bool isStrikeThrough(TextStyle style) const
Returns whether the given style should be shown struck through.
Definition theme.cpp:97
QRgb textColor(TextStyle style) const
Returns the text color to be used for style.
Definition theme.cpp:62
Theme(const Theme ©)
Copy constructor, sharing the Theme data with copy.
bool isBold(TextStyle style) const
Returns whether the given style should be shown in bold.
Definition theme.cpp:82
QRgb selectedTextColor(TextStyle style) const
Returns the selected text color to be used for style.
Definition theme.cpp:67
QRgb selectedBackgroundColor(TextStyle style) const
Returns the background color to be used for selected text for style.
Definition theme.cpp:77
bool isUnderline(TextStyle style) const
Returns whether the given style should be shown underlined.
Definition theme.cpp:92
Editor color roles, used to paint line numbers, editor background etc.
Definition theme.h:158
@ IndentationLine
Color used to draw vertical indentation levels, typically a line.
Definition theme.h:176
@ CodeFolding
Background colors for code folding regions in the text area, as well as code folding indicators in th...
Definition theme.h:181
@ TemplateFocusedPlaceholder
Background color for the currently active placeholder in text templates.
Definition theme.h:219
@ TemplateReadOnlyPlaceholder
Background color for read-only placeholders in text templates.
Definition theme.h:221
@ ReplaceHighlight
Background color for replaced text for a search & replace action.
Definition theme.h:168
@ BracketMatching
Background color for matching bracket pairs (including quotes)
Definition theme.h:170
@ TemplatePlaceholder
Background color for all editable placeholders in text templates.
Definition theme.h:216
@ WordWrapMarker
Color used in the icon border to indicate dynamically wrapped lines.
Definition theme.h:191
Theme & operator=(const Theme &other)
Assignment operator, sharing the Theme data with other.
Default styles that can be referenced from syntax definition XML files.
Definition theme.h:75
@ CommentVar
Text style that refers to variables in a comment, such as after @param <identifier> in Doxygen or Jav...
Definition theme.h:135
@ SpecialString
Text style for special strings such as regular expressions in ECMAScript or the LaTeX math mode.
Definition theme.h:111
@ Normal
Default text style for normal text and source code without special highlighting.
Definition theme.h:78
@ ControlFlow
Text style for control flow highlighting, such as if, then, else, return, or continue.
Definition theme.h:89
@ Documentation
Text style for comments that reflect API documentation, such as doxygen /** */ comments.
Definition theme.h:129
@ Information
Text style for information, such as the keyword @note in Doxygen.
Definition theme.h:139
@ Others
Text style for attributes that do not match any of the other default styles.
Definition theme.h:149
@ Annotation
Text style for annotations in comments, such as @param in Doxygen or JavaDoc.
Definition theme.h:132
bool isItalic(TextStyle style) const
Returns whether the given style should be shown in italic.
Definition theme.cpp:87
QRgb backgroundColor(TextStyle style) const
Returns the background color to be used for style.
Definition theme.cpp:72
QRgb editorColor(EditorColorRole role) const
Returns the editor color for the requested role.
Definition theme.cpp:102
Syntax highlighting engine for Kate syntax definitions.
Definition abstracthighlighter.h:17
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:50:31 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:50:31 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.