305 // NOTE: These dynamic casts must not segfault. If they do, it's good because we know that there is a problem.
371 * @param now if true, paintEvent() is run immediately. Otherwise, it is added to the event queue
433 * @brief slotCopyCoordinates Copies J2000 and JNow equatorial coordinates to the clipboard in addition to horizontal coords.
The InfoBoxWidget class is a widget that displays a transparent box for display of text messages.
Definition infoboxwidget.h:45
The InfoBoxes class is a collection of InfoBoxWidget objects that display a transparent box for displ...
Definition infoboxwidget.h:23
The Projector class is the primary class that serves as an interface to handle projections.
Definition projector.h:58
This class defines the methods that both rendering engines (GLPainter and QPainter) must implement.
Definition skymapdrawabstract.h:30
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
set mouseButtonDown==false, slewing==false
Definition skymapevents.cpp:697
void showFocusCoords()
Update object name and coordinates in the Focus InfoBox.
Definition skymap.cpp:327
void setMouseCursorShape(Cursor type)
Sets the shape of the default mouse cursor.
Definition skymap.cpp:1316
SkyPoint * focus()
Retrieve the Focus point; the position on the sky at the center of the skymap.
Definition skymap.h:123
void slotSDSS()
Popup menu function: Display Sloan Digital Sky Survey image with the Image Viewer.
Definition skymap.cpp:563
void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override
When keyRelease is triggered, just set the "slewing" flag to false, and update the display (to draw o...
Definition skymapevents.cpp:477
void drawObjectLabels(QList< SkyObject * > &labelObjects)
Proxy method for SkyMapDrawAbstract::drawObjectLabels()
Definition skymap.h:327
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) override
If the skymap will be resized, the sky must be new computed.
Definition skymapevents.cpp:32
void exportSkyImage(QPaintDevice *pd, bool scale=false)
Proxy method for SkyMapDrawAbstract::exportSkyImage()
Definition skymap.h:309
void slotCopyCoordinates()
slotCopyCoordinates Copies J2000 and JNow equatorial coordinates to the clipboard in addition to hori...
Definition skymap.cpp:504
void setClickedPoint(const SkyPoint *f)
Set the ClickedPoint to the skypoint given as an argument.
Definition skymap.cpp:1019
void slotAddObjectLabel()
Add ClickedObject to KStarsData::ObjLabelList, which stores pointers to SkyObjects which have User La...
Definition skymap.cpp:879
void setClickedObject(SkyObject *o)
Set the ClickedObject pointer to the argument.
Definition skymap.cpp:366
void slotEndRulerMode()
Computes the angular distance, prints the result in the status bar and disables the angular distance ...
Definition skymap.cpp:643
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
This function does several different things depending on the state of the program:
Definition skymapevents.cpp:503
void slotRemoveObjectLabel()
Remove ClickedObject from KStarsData::ObjLabelList, which stores pointers to SkyObjects which have Us...
Definition skymap.cpp:853
void slotClockSlewing()
Checks whether the timestep exceeds a threshold value.
Definition skymap.cpp:951
void forceUpdate(bool now=false)
Recalculates the positions of objects in the sky, and then repaints the sky map.
Definition skymap.cpp:1184
void setFocusAltAz(const dms &alt, const dms &az)
sets the focus point of the sky map, using its alt/az coordinates
Definition skymap.cpp:979
void mousePointChanged(SkyPoint *)
Emitted when position under mouse changed.
void slotSetSkyRotation(double angle)
Sets the base sky rotation (before correction) to the given angle.
Definition skymap.cpp:1229
void slotDSS()
Popup menu function: Display 1st-Generation DSS image with the Image Viewer.
Definition skymap.cpp:472
void setDestination(const SkyPoint &f)
sets the destination point of the sky map.
Definition skymap.cpp:991
void slotDisplayFadingText(const QString &text)
Render a fading text label on the screen to flash information.
Definition skymap.cpp:1384
SkyObject * clickedObject() const
Retrieve the object nearest to a mouse click event.
Definition skymap.h:244
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) override
Zoom in and out with the mouse wheel.
Definition skymapevents.cpp:689
void slotEditFlag(int flagIdx)
Open Flag Manager window with selected flag focused and ready to edit.
Definition skymap.cpp:798
void slotAddFlag()
Open Flag Manager window with clickedObject() RA and Dec entered.
Definition skymap.cpp:755
void slotImage()
Popup menu function: Show image of ClickedObject (only available for some objects).
Definition skymap.cpp:821
void destinationChanged()
Emitted by setDestination(), and connected to slewFocus().
void setDestinationAltAz(const dms &alt, const dms &az, bool altIsRefracted)
sets the destination point of the sky map, using its alt/az coordinates.
Definition skymap.cpp:1003
void slotStartXplanetViewer()
Run Xplanet Viewer to display images of the planets.
Definition skymap.cpp:1376
void removeSkyObject(SkyObject *object)
Emitted when a sky object is removed from the database.
void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
Center SkyMap at double-clicked location.
Definition skymapevents.cpp:861
void slotBeginAngularDistance()
Enables the angular distance measuring mode.
Definition skymap.cpp:607
void setFocusObject(SkyObject *o)
Set the FocusObject pointer to the argument.
Definition skymap.cpp:371
void slotInfo()
Popup menu function: Show webpage about ClickedObject (only available for some objects).
Definition skymap.cpp:831
void setFocusPoint(SkyPoint *f)
set the FocusPoint; the position that is to be the next Destination.
Definition skymap.h:204
SkyObject * focusObject() const
Retrieve the object which is centered in the sky map.
Definition skymap.h:262
void slotRemoveCustomObject()
Remove custom object from internet search in the local catalog.
Definition skymap.cpp:859
void mosaicCenterChanged(dms dRA, dms dDE)
Emitter when mosaic center is dragged in the sky map.
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
Determine RA, Dec coordinates of clicked location.
Definition skymapevents.cpp:760
void slotDetail()
Popup menu function: Show the Detailed Information window for ClickedObject.
Definition skymap.cpp:905
Provides all necessary information about an object in the sky: its coordinates, name(s),...
Definition skyobject.h:50
QGraphicsView(QGraphicsScene *scene, QWidget *parent)
void scale(qreal sx, qreal sy)
QWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
void setFocus()
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:56:03 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:56:03 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.