
sonnet Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for sonnet:

Detailed Description

Multi-language spell checker


Sonnet is a plugin-based spell checking library for Qt-based applications. It supports several different plugins, including HSpell, Enchant, ASpell and HUNSPELL.

It also supports automated language detection, based on a combination of different algorithms.

The simplest way to use Sonnet in your application is to use the SpellCheckDecorator class on your QTextEdit.


#include <QTextEdit>
#include <spellcheckdecorator.h>

MyFoo::MyFoo(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
    QTextEdit *textEdit = new QTextEdit(this);
    Sonnet::SpellCheckDecorator *decorator = new Sonnet::SpellCheckDecorator(textEdit);
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