
QFlags< State > States
Stores a combination of State values.
Definition netwm_def.h:581
QFlags< Property2 > Properties2
Stores a combination of Property2 values.
Definition netwm_def.h:827
QObject(QObject *parent)
virtual void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:53:44 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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