23 *@short Supports controlling INDI telescope devices including setting/retrieving mount properties, slewing, motion and speed controls, in addition to enforcing altitude limits and parking/unparking.
151 * @return Returns array of doubles. First item is minimum altitude in degrees. Second item is maximum altitude limit in degrees.
254 * Get equatorial coords (JNow). An array of doubles is returned. First element is RA in hours. Second elements is DEC in degrees.
259 * Get Horizontal coords. An array of doubles is returned. First element is Azimuth in degrees. Second elements is Altitude in degrees.
376 * @brief updateLog Update mount module log to include any messages arriving for the telescope driver
382 * @brief updateTelescopeCoords is triggered by the ISD::Mount::newCoord() event and updates the displayed
383 * coordinates of the mount and to ensure mount is within altitude limits if the altitude limits are enabled.
389 void updateTelescopeCoords(const SkyPoint &position, ISD::Mount::PierSide pierSide, const dms &ha);
392 * @brief move Issues motion command to the mount to move in a particular direction based the request NS and WE values
394 * @param NS is either -1 for no direction, or ISD::Mount::MOTION_NORTH (0), or ISD::Mount::MOTION_SOUTH (1)
395 * @param WE is either -1 for no direction, or ISD::Mount::MOTION_WEST (0), or ISD::Mount::MOTION_EAST (1)
409 * @brief saveLimits Saves altitude limit to the user options and updates the INDI telescope driver limits
420 * @brief resumeAltLimits calls enableAltitudeLimits(true). This function is mostly used to enable altitude limit after a meridian flip is complete.
425 * @brief suspendAltLimits calls enableAltitudeLimits(false). This function is mostly used to disable altitude limit once a meridial flip process is started.
436 * @brief enableHaLimits calls enableHourAngleLimits(true). This function is mostly used to enable hour angle limit after a meridian flip is complete.
441 * @brief disableAltLimits calls enableHourAngleLimits(false). This function is mostly used to disable altitude limit once a meridial flip process is started.
499 * @brief syncLocationSource When location source changes, update all INDI drivers to this location source
514 * @param pierside for GEMs report the pier side the scope is currently (PierSide::PIER_WEST means
Q_SCRIPTABLE QList< double > horizontalCoords()
DBUS interface function.
void newTarget(SkyPoint ¤tCoord)
The mount has finished the slew to a new target.
void saveLimits()
saveLimits Saves altitude limit to the user options and updates the INDI telescope driver limits
Definition mount.cpp:817
Q_SCRIPTABLE void setAutoParkDailyEnabled(bool enabled)
setAutoParkDailyEnabled toggles everyday Auto Park
Definition mount.cpp:1238
Q_SCRIPTABLE void setAltitudeLimitsEnabled(bool enable)
DBUS interface function.
Definition mount.cpp:895
Q_INVOKABLE Q_SCRIPTABLE bool sync(double RA, double DEC)
DBUS interface function.
Definition mount.cpp:1007
bool addLocationSource(const QSharedPointer< ISD::GenericDevice > &device)
addLocationSource Add an INDI driver that can be used for a master location source
Definition mount.cpp:372
void syncLocationSource()
syncLocationSource When location source changes, update all INDI drivers to this location source
Definition mount.cpp:1842
void updateProperty(INDI::Property prop)
updateProperty Update properties under watch in the mount module
Definition mount.cpp:667
Q_SCRIPTABLE bool autoParkEnabled()
autoParkEnabled Check if auto-park is enabled.
void doPulse(GuideDirection ra_dir, int ra_msecs, GuideDirection dec_dir, int dec_msecs)
Send a guide pulse to the telescope.
Definition mount.cpp:809
Q_INVOKABLE Q_SCRIPTABLE bool gotoTarget(const QString &target)
DBUS interface function.
Definition mount.cpp:931
void syncTimeSource()
syncTimeSource When time source changes, update all INDI drivers to this time source
Definition mount.cpp:1834
void setTargetName(const QString &name)
setTargetName Set the name of the current target
Definition mount.cpp:949
Q_SCRIPTABLE void setAutoParkStartup(QTime startup)
setAutoParkStartup Set time when automatic parking is activated.
Definition mount.cpp:1243
void paaStageChanged(int stage)
React upon status changes of the polar alignment - mainly to avoid meridian flips happening during po...
Definition mount.cpp:724
void setMeridianFlipValues(bool activate, double degrees)
set meridian flip activation and hours
Definition mount.cpp:718
Q_SCRIPTABLE QList< double > equatorialCoords()
DBUS interface function.
void syncTelescopeInfo()
syncTelescopeInfo Update telescope information to reflect any property changes
Definition mount.cpp:433
void syncAxisReversed(INDI_EQ_AXIS axis, bool reversed)
syncAxisReversed Update Mount Control GUI on the reverse motion toggled state.
Definition mount.cpp:1349
void motionCommand(int command, int NS, int WE)
move Issues motion command to the mount to move in a particular direction based the request NS and WE...
Definition mount.cpp:790
void registerNewModule(const QString &name)
registerNewModule Register an Ekos module as it arrives via DBus and create the appropriate DBus inte...
Definition mount.cpp:510
bool addTimeSource(const QSharedPointer< ISD::GenericDevice > &device)
addTimeSource Add an INDI driver that can be used for a master time source
Definition mount.cpp:329
void newTargetName(const QString &name)
The mount has finished the slew to a new target.
Q_INVOKABLE Q_SCRIPTABLE bool syncTarget(const QString &target)
DBUS interface function.
Definition mount.cpp:955
void stopTimers()
stopTimers Need to stop update timers when profile is disconnected but due to timing and race conditi...
Definition mount.cpp:1258
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setHourAngleLimit(double limit)
DBUS interface function.
Definition mount.cpp:910
void updateLog(int messageID)
updateLog Update mount module log to include any messages arriving for the telescope driver
Definition mount.cpp:773
QSharedPointer< MeridianFlipState > getMeridianFlipState() const
Definition mount.h:138
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setAltitudeLimits(QList< double > limits)
DBUS interface function.
Definition mount.cpp:889
Q_SCRIPTABLE void setHourAngleLimitEnabled(bool enable)
DBUS interface function.
Definition mount.cpp:915
void enableHourAngleLimits(bool enable)
enableHourAngleLimits Enable or disable hour angle limits
Definition mount.cpp:859
void updateTelescopeCoords(const SkyPoint &position, ISD::Mount::PierSide pierSide, const dms &ha)
updateTelescopeCoords is triggered by the ISD::Mount::newCoord() event and updates the displayed coor...
Definition mount.cpp:519
Q_INVOKABLE Q_SCRIPTABLE bool slew(double RA, double DEC)
DBUS interface function.
Definition mount.cpp:968
void newCoords(const SkyPoint &position, ISD::Mount::PierSide pierSide, const dms &ha)
Update event with the current telescope position.
Q_SCRIPTABLE void setAutoParkEnabled(bool enable)
setAutoParkEnabled Toggle Auto Park
Definition mount.cpp:1230
Q_CLASSINFO(Name, Value)
QString join(QChar separator) const const
QWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:56:00 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:56:00 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.