
2 This file is part of the KDE Libraries
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999-2000 Espen Sand <espen@kde.org>
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
8#ifndef KHELPMENU_H
9#define KHELPMENU_H
11#include <kxmlgui_export.h>
13#include <QObject>
14#include <QString>
16class QMenu;
17class QWidget;
18class QAction;
20class KAboutData;
21class KHelpMenuPrivate;
24 * @class KHelpMenu khelpmenu.h KHelpMenu
25 *
26 * @short Standard %KDE help menu with dialog boxes.
27 *
28 * This class provides the standard %KDE help menu with the default "about"
29 * dialog boxes and help entry.
30 *
31 * This class is used in KMainWindow so
32 * normally you don't need to use this class yourself. However, if you
33 * need the help menu or any of its dialog boxes in your code that is
34 * not subclassed from KMainWindow you should use this class.
35 *
36 * The usage is simple:
37 *
38 * \code
39 * mHelpMenu = new KHelpMenu( this );
40 * kmenubar->addMenu(mHelpMenu->menu() );
41 * \endcode
42 *
43 * or if you just want to open a dialog box:
44 *
45 * \code
46 * mHelpMenu = new KHelpMenu( this );
47 * connect(this, &ClassFoo::someSignal, mHelpMenu, &KHelpMenu::aboutKDE);
48 * \endcode
49 *
51 * The first time you use KHelpMenu::menu(), a QMenu object is
52 * allocated. Only one object is created by the class so if you call
53 * KHelpMenu::menu() twice or more, the same pointer is returned. The class
54 * will destroy the popupmenu in the destructor so do not delete this
55 * pointer yourself.
56 *
57 * The KHelpMenu object will be deleted when its parent is destroyed but you
58 * can delete it yourself if you want. The code below will always work.
59 *
60 * \code
61 * MyClass::~MyClass()
62 * {
63 * delete mHelpMenu;
64 * }
65 * \endcode
66 *
67 *
68 * Using your own "about application" dialog box:
69 *
70 * The standard "about application" dialog box is quite simple. If you
71 * need a dialog box with more functionality you must design that one
72 * yourself. When you want to display the dialog, you simply need to
73 * connect the help menu signal showAboutApplication() to your slot.
74 *
75 * \code
76 * void MyClass::myFunc()
77 * {
78 * ..
79 * KHelpMenu *helpMenu = new KHelpMenu( this );
80 * connect(helpMenu, &KHelpMenu::showAboutApplication, this, &ClassFoo:myDialogSlot);
81 * ..
82 * }
83 *
84 * void MyClass::myDialogSlot()
85 * {
86 * <activate your custom dialog>
87 * }
88 * \endcode
89 *
90 * \image html khelpmenu.png "KHelpMenu"
91 *
92 * KHelpMenu respects Kiosk settings (see the KAuthorized namespace in the
93 * KConfig framework). In particular, system administrators can disable items
94 * on this menu using some subset of the following configuration:
95 * @verbatim
96 [KDE Action Restrictions][$i]
97 actions/help_contents=false
98 actions/help_whats_this=false
99 actions/help_report_bug=false
100 actions/switch_application_language=false
101 actions/help_about_app=false
102 actions/help_about_kde=false
103 @endverbatim
104 *
105 * @author Espen Sand (espen@kde.org)
106 */
108class KXMLGUI_EXPORT KHelpMenu : public QObject
114 /**
115 * Constructor.
116 *
117 * @param parent The parent of the dialog boxes. The boxes are modeless
118 * and will be centered with respect to the parent.
119 * @param unused This value is unused.
120 * @param showWhatsThis Decides whether a "What's this" entry will be
121 * added to the dialog.
122 *
123 * @deprecated Since 6.9, use one of the other constructors
124 */
125 KXMLGUI_DEPRECATED_VERSION(6, 9, "Use one of the other constructors")
126 explicit KHelpMenu(QWidget *parent, const QString &unused, bool showWhatsThis = true);
129 /**
130 * Creates a KHelpMenu with the default app data (KAboutData::applicationData()).
131 *
132 * @param parent The parent of the dialog boxes. The boxes are modeless
133 * and will be centered with respect to the parent.
134 *
135 * @since 6.9
136 */
137 explicit KHelpMenu(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
140 /**
141 * Constructor.
142 *
143 * This alternative constructor is mainly useful if you want to
144 * override the standard actions (aboutApplication(), aboutKDE(),
145 * helpContents(), reportBug, and optionally whatsThis).
146 *
147 * @param parent The parent of the dialog boxes. The boxes are modeless
148 * and will be centered with respect to the parent.
149 * @param aboutData User and app data used in the About app dialog
150 * @param showWhatsThis Decides whether a "What's this" entry will be
151 * added to the dialog.
152 *
153 * @deprecated Since 6.9, use one of the other constructors
154 */
155 KXMLGUI_DEPRECATED_VERSION(6, 9, "Use one of the other constructors")
156 KHelpMenu(QWidget *parent, const KAboutData &aboutData, bool showWhatsThis);
159 /**
160 * Creates a KHelpMenu with app data @p aboutData.
161 *
162 * This constructor is useful if you want to use the help menu with custom
163 * application data.
164 *
165 * @param parent The parent of the dialog boxes. The boxes are modeless
166 * and will be centered with respect to the parent.
167 * @param aboutData User and app data used in the About app dialog and for
168 * the actions in the help menu.
169 *
170 * @since 6.9
171 */
172 KHelpMenu(QWidget *parent, const KAboutData &aboutData);
174 /**
175 * Destructor
176 *
177 * Destroys dialogs and the menu pointer returned by menu
178 */
179 ~KHelpMenu() override;
181 /**
182 * Set whether to show the What's This menu entry in the help menu.
183 * The default is to show the menu entry (if Kiosk settings allow it).
184 * @since 6.9
185 */
186 void setShowWhatsThis(bool showWhatsThis);
188 /**
189 * Returns a popup menu you can use in the menu bar or where you
190 * need it.
191 *
192 * The returned menu is configured with an icon, a title and
193 * menu entries. Therefore adding the returned pointer to your menu
194 * is enough to have access to the help menu.
195 *
196 * Note: This method will only create one instance of the menu. If
197 * you call this method twice or more the same pointer is returned.
198 */
199 QMenu *menu();
201 enum MenuId {
202 menuHelpContents = 0,
203 menuWhatsThis = 1,
204 menuAboutApp = 2,
205 menuAboutKDE = 3,
206 menuReportBug = 4,
207 menuSwitchLanguage = 5,
208 menuDonate = 6, ///< @since 5.24
209 };
211 /**
212 * Returns the QAction * associated with the given parameter
213 * Will return a nullptr if menu() has not been called
214 *
215 * @param id The id of the action of which you want to get QAction *
216 */
217 QAction *action(MenuId id) const;
219public Q_SLOTS:
220 /**
221 * Opens the help page for the application. The application name is
222 * used as a key to determine what to display and the system will attempt
223 * to open <appName>/index.html.
224 */
225 void appHelpActivated();
227 /**
228 * Activates What's This help for the application.
229 */
230 void contextHelpActivated();
232 /**
233 * Opens an application specific dialog box.
234 *
235 * The method will try to open the about box using the following steps:
236 * - If the showAboutApplication() signal is connected, then it will be emitted.
237 * This means there is an application defined aboutBox.
238 * - If the aboutData was set in the constructor a KAboutApplicationDialog will be created
239 * with this aboutData.
240 * - Else a KAboutApplicationDialog will be created using KAboutData::applicationData().
241 */
242 void aboutApplication();
244 /**
245 * Opens the standard "About KDE" dialog box.
246 */
247 void aboutKDE();
249 /**
250 * Opens the standard "Report Bugs" dialog box.
251 */
252 void reportBug();
254 /**
255 * Opens the changing default application language dialog box.
256 */
257 void switchApplicationLanguage();
259 /**
260 * Opens the donate url.
261 * @since 5.24
262 */
263 void donate();
265private Q_SLOTS:
266 /**
267 * Connected to the menu pointer (if created) to detect a delete
268 * operation on the pointer. You should not delete the pointer in your
269 * code yourself. Let the KHelpMenu destructor do the job.
270 */
271 KXMLGUI_NO_EXPORT void menuDestroyed();
273 /**
274 * Connected to the dialogs (about kde and bug report) to detect
275 * when they are finished.
276 */
277 KXMLGUI_NO_EXPORT void dialogFinished();
279 /**
280 * This slot will delete a dialog (about kde or bug report) if the
281 * dialog pointer is not zero and the dialog is not visible. This
282 * slot is activated by a one shot timer started in dialogHidden
283 */
284 KXMLGUI_NO_EXPORT void timerExpired();
287 /**
288 * This signal is emitted from aboutApplication() if no
289 * "about application" string has been defined. The standard
290 * application specific dialog box that is normally activated in
291 * aboutApplication() will not be displayed when this signal
292 * is emitted.
293 */
297 KHelpMenuPrivate *const d;
void showAboutApplication()
This signal is emitted from aboutApplication() if no "about application" string has been defined.
void setShowWhatsThis(bool showWhatsThis)
Set whether to show the What's This menu entry in the help menu.
KHelpMenu(QWidget *parent, const QString &unused, bool showWhatsThis=true)
Definition khelpmenu.cpp:77
QMenu * menu()
Returns a popup menu you can use in the menu bar or where you need it.
QObject(QObject *parent)
QObject * parent() const const
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:58:03 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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