2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Andras Mantia <>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
7#pragma once
9#include "kimap_export.h"
11#include "metadatajobbase.h"
13namespace KIMAP
15class Session;
16struct Response;
17class SetMetaDataJobPrivate;
20 * Sets mailbox metadata.
21 *
22 * Provides support for the IMAP METADATA extension; both the
23 * final RFC version
24 * (<a href="">RFC 5464</a>)
25 * and the older, incompatible draft version (known as ANNOTATEMORE)
26 * (<a
27 * href=""
28 * >draft-daboo-imap-annotatemore-07</a>). See setServerCompatibility().
29 *
30 * Note that in Annotatemore mode, this job can only operate on
31 * one metadata entry at once.
32 *
33 * This job can only be run when the session is in the
34 * authenticated (or selected) state.
35 *
36 * If the server supports ACLs, the user will need the
37 * Acl::Lookup right on the mailbox, as well as one of
38 * - Acl::Read
39 * - Acl::KeepSeen
40 * - Acl::Write
41 * - Acl::Insert
42 * - Acl::Post
43 * Otherwise, the user must be able to list the mailbox
44 * and either read or write the message content.
45 *
46 * Note that even if the user has these permissions, the
47 * server may refuse to allow the user to write metadata
48 * based on some other criteria.
49 *
50 * Note also that on servers that implement the Annotatemore
51 * version of the extension, only Acl::Lookup rights are
52 * required (ie: the user must be able to list the mailbox).
53 */
54class KIMAP_EXPORT SetMetaDataJob : public MetaDataJobBase
59 friend class SessionPrivate;
62 explicit SetMetaDataJob(Session *session);
63 ~SetMetaDataJob() override;
65 /**
66 * Adds a metadata entry or attribute to the list of modifications to make
67 *
68 * When in Metadata mode, this method adds a metadata
69 * entry to the list of metadata additions and updates that
70 * will be performed when the job is run.
71 *
72 * @p name must be a valid ASCII string and may not contain two
73 * consecutive forward slashes ('/'), must not end with '/' and
74 * must not contain '*', '%', non-ASCII characters or characters
75 * in the ASCII range 0x00 to 0x19 (in practice, all control
76 * characters should be avoided). The name is case-insensitive.
77 *
78 * The first part of the entry name should be "/private" or
79 * "/shared", indicating the scope of the entry. Note that
80 * private metadata may not be supported by all servers.
81 *
82 * Server metadata entry names include:
83 * - /shared/comment
84 * - /shared/admin - a URI for contacting the server administrator
85 * (eg: a mailto: or tel: URI)
86 * - /shared/vendor/<vendor-token>/something
87 * - /private/vendor/<vendor-token>/something
88 *
89 * Mailbox metadata entry names include:
90 * - /shared/comment
91 * - /private/comment
92 * - /shared/vendor/<vendor-token>/something
93 * - /private/vendor/<vendor-token>/something
94 *
95 * @p value can be any data, although if it is a multi-line string
96 * value, CRLF line-endings must be used.
97 *
98 * In Annotatemore mode it is possible to prefix the entry name with a /shared or /private prefix, that is automatically translated
99 * to an appropriate value.shared|priv attribute.
100 *
101 * Annotatemore legacy mode:
102 * When in Annotatemore mode, this method adds an attribute
103 * entry to the list of additions and updates that will be
104 * performed on the metadata entry when the job is run.
105 *
106 * @p name must be a valid UTF-8 string, and may not contain the
107 * '%' or '*' characters, or NUL. Use of non-visible UTF-8 characters
108 * is strongly discouraged.
109 *
110 * Possible attribute name prefixes are:
111 * - value - the data value of the attribute
112 * - content-type - a MIME content type and subtype
113 * - content-language - a RFC 3282 language code
114 * - vendor.<vendor-token> - a vendor-specific attribute
115 *
116 * Attribute names an attribute name prefix followed by ".priv" for
117 * private attributes or ".shared" for shared attributes. Note that
118 * the attributes "size.priv" and "size.shared" are read-only
119 * attributes set by the server, and so cannot be used with
120 * SetMetaDataJob.
121 *
122 * @param name the metadata entry name (Metadata or Annotatemore mode) in ASCII or
123 * attribute name (Annotatemore mode, if used without /shared or /private prefix) in UTF-8
124 * @param value the value of the entry or attribute
125 */
126 // KDE5: drop ANNOTATEMORE support
127 void addMetaData(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &value);
129 /**
130 * Sets the metadata entry name to operate on (in Annotatemore mode)
131 *
132 * In Annotatemore mode, this specifies the metadata entry name to
133 * operate on. For server metadata, this is one of:
134 * - /comment
135 * - /motd
136 * - /admin
137 * - /vendor/<vendor-token>/something
138 *
139 * For mailbox metadata, this is one of:
140 * - /comment
141 * - /sort
142 * - /thread
143 * - /check
144 * - /checkperiod
145 * - /vendor/<vendor-token>/something
146 *
147 * Entry names must be valid UTF-8 strings that do not contain the
148 * '%' or '*' characters, or NUL. Use of non-visible UTF-8
149 * characters is strongly discouraged.
150 *
151 * In Metadata mode, this has no effect. Metadata entry names
152 * should instead be specified as the first argument to addMetaData().
153 *
154 * @see setServerCapability()
155 *
156 * @param entry the metadata entry name in UTF-8
157 *
158 * @deprecated Use a /shared or /private prefix with addMetaData instead.
159 */
160 // KDE5: remove
161 KIMAP_DEPRECATED void setEntry(const QByteArray &entry);
163 /**
164 * Possible error codes that may be returned by the server.
165 */
167 NoError = 0, /**< Used to indicate that no errors have been received */
168 TooMany = 1, /**< Cannot add a new metadata item, because the limit has already been reached */
169 TooBig = 2, /**< A metadata value was too big (see maxAcceptedSize()) */
170 NoPrivate = 4 /**< The server does not support private metadata entries */
171 };
174 Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(MetaDataErrors, MetaDataError)
176 /**
177 * The metadata errors received from the server.
178 *
179 * @return a set of error codes
180 */
181 [[nodiscard]] MetaDataErrors metaDataErrors() const;
182 /**
183 * The maximum accepted metadata size.
184 *
185 * If the server replied that one of the metadata values was too
186 * large (see metaDataErrors), this should indicate what the
187 * maximum size accepted by the server is.
188 *
189 * @return the maximum value size in octets, or -1 if the limit is unknown
190 */
191 [[nodiscard]] qint64 maxAcceptedSize();
194 void doStart() override;
195 void handleResponse(const Response &response) override;
qint64 maxAcceptedSize()
The maximum accepted metadata size.
void addMetaData(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &value)
Adds a metadata entry or attribute to the list of modifications to make.
KIMAP_DEPRECATED void setEntry(const QByteArray &entry)
Sets the metadata entry name to operate on (in Annotatemore mode)
Possible error codes that may be returned by the server.
@ NoPrivate
The server does not support private metadata entries.
@ TooBig
A metadata value was too big (see maxAcceptedSize())
@ TooMany
Cannot add a new metadata item, because the limit has already been reached.
@ NoError
Used to indicate that no errors have been received.
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Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:54:11 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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