17#include "nomadbinfile2sqlite.h"
19#include "angconversion.h"
20#include "MeshIterator.h"
33 m_Mesh =
new HTMesh(HTMLevel, HTMLevel);
34 strcpy(db_tbl, _db_tbl);
45 stardata->RA = bswap_32(stardata->RA);
46 stardata->Dec = bswap_32(stardata->Dec);
47 stardata->dRA = bswap_16(stardata->dRA);
48 stardata->dDec = bswap_16(stardata->dDec);
49 stardata->B = bswap_16(stardata->B);
50 stardata->V = bswap_16(stardata->V);
56bool NOMADStarDataWriter::createTable()
59 char create_query[2048];
60 char index_query[2048];
63 "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `%s` (`Trixel` int(32) NOT NULL , `RA` double NOT NULL , `Dec` double NOT NULL "
64 ", `dRA` double NOT NULL , `dDec` double NOT NULL , `PM` double NOT NULL , `V` float NOT NULL , `B` float "
69 if (sqlite3_exec(db, create_query, 0, 0, &errorMessage) != SQLITE_OK)
72 sqlite3_free(errorMessage);
76 sprintf(index_query,
"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `TrixelIndex` ON `%s`(`Trixel`)", db_tbl);
78 if (sqlite3_exec(db, index_query, 0, 0, &errorMessage) != SQLITE_OK)
81 sqlite3_free(errorMessage);
94 double *endDec,
float years)
97 double theta0 = hour2rad(startRA);
98 double lat0 = deg2rad(startDec);
100 double PMperyear = sqrt(dRA * dRA + dDec * dDec);
102 double dir0 = (years > 0.0) ? atan2(dRA, dDec) : atan2(-dRA, -dDec);
103 double PM = PMperyear * fabs(years);
105 double dst = deg2rad(arcsec2deg(PM / 1000.0));
107 double phi0 = M_PI / 2.0 - lat0;
109 double lat1 = asin(sin(lat0) * cos(dst) + cos(lat0) * sin(dst) * cos(dir0));
110 double dtheta = atan2(sin(dir0) * sin(dst) * cos(lat0), cos(dst) - sin(lat0) * sin(lat1));
112 *endRA = rad2hour(theta0 + dtheta);
113 *endDec = rad2deg(lat1);
119bool NOMADStarDataWriter::insertStarData(
unsigned int trixel,
const DeepStarData *
const data)
124 float B, V, RA, Dec, dRA, dDec;
127 B = ((double)data->B) / 1000.0;
128 V = ((double)data->V) / 1000.0;
129 RA = ((double)data->RA) / 1000000.0;
130 Dec = ((double)data->Dec) / 100000.0;
131 dRA = ((double)data->dRA) / 1000.0;
132 dDec = ((double)data->dDec) / 1000.0;
137 unsigned int originalTrixelID = m_Mesh->index(RA, Dec);
138 if (trixel != originalTrixelID)
142 if (V == 30.0 && B != 30.0)
152 double RA1, Dec1, RA2, Dec2;
155 PM = sqrt(dRA * dRA + dDec * dDec);
160 unsigned int TrixelList[900];
163 double separation = sqrt(hour2deg(RA1 - RA2) * hour2deg(RA1 - RA2) +
164 (Dec1 - Dec2) * (Dec1 - Dec2));
165 if (separation > 50.0 / 60.0)
167 m_Mesh->intersect(RA1, Dec1, RA2, Dec2);
168 MeshIterator trixels(m_Mesh);
169 while (trixels.hasNext())
171 TrixelList[ntrixels] = trixels.next();
177 TrixelList[0] = originalTrixelID;
183 cerr <<
"Ntrixels is zero in trixel " << originalTrixelID;
188 "INSERT INTO `%s` (`Trixel`, `RA`, `Dec`, `dRA`, `dDec`, `B`, `V`, `mag`, `PM`, `Copies`) VALUES (:Trixel, "
189 ":RA, :Dec, :dRA, :dDec, :B, :V, :mag, :PM, :Copies)",
192 sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, query, -1, &stmt, 0);
194 if (sqlite3_exec(db,
"BEGIN TRANSACTION", 0, 0, &errorMessage) != SQLITE_OK)
196 cerr <<
"SQLite INSERT INTO failed! Query was: " <<
endl <<
query <<
198 sqlite3_free(errorMessage);
202 for (
int i = 0; i < ntrixels; ++i)
204 sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, TrixelList[i]);
205 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 2, RA);
206 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 3, Dec);
207 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 4, dRA);
208 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 5, dDec);
209 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 6, B);
210 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 7, V);
211 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 8, mag);
212 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 9, PM);
213 sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 10, ((TrixelList[i] == originalTrixelID) ? ntrixels : 0));
216 sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt);
220 if (sqlite3_exec(db,
"END TRANSACTION", 0, 0, &errorMessage) != SQLITE_OK)
222 cerr <<
"SQLite INSERT INTO failed! Query was: " <<
endl <<
query <<
224 sqlite3_free(errorMessage);
228 sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
233bool NOMADStarDataWriter::truncateTable()
238 sprintf(query,
"DELETE FROM `%s`; VACUUM;", db_tbl);
239 if (sqlite3_exec(db, query, 0, 0, &errorMessage) != SQLITE_OK)
241 cerr <<
"Truncate table query \"" <<
query <<
"\" failed!" <<
243 sqlite3_free(errorMessage);
252bool NOMADStarDataWriter::writeStarDataToDB()
279 "INSERT INTO `%s` (`Trixel`, `RA`, `Dec`, `dRA`, `dDec`, `B`, `V`, `mag`, `PM`, `Copies`) VALUES (:Trixel, "
280 ":RA, :Dec, :dRA, :dDec, :B, :V, :mag, :PM, :Copies)",
283 sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, query, -1, &stmt, 0);
285 if (sqlite3_exec(db,
"BEGIN TRANSACTION", 0, 0, &errorMessage) != SQLITE_OK)
287 cerr <<
"SQLite BEGIN TRANSACTION failed! Query was: " <<
endl <<
query <<
289 sqlite3_free(errorMessage);
293 for (trixel = 0; trixel < ntrixels; ++trixel)
295 fseek(DataFile, m_IndexOffset + trixel * INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE + 4, SEEK_SET);
296 fread(&offset, 4, 1, DataFile);
297 fread(&nstars, 4, 1, DataFile);
300 cerr <<
"Processing trixel " << trixel <<
" of " << ntrixels <<
303 if (offset >
unsigned(pow2(31) - 1))
305 fseek(DataFile,
unsigned(pow2(31) - 1), SEEK_SET);
306 fseek(DataFile, offset - pow2(31) + 1, SEEK_CUR);
309 fseek(DataFile, offset, SEEK_SET);
311 for (
int i = 0; i < nstars; ++i)
314 cerr <<
"Processing star " << i <<
" of " << nstars <<
" in trixel " << trixel <<
315 fread(&data,
sizeof(DeepStarData), 1, DataFile);
322 float B, V, RA, Dec, dRA, dDec;
325 B = ((double)data.B) / 1000.0;
326 V = ((double)data.V) / 1000.0;
327 RA = ((double)data.RA) / 1000000.0;
328 Dec = ((double)data.Dec) / 100000.0;
329 dRA = ((double)data.dRA) / 1000.0;
330 dDec = ((double)data.dDec) / 1000.0;
335 unsigned int originalTrixelID = m_Mesh->index(hour2deg(RA), Dec);
336 if (trixel != originalTrixelID)
338 cout <<
"Trixel = " << trixel <<
", but this is the original Trixel ID: " << originalTrixelID
339 <<
". Skipping" <<
340 cout <<
"Skipped star has (RA, Dec) = " << RA << Dec <<
"; (dRA, dDec) = " << dRA << dDec
341 <<
"; and (B, V) = " << B << V <<
"." <<
342 cout <<
"This suspected duplicate is star " << i <<
"in trixel " << trixel;
347 if (V == 30.0 && B != 30.0)
357 double RA1, Dec1, RA2, Dec2, RA1deg, RA2deg;
360 PM = sqrt(dRA * dRA + dDec * dDec);
364 RA1deg = hour2deg(RA1);
365 RA2deg = hour2deg(RA2);
367 unsigned int TrixelList[60];
370 double separationsqr = (RA1deg - RA2deg) * (RA1deg - RA2deg) +
371 (Dec1 - Dec2) * (Dec1 - Dec2);
375 m_Mesh->intersect(RA1deg, Dec1, RA2deg, Dec2);
376 MeshIterator trixels(m_Mesh);
377 while (trixels.hasNext())
379 TrixelList[nt] = trixels.next();
385 TrixelList[0] = originalTrixelID;
391 cerr <<
"# of trixels is zero in trixel " << originalTrixelID;
395 for (
int i = 0; i < nt; ++i)
397 sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, TrixelList[i]);
398 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 2, RA);
399 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 3, Dec);
400 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 4, dRA);
401 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 5, dDec);
402 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 6, B);
403 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 7, V);
404 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 8, mag);
405 sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 9, PM);
406 sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 10, ((TrixelList[i] == originalTrixelID) ? ntrixels : 0));
409 sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt);
414 if (trixel % 100 == 0 && trixel != 0)
416 if (sqlite3_exec(db,
"END TRANSACTION", 0, 0, &errorMessage) != SQLITE_OK)
418 cerr <<
"SQLite END TRANSACTION failed! Query was: " <<
endl <<
query <<
420 sqlite3_free(errorMessage);
423 sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
424 sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, query, -1, &stmt, 0);
426 if (sqlite3_exec(db,
"BEGIN TRANSACTION", 0, 0, &errorMessage) != SQLITE_OK)
428 cerr <<
"SQLite BEGIN TRANSACTION failed! Query was: " <<
endl <<
query <<
430 sqlite3_free(errorMessage);
434 cout <<
"Finished trixel " << trixel <<
438 if (sqlite3_exec(db,
"END TRANSACTION", 0, 0, &errorMessage) != SQLITE_OK)
440 cerr <<
"SQLite INSERT INTO failed! Query was: " <<
endl <<
query <<
442 sqlite3_free(errorMessage);
446 sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
451bool NOMADStarDataWriter::readFileHeader()
455 char ASCII_text[125];
462 fread(ASCII_text, 124, 1, DataFile);
463 ASCII_text[124] =
464 printf(
"%s", ASCII_text);
466 fread(&endian_id, 2, 1, DataFile);
467 if (endian_id != 0x4B53)
469 fprintf(stdout,
"Byteswapping required\n");
474 fprintf(stdout,
"Byteswapping not required\n");
478 fread(&version_no, 1, 1, DataFile);
479 fprintf(stdout,
"Version number: %d\n", version_no);
481 fread(&nfields, 2, 1, DataFile);
486 for (i = 0; i < nfields; ++i)
487 fread(&de,
struct dataElement), 1, DataFile);
489 fread(&ntrixels, 4, 1, DataFile);
491 ntrixels = bswap_32(ntrixels);
492 fprintf(stdout,
"Number of trixels reported = %d\n", ntrixels);
494 m_IndexOffset = ftell(DataFile);
503 if (!readFileHeader())
508 if (!writeStarDataToDB())
512int main(
int argc,
char *argv[])
522 fprintf(stderr,
"USAGE: %s <NOMAD bin file> <SQLite DB File Name> <Table Name>\n", argv[0]);
526 strcpy(db_name, argv[2]);
527 strcpy(db_tbl, argv[3]);
529 f = fopen(argv[1],
533 fprintf(stderr,
"ERROR: Could not open file %s for binary read.\n", argv[1]);
538 if (sqlite3_open(db_name, &db))
540 fprintf(stderr,
"ERROR: Failed to open database: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
HTMesh was originally intended to be a simple interface to the HTM library for the KStars project tha...
static void bswap_stardata(DeepStarData *stardata)
Byteswaps the DeepStarData structure.
NOMADStarDataWriter(FILE *f, int HTMLevel, MYSQL *link, char *_db_tbl)
bool write()
Writes the star data into the DB by calling multiple functions.
static void calculatePMCoords(double startRA, double startDec, double dRA, double dDec, double *endRA, double *endDec, float years)
Computes the (unprecessed) coordinates of a star after accounting for proper motion.
KSERVICE_EXPORT KService::List query(FilterFunc filterFunc)
KCALUTILS_EXPORT QString errorMessage(const KCalendarCore::Exception &exception)
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &stream)
A 16-byte structure that holds star data for really faint stars.