
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008, 2010, 2011 Will Stephenson <>
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2013 Lamarque Souza <>
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Jan Grulich <>
6 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
12#include <networkmanagerqt/networkmanagerqt_export.h>
14#include "activeconnection.h"
15#include "device.h"
16#include "dnsconfiguration.h"
19 * This class allows querying the underlying system to discover the available
20 * network interfaces and reachable networks. It has also the
21 * responsibility to notify when a network interface appears or disappears.
22 *
23 * It is the unique entry point for network management. Applications should use
24 * it to find network interfaces, or to be notified about network related changes.
25 *
26 * Note that it is implemented as a singleton
27 */
28namespace NetworkManager
32enum Status {
33 Unknown, /**< the networking system is not active or unable to report its status - proceed with caution */
34 Asleep, /**< networking is inactive and all devices are disabled */
35 Disconnected, /**< the system is not connected to any network */
36 Disconnecting, /**< the system is breaking the connection */
37 Connecting, /**< the system is not connected to any network */
38 ConnectedLinkLocal, /**< a network device is connected, but there is only link-local connectivity */
39 ConnectedSiteOnly, /**< a network device is connected, but there is only site-local connectivity */
40 Connected, /**< the system is currently connected to a network */
45 Error,
46 Warning,
47 Info,
48 Debug,
49 Trace, /**< = Debug in runtime NM < 0.9.10*/
52enum LogDomain {
53 NoChange,
54 None,
55 Hardware,
56 RFKill,
57 Ethernet,
58 WiFi,
59 Bluetooth,
60 MobileBroadBand,
61 DHCP4,
62 DHCP6,
63 PPP,
64 WiFiScan,
65 IPv4,
66 IPv6,
67 AutoIPv4,
68 DNS,
69 VPN,
70 Sharing,
71 Supplicant,
72 UserSet,
73 SysSet,
74 Suspend,
75 Core,
76 Devices,
77 OLPC,
78 Wimax /*TODO: mark it deprecated somehow?*/,
79 Infiniband,
80 Firewall,
81 Adsl,
82 Bond,
83 Vlan,
84 Agents,
85 Settings,
86 Bridge,
87 DbusProps,
88 Team,
89 ConCheck,
90 Dcb,
91 Dispatch,
93Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(LogDomains, LogDomain)
97 * Describes the network connectivity state.
98 * @since
99 */
101 UnknownConnectivity = 0, /**< Network connectivity is unknown. */
102 NoConnectivity = 1, /**< The host is not connected to any network. */
103 Portal = 2, /**< The host is behind a captive portal and cannot reach the full Internet. */
104 Limited = 3, /**< The host is connected to a network, but does not appear to be able to reach the full Internet. */
105 Full = 4, /**< The host is connected to a network, and appears to be able to reach the full Internet. */
109class NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Notifier : public QObject
113 /**
114 * This signal is emitted when the system's connection state changes
115 */
116 void statusChanged(NetworkManager::Status status);
117 /**
118 * This signal is emitted when a new network interface is available.
119 *
120 * @param uni the network interface identifier
121 */
122 void deviceAdded(const QString &uni);
123 /**
124 * This signal is emitted when a network interface is not available anymore.
125 *
126 * @param uni the network interface identifier
127 */
128 void deviceRemoved(const QString &uni);
129 /**
130 * This signal is emitted when the status of the wireless changed
131 */
132 void wirelessEnabledChanged(bool);
133 /**
134 * This signal is emitted when the status of the wireless changed
135 */
136 void wwanEnabledChanged(bool);
137 /**
138 * This signal is emitted when the status of the wimax changed
139 *
140 * @deprecated Wimax support was removed from NetworkManager 1.2
141 * (never emitted in runtime NM >= 1.2.0).
142 */
143 void wimaxEnabledChanged(bool);
144 /**
145 * This signal is emitted when the status of the wireless changed
146 */
147 void wirelessHardwareEnabledChanged(bool);
148 /**
149 * This signal is emitted when the status of the wireless changed
150 */
151 void wwanHardwareEnabledChanged(bool);
152 /**
153 * This signal is emitted when the status of the wimax hardware changed
154 *
155 * @deprecated Wimax support was removed from NetworkManager 1.2
156 * (never emitted in runtime NM >= 1.2.0).
157 */
158 void wimaxHardwareEnabledChanged(bool);
159 /**
160 * This signal is emitted when the status of overall networking changed
161 */
162 void networkingEnabledChanged(bool);
163 /**
164 * This signal is emitted when a new connection was made active
165 *
166 * @param path the path of the new connection
167 */
168 void activeConnectionAdded(const QString &path);
169 /**
170 * This signal is emitted when an active connection is no longer active
171 *
172 * @param path the path of the removed connection
173 */
174 void activeConnectionRemoved(const QString &path);
175 /**
176 * This signal is emitted when the set of active connections changes
177 */
178 void activeConnectionsChanged();
179 /**
180 * This signal is emitted when the NetworkManager DBus service goes away
181 */
182 void serviceDisappeared();
183 /**
184 * This signal is emitted when the NetworkManager DBus service appears
185 */
186 void serviceAppeared();
187 /**
188 * Emitted when the global connectivity changes.
189 * @since
190 */
191 void connectivityChanged(NetworkManager::Connectivity connectivity);
192 /**
193 * Emitted when the primary connection changes.
194 * @param uni path of the new primary connection
195 * @since
196 */
197 void primaryConnectionChanged(const QString &uni);
198 /**
199 * Emitted when the activating connection changes.
200 * @param uni path of the new activating connection
201 * @since
202 */
203 void activatingConnectionChanged(const QString &uni);
204 /**
205 * Emitted when the primary connection type changes.
206 * @param connection type of the new primary connection
207 * @since 5.8.0
208 */
209 void primaryConnectionTypeChanged(NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::ConnectionType type);
211 /**
212 * Emitted when NM has started/finished its startup sequence
213 * @since
214 */
215 void isStartingUpChanged();
217 /**
218 * Emitted when metered property has changed
219 * @since 5.14.0
220 * @see metered
221 */
222 void meteredChanged(NetworkManager::Device::MeteredStatus metered);
224 /**
225 * Emitted when the global DNS configuration has changed
226 * @since 5.45.0
227 * @see globalDnsConfiguration
228 */
229 void globalDnsConfigurationChanged(const NetworkManager::DnsConfiguration &configuration);
231 /**
232 * Emitted when the connectivity check availability has changed
233 * @since 6.10.0
234 */
235 void isConnectivityCheckAvailableChanged(bool);
237 /**
238 * Emitted when the connectivity check statu has changed
239 * @since 6.10.0
240 */
241 void isConnectivityCheckEnabledChanged(bool);
243 /**
244 * Emitted when the connectivity check URI has changed
245 * @since 6.10.0
246 */
247 void connectivityCheckUriChanged(QString);
251 * Get the NetworkManager version
252 */
255 * Compares NetworkManager's version to the parameter version.
256 * returns 1, -1 or 0 if NetworkManager's version is greater, less or equal to parameter.
257 */
258NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT int compareVersion(const QString &version);
260 * Compares NetworkManager version to x.y.z.
261 * returns 1, -1 or 0 if NetworkManager's version is greater, less or equal to x.y.z.
262 */
263NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT int compareVersion(const int x, const int y, const int z);
265 * Checks if NetworkManager version is at least x.y.z
266 * @return true if NetworkManager's version is greater or equal, false otherwise
267 **/
268NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool checkVersion(const int x, const int y, const int z);
270 * Get the manager connection state
271 */
272NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::Status status();
274 * Retrieves the list of all the network interfaces in the system.
275 * It includes both hardware and virtual devices.
276 *
277 * @return the list of network interfaces available in this system
278 */
279NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Device::List networkInterfaces();
281 * Find a new NetworkInterface object given its UNI. This pointer is owned by the Solid
282 * infrastructure.
283 *
284 * @param uni the identifier of the network interface to find
285 * @return a valid NetworkInterface object if there's a device having the given UNI, an invalid one otherwise
286 */
287NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Device::Ptr findNetworkInterface(const QString &uni);
289 * Return the network device referenced by its IP interface name.
290 * This is not system independent so programs that will use this method will not be portable.
291 */
292NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Device::Ptr findDeviceByIpFace(const QString &iface);
294 * Retrieves the status of networking (as a whole) in the system.
295 * This is distinct from whether the system's networking is online or offline.
296 * To check that, see @ref status().
297 *
298 * @return true if this networking is enabled, false otherwise
299 */
300NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isNetworkingEnabled();
302 * Retrieves the activation status of wireless networking in the system.
303 *
304 * @return true if this wireless networking is enabled, false otherwise
305 */
306NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isWirelessEnabled();
308 * Retrieves the status of wireless hardware in the system. This is typically
309 * controlled by a physical switch so there is no way to set this in software.
310 *
311 * @return true if this wireless networking is enabled, false otherwise
312 */
313NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isWirelessHardwareEnabled();
315 * Retrieves the status of wireless broadband (Wireless WAN) in the system.
316 *
317 * @return true if this type of wireless networking is enabled, false otherwise
318 */
319NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isWwanEnabled();
321 * Retrieves the status of wireless broadband (Wireless WAN) hardware in the system. This is typically
322 * controlled by a physical switch so there is no way to set this in software.
323 *
324 * @return true if this broddband hardware is enabled, false otherwise
325 */
326NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isWwanHardwareEnabled();
329 * Retrieves the activation status of wimax networking in the system.
330 *
331 * @return true if this wimax networking is enabled, false otherwise
332 *
333 * @deprecated Wimax support was removed from NetworkManager 1.2
334 * (always returns false in runtime NM >= 1.2.0).
335 */
336NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isWimaxEnabled();
338 * Retrieves the status of wimax hardware in the system. This is typically
339 * controlled by a physical switch so there is no way to set this in software.
340 *
341 * @return true if wimax HW networking is enabled, false otherwise
342 *
343 * @deprecated Wimax support was removed from NetworkManager 1.2
344 * (always returns false in runtime NM >= 1.2.0).
345 */
346NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isWimaxHardwareEnabled();
349 * Activate a connection using the supplied device.
350 *
351 * @param connectionUni unique identifier for the connection to be activated
352 * @param interfaceUni unique identifier of the network interface to be activated
353 * @param connectionParameter can be used to specify extra parameters not specific to the NetworkInterface or the connection, eg which AP to use when several
354 * present with same ESSID in range (because ESSID does not guarantee that the AP is part of the network you want to join!)
355 */
357activateConnection(const QString &connectionUni, const QString &interfaceUni, const QString &connectionParameter);
359 * Adds a new connection using the given details (if any) as a template (automatically filling in missing settings with the capabilities of the given device and
360 * specific object), then activate the new connection. Cannot be used for VPN connections at this time.
361 *
362 * @param connection connection definition to be added and activated
363 * @param interfaceUni unique identifier of the network interface to be activated
364 * @param connectionParameter can be used to specify extra parameters not specific to the NetworkInterface or the connection, eg which AP to use when several
365 * present with same ESSID in range (because ESSID does not guarantee that the AP is part of the network you want to join!)
366 */
367NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply<QDBusObjectPath, QDBusObjectPath>
368addAndActivateConnection(const NMVariantMapMap &connection, const QString &interfaceUni, const QString &connectionParameter);
370 * Adds a new connection using the given details (if any) as a template (automatically filling in missing settings with the capabilities of the given device and
371 * specific object), then activate the new connection. Cannot be used for VPN connections at this time.
372 *
373 * @param connection connection definition to be added and activated
374 * @param interfaceUni unique identifier of the network interface to be activated
375 * @param connectionParameter can be used to specify extra parameters not specific to the NetworkInterface or the connection, eg which AP to use when several
376 * present with same ESSID in range (because ESSID does not guarantee that the AP is part of the network you want to join!)
377 * @param options further options for the method call.
378 *
379 * This method extends AddAndActivateConnection to allow passing further
380 * parameters. At this time the following options are supported:
381 *
382 * * persist: A string value of either "disk" (default), "memory" or "volatile". If "memory" is passed, the connection will not be saved to disk. If
383 * "volatile" is passed, the connection will not be saved to disk and will be destroyed when disconnected.
384 * * bind-activation: Bind the activation lifetime. Set to "dbus-name" to automatically disconnect when the requesting process disappears from the bus.
385 * The default of "none" means the connection is kept activated normally.
386 *
387 * NOTE: will call AddAndActivateConnection(connection, interfaceUni, connectionParameter) instead when NetworkManager is older than 1.16, which means that the
388 * options property is ignored
389 */
390NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply<QDBusObjectPath, QDBusObjectPath, QVariantMap>
391addAndActivateConnection2(const NMVariantMapMap &connection, const QString &interfaceUni, const QString &connectionParameter, const QVariantMap &options);
393 * Deactivate this network interface, if active
394 *
395 * @param activeConnection identifier of the connection to deactivate
396 */
397NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply<> deactivateConnection(const QString &activeConnection);
399 * Access the list of any active connections
400 *
401 * @return a list of valid ActiveConnection objects
402 */
403NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT ActiveConnection::List activeConnections();
405 * Access the list of any active connections paths
406 *
407 * @return a list of valid ActiveConnection paths
408 */
409NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QStringList activeConnectionsPaths();
411 * Get current logging verbosity level and operations domains
412 */
413NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply<QString, QString> getLogging();
416 * @return the network connectivity state
417 * @since
418 */
419NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Connectivity connectivity();
422 * Re-check the network connectivity state.
423 * @see connectivity()
424 * @since
425 */
426NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply<uint> checkConnectivity();
429 * @return the "primary" active connection being used
430 * to access the network. In particular, if there is no VPN
431 * active, or the VPN does not have the default route, then this
432 * indicates the connection that has the default route. If there
433 * is a VPN active with the default route, then this indicates
434 * the connection that contains the route to the VPN endpoint.
435 * @since
436 */
437NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT ActiveConnection::Ptr primaryConnection();
440 * @return an active connection that is currently
441 * being activated and which is expected to become the new
442 * primaryConnection() when it finishes activating.
443 * @since
444 */
445NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT ActiveConnection::Ptr activatingConnection();
448 * @return The connection type of the "primary" active connection being
449 * used to access the network. This is the same as the Type
450 * property on the object indicated by PrimaryConnection.
451 * @since 5.8.0
452 */
453NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::ConnectionType primaryConnectionType();
456 * Indicates whether NM is still starting up; this becomes @p false
457 * when NM has finished attempting to activate every connection
458 * that it might be able to activate at startup.
459 * @since
460 */
464 * @return Indicates whether the connectivity is metered.
465 * @since 5.14.0
466 */
467NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::Device::MeteredStatus metered();
470 * @return Gets the global DNS configuration.
471 * @since 5.45.0
472 */
473NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::DnsConfiguration globalDnsConfiguration();
476 * @return Sets the global DNS configuration.
477 * @since 5.45.0
478 */
479NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void setGlobalDnsConfiguration(const NetworkManager::DnsConfiguration &configuration);
482 * @return Whether the connectivity check is available
483 * @since 6.10.0
484 */
485NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isConnectivityCheckAvailable();
488 * @return Whether the connectivity check is enabled
489 * @since 6.10.0
490 */
491NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isConnectivityCheckEnabled();
494 * @return The URI used for connectivity check
495 * @since 6.10.0
496 */
497NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QString connectivityCheckUri();
500 * Find an ActiveConnection object for an active connection id
501 *
502 * @param uni the id of the ActiveConnection
503 * @return a valid ActiveConnection object
504 */
505NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT ActiveConnection::Ptr findActiveConnection(const QString &uni);
507 * Retrieves the interface types supported by this network manager.
508 *
509 * @return the interface types supported by the network manager
510 */
511NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Device::Types supportedInterfaceTypes();
512NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void setNetworkingEnabled(bool enabled);
513// implemented in Notifier
514NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void setWirelessEnabled(bool enabled);
515NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void setWwanEnabled(bool enabled);
517 * @deprecated Wimax support was removed from NetworkManager 1.2
518 * (it is a noop in runtime NM >= 1.2.0).
519 */
520NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void setWimaxEnabled(bool enabled);
521NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void sleep(bool sleep);
522NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void setLogging(LogLevel, LogDomains);
523NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NMStringMap permissions();
524NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Notifier *notifier();
This class represents IP configuration.
Q_SCRIPTABLE CaptureState status()
This class allows querying the underlying system to discover the available network interfaces and rea...
Definition accesspoint.h:21
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::ConnectionType primaryConnectionType()
Definition manager.cpp:1179
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT ActiveConnection::Ptr findActiveConnection(const QString &uni)
Find an ActiveConnection object for an active connection id.
Definition manager.cpp:1030
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT ActiveConnection::Ptr primaryConnection()
Definition manager.cpp:1169
@ Trace
= Debug in runtime NM < 0.9.10
Definition manager.h:49
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isWimaxHardwareEnabled()
Retrieves the status of wimax hardware in the system.
Definition manager.cpp:434
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT ActiveConnection::Ptr activatingConnection()
Definition manager.cpp:1174
@ Connected
the system is currently connected to a network
Definition manager.h:40
@ Disconnecting
the system is breaking the connection
Definition manager.h:36
@ ConnectedLinkLocal
a network device is connected, but there is only link-local connectivity
Definition manager.h:38
@ Connecting
the system is not connected to any network
Definition manager.h:37
@ Asleep
networking is inactive and all devices are disabled
Definition manager.h:34
@ ConnectedSiteOnly
a network device is connected, but there is only site-local connectivity
Definition manager.h:39
@ Unknown
the networking system is not active or unable to report its status - proceed with caution
Definition manager.h:33
@ Disconnected
the system is not connected to any network
Definition manager.h:35
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply< QString, QString > getLogging()
Get current logging verbosity level and operations domains.
Definition manager.cpp:990
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isConnectivityCheckAvailable()
Definition manager.cpp:705
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply< QDBusObjectPath > activateConnection(const QString &connectionUni, const QString &interfaceUni, const QString &connectionParameter)
Activate a connection using the supplied device.
Definition manager.cpp:440
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void setGlobalDnsConfiguration(const NetworkManager::DnsConfiguration &configuration)
Definition manager.cpp:1199
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QString connectivityCheckUri()
Definition manager.cpp:1214
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isWwanHardwareEnabled()
Retrieves the status of wireless broadband (Wireless WAN) hardware in the system.
Definition manager.cpp:424
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply< uint > checkConnectivity()
Re-check the network connectivity state.
Definition manager.cpp:664
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply< QDBusObjectPath, QDBusObjectPath > addAndActivateConnection(const NMVariantMapMap &connection, const QString &interfaceUni, const QString &connectionParameter)
Adds a new connection using the given details (if any) as a template (automatically filling in missin...
Definition manager.cpp:457
Retrieves the status of wireless broadband (Wireless WAN) in the system.
Definition manager.cpp:419
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT ActiveConnection::List activeConnections()
Access the list of any active connections.
Definition manager.cpp:1020
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::Device::MeteredStatus metered()
Definition manager.cpp:1189
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::Status status()
Get the manager connection state.
Definition manager.cpp:1015
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QStringList activeConnectionsPaths()
Access the list of any active connections paths.
Definition manager.cpp:985
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isConnectivityCheckEnabled()
Definition manager.cpp:710
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Device::Ptr findNetworkInterface(const QString &uni)
Find a new NetworkInterface object given its UNI.
Definition manager.cpp:1055
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isWirelessHardwareEnabled()
Retrieves the status of wireless hardware in the system.
Definition manager.cpp:414
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply< QDBusObjectPath, QDBusObjectPath, QVariantMap > addAndActivateConnection2(const NMVariantMapMap &connection, const QString &interfaceUni, const QString &connectionParameter, const QVariantMap &options)
Adds a new connection using the given details (if any) as a template (automatically filling in missin...
Definition manager.cpp:471
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::DnsConfiguration globalDnsConfiguration()
Definition manager.cpp:1194
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void setWimaxEnabled(bool enabled)
Definition manager.cpp:1134
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply deactivateConnection(const QString &activeConnection)
Deactivate this network interface, if active.
Definition manager.cpp:485
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Connectivity connectivity()
Definition manager.cpp:1159
Get the NetworkManager version.
Definition manager.cpp:995
Retrieves the activation status of wimax networking in the system.
Definition manager.cpp:429
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isWirelessEnabled()
Retrieves the activation status of wireless networking in the system.
Definition manager.cpp:409
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Device::Types supportedInterfaceTypes()
Retrieves the interface types supported by this network manager.
Definition manager.cpp:246
Describes the network connectivity state.
Definition manager.h:100
@ Full
The host is connected to a network, and appears to be able to reach the full Internet.
Definition manager.h:105
@ Limited
The host is connected to a network, but does not appear to be able to reach the full Internet.
Definition manager.h:104
@ Portal
The host is behind a captive portal and cannot reach the full Internet.
Definition manager.h:103
@ NoConnectivity
The host is not connected to any network.
Definition manager.h:102
@ UnknownConnectivity
Network connectivity is unknown.
Definition manager.h:101
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isNetworkingEnabled()
Retrieves the status of networking (as a whole) in the system.
Definition manager.cpp:404
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT int compareVersion(const QString &version)
Compares NetworkManager's version to the parameter version.
Definition manager.cpp:204
Indicates whether NM is still starting up; this becomes false when NM has finished attempting to acti...
Definition manager.cpp:684
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Device::Ptr findDeviceByIpFace(const QString &iface)
Return the network device referenced by its IP interface name.
Definition manager.cpp:1060
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Device::List networkInterfaces()
Retrieves the list of all the network interfaces in the system.
Definition manager.cpp:374
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool checkVersion(const int x, const int y, const int z)
Checks if NetworkManager version is at least x.y.z.
Definition manager.cpp:241
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:02:25 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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