
2 progressmanager.h
4 This file is part of libkdepim.
6 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Till Adam <>
8 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
11#pragma once
13#include "kdepim_export.h"
15#include <QHash>
16#include <QMap>
17#include <QObject>
18#include <QPointer>
19#include <QString>
21namespace KPIM
23class ProgressItem;
24class ProgressManager;
25using ProgressItemMap = QMap<ProgressItem *, bool>;
27 * @brief The ProgressItem class
28 */
29class KDEPIM_EXPORT ProgressItem : public QObject
32 friend class ProgressManager;
35 enum CryptoStatus {
36 Encrypted,
37 Unencrypted,
38 Unknown,
39 };
41 /**
42 * @return The id string which uniquely identifies the operation
43 * represented by this item.
44 */
45 [[nodiscard]] const QString &id() const;
47 /**
48 * @return The parent item of this one, if there is one.
49 */
50 [[nodiscard]] ProgressItem *parent() const;
52 /**
53 * @return The user visible string to be used to represent this item.
54 */
55 [[nodiscard]] const QString &label() const;
57 /**
58 * @param v Set the user visible string identifying this item.
59 */
60 void setLabel(const QString &v);
62 /**
63 * @return The string to be used for showing this item's current status.
64 */
65 [[nodiscard]] const QString &status() const;
66 /**
67 * Set the string to be used for showing this item's current status.
68 * @param v The status string.
69 */
70 void setStatus(const QString &v);
72 /**
73 * @return Whether this item can be canceled.
74 */
75 [[nodiscard]] bool canBeCanceled() const;
77 /**
78 * @param b Set if can be canceled
79 */
80 void setCanBeCanceled(bool b);
82 /**
83 * @return Whether this item uses secure communication
84 * (Account uses ssl, for example.).
85 */
86 [[nodiscard]] CryptoStatus cryptoStatus() const;
88 /**
89 * Set whether this item uses encrypted communication, so listeners
90 * can display a nice crypto icon.
91 * @param v The value.
92 */
93 void setCryptoStatus(ProgressItem::CryptoStatus v);
95 /**
96 * @return whether this item uses a busy indicator instead of real progress display
97 */
98 [[nodiscard]] bool usesBusyIndicator() const;
100 /**
101 * Sets whether this item uses a busy indicator instead of real progress for its progress bar.
102 * If it uses a busy indicator, you are still responsible for calling setProgress() from time to
103 * time to update the busy indicator.
104 */
105 void setUsesBusyIndicator(bool useBusyIndicator);
107 /**
108 * @return The current progress value of this item in percent.
109 */
110 [[nodiscard]] unsigned int progress() const;
112 /**
113 * Set the progress (percentage of completion) value of this item.
114 * @param v The percentage value.
115 */
116 void setProgress(unsigned int v);
118 /**
119 * Tell the item it has finished. This will Q_EMIT progressItemCompleted()
120 * result in the destruction of the item after all slots connected to this
121 * signal have executed. This is the only way to get rid of an item and
122 * needs to be called even if the item is canceled. Don't use the item
123 * after this has been called on it.
124 */
125 void setComplete();
127 /**
128 * Reset the progress value of this item to 0 and the status string to
129 * the empty string.
130 */
131 void reset();
133 void cancel();
135 // Often needed values for calculating progress.
136 void setTotalItems(unsigned int v);
137 [[nodiscard]] unsigned int totalItems() const;
138 void setCompletedItems(unsigned int v);
139 void incCompletedItems(unsigned int v = 1);
140 [[nodiscard]] unsigned int completedItems() const;
142 /**
143 * Recalculate progress according to total/completed items and update.
144 */
145 void updateProgress();
147 void addChild(ProgressItem *kiddo);
148 void removeChild(ProgressItem *kiddo);
150 [[nodiscard]] bool canceled() const;
152 unsigned int typeProgressItem() const;
153 void setTypeProgressItem(unsigned int);
156 /**
157 * Emitted when a new ProgressItem is added.
158 * @param The ProgressItem that was added.
159 */
162 /**
163 * Emitted when the progress value of an item changes.
164 * @param The item which got a new value.
165 * @param The value, for convenience.
166 */
169 /**
170 * Emitted when a progress item was completed. The item will be
171 * deleted afterwards, so slots connected to this are the last
172 * chance to work with this item.
173 * @param The completed item.
174 */
177 /**
178 * Emitted when an item was canceled. It will _not_ go away immediately,
179 * only when the owner sets it complete, which will usually happen. Can be
180 * used to visually indicate the canceled status of an item. Should be used
181 * by the owner of the item to make sure it is set completed even if it is
182 * canceled. There is a ProgressManager::slotStandardCancelHandler which
183 * simply sets the item completed and can be used if no other work needs to
184 * be done on cancel.
185 * @param The canceled item;
186 */
189 /**
190 * Emitted when the status message of an item changed. Should be used by
191 * progress dialogs to update the status message for an item.
192 * @param The updated item.
193 * @param The new message.
194 */
197 /**
198 * Emitted when the label of an item changed. Should be used by
199 * progress dialogs to update the label of an item.
200 * @param The updated item.
201 * @param The new label.
202 */
205 /**
206 * Emitted when the crypto status of an item changed. Should be used by
207 * progress dialogs to update the crypto indicator of an item.
208 * @param The updated item.
209 * @param The new state.
210 */
211 void progressItemCryptoStatus(KPIM::ProgressItem *, KPIM::ProgressItem::CryptoStatus);
213 /**
214 * Emitted when the busy indicator state of an item changes. Should be used
215 * by progress dialogs so that they can adjust the display of the progress bar
216 * to the new mode.
217 * @param item The updated item
218 * @param value True if the item uses a busy indicator now, false otherwise
219 */
223 /* Only to be used by our good friend the ProgressManager */
224 ProgressItem(ProgressItem *parent, const QString &id, const QString &label, const QString &status, bool isCancellable, CryptoStatus cryptoStatus);
225 ~ProgressItem() override;
228 QString mId;
229 QString mLabel;
230 QString mStatus;
232 bool mCanBeCanceled = false;
233 unsigned int mProgress = 0;
234 ProgressItemMap mChildren;
235 unsigned int mTotal = 0;
236 unsigned int mCompleted = 0;
237 CryptoStatus mCryptoStatus;
238 unsigned int mType = 0;
239 bool mWaitingForKids = false;
240 bool mCanceled = false;
241 bool mUsesBusyIndicator = false;
242 bool mCompletedCalled = false;
245struct ProgressManagerPrivate;
248 * The ProgressManager singleton keeps track of all ongoing transactions
249 * and notifies observers (progress dialogs) when their progress percent value
250 * changes, when they are completed (by their owner), and when they are canceled.
251 * Each ProgressItem emits those signals individually and the singleton
252 * broadcasts them. Use the ::createProgressItem() statics to acquire an item
253 * and then call ->setProgress( int percent ) on it every time you want to
254 * update the item and ->setComplete() when the operation is done. This will
255 * delete the item. Connect to the item's progressItemCanceled() signal to be
256 * notified when the user cancels the transaction using one of the observing
257 * progress dialogs or by calling item->cancel() in some other way. The owner
258 * is responsible for calling setComplete() on the item, even if it is canceled.
259 * Use the standardCancelHandler() slot if that is all you want to do on cancel.
260 *
261 * Note that if you request an item with a certain id and there is already
262 * one with that id, there will not be a new one created but the existing
263 * one will be returned. This is convenient for accessing items that are
264 * needed regularly without the to store a pointer to them or to add child
265 * items to parents by id.
266 */
267class KDEPIM_EXPORT ProgressManager : public QObject
271 friend struct ProgressManagerPrivate;
274 ~ProgressManager() override;
276 /**
277 * @return The singleton instance of this class.
278 */
279 static ProgressManager *instance();
281 /**
282 * Use this to acquire a unique id number which can be used to discern
283 * an operation from all others going on at the same time. Use that
284 * number as the id string for your progressItem to ensure it is unique.
285 * @return
286 */
287 [[nodiscard]] static QString getUniqueID();
289 /**
290 * Creates a ProgressItem with a unique id and the given label.
291 * This is the simplest way to acquire a progress item. It will not
292 * have a parent and will be set to be cancellable and not using crypto.
293 */
294 static ProgressItem *createProgressItem(unsigned int progressType, const QString &label);
296 /**
297 * Creates a ProgressItem with a unique id and the given label.
298 * This is the simplest way to acquire a progress item. It will not
299 * have a parent and will be set to be cancellable and not using crypto.
300 */
301 static ProgressItem *createProgressItem(const QString &label);
303 /**
304 * Creates a new progressItem with the given parent, id, label and initial
305 * status.
306 *
307 * @param parent Specify an already existing item as the parent of this one.
308 * @param id Used to identify this operation for cancel and progress info.
309 * @param label The text to be displayed by progress handlers
310 * @param status Additional text to be displayed for the item.
311 * @param canBeCanceled can the user cancel this operation?
312 * @param usesCrypto does the operation use secure transports (SSL)
313 * Cancelling the parent will cancel the children as well (if they can be
314 * canceled) and ongoing children prevent parents from finishing.
315 * @return The ProgressItem representing the operation.
316 */
318 const QString &id,
319 const QString &label,
320 const QString &status = QString(),
321 bool canBeCanceled = true,
322 KPIM::ProgressItem::CryptoStatus cryptoStatus = KPIM::ProgressItem::Unencrypted);
324 /**
325 * Use this version if you have the id string of the parent and want to
326 * add a subjob to it.
327 */
329 const QString &id,
330 const QString &label,
331 const QString &status = QString(),
332 bool canBeCanceled = true,
333 KPIM::ProgressItem::CryptoStatus cryptoStatus = KPIM::ProgressItem::Unencrypted);
335 /**
336 * Version without a parent.
337 */
338 static ProgressItem *createProgressItem(const QString &id,
339 const QString &label,
340 const QString &status = QString(),
341 bool canBeCanceled = true,
342 KPIM::ProgressItem::CryptoStatus cryptoStatus = KPIM::ProgressItem::Unencrypted);
344 /**
345 * @return true when there are no more progress items.
346 */
347 [[nodiscard]] bool isEmpty() const;
349 /**
350 * @return the only top level progressitem when there's only one.
351 * Returns 0 if there is no item, or more than one top level item.
352 * Since this is used to calculate the overall progress, it will also return
353 * 0 if there is an item which uses a busy indicator, since that will invalidate
354 * the overall progress.
355 */
356 ProgressItem *singleItem() const;
358 /**
359 * Ask all listeners to show the progress dialog, because there is
360 * something that wants to be shown.
361 */
362 static void emitShowProgressDialog();
364 ProgressItem *progressItem(const QString &id) const;
367 /** @see ProgressItem::progressItemAdded() */
369 /** @see ProgressItem::progressItemProgress() */
371 /** @see ProgressItem::progressItemCompleted() */
373 /** @see ProgressItem::progressItemCanceled() */
375 /** @see ProgressItem::progressItemStatus() */
377 /** @see ProgressItem::progressItemLabel() */
379 /** @see ProgressItem::progressItemCryptoStatus() */
380 void progressItemCryptoStatus(KPIM::ProgressItem *, KPIM::ProgressItem::CryptoStatus);
381 /** @see ProgressItem::progressItemUsesBusyIndicator */
384 /**
385 * Emitted when an operation requests the listeners to be shown.
386 * Use emitShowProgressDialog() to trigger it.
387 */
390public Q_SLOTS:
392 /**
393 * Calls setCompleted() on the item, to make sure it goes away.
394 * Provided for convenience.
395 * @param item the canceled item.
396 */
399 /**
400 * Aborts all running jobs. Bound to "Esc"
401 */
402 void slotAbortAll();
404private Q_SLOTS:
405 void slotTransactionCompleted(KPIM::ProgressItem *item);
408 KDEPIM_NO_EXPORT ProgressManager();
409 // prevent unsolicited copies
410 KDEPIM_NO_EXPORT ProgressManager(const ProgressManager &);
412 KDEPIM_NO_EXPORT ProgressItem *createProgressItemImpl(ProgressItem *parent,
413 const QString &id,
414 const QString &label,
415 const QString &status,
416 bool cancellable,
417 ProgressItem::CryptoStatus cryptoStatus,
418 unsigned int progressType = 0);
420 KDEPIM_NO_EXPORT ProgressItem *createProgressItemImpl(const QString &parent,
421 const QString &id,
422 const QString &label,
423 const QString &status,
424 bool cancellable,
425 ProgressItem::CryptoStatus cryptoStatus,
426 unsigned int progressType = 0);
427 KDEPIM_NO_EXPORT void emitShowProgressDialogImpl();
429 QHash<QString, ProgressItem *> mTransactions;
430 static unsigned int uID;
The ProgressItem class.
void setComplete()
Tell the item it has finished.
CryptoStatus cryptoStatus() const
void progressItemAdded(KPIM::ProgressItem *)
Emitted when a new ProgressItem is added.
void setStatus(const QString &v)
Set the string to be used for showing this item's current status.
void setProgress(unsigned int v)
Set the progress (percentage of completion) value of this item.
bool usesBusyIndicator() const
unsigned int progress() const
void setUsesBusyIndicator(bool useBusyIndicator)
Sets whether this item uses a busy indicator instead of real progress for its progress bar.
void setCanBeCanceled(bool b)
void progressItemCryptoStatus(KPIM::ProgressItem *, KPIM::ProgressItem::CryptoStatus)
Emitted when the crypto status of an item changed.
const QString & label() const
void reset()
Reset the progress value of this item to 0 and the status string to the empty string.
void progressItemLabel(KPIM::ProgressItem *, const QString &)
Emitted when the label of an item changed.
void progressItemCompleted(KPIM::ProgressItem *)
Emitted when a progress item was completed.
const QString & id() const
void setLabel(const QString &v)
void progressItemStatus(KPIM::ProgressItem *, const QString &)
Emitted when the status message of an item changed.
ProgressItem * parent() const
void progressItemUsesBusyIndicator(KPIM::ProgressItem *item, bool value)
Emitted when the busy indicator state of an item changes.
void updateProgress()
Recalculate progress according to total/completed items and update.
void progressItemProgress(KPIM::ProgressItem *, unsigned int)
Emitted when the progress value of an item changes.
void progressItemCanceled(KPIM::ProgressItem *)
Emitted when an item was canceled.
void setCryptoStatus(ProgressItem::CryptoStatus v)
Set whether this item uses encrypted communication, so listeners can display a nice crypto icon.
const QString & status() const
The ProgressManager singleton keeps track of all ongoing transactions and notifies observers (progres...
void progressItemAdded(KPIM::ProgressItem *)
void progressItemCanceled(KPIM::ProgressItem *)
void progressItemLabel(KPIM::ProgressItem *, const QString &)
static ProgressManager * instance()
ProgressItem * singleItem() const
void slotAbortAll()
Aborts all running jobs.
void progressItemUsesBusyIndicator(KPIM::ProgressItem *, bool)
static QString getUniqueID()
Use this to acquire a unique id number which can be used to discern an operation from all others goin...
void progressItemStatus(KPIM::ProgressItem *, const QString &)
void progressItemCryptoStatus(KPIM::ProgressItem *, KPIM::ProgressItem::CryptoStatus)
void progressItemProgress(KPIM::ProgressItem *, unsigned int)
void progressItemCompleted(KPIM::ProgressItem *)
void showProgressDialog()
Emitted when an operation requests the listeners to be shown.
static ProgressItem * createProgressItem(unsigned int progressType, const QString &label)
Creates a ProgressItem with a unique id and the given label.
void slotStandardCancelHandler(KPIM::ProgressItem *item)
Calls setCompleted() on the item, to make sure it goes away.
static void emitShowProgressDialog()
Ask all listeners to show the progress dialog, because there is something that wants to be shown.
Q_SCRIPTABLE CaptureState status()
Class KCheckComboBox::KCheckComboBoxPrivate.
QObject(QObject *parent)
QObject * parent() const const
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Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:48:46 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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