
1xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "100x");
2xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "10x");
3xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "1200x");
4xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "12x");
5xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "600x");
6xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "64x");
7xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "900x");
8xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", ":CM#");
9xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", ":CMR#");
10xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "AP UTC Offset");
11xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "AP local time");
12xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "AP sidereal time");
13xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Abell");
14xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Abort Motion");
15xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Abort Slew");
16xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Abort Slew/Track");
17xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Abort");
18xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Absolute Position");
19xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Absolute");
20xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Activate");
21xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Active Filter");
22xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Actual Time");
23xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Alignment");
24xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "All");
25xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Alt D:M:S");
26xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Alt/Dec Anti-backlash");
27xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Alt/Dec PEC");
28xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "AltAz");
29xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Anti Flicker");
30xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Aperture (mm)");
31xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Arp");
32xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Atmosphere");
33xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Auto Search");
34xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Auto");
35xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Auxiliary");
36xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Average (1 sec.)");
37xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Az D:M:S");
38xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Az/Ra Anti-backlash");
39xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Az/Ra PEC");
40xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Back Light");
41xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Backlash");
42xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Baud Rate");
43xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Bias");
44xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Binning");
45xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Bits per pixel");
46xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Blue");
47xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Both");
48xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Brightness");
49xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "CCD Bias");
50xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "CCD FOV");
51xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "CCD Information");
52xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "CCD Maximum ADU");
53xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "CCD Noise");
54xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "CCD Simulator");
55xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "CCD Simulator");
56xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "CCD X Pixel Size");
57xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "CCD X resolution");
58xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "CCD Y Pixel Size");
59xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "CCD Y resolution");
60xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "CCD1");
61xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "CCDs");
62xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Caldwell");
63xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Camera Model");
64xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Celsius");
65xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Centering");
66xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Client");
67xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Color");
68xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Comet DEC motion arcmin/day");
69xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Comet RA motion arcmin/day");
70xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Comet tracking parameters");
71xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Comet");
72xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Communication");
73xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Compress");
74xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Compression");
75xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Config #1");
76xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Config #2");
77xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Config #3");
78xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Config #4");
79xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Config #5");
80xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Config #6");
81xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Config Name");
82xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Configuration");
83xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Connect");
84xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Connection Mode");
85xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Connection");
86xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Contrast");
87xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Control");
88xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Cooler");
89xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Count");
90xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Current");
91xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Custom");
92xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "DE (arcsecs/s)");
93xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "DEC (dd:mm:ss)");
94xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "DOME");
95xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Dark");
96xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Date");
97xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Date/Time");
98xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Date/Time/Location");
99xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Debug");
100xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Dec (arcmin)");
101xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Dec (dd:mm:ss)");
102xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Dec D:M:S");
103xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Declination axis");
104xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Deep Sky Catalogs");
105xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Default");
106xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Device");
107xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Diff. Eq.");
108xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Dir");
109xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Dir.");
110xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Direction");
111xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Direction");
112xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Disable");
113xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Disabled");
114xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Disconnect");
115xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Divisor");
116xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Dome Simulator");
117xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Dome control");
118xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Dome locks");
119xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Dome parking policy");
120xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Dome parks");
121xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Driver Info");
122xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Duration (s)");
123xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Duration (sec)");
124xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Dust Cover");
125xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Duty cycle");
126xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "EQ Coord");
127xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "EQ PEC");
128xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "East (ms)");
129xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "East (msec)");
130xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "East (pointing west)");
131xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "East (sec)");
132xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "East");
133xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "East/West");
134xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Elevation (m)");
135xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Enable");
136xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Enabled");
137xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Encoder");
138xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "EQ PE");
139xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Eq. Coordinates");
140xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Equatorial JNow");
141xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Ethernet");
142xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Exec");
143xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Expose Abort");
144xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Expose");
145xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Exposure");
146xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Extended GPS Features");
147xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Extrema");
148xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "FITS Header");
149xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "FWHM (arcseconds)");
150xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "FWHM");
151xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Factory");
152xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Fan");
153xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Fast");
154xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Feed");
155xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Feedback");
156xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Field De-rotator");
157xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter #1");
158xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter #2");
159xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter #3");
160xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter #4");
161xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter #5");
162xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter Count");
163xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter Simulator");
164xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter Slot");
165xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter Wheel");
166xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter");
167xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter#1");
168xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter#2");
169xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter#3");
170xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter#4");
171xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter#5");
172xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter#6");
173xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter#7");
174xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Filter#8");
175xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Find");
176xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Firmware Info");
177xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Firmware data");
178xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Firmware version");
179xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Firmware");
180xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Flat");
181xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Fluorescent");
182xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Focal Length (mm)");
183xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Focal Length (mm)");
184xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Focus Control");
185xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Focus In");
186xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Focus Out");
187xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Focus Speed");
188xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Focus Timer");
189xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Focus in");
190xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Focus out");
191xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Focuser Simulator");
192xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Focuser");
193xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Focusers");
194xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "FPS");
195xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Frame Rate");
196xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Frame Type");
197xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Frame Values");
198xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Frame");
199xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "FrameType");
200xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Frames");
201xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Freq");
202xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Full");
203xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "GCVS");
204xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "GOTO");
205xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "GPS Power");
206xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "GPS Simulator");
207xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "GPS Status");
208xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "GPS System");
209xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "GPS");
210xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "GPS/16 inch Features");
211xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Gamma");
212xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "General Info");
213xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Generic Video4Linux");
214xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Geographic Location");
215xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Geographic Location");
216xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Goto");
217xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Green");
218xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Grey");
219xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guide Abort");
220xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guide E/W");
221xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guide East/West");
222xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guide Head");
223xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guide Info");
224xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guide N/S");
225xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guide North/South");
226xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guide West/East");
227xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guide Wheel");
228xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guide");
229xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guider Aperture (mm)");
230xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guider Control");
231xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guider Focal Length (mm)");
232xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guider Head");
233xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guider Head Rapid Guide");
234xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guider Image");
235xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Guiding Rate");
236xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "H Alpha");
237xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "H:M:S");
238xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "HA H:M:S");
239xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "H_Alpha");
240xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Halt");
241xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Height m");
242xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Height");
243xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "High");
244xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Horizontal Coords");
245xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Hour axis");
246xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Hourangle Coords");
247xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Hue");
248xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Humidity Perc.");
249xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "IC");
250xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Ignore dome");
251xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Image Adjustments");
252xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Image Control");
253xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Image Data");
254xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Image Info");
255xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Image Settings");
256xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Image Type");
257xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Image");
258xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Indoor");
259xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Info");
260xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Instant.");
261xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Interface");
262xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Joystick");
263xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Jupiter");
264xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "LPR");
265xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "LX200 Basic");
266xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Lat (dd:mm:ss)");
267xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Lat. D:M:S +N");
268xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Lat. D:M:S +N");
269xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Left ");
270xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Library");
271xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Light");
272xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Limiting Mag");
273xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Load");
274xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Local");
275xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Lon (dd:mm:ss)");
276xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Long. D:M:S +E");
277xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Low");
278xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Luminance");
279xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Luminosity");
280xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Lunar");
281xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Main Control");
282xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Manual Blue");
283xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Manual Red");
284xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Manual");
285xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Mars");
286xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Master alarm");
287xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Max slew Rate");
288xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Max");
289xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Max. Height");
290xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Max. Position");
291xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Max. Width");
292xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Max. travel");
293xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Maximum Tick");
294xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Maximum travel");
295xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Medium");
296xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Mercury");
297xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Messier");
298xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Minimum Tick");
299xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Mode");
300xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Model");
301xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Moon");
302xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Motion Control");
303xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Motion N/S");
304xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Motion W/E");
305xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Motion");
306xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Motor Steps");
307xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Motor steps per tick");
308xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Mount coordinates");
309xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Mount init.");
310xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Mounting");
311xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Move to rate");
312xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Movement Control");
313xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "N/S Rate");
314xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "NGC");
315xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Name");
316xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Neptune");
317xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Noise Reduction");
318xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "None");
319xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "North (ms)");
320xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "North (msec)");
321xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "North (sec)");
322xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "North");
323xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "North/South");
324xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Note");
325xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Number");
326xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "OFF");
327xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "OIII");
328xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "ON");
329xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "OTA Temperature (C)");
330xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "OTA Update");
331xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Oag Offset (arcminutes)");
332xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Object Info");
333xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Object Number");
334xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Object");
335xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Observer");
336xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Off");
337xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Offset");
338xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "On Set");
339xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "On");
340xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Options");
341xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Outdoor");
342xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "PAE (arcminutes)");
343xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "PAE Drift (minutes)");
344xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "PE N/S");
345xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "PE W/E");
346xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Park Options");
347xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Park Position");
348xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Park Scope");
349xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Park");
350xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Parking");
351xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Period (ms)");
352xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Periodic Error");
353xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Philips Webcam");
354xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Pier Side");
355xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Pixel size (um)");
356xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Pixel size X");
357xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Pixel size Y");
358xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Pluto");
359xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Polar");
360xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Polling");
361xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Port");
362xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Ports");
363xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Position");
364xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Power");
365xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Prefix");
366xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Pressure hPa");
367xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Presets");
368xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Preset 1");
369xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Preset 2");
370xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Preset 3");
371xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Primary");
372xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Property");
373xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Purge Data");
374xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Purge");
375xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "RA H:M:S");
376xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "RA (arcmin)");
377xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "RA (arcsecs/s)");
378xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "RA (hh:mm:ss)");
379xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "RA H:M:S");
380xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "RA motor");
381xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Ra (hh:mm:ss)");
382xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Rapid Guide");
383xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Rate");
384xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Raw");
385xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Record (Duration)");
386xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Record (Frames)");
387xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Record File");
388xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Record Off");
389xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Record On");
390xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Record Options");
391xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Recorder");
392xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Red");
393xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Refresh");
394xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Relative Position");
395xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Relative");
396xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Reset");
397xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Resolution x");
398xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Resolution y");
399xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Restart");
400xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Restore");
401xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Rotation CW (degrees)");
402xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Rotation");
403xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "SAO");
404xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "SII");
405xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "SQM");
406xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "STAR");
407xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Saturation Mag");
408xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Saturn");
409xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Save home");
410xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Save");
411xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Scan Ports");
412xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Scope Configs");
413xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Scope Location");
414xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Scope Name");
415xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Scope Properties");
416xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Seeing");
417xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Select item...");
418xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Select");
419xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Selenographic Sync");
420xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Serial");
421xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Set Register");
422xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Set home");
423xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Set register");
424xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Set");
425xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Settings");
426xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Shutter Speed");
427xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Sidereal Time");
428xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Sidereal time");
429xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Sidereal");
430xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Simulation");
431xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Simulator Config");
432xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Simulator Settings");
433xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Site 1");
434xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Site 2");
435xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Site 3");
436xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Site 4");
437xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Site Management");
438xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Site Name");
439xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Sites");
440xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Sky Glow (magnitudes)");
441xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Sky Quality");
442xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Sleep");
443xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Slew Accuracy");
444xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Slew Rate");
445xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Slew Target");
446xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Slew rate");
447xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Slew");
448xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Slow");
449xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Snoop dc connection");
450xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Snoop dc master alarm");
451xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Snoop dc mode");
452xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Snoop devices");
453xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Solar System");
454xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Solar");
455xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "South (ms)");
456xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "South (msec)");
457xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "South (sec)");
458xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "South");
459xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Speed");
460xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Star Catalogs");
461xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Step delay");
462xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Steps");
463xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Stop");
464xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Stream Off");
465xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Stream On");
466xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Streaming");
467xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Swap buttons");
468xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Switch 1");
469xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Switch 2");
470xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Switch 3");
471xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Switch 4");
472xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Sync");
473xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Telescope Simulator");
474xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Telescope");
475xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Telescopes");
476xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Temma Driver");
477xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Temma version");
478xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Temma");
479xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Temp.");
480xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Temperature (C)");
481xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Temperature K");
482xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Temperature");
483xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Theta D:M:S");
484xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Ticks");
485xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Time Factor");
486xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Time");
487xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Timer (ms)");
488xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Timer");
489xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Top");
490xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Total Exposure Time (ms)");
491xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Track Mode");
492xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Track Rates");
493xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Track");
494xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Tracking Accuracy");
495xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Tracking Frequency");
496xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Tracking Mode");
497xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Tracking mode");
498xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Tracking");
499xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Transformation");
500xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "UGC");
501xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "UTC Offset");
502xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "UTC Time");
503xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "UTC");
504xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "UnPark");
505xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Unknown");
506xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Update Client");
507xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Update GPS");
508xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Update");
509xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Upload Settings");
510xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Upload");
511xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Uranus");
512xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Use Pulse Cmd");
513xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Venus");
514xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Version");
515xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Video Record");
516xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Video Stream");
517xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Video");
518xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "W/E Rate");
519xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "WCS");
520xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Wake up");
521xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Webcam Name");
522xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "West (ms)");
523xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "West (msec)");
524xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "West (pointing east)");
525xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "West (sec)");
526xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "West");
527xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "West/East");
528xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "White Balance Mode");
529xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "White Balance");
530xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Whiteness");
531xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Width");
532xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Write Data");
533xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "X");
534xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "Y");
535xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "app. to refracted");
536xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "app., refr., tel., observed");
537xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "app., refr., telescope");
538xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "arcseconds");
539xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "cold");
540xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "danger");
541xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "decPEC (dd:mm:ss)");
542xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "dome control");
543xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "identity");
544xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "lunar");
545xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "manual");
546xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "max Alt");
547xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "min Alt");
548xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "off");
549xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "on");
550xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "rel. to HA");
551xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "reset");
552xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "sidereal");
553xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "solar");
554xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "undefined");
555xi18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog", "warm");
QString xi18nc(const char *context, const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:56:02 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.