
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001 Jason Harris <jharris@30doradus.org>
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Valentin Boettcher <hiro at protagon.space; @hiro98:tchncs.de>
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
8#pragma once
10#include "dms.h"
11#include "skyobject.h"
12#include "nan.h"
13#include "texturemanager.h"
14#include <QString>
15#include <QByteArray>
16#include <QImage>
17#include <array>
18#include <utility>
20class KSPopupMenu;
21class KStarsData;
22class CatalogComponent;
23class CatalogEntryData;
24namespace CatalogsDB
26struct Catalog;
30 * A simple container object to hold the minimum information for a Deep
31 * Sky Object to be drawn on the skymap. Detailed information about the
32 * object (like `Catalog` information) will be loaded from it's birthing
33 * database when needed. Based on the original DeepSkyObject by Jason
34 * Harris.
35 *
36 * You shouldn't create a CatalogObject manually!
37 *
38 * \todo maybe just turn the const members public
39 */
42 friend class AddCatalogObject;
44 public:
45 using oid = QByteArray;
47 /**
48 * @param id oid (hash) of the object
49 * @param t Type of object
50 * @param r Right Ascension
51 * @param d Declination
52 * @param m magnitude (brightness)
53 * @param n Primary name
54 * @param lname Long name (common name)
55 * @param catalog_identifier a catalog specific identifier
56 * @param catalog_id catalog id
57 * @param a major axis (arcminutes)
58 * @param b minor axis (arcminutes)
59 * @param pa position angle (degrees)
60 * @param flux integrated flux (optional)
61 * @param database_path the path to the birthing database of this
62 * object, used to load additional information on-demand
63 */
64 CatalogObject(oid id = {}, const SkyObject::TYPE t = SkyObject::STAR,
65 const dms &r = dms(0.0), const dms &d = dms(0.0),
66 const float m = NaN::f, const QString &n = QString(),
67 const QString &lname = QString(),
68 const QString &catalog_identifier = QString(),
69 const int catalog_id = -1, const float a = 0.0, const float b = 0.0,
70 const double pa = 0.0, const float flux = 0,
71 const QString &database_path = "")
72 : SkyObject(t, r, d, m, n, catalog_identifier, lname),
73 m_catalog_identifier{ catalog_identifier }, m_catalog_id{ catalog_id },
74 m_database_path{ database_path }, m_major_axis{ a }, m_minor_axis{ b },
75 m_position_angle{ pa }, m_flux{ flux }
76 {
77 if (id.length() == 0)
78 m_object_id = getId();
79 else
80 m_object_id = std::move(id);
81 };
83 ~CatalogObject() override = default;
85 /**
86 * @return the string for the skymap label of the object.
87 */
88 QString labelString() const override;
90 /**
91 * Clones the object and returns a pointer to it. This is legacy
92 * code.
93 *
94 * @deprecated do not use in new code
95 */
96 CatalogObject *clone() const override;
98 /**
99 * Generates a KStars internal UID from the object id.
100 */
101 SkyObject::UID getUID() const override;
103 /**
104 * @return the object's integrated flux, unit value is stored in
105 * the custom catalog component.
106 */
107 inline float flux() const { return m_flux; }
109 /**
110 * @return the object's major axis length, in arcminutes.
111 */
112 inline float a() const { return m_major_axis; }
114 /**
115 * @return the object's minor axis length, in arcminutes.
116 */
117 inline float b() const { return m_minor_axis; }
119 /**
120 * @return the object's aspect ratio (MinorAxis/MajorAxis). Returns 1.0
121 * if the object's MinorAxis=0.0.
122 */
123 float e() const;
125 /**
126 * @return the object's position angle in degrees, measured clockwise from North.
127 */
128 inline double pa() const override { return m_position_angle; }
130 /**
131 * Get information about the catalog that this objects stems from.
132 *
133 * The catalog information will be loaded from the catalog
134 * database on demand.
135 */
136 const CatalogsDB::Catalog getCatalog() const;
138 /**
139 * Get the id of the catalog this object belongs to.
140 */
141 int catalogId() const { return m_catalog_id; }
143 /**
144 * @return the pixel distance for offseting the object's name label
145 */
146 double labelOffset() const override;
148 /**
149 * Update the cooridnates and the horizontal coordinates if
150 * updateID or updateNumID have changed (global).
151 */
152 void JITupdate();
154 /**
155 * Initialize the popup menu for a `CatalogObject`.
156 */
157 void initPopupMenu(KSPopupMenu *pmenu) override;
159 /**
160 * \return the catalog specific identifier. (For example UGC ...)
161 */
163 const QString &catalogIdentifier() const { return m_catalog_identifier; };
165 friend bool operator==(const CatalogObject &c1, const CatalogObject &c2)
166 {
167 return c1.m_object_id == c2.m_object_id;
168 }
170 friend bool operator!=(const CatalogObject &c1, const CatalogObject &c2)
171 {
172 return !(c1 == c2);
173 }
175 /**
176 * \returns the unique ID of this object (not the physical ID =
177 * m_object_id) by hashing unique properties of the object.
178 *
179 * This method provides the reference implementation for the oid hash.
180 */
181 const oid getId() const;
182 static const oid getId(const SkyObject::TYPE type, const double ra, const double dec,
183 const QString &name, const QString &catalog_identifier);
185 /**
186 * \returns the physical object id of the catalogobject
187 */
188 const oid getObjectId() const { return m_object_id; };
190 /**
191 * Set the catalog identifier to \p `cat_ident`.
192 */
193 void setCatalogIdentifier(const QString &cat_ident)
194 {
195 m_catalog_identifier = cat_ident;
196 }
198 /**
199 * Set the major axis to \p `a`.
200 */
201 void setMaj(const float a) { m_major_axis = a; }
203 /**
204 * Set the minor axis to \p `b`.
205 */
206 void setMin(const float b) { m_minor_axis = b; }
208 /**
209 * Set the flux to \p `flux`.
210 */
211 void setFlux(const float flux) { m_flux = flux; }
213 /**
214 * Set the position angle to \p `pa`.
215 */
216 void setPA(const double pa) { m_position_angle = pa; }
218 /**
219 * Set the magnitude of the object.
220 */
221 void setMag(const double mag) { SkyObject::setMag(mag); };
223 /**
224 * Load the image for this object.
225 */
226 void load_image();
228 /**
229 * Get the image for this object.
230 *
231 * @returns [has image?, the image]
232 */
233 inline std::pair<bool, const QImage &> image() const
234 {
235 return { !m_image.isNull(), m_image };
236 }
238 private:
239 /**
240 * The unique physical object identifier (hash).
241 */
242 oid m_object_id;
244 /**
245 * A catalog specific identifier.
246 */
247 QString m_catalog_identifier;
249 /**
250 * The id of the catalog, the object is originating from.
251 *
252 * A value of -1 means that the catalog is unknown. This member is
253 * not exposed publicly because it is only useful along with
254 * `m_database_path`.
255 */
256 int m_catalog_id;
258 /**
259 * The database path which this object was loaded from.
260 */
261 std::reference_wrapper<const QString> m_database_path;
263 /**
264 * Whether the image for this catalog object has been loaded.
265 */
266 bool m_image_loaded{ false };
268 /**
269 * The image for this object (if any).
270 *
271 * @todo use std::optional
272 */
273 QImage m_image;
275 //@{
276 /**
277 * Astronical metadata.
278 *
279 * Those values may make sense depending on the type of the
280 * object. A value of `-1` always means: "it doesn't make sense
281 * here".
282 */
283 float m_major_axis;
284 float m_minor_axis;
286 double m_position_angle;
287 float m_flux;
288 //@}
290 //@{
291 /**
292 * Update id counters.
293 */
294 quint64 m_updateID{ 0 };
295 quint64 m_updateNumID{ 0 };
296 //@}
A simple container object to hold the minimum information for a Deep Sky Object to be drawn on the sk...
double labelOffset() const override
int catalogId() const
Get the id of the catalog this object belongs to.
void setPA(const double pa)
Set the position angle to `pa`.
QString labelString() const override
float e() const
void setFlux(const float flux)
Set the flux to `flux`.
std::pair< bool, const QImage & > image() const
Get the image for this object.
CatalogObject(oid id={}, const SkyObject::TYPE t=SkyObject::STAR, const dms &r=dms(0.0), const dms &d=dms(0.0), const float m=NaN::f, const QString &n=QString(), const QString &lname=QString(), const QString &catalog_identifier=QString(), const int catalog_id=-1, const float a=0.0, const float b=0.0, const double pa=0.0, const float flux=0, const QString &database_path="")
void load_image()
Load the image for this object.
void initPopupMenu(KSPopupMenu *pmenu) override
Initialize the popup menu for a CatalogObject.
void setMaj(const float a)
Set the major axis to `a`.
float flux() const
void setCatalogIdentifier(const QString &cat_ident)
Set the catalog identifier to `cat_ident`.
void setMin(const float b)
Set the minor axis to `b`.
const oid getId() const
float a() const
const oid getObjectId() const
SkyObject::UID getUID() const override
Generates a KStars internal UID from the object id.
const QString & catalogIdentifier() const
void setMag(const double mag)
Set the magnitude of the object.
void JITupdate()
Update the cooridnates and the horizontal coordinates if updateID or updateNumID have changed (global...
const CatalogsDB::Catalog getCatalog() const
Get information about the catalog that this objects stems from.
double pa() const override
CatalogObject * clone() const override
Clones the object and returns a pointer to it.
float b() const
The KStars Popup Menu.
Definition kspopupmenu.h:35
KStarsData is the backbone of KStars.
Definition kstarsdata.h:74
Provides all necessary information about an object in the sky: its coordinates, name(s),...
Definition skyobject.h:50
void setMag(float m)
Set the object's sorting magnitude.
Definition skyobject.h:472
SkyObject(int t=TYPE_UNKNOWN, dms r=dms(0.0), dms d=dms(0.0), float m=0.0, const QString &n=QString(), const QString &n2=QString(), const QString &lname=QString())
Definition skyobject.cpp:30
qint64 UID
Type for Unique object IDenticator.
Definition skyobject.h:57
virtual QString name(void) const
Definition skyobject.h:154
int type(void) const
Definition skyobject.h:212
float mag() const
Definition skyobject.h:236
The type classification of the SkyObject.
Definition skyobject.h:120
const CachingDms & dec() const
Definition skypoint.h:269
const CachingDms & ra() const
Definition skypoint.h:263
An angle, stored as degrees, but expressible in many ways.
Definition dms.h:38
A simple struct to hold information about catalogs.
Definition catalogsdb.h:37
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Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:56:03 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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