
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001 Jason Harris <jharris@30doradus.org>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
7#pragma once
9#include "config-kstars.h"
11#include "skymapdrawabstract.h"
12#include "printing/legend.h"
13#include "skyobjects/skypoint.h"
14#include "skyobjects/skyline.h"
15#include "nan.h"
17#include <QGraphicsView>
18#include <QtGlobal>
19#include <QTimer>
21class QPainter;
22class QPaintDevice;
24class dms;
25class InfoBoxes;
26class InfoBoxWidget;
27class KSPopupMenu;
28class KStarsData;
29class Projector;
30class SkyObject;
32#ifdef HAVE_OPENGL
33class SkyMapGLDraw;
34class SkyMapQDraw;
38 * @class SkyMap
39 *
40 * This is the canvas on which the sky is painted. It's the main widget for KStars.
41 * Contains SkyPoint members for the map's Focus (current central position), Destination
42 * (requested central position), FocusPoint (next queued position to be focused),
43 * MousePoint (position of mouse cursor), and ClickedPoint (position of last mouse click).
44 * Also contains the InfoBoxes for on-screen data display.
45 *
46 * SkyMap handles most user interaction events (both mouse and keyboard).
47 *
48 * @short Canvas widget for displaying the sky bitmap; also handles user interaction events.
49 *
50 * @author Jason Harris
51 * @version 1.0
52 */
53class SkyMap : public QGraphicsView
57 friend class SkyMapDrawAbstract; // FIXME: SkyMapDrawAbstract requires a lot of access to SkyMap
58 friend class SkyMapQDraw; // FIXME: SkyMapQDraw requires access to computeSkymap
60 protected:
61 /**
62 *Constructor. Read stored settings from KConfig object (focus position,
63 *zoom factor, sky color, etc.). Run initPopupMenus().
64 */
65 SkyMap();
67 public:
68 static SkyMap *Create();
70 static SkyMap *Instance();
72 static bool IsFocused()
73 {
74 //return (pinstance->focusObject() || pinstance->focusPoint());
75 return (pinstance->focusObject());
76 }
78 static bool IsSlewing()
79 {
80 return pinstance->isSlewing();
81 }
83 /** Destructor (empty) */
84 ~SkyMap() override;
86 enum Projection
87 {
88 Lambert,
89 AzimuthalEquidistant,
90 Orthographic,
91 Equirectangular,
92 Stereographic,
93 Gnomonic,
94 UnknownProjection
95 };
97 enum Cursor
98 {
99 NoCursor,
100 Cross,
101 Circle,
102 };
104 /** @return the angular field of view of the sky map, in degrees.
105 *@note it must use either the height or the width of the window to calculate the
106 *FOV angle. It chooses whichever is larger.
107 */
108 float fov();
110 /** @short Update object name and coordinates in the Focus InfoBox */
111 void showFocusCoords();
113 /** @brief Update info boxes coordinates */
114 void updateInfoBoxes();
116 /** @short Update the focus position according to current options. */
117 void updateFocus();
119 /** @short Retrieve the Focus point; the position on the sky at the
120 *center of the skymap.
121 *@return a pointer to the central focus point of the sky map
122 */
124 {
125 return &Focus;
126 }
128 /** @short retrieve the Destination position.
129 *
130 *The Destination is the point on the sky to which the focus will
131 *be moved.
132 *
133 *@return a pointer to the destination point of the sky map
134 */
136 {
137 return &Destination;
138 }
140 /** @short retrieve the FocusPoint position.
141 *
142 *The FocusPoint stores the position on the sky that is to be
143 *focused next. This is not exactly the same as the Destination
144 *point, because when the Destination is set, it will begin slewing
145 *immediately.
146 *
147 *@return a pointer to the sky point which is to be focused next.
148 */
150 {
151 return &FocusPoint;
152 }
154 /** @short sets the central focus point of the sky map.
155 *@param f a pointer to the SkyPoint the map should be centered on
156 */
157 void setFocus(SkyPoint *f);
159 /** @short sets the focus point of the skymap, using ra/dec coordinates
160 *
161 *@note This function behaves essentially like the above function.
162 *It differs only in the data types of its arguments.
163 *
164 *@param ra the new right ascension
165 *@param dec the new declination
166 */
167 void setFocus(const dms &ra, const dms &dec);
169 /** @short sets the focus point of the sky map, using its alt/az coordinates
170 *@param alt the new altitude (actual, without refraction correction)
171 *@param az the new azimuth
172 */
173 void setFocusAltAz(const dms &alt, const dms &az);
175 /** @short sets the destination point of the sky map.
176 *@note setDestination() emits the destinationChanged() SIGNAL,
177 *which triggers the SLOT function SkyMap::slewFocus(). This
178 *function iteratively steps the Focus point toward Destination,
179 *repainting the sky at each step (if Options::useAnimatedSlewing()==true).
180 *@param f a pointer to the SkyPoint the map should slew to
181 */
182 void setDestination(const SkyPoint &f);
184 /** @short sets the destination point of the skymap, using ra/dec coordinates.
185 *
186 *@note This function behaves essentially like the above function.
187 *It differs only in the data types of its arguments.
188 *
189 *@param ra the new right ascension
190 *@param dec the new declination
191 */
192 void setDestination(const dms &ra, const dms &dec);
194 /** @short sets the destination point of the sky map, using its alt/az coordinates.
195 *@param alt the new altitude
196 *@param az the new azimuth
197 *@param altIsRefracted set to true if the altitude supplied is apparent
198 */
199 void setDestinationAltAz(const dms &alt, const dms &az, bool altIsRefracted);
201 /** @short set the FocusPoint; the position that is to be the next Destination.
202 *@param f a pointer to the FocusPoint SkyPoint.
203 */
205 {
206 if (f)
207 FocusPoint = *f;
208 }
210 /** @short Retrieve the ClickedPoint position.
211 *
212 *When the user clicks on a point in the sky map, the sky coordinates of the mouse
213 *cursor are stored in the private member ClickedPoint. This function retrieves
214 *a pointer to ClickedPoint.
215 *@return a pointer to ClickedPoint, the sky coordinates where the user clicked.
216 */
218 {
219 return &ClickedPoint;
220 }
222 /**
223 * @short Retrieve the mouse pointer position.
224 *
225 * @return The sky coordinates where the mouse pointer is over.
226 */
228 {
229 return &m_MousePoint;
230 }
232 /** @short Set the ClickedPoint to the skypoint given as an argument.
233 *@param f pointer to the new ClickedPoint.
234 */
235 void setClickedPoint(const SkyPoint *f);
237 /** @short Retrieve the object nearest to a mouse click event.
238 *
239 *If the user clicks on the sky map, a pointer to the nearest SkyObject is stored in
240 *the private member ClickedObject. This function returns the ClickedObject pointer,
241 *or nullptr if there is no CLickedObject.
242 *@return a pointer to the object nearest to a user mouse click.
243 */
245 {
246 return ClickedObject;
247 }
249 /** @short Set the ClickedObject pointer to the argument.
250 *@param o pointer to the SkyObject to be assigned as the ClickedObject
251 */
254 /** @short Retrieve the object which is centered in the sky map.
255 *
256 *If the user centers the sky map on an object (by double-clicking or using the
257 *Find Object dialog), a pointer to the "focused" object is stored in
258 *the private member FocusObject. This function returns a pointer to the
259 *FocusObject, or nullptr if there is not FocusObject.
260 *@return a pointer to the object at the center of the sky map.
261 */
263 {
264 return FocusObject;
265 }
267 /** @short Set the FocusObject pointer to the argument.
268 *@param o pointer to the SkyObject to be assigned as the FocusObject
269 */
270 void setFocusObject(SkyObject *o);
272 /** @short Call to set up the projector before a draw cycle. */
273 void setupProjector();
275 /** @ Set zoom factor.
276 *@param factor zoom factor
277 */
278 void setZoomFactor(double factor);
280 bool isSlewing() const;
282 // NOTE: This method is draw-backend independent.
283 /** @short update the geometry of the angle ruler. */
284 void updateAngleRuler();
286 /** @return true if the object currently has a user label attached.
287 *@note this function only checks for a label explicitly added to the object
288 *with the right-click popup menu; other kinds of labels are not detected by
289 *this function.
290 *@param o pointer to the sky object to be tested for a User label.
291 */
292 bool isObjectLabeled(SkyObject *o);
294 /*@*@short Convenience function for shutting off tracking mode. Just calls KStars::slotTrack().
295 */
296 void stopTracking();
298 /** Get the current projector.
299 @return a pointer to the current projector. */
300 inline const Projector *projector() const
301 {
302 return m_proj;
303 }
305 // NOTE: These dynamic casts must not segfault. If they do, it's good because we know that there is a problem.
306 /**
307 *@short Proxy method for SkyMapDrawAbstract::exportSkyImage()
308 */
309 inline void exportSkyImage(QPaintDevice *pd, bool scale = false)
310 {
311 dynamic_cast<SkyMapDrawAbstract *>(m_SkyMapDraw)->exportSkyImage(pd, scale);
312 }
314 inline void exportSkyImage(SkyQPainter *painter, bool scale = false)
315 {
316 dynamic_cast<SkyMapDrawAbstract *>(m_SkyMapDraw)->exportSkyImage(painter, scale);
317 }
319 SkyMapDrawAbstract *getSkyMapDrawAbstract()
320 {
321 return dynamic_cast<SkyMapDrawAbstract *>(m_SkyMapDraw);
322 }
324 /**
325 *@short Proxy method for SkyMapDrawAbstract::drawObjectLabels()
326 */
327 inline void drawObjectLabels(QList<SkyObject *> &labelObjects)
328 {
329 dynamic_cast<SkyMapDrawAbstract *>(m_SkyMapDraw)->drawObjectLabels(labelObjects);
330 }
332 void setPreviewLegend(bool preview)
333 {
334 m_previewLegend = preview;
335 }
337 void setLegend(const Legend &legend)
338 {
339 m_legend = legend;
340 }
342 bool isInObjectPointingMode() const
343 {
344 return m_objPointingMode;
345 }
347 void setObjectPointingMode(bool enabled)
348 {
349 m_objPointingMode = enabled;
350 }
352 void setFovCaptureMode(bool enabled)
353 {
354 m_fovCaptureMode = enabled;
355 }
357 bool isInFovCaptureMode() const
358 {
359 return m_fovCaptureMode;
360 }
362 /** @short Sets the shape of the default mouse cursor. */
363 void setMouseCursorShape(Cursor type);
365 SkyPoint getCenterPoint();
367 public slots:
368 /** Recalculates the positions of objects in the sky, and then repaints the sky map.
369 * If the positions don't need to be recalculated, use update() instead of forceUpdate().
370 * This saves a lot of CPU time.
371 * @param now if true, paintEvent() is run immediately. Otherwise, it is added to the event queue
372 */
373 void forceUpdate(bool now = false);
375 /** @short Convenience function; simply calls forceUpdate(true).
376 * @see forceUpdate()
377 */
379 {
380 forceUpdate(true);
381 }
383 /**
384 * @short Update the focus point and call forceUpdate()
385 * @param now is passed on to forceUpdate()
386 */
387 void slotUpdateSky(bool now);
389 /** Toggle visibility of geo infobox */
390 void slotToggleGeoBox(bool);
392 /** Toggle visibility of focus infobox */
393 void slotToggleFocusBox(bool);
395 /** Toggle visibility of time infobox */
396 void slotToggleTimeBox(bool);
398 /** Toggle visibility of all infoboxes */
399 void slotToggleInfoboxes(bool);
401 /** Sets the base sky rotation (before correction) to the given angle */
402 void slotSetSkyRotation(double angle);
404 /** Step the Focus point toward the Destination point. Do this iteratively, redrawing the Sky
405 * Map after each step, until the Focus point is within 1 step of the Destination point.
406 * For the final step, snap directly to Destination, and redraw the map.
407 */
408 void slewFocus();
410 /** @short Center the display at the point ClickedPoint.
411 *
412 * The essential part of the function is to simply set the Destination point, which will emit
413 * the destinationChanged() SIGNAL, which triggers the slewFocus() SLOT. Additionally, this
414 * function performs some bookkeeping tasks, such updating whether we are tracking the new
415 * object/position, adding a Planet Trail if required, etc.
416 *
417 * @see destinationChanged()
418 * @see slewFocus()
419 */
420 void slotCenter();
422 /** @short Popup menu function: Display 1st-Generation DSS image with the Image Viewer.
423 * @note the URL is generated using the coordinates of ClickedPoint.
424 */
425 void slotDSS();
427 /** @short Popup menu function: Display Sloan Digital Sky Survey image with the Image Viewer.
428 * @note the URL is generated using the coordinates of ClickedPoint.
429 */
430 void slotSDSS();
432 /**
433 * @brief slotCopyCoordinates Copies J2000 and JNow equatorial coordinates to the clipboard in addition to horizontal coords.
434 */
435 void slotCopyCoordinates();
437 /**
438 * @brief slotCopyTLE Copy satellite TLE to clipboard.
439 */
440 void slotCopyTLE();
442 /** @short Popup menu function: Show webpage about ClickedObject
443 * (only available for some objects).
444 */
445 void slotInfo();
447 /** @short Popup menu function: Show image of ClickedObject
448 * (only available for some objects).
449 */
450 void slotImage();
452 /** @short Popup menu function: Show the Detailed Information window for ClickedObject. */
453 void slotDetail();
455 /** Add ClickedObject to KStarsData::ObjLabelList, which stores pointers to SkyObjects which
456 * have User Labels attached.
457 */
458 void slotAddObjectLabel();
460 /** Remove ClickedObject from KStarsData::ObjLabelList, which stores pointers to SkyObjects which
461 * have User Labels attached.
462 */
465 /** Remove custom object from internet search in the local catalog */
468 /** @short Add a Planet Trail to ClickedObject.
469 * @note Trails are added simply by calling KSPlanetBase::addToTrail() to add the first point.
470 * as long as the trail is not empty, new points will be automatically appended to it.
471 * @note if ClickedObject is not a Solar System body, this function does nothing.
472 * @see KSPlanetBase::addToTrail()
473 */
474 void slotAddPlanetTrail();
476 /** @short Remove the PlanetTrail from ClickedObject.
477 * @note The Trail is removed by simply calling KSPlanetBase::clearTrail(). As long as
478 * the trail is empty, no new points will be automatically appended.
479 * @see KSPlanetBase::clearTrail()
480 */
483 /** @short Render a fading text label on the screen to flash information */
484 void slotDisplayFadingText(const QString &text);
486 /** Checks whether the timestep exceeds a threshold value. If so, sets
487 * ClockSlewing=true and sets the SimClock to ManualMode.
488 */
489 void slotClockSlewing();
491 /** Enables the angular distance measuring mode. It saves the first
492 * position of the ruler in a SkyPoint. It makes difference between
493 * having clicked on the skymap and not having done so
494 * \note This method is draw-backend independent.
495 */
498 void slotBeginStarHop(); // TODO: Add docs
500 /** Computes the angular distance, prints the result in the status
501 * bar and disables the angular distance measuring mode
502 * If the user has clicked on the map the status bar shows the
503 * name of the clicked object plus the angular distance. If
504 * the user did not clicked on the map, just pressed ], only
505 * the angular distance is printed
506 * \note This method is draw-backend independent.
507 */
508 void slotEndRulerMode();
510 /** Disables the angular distance measuring mode. Nothing is printed
511 * in the status bar */
512 void slotCancelRulerMode();
514 /** @short Open Flag Manager window with clickedObject() RA and Dec entered.
515 */
516 void slotAddFlag();
518 /** @short Open Flag Manager window with RA and Dec entered.
519 */
520 void slotAddFlagRaw();
522 /** @short Open Flag Manager window with selected flag focused and ready to edit.
523 *@param flagIdx index of flag to be edited.
524 */
525 void slotEditFlag(int flagIdx);
527 /** @short Delete selected flag.
528 *@param flagIdx index of flag to be deleted.
529 */
530 void slotDeleteFlag(int flagIdx);
532#ifdef HAVE_OPENGL
533 void slotToggleGL();
536 /** Run Xplanet Viewer to display images of the planets*/
539 /** Zoom in one step. */
540 void slotZoomIn();
542 /** Zoom out one step. */
543 void slotZoomOut();
545 /** Set default zoom. */
546 void slotZoomDefault();
548 /** Object pointing for Printing Wizard done */
549 void slotObjectSelected();
551 void slotCancelLegendPreviewMode();
553 void slotFinishFovCaptureMode();
555 void slotCaptureFov();
557 signals:
558 /** Emitted by setDestination(), and connected to slewFocus(). Whenever the Destination
559 * point is changed, slewFocus() will iteratively step the Focus toward Destination
560 * until it is reached.
561 * @see SkyMap::setDestination()
562 * @see SkyMap::slewFocus()
563 */
566 /** Emitted when zoom level is changed. */
569 /** Emitted when current object changed. */
572 /** Emitted when pointing changed. (At least should) */
575 /** Emitted when position under mouse changed. */
578 /** Emitted when a position is clicked */
581 /** Emitted when a position is clicked */
584 /** Emitted when a sky object is removed from the database */
587 /** Emitter when mosaic center is dragged in the sky map */
590 void updateQueued();
592 protected:
593 bool event(QEvent *event) override;
595 /** Process keystrokes:
596 * @li arrow keys Slew the map
597 * @li +/- keys Zoom in and out
598 * @li <i>Space</i> Toggle between Horizontal and Equatorial coordinate systems
599 * @li 0-9 Go to a major Solar System body (0=Sun; 1-9 are the major planets, except 3=Moon)
600 * @li [ Place starting point for measuring an angular distance
601 * @li ] End point for Angular Distance; display measurement.
602 * @li <i>Escape</i> Cancel Angular measurement
603 * @li ,/< Step backward one time step
604 * @li ./> Step forward one time step
605 */
606 void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override;
608 /** When keyRelease is triggered, just set the "slewing" flag to false,
609 * and update the display (to draw objects that are hidden when slewing==true). */
610 void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override;
612 /** Determine RA, Dec coordinates of clicked location. Find the SkyObject
613 * which is nearest to the clicked location.
614 *
615 * If left-clicked: Set set mouseButtonDown==true, slewing==true; display
616 * nearest object name in status bar.
617 * If right-clicked: display popup menu appropriate for nearest object.
618 */
619 void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
621 /** set mouseButtonDown==false, slewing==false */
622 void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
624 /** Center SkyMap at double-clicked location */
625 void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
627 /** This function does several different things depending on the state of the program:
628 * @li If Angle-measurement mode is active, update the end-ruler point to the mouse cursor,
629 * and continue this function.
630 * @li If we are defining a ZoomBox, update the ZoomBox rectangle, redraw the screen,
631 * and return.
632 * @li If dragging the mouse in the map, update focus such that RA, Dec under the mouse
633 * cursor remains constant.
634 * @li If just moving the mouse, simply update the curso coordinates in the status bar.
635 */
636 void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
638 /** Zoom in and out with the mouse wheel. */
639 void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) override;
641 /** If the skymap will be resized, the sky must be new computed. So this
642 * function calls explicitly new computing of the skymap.
643 */
644 void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) override;
646 private slots:
647 /** @short display tooltip for object under cursor. It's called by m_HoverTimer.
648 * if mouse didn't moved for last HOVER_INTERVAL milliseconds.
649 */
650 void slotTransientLabel();
652 /** Set the shape of mouse cursor to a cross with 4 arrows. */
653 void setMouseMoveCursor();
655 /** Set the shape of mouse cursor to an open hand. */
656 void setMouseDragCursor();
658 private:
660 /** @short Sets the shape of the mouse cursor to a magnifying glass. */
661 void setZoomMouseCursor();
663 /** @short Sets the shape of the mouse cursor to a rotation symbol. */
664 void setRotationMouseCursor();
666 /** Calculate the zoom factor for the given keyboard modifier
667 */
668 double zoomFactor(const int modifier);
670 /** calculate the magnitude factor (1, .5, .2, or .1) for the given
671 * keyboard modifier.
672 */
673 double magFactor(const int modifier);
675 /** Decrease the magnitude limit by a step size determined by the
676 * keyboard modifier.
677 * @param modifier
678 */
679 void decMagLimit(const int modifier);
681 /** Increase the magnitude limit by a step size determined by the
682 * keyboard modifier.
683 * @param modifier
684 */
685 void incMagLimit(const int modifier);
687 /** Convenience routine to either zoom in or increase mag limit
688 * depending on the Alt modifier. The Shift and Control modifiers
689 * will adjust the size of the zoom or the mag step.
690 * @param modifier
691 */
692 void zoomInOrMagStep(const int modifier);
694 /** Convenience routine to either zoom out or decrease mag limit
695 * depending on the Alt modifier. The Shift and Control modifiers
696 * will adjust the size of the zoom or the mag step.
697 * @param modifier
698 */
699 void zoomOutOrMagStep(const int modifier);
701 void beginRulerMode(bool starHopRuler); // TODO: Add docs
703 /**
704 * Determine the rotation angle of the SkyMap
705 *
706 * This is simply Options::skyRotation() if the erect observer
707 * correction is not applicable, but otherwise it is
708 * determined by adding a correction amount dependent on the
709 * focus of the sky map
710 */
711 dms determineSkyRotation();
713 /**
714 * @short Strart xplanet.
715 * @param outputFile Output file path.
716 */
717 void startXplanet(const QString &outputFile = "");
719 bool mouseButtonDown { false };
720 bool midMouseButtonDown { false };
721 /// True if mouseMoveEvent; needed by setMouseMoveCursor
722 bool mouseMoveCursor { false };
723 bool mouseDragCursor { false };
724 bool slewing { false };
725 bool clockSlewing { false };
726 //if false only old pixmap will repainted with bitBlt(), this
727 // saves a lot of cpu usage
728 bool computeSkymap { false };
729 // True if we are either looking for angular distance or star hopping directions
730 bool rulerMode { false };
731 // True only if we are looking for star hopping directions. If
732 // false while rulerMode is true, it means we are measuring angular
733 // distance. FIXME: Find a better way to do this
734 bool starHopDefineMode { false };
735 double y0;
737 QPoint rotationStart;
738 dms rotationStartAngle;
740 double m_Scale;
742 KStarsData *data { nullptr };
743 KSPopupMenu *pmenu { nullptr };
745 /// Coordinates of point under cursor. It's update in function mouseMoveEvent
746 SkyPoint m_MousePoint;
748 // A copy of m_MousePoint, copied when the mouse is pressed.
749 SkyPoint m_MousePointPressed;
751 SkyPoint Focus, ClickedPoint, FocusPoint, Destination;
752 SkyObject *ClickedObject { nullptr };
753 SkyObject *FocusObject { nullptr };
755 Projector *m_proj { nullptr };
757 SkyLine AngularRuler; //The line for measuring angles in the map
758 QRect ZoomRect; //The manual-focus circle.
760 // Mouse should not move for that interval to display tooltip
761 static const int HOVER_INTERVAL = 500;
762 // Timer for tooltips
763 QTimer m_HoverTimer;
765 // InfoBoxes. Used in destructor to save state
766 InfoBoxWidget *m_timeBox { nullptr };
767 InfoBoxWidget *m_geoBox { nullptr };
768 InfoBoxWidget *m_objBox { nullptr };
769 InfoBoxes *m_iboxes { nullptr };
771 // legend
772 bool m_previewLegend { false };
773 Legend m_legend;
775 bool m_objPointingMode { false };
776 bool m_fovCaptureMode { false };
777 bool m_touchMode { false };
778 bool m_pinchMode { false };
779 bool m_tapAndHoldMode { false };
780 qreal m_pinchScale { 0.0 };
782 QWidget *m_SkyMapDraw { nullptr }; // Can be dynamic_cast<> to SkyMapDrawAbstract
784 // NOTE: These are pointers to the individual widgets
785#ifdef HAVE_OPENGL
786 SkyMapQDraw *m_SkyMapQDraw { nullptr };
787 SkyMapGLDraw *m_SkyMapGLDraw { nullptr };
790 static SkyMap *pinstance;
791 /// Good to keep the original ruler start-point for purposes of dynamic_cast
792 const SkyPoint *m_rulerStartPoint { nullptr };
The InfoBoxWidget class is a widget that displays a transparent box for display of text messages.
The InfoBoxes class is a collection of InfoBoxWidget objects that display a transparent box for displ...
The KStars Popup Menu.
Definition kspopupmenu.h:35
KStarsData is the backbone of KStars.
Definition kstarsdata.h:74
The Projector class is the primary class that serves as an interface to handle projections.
Definition projector.h:58
This class defines the methods that both rendering engines (GLPainter and QPainter) must implement.
This class draws the SkyMap using OpenGL.
This class draws the SkyMap using native QPainter.
Definition skymapqdraw.h:22
SkyPoint * focusPoint()
retrieve the FocusPoint position.
Definition skymap.h:149
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
set mouseButtonDown==false, slewing==false
void showFocusCoords()
Update object name and coordinates in the Focus InfoBox.
Definition skymap.cpp:327
void setZoomFactor(double factor)
@ Set zoom factor.
Definition skymap.cpp:1174
void zoomChanged()
Emitted when zoom level is changed.
void setMouseCursorShape(Cursor type)
Sets the shape of the default mouse cursor.
Definition skymap.cpp:1316
void slotToggleTimeBox(bool)
Toggle visibility of time infobox.
Definition skymap.cpp:268
SkyPoint * focus()
Retrieve the Focus point; the position on the sky at the center of the skymap.
Definition skymap.h:123
void slotSDSS()
Popup menu function: Display Sloan Digital Sky Survey image with the Image Viewer.
Definition skymap.cpp:563
void setupProjector()
Call to set up the projector before a draw cycle.
Definition skymap.cpp:1253
void slotObjectSelected()
Object pointing for Printing Wizard done.
Definition skymap.cpp:918
float fov()
Definition skymap.cpp:1204
void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override
When keyRelease is triggered, just set the "slewing" flag to false, and update the display (to draw o...
void drawObjectLabels(QList< SkyObject * > &labelObjects)
Proxy method for SkyMapDrawAbstract::drawObjectLabels()
Definition skymap.h:327
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) override
If the skymap will be resized, the sky must be new computed.
void exportSkyImage(QPaintDevice *pd, bool scale=false)
Proxy method for SkyMapDrawAbstract::exportSkyImage()
Definition skymap.h:309
void objectChanged(SkyObject *)
Emitted when current object changed.
void slotCopyCoordinates()
slotCopyCoordinates Copies J2000 and JNow equatorial coordinates to the clipboard in addition to hori...
Definition skymap.cpp:504
void setClickedPoint(const SkyPoint *f)
Set the ClickedPoint to the skypoint given as an argument.
Definition skymap.cpp:1019
void slotToggleGeoBox(bool)
Toggle visibility of geo infobox.
Definition skymap.cpp:258
void slotCopyTLE()
slotCopyTLE Copy satellite TLE to clipboard.
Definition skymap.cpp:546
void slotAddPlanetTrail()
Add a Planet Trail to ClickedObject.
Definition skymap.cpp:895
void slotAddObjectLabel()
Add ClickedObject to KStarsData::ObjLabelList, which stores pointers to SkyObjects which have User La...
Definition skymap.cpp:879
void slotUpdateSky(bool now)
Update the focus point and call forceUpdate()
Definition skymap.cpp:458
void slotZoomOut()
Zoom out one step.
Definition skymap.cpp:1164
void setClickedObject(SkyObject *o)
Set the ClickedObject pointer to the argument.
Definition skymap.cpp:366
void slotEndRulerMode()
Computes the angular distance, prints the result in the status bar and disables the angular distance ...
Definition skymap.cpp:643
void updateInfoBoxes()
Update info boxes coordinates.
Definition skymap.cpp:335
const Projector * projector() const
Get the current projector.
Definition skymap.h:300
void positionChanged(SkyPoint *)
Emitted when pointing changed.
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
This function does several different things depending on the state of the program:
void slotRemoveObjectLabel()
Remove ClickedObject from KStarsData::ObjLabelList, which stores pointers to SkyObjects which have Us...
Definition skymap.cpp:853
void slotClockSlewing()
Checks whether the timestep exceeds a threshold value.
Definition skymap.cpp:951
void slotCancelRulerMode()
Disables the angular distance measuring mode.
Definition skymap.cpp:749
void forceUpdate(bool now=false)
Recalculates the positions of objects in the sky, and then repaints the sky map.
Definition skymap.cpp:1184
void objectClicked(SkyObject *)
Emitted when a position is clicked.
SkyPoint * mousePoint()
Retrieve the mouse pointer position.
Definition skymap.h:227
SkyPoint * destination()
retrieve the Destination position.
Definition skymap.h:135
void slotRemovePlanetTrail()
Remove the PlanetTrail from ClickedObject.
Definition skymap.cpp:885
void setFocusAltAz(const dms &alt, const dms &az)
sets the focus point of the sky map, using its alt/az coordinates
Definition skymap.cpp:979
void mousePointChanged(SkyPoint *)
Emitted when position under mouse changed.
void updateAngleRuler()
update the geometry of the angle ruler.
Definition skymap.cpp:1364
void slotSetSkyRotation(double angle)
Sets the base sky rotation (before correction) to the given angle.
Definition skymap.cpp:1229
void slotDSS()
Popup menu function: Display 1st-Generation DSS image with the Image Viewer.
Definition skymap.cpp:472
void slotToggleInfoboxes(bool)
Toggle visibility of all infoboxes.
Definition skymap.cpp:273
void setDestination(const SkyPoint &f)
sets the destination point of the sky map.
Definition skymap.cpp:991
~SkyMap() override
Destructor (empty)
Definition skymap.cpp:279
void slotDisplayFadingText(const QString &text)
Render a fading text label on the screen to flash information.
Definition skymap.cpp:1384
SkyObject * clickedObject() const
Retrieve the object nearest to a mouse click event.
Definition skymap.h:244
void positionClicked(SkyPoint *)
Emitted when a position is clicked.
Definition skymap.cpp:176
void forceUpdateNow()
Convenience function; simply calls forceUpdate(true).
Definition skymap.h:378
bool isObjectLabeled(SkyObject *o)
Definition skymap.cpp:840
void slotZoomDefault()
Set default zoom.
Definition skymap.cpp:1169
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) override
Zoom in and out with the mouse wheel.
void slotEditFlag(int flagIdx)
Open Flag Manager window with selected flag focused and ready to edit.
Definition skymap.cpp:798
void slotAddFlag()
Open Flag Manager window with clickedObject() RA and Dec entered.
Definition skymap.cpp:755
void slotImage()
Popup menu function: Show image of ClickedObject (only available for some objects).
Definition skymap.cpp:821
void destinationChanged()
Emitted by setDestination(), and connected to slewFocus().
void slotToggleFocusBox(bool)
Toggle visibility of focus infobox.
Definition skymap.cpp:263
void setDestinationAltAz(const dms &alt, const dms &az, bool altIsRefracted)
sets the destination point of the sky map, using its alt/az coordinates.
Definition skymap.cpp:1003
void slotAddFlagRaw()
Open Flag Manager window with RA and Dec entered.
Definition skymap.cpp:785
void slotStartXplanetViewer()
Run Xplanet Viewer to display images of the planets.
Definition skymap.cpp:1376
void slewFocus()
Step the Focus point toward the Destination point.
Definition skymap.cpp:1044
void updateFocus()
Update the focus position according to current options.
Definition skymap.cpp:1024
SkyPoint * clickedPoint()
Retrieve the ClickedPoint position.
Definition skymap.h:217
void removeSkyObject(SkyObject *object)
Emitted when a sky object is removed from the database.
void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
Center SkyMap at double-clicked location.
void slotBeginAngularDistance()
Enables the angular distance measuring mode.
Definition skymap.cpp:607
void slotDeleteFlag(int flagIdx)
Delete selected flag.
Definition skymap.cpp:807
void slotZoomIn()
Zoom in one step.
Definition skymap.cpp:1159
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override
Process keystrokes:
void setFocusObject(SkyObject *o)
Set the FocusObject pointer to the argument.
Definition skymap.cpp:371
void slotInfo()
Popup menu function: Show webpage about ClickedObject (only available for some objects).
Definition skymap.cpp:831
void slotCenter()
Center the display at the point ClickedPoint.
Definition skymap.cpp:380
void setFocusPoint(SkyPoint *f)
set the FocusPoint; the position that is to be the next Destination.
Definition skymap.h:204
SkyObject * focusObject() const
Retrieve the object which is centered in the sky map.
Definition skymap.h:262
void slotRemoveCustomObject()
Remove custom object from internet search in the local catalog.
Definition skymap.cpp:859
void mosaicCenterChanged(dms dRA, dms dDE)
Emitter when mosaic center is dragged in the sky map.
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
Determine RA, Dec coordinates of clicked location.
void slotDetail()
Popup menu function: Show the Detailed Information window for ClickedObject.
Definition skymap.cpp:905
Provides all necessary information about an object in the sky: its coordinates, name(s),...
Definition skyobject.h:50
The sky coordinates of a point in the sky.
Definition skypoint.h:45
The QPainter-based painting backend.
Definition skyqpainter.h:31
An angle, stored as degrees, but expressible in many ways.
Definition dms.h:38
QGraphicsView(QGraphicsScene *scene, QWidget *parent)
void scale(qreal sx, qreal sy)
QWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
void setFocus()
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:56:03 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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