
1// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Artem Fedoskin <afedoskin3@gmail.com>
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
4import QtQuick 2.6
5import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
7import "../constants" 1.0
8import "helpers"
9import "tutorial"
11Item {
12 id: skyMapLiteItem
13 visible: isLoaded
14 property alias notification: notification
16 Rectangle {
17 id: skyMapLiteWrapper
18 objectName: "skyMapLiteWrapper"
19 width: parent.width
20 height: parent.height
21 color: KStarsLite.getColor("SkyColor")
23 Connections {
24 target: colorSchemePopup
25 onColorSchemeChanged: {
26 skyMapLiteWrapper.color = KStarsLite.getColor("SkyColor")
27 }
28 }
30 Connections {
31 target: stackView
32 onCurrentItemChanged: {
33 if(stackView.currentItem != initPage) {
34 //Workaround to make animation on push from / and pop to initPage faster
35 //skyMapLiteWrapper.anchors.fill = null
36 skyMapLiteWrapper.width = 0
37 skyMapLiteWrapper.height = 0
38 skyMapLite.visible = false
39 }
40 }
41 onBusyChanged: {
42 if(stackView.currentItem == initPage) {
43 skyMapLite.visible = true
44 skyMapLiteWrapper.width = Qt.binding(function() {return skyMapLite.width})
45 skyMapLiteWrapper.height = Qt.binding(function() {return skyMapLite.height})
46 }
47 }
48 }
50 Button {
51 z: 1
53 anchors {
54 right: parent.right
55 top: parent.top
56 margins: 25
57 }
58 onClicked: {
60 }
61 onPressedChanged: {
62 if(pressed)
63 lockBG.color = "#D40000"
64 else
65 lockBG.color = "red"
66 }
68 background: Rectangle {
69 id: lockBG
70 color: "red"
71 implicitWidth: 100
72 implicitHeight: 70
73 radius: 4
74 border.width: 3
75 border.color: "#AA0000"
76 }
78 Image {
79 source: "../images/lock-closed.png"
80 anchors.centerIn: parent
81 }
82 }
84 Button {
85 z: 1
86 id: exitAutomaticMode
87 visible: SkyMapLite.automaticMode
88 anchors {
89 left: parent.left
90 top: parent.top
91 margins: 25
92 }
94 Image {
95 source: "../images/back.png"
96 anchors.centerIn: parent
97 }
99 onClicked: {
100 SkyMapLite.automaticMode = false
101 }
102 }
104 /** Circle that appears after user taps on screen **/
105 Rectangle {
106 id: tapCircle
107 z: 1
108 width: 20 * Num.dp
109 radius: width*0.5
110 height: width
111 color: "grey"
112 opacity: 0
114 Connections {
115 target: SkyMapLite
116 onPosClicked: {
117 tapCircle.x = pos.x - tapCircle.width * 0.5
118 tapCircle.y = pos.y - tapCircle.height * 0.5
119 tapAnimation.start()
120 }
121 onPointLiteChanged: {
122 contextMenu.openPoint()
123 }
125 onObjectLiteChanged: {
126 contextMenu.openObject()
127 }
128 }
130 SequentialAnimation on opacity {
131 id: tapAnimation
132 OpacityAnimator { from: 0; to: 0.8; duration: 100 }
133 OpacityAnimator { from: 0.8; to: 0; duration: 400 }
134 }
135 }
136 }
138 TopMenu {
139 id: topMenu
140 }
142 //Step 3 - Top Menu
143 TutorialStep3 {
144 anchors {
145 top: topMenu.bottom
146 }
147 }
149 PassiveNotification {
150 z: 2
151 height: 10
152 id: notification
153 visible: true
154 anchors {
155 bottom: bottomMenu.top
156 horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
157 }
159 Connections {
160 target: KStarsLite
161 onNotificationMessage: {
162 skyMapLite.notification.showNotification(msg)
163 }
164 }
165 }
167 BottomMenu {
168 id: bottomMenu
169 }
171 //Step 4 - Bottom Menu
172 TutorialStep4 {
173 anchors{
174 bottom: bottomMenu.top
175 }
176 }
This class loads QML files and connects SkyMapLite and KStarsData Unlike KStars class it is not a mai...
Definition kstarslite.h:47
This is the main item that displays all SkyItems.
Definition skymaplite.h:59
bool centerLocked
true if SkyMapLite is centered on an object and only pinch-to-zoom needs to be available
Definition skymaplite.h:74
Q_INVOKABLE QColor getColor(QString name)
returns color with key name from current color scheme
QTextStream & left(QTextStream &stream)
QTextStream & right(QTextStream &stream)
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Generated on Fri Oct 11 2024 12:15:12 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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