30 else if (pb->name() == i18n("Jupiter") || pb->name() == i18n("Mercury") || pb->name() == i18n("Saturn"))
46 SkyMapLite::Instance()->window()->createTextureFromImage(pb->image(), QQuickWindow::TextureCanUseAtlas));
74 float fakeStarSize = (10.0 + log10(Options::zoomFactor()) - log10(MINZOOM)) * (10 - planet->mag()) / 10;
A subclass of TrailObject that provides additional information needed for most solar system objects.
Definition ksplanetbase.h:50
LabelNode * addLabel(SkyObject *skyObject, label_t labelType)
Create LabelNode with given skyObject and append it to LabelTypeNode that corresponds to type.
Definition labelsitem.cpp:111
virtual void changePos(QPointF pos) override
changePos changes the position m_point and m_planetPic
Definition planetnode.cpp:145
PlanetNode(KSPlanetBase *pb, RootNode *parentNode, LabelsItem::label_t labelType=LabelsItem::label_t::PLANET_LABEL)
Definition planetnode.cpp:20
virtual void hide() override
hides all child nodes (sets opacity of m_opacity to 0)
Definition planetnode.cpp:138
SkyOpacityNode derived class that represents stars and planets using cached QSGTexture.
Definition pointnode.h:25
The Projector class is the primary class that serves as an interface to handle projections.
Definition projector.h:58
QPointF toScreen(const SkyPoint *o, bool oRefract=true, bool *onVisibleHemisphere=nullptr) const
This is exactly the same as toScreenVec but it returns a QPointF.
Definition projector.cpp:93
bool onScreen(const QPointF &p) const
Check whether the projected point is on-screen.
Definition projector.cpp:98
bool checkVisibility(const SkyPoint *p) const
Determine if the skypoint p is likely to be visible in the display window.
Definition projector.cpp:183
A QSGClipNode derived class used as a container for holding pointers to nodes and for clipping.
Definition rootnode.h:60
A wrapper for QSGOpacityNode that provides hide() and show() functions.
Definition skyopacitynode.h:21
static constexpr double PI
PI is a const static member; it's public so that it can be used anywhere, as long as dms....
Definition dms.h:385
QString i18n(const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
bool isNull() const const
void rotate(const QQuaternion &quaternion)
void translate(const QVector3D &vector)
qreal x() const const
qreal y() const const
void appendChildNode(QSGNode *node)
void markDirty(DirtyState bits)
void setMatrix(const QMatrix4x4 &matrix)
qreal height() const const
qreal width() const const
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:56:02 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:56:02 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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