55 m_groups.append(new SatelliteGroup(group_infos.at(0), group_infos.at(1), QUrl(group_infos.at(2))));
I totally rewrote this because the earlier scheme of reading all the lines of a file into a buffer be...
Definition ksfilereader.h:55
QString readLine()
increments the line number and returns the next line from the file as a QString.
Definition ksfilereader.h:106
bool open(const QString &fname)
opens the file fname from the QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation directory and uses that file for t...
Definition ksfilereader.cpp:40
There are several time-dependent values used in position calculations, that are not specific to an ob...
Definition ksnumbers.h:43
void updateSatellitesPos()
Compute current position of the each satellites in the group.
Definition satellitegroup.cpp:52
void readTLE()
Read TLE file of the group and create all satellites found in the file.
Definition satellitegroup.cpp:25
SkyObject * objectNearest(SkyPoint *p, double &maxrad) override
Search the nearest satellite from point p.
Definition satellitescomponent.cpp:215
Satellite * findSatellite(QString name)
Search a satellite by name.
Definition satellitescomponent.cpp:200
void drawTrails(SkyPainter *skyp) override
Draw trails for objects.
Definition satellitescomponent.cpp:139
void drawLabel(Satellite *sat, const QPointF &pos)
Draw label of a satellite.
Definition satellitescomponent.cpp:132
SkyObject * findByName(const QString &name, bool exact=true) override
Return object given name.
Definition satellitescomponent.cpp:250
void update(KSNumbers *num) override
Update satellites position.
Definition satellitescomponent.cpp:82
SkyComponent(SkyComposite *parent=nullptr)
Constructor parent pointer to the parent SkyComposite.
Definition skycomponent.cpp:13
virtual void emitProgressText(const QString &message)
Emit signal about progress.
Definition skycomponent.cpp:18
SkyComposite is a kind of container class for SkyComponent objects.
Definition skycomposite.h:30
The purpose of this class is to prevent labels from overlapping.
Definition skylabeler.h:99
static void AddLabel(SkyObject *obj, label_t type)
static version of addLabel() below.
Definition skylabeler.h:135
void setPen(const QPen &pen)
sets the pen used for drawing labels on the sky.
Definition skylabeler.cpp:197
bool drawNameLabel(SkyObject *obj, const QPointF &_p, const qreal padding_factor=1)
Tries to draw a label for an object.
Definition skylabeler.cpp:161
Provides all necessary information about an object in the sky: its coordinates, name(s),...
Definition skyobject.h:50
dms angularDistanceTo(const SkyPoint *sp, double *const positionAngle=nullptr) const
Computes the angular distance between two SkyObjects.
Definition skypoint.cpp:919
QString i18nc(const char *context, const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
QString i18n(const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
bool open(FILE *fh, OpenMode mode, FileHandleFlags handleFlags)
virtual void close() override
QString errorString() const const
QByteArray readAll()
qint64 write(const QByteArray &data)
void append(QList< T > &&value)
const_reference at(qsizetype i) const const
qsizetype size() const const
QNetworkReply * get(const QNetworkRequest &request)
NetworkError error() const const
QMetaObject::Connection connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)
void setLabelText(const QString &text)
void setValue(int progress)
const QChar at(qsizetype position) const const
bool isEmpty() const const
QStringList split(QChar sep, Qt::SplitBehavior behavior, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const const
QString toLower() const const
QString trimmed() const const
QFuture< T > run(Function function,...)
bool isEmpty() const const
QString toLocalFile() const const
void setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModality windowModality)
void setWindowTitle(const QString &)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:56:03 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:56:03 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.