44 : KSPlanetBase(_s, imfile), q(_q), e(_e), M1(_M1), M2(_M2), K1(_K1), K2(_K2), i(_i), w(_w), N(_Node)
134 Q_ASSERT(typeid(this) == typeid(static_cast<const KSComet *>(this))); // Ensure we are not slicing a derived class
178 double a3 = W * W * ((432.0 / 175.0) + (956.0 * W * W / 1125.0) + (84.0 * W * W * W * W / 1575.0));
187 //Determine Mean anomaly for desired date. deltaJDP is the difference between current JD minus JD of comet epoch.
188 // In JPL data, the Modified Julian Day is given to designate the epoch of comet data, which we convert to JD.
212 // Assert that the solution of the Kepler equation E = M + e sin E is accurate to about 0.1 arcsecond
bool loadData() override
Unused virtual function inherited from KSPlanetBase thus it's simply empty here.
Definition kscomet.cpp:349
void setEarthMOID(double earth_moid)
Sets the comet's earth minimum orbit intersection distance.
Definition kscomet.cpp:303
bool findGeocentricPosition(const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanetBase *Earth=nullptr) override
Calculate the geocentric RA, Dec coordinates of the Comet.
Definition kscomet.cpp:156
KSComet(const QString &s, const QString &image_file, double q, double e, dms i, dms w, dms N, double Tp, float M1, float M2, float K1, float K2)
Definition kscomet.cpp:42
void findPhysicalParameters()
Estimate physical parameters of the comet such as coma size, tail length and size of the nucleus.
Definition kscomet.cpp:138
There are several time-dependent values used in position calculations, that are not specific to an ob...
Definition ksnumbers.h:43
void setPhysicalSize(double size)
set the planet's physical size, in km.
Definition ksplanetbase.h:197
KSPlanetBase(const QString &s=i18n("unnamed"), const QString &image_file=QString(), const QColor &c=Qt::white, double pSize=0)
Definition ksplanetbase.cpp:37
void EclipticToEquatorial(const CachingDms *Obliquity)
Convert Ecliptic longitude/latitude to Right Ascension/Declination.
Definition ksplanetbase.cpp:81
void apparentCoord(long double jd0, long double jdf)
Computes the apparent coordinates for this SkyPoint for any epoch, accounting for the effects of prec...
Definition skypoint.cpp:720
const dms reduce() const
return the equivalent angle between 0 and 360 degrees.
Definition dms.cpp:251
void SinCos(double &s, double &c) const
Compute Sine and Cosine of the angle simultaneously.
Definition dms.h:447
static constexpr double PI
PI is a const static member; it's public so that it can be used anywhere, as long as dms....
Definition dms.h:385
static constexpr double DegToRad
DegToRad is a const static member equal to the number of radians in one degree (dms::PI/180....
Definition dms.h:390
char toLatin1() const const
QRegularExpressionMatch match(QStringView subjectView, qsizetype offset, MatchType matchType, MatchOptions matchOptions) const const
QString captured(QStringView name) const const
bool hasMatch() const const
const QChar at(qsizetype position) const const
int toInt(bool *ok, int base) const const
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:56:03 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:56:03 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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