
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001 Jason Harris <kstars@30doradus.org>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
7#include "starobject.h"
9#include "deepstardata.h"
10#include "ksnumbers.h"
11#ifndef KSTARS_LITE
12#include "kspopupmenu.h"
14#include "kstarsdata.h"
15#include "ksutils.h"
16#include "Options.h"
17#include "skymap.h"
18#include "stardata.h"
20#include <typeinfo>
23double StarObject::updateCoordsCpuTime = 0.;
24unsigned int StarObject::starsUpdated = 0;
25#include <cstdlib>
26#include <ctime>
29// DEBUG EDIT. Uncomment for testing Proper Motion
30//#include "skycomponents/skymesh.h"
33#include "skycomponents/skylabeler.h"
35// DEBUG EDIT. Uncomment for testing Proper Motion
36// You will also need to uncomment all related blocks
37// from this file, starobject.h and also the trixel-boundaries
38// block from lines 253 - 257 of skymapcomposite.cpp
39//QVector<SkyPoint *> StarObject::Trail;
42#include <KLocalizedString>
44//----- Static Methods -----
48 if (pm < 1.0e-6)
49 return 1.0e6;
51 // arcminutes * sec/min * milliarcsec/sec centuries/year
52 // / [milliarcsec/year] = centuries
54 return 25.0 * 60.0 * 10.0 / pm;
57StarObject::StarObject(dms r, dms d, float m, const QString &n, const QString &n2, const QString &sptype, double pmra,
58 double pmdec, double par, bool mult, bool var, int hd)
59 : SkyObject(SkyObject::STAR, r, d, m, n, n2, QString()), PM_RA(pmra), PM_Dec(pmdec), Parallax(par),
60 Multiplicity(mult), Variability(var), HD(hd)
62 QByteArray spt = sptype.toLatin1();
63 SpType[0] = spt[0];
64 SpType[1] = spt[1];
66 QString lname;
67 if (hasName())
68 {
69 lname = n;
70 if (hasName2())
71 lname += " (" + gname() + ')';
72 }
73 else if (hasName2())
74 {
75 lname = gname();
76 //If genetive name exists, but no primary name, set primary name = genetive name.
77 setName(gname());
78 }
79 else if (HD > 0)
80 {
81 lname = QLatin1String("HD ") + QString::number(HD);
82 }
83 setLongName(lname);
84 updateID = updateNumID = 0;
87StarObject::StarObject(double r, double d, float m, const QString &n, const QString &n2, const QString &sptype,
88 double pmra, double pmdec, double par, bool mult, bool var, int hd)
89 : SkyObject(SkyObject::STAR, r, d, m, n, n2, QString()), PM_RA(pmra), PM_Dec(pmdec), Parallax(par),
90 Multiplicity(mult), Variability(var), HD(hd)
92 QByteArray spt = sptype.toLatin1();
93 SpType[0] = spt[0];
94 SpType[1] = spt[1];
96 QString lname;
97 if (hasName())
98 {
99 lname = n;
100 if (hasName2())
101 lname += " (" + gname() + ')';
102 }
103 else if (hasName2())
104 {
105 lname = gname();
106 //If genetive name exists, but no primary name, set primary name = genetive name.
107 setName(gname());
108 }
109 else if (HD > 0)
110 {
111 lname = QLatin1String("HD ") + QString::number(HD);
112 }
113 setLongName(lname);
114 updateID = updateNumID = 0;
118 : SkyObject(o), PM_RA(o.PM_RA), PM_Dec(o.PM_Dec), Parallax(o.Parallax), Multiplicity(o.Multiplicity),
119 Variability(o.Variability), HD(o.HD)
121 SpType[0] = o.SpType[0];
122 SpType[1] = o.SpType[1];
123 updateID = updateNumID = 0;
128 Q_ASSERT(typeid(this) ==
129 typeid(static_cast<const StarObject *>(this))); // Ensure we are not slicing a derived class
130 return new StarObject(*this);
133void StarObject::init(const StarData *stardata)
135 double ra, dec;
136 ra = stardata->RA / 1000000.0;
137 dec = stardata->Dec / 100000.0;
138 setType(SkyObject::STAR);
139 setMag(stardata->mag / 100.0);
140 setRA0(ra);
141 setDec0(dec);
142 setRA(ra0());
143 setDec(dec0());
144 SpType[0] = stardata->spec_type[0];
145 SpType[1] = stardata->spec_type[1];
146 PM_RA = stardata->dRA / 10.0;
147 PM_Dec = stardata->dDec / 10.0;
148 Parallax = stardata->parallax / 10.0;
149 Multiplicity = stardata->flags & 0x02;
150 Variability = stardata->flags & 0x04;
151 updateID = updateNumID = 0;
152 HD = stardata->HD;
153 if (HD > 0)
155 B = V = 99.9;
157 // DEBUG Edit. For testing proper motion. Uncomment all related blocks to test.
158 // WARNING: You can debug only ONE STAR AT A TIME, because
159 // the StarObject::Trail is static. It has to be
160 // static, because otherwise, we can run into segfaults
161 // due to the memcpy() that we do to create stars
162 /*
163 testStar = false;
164 if( stardata->HD == 103095 && Trail.size() == 0 ) {
165 // Populate Trail with various positions
166 qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "TEST STAR FOUND!";
167 testStar = true;
168 KSNumbers num( J2000 ); // Some estimate, doesn't matter.
169 long double jy;
170 for( jy = -10000.0; jy <= 10000.0; jy += 500.0 ) {
171 num.updateValues( J2000 + jy * 365.238 );
172 double ra, dec;
173 getIndexCoords( &num, &ra, &dec );
174 Trail.append( new SkyPoint( ra / 15.0, dec ) );
175 }
176 qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Populated the star's trail with " << Trail.size() << " entries.";
177 }
178 */
179 // END DEBUG.
181 lastPrecessJD = J2000;
184void StarObject::init(const DeepStarData *stardata)
186 double ra, dec, BV_Index;
188 ra = stardata->RA / 1000000.0;
189 dec = stardata->Dec / 100000.0;
190 setType(SkyObject::STAR);
192 if (stardata->V == 30000 && stardata->B != 30000)
193 setMag((stardata->B - 1600) / 1000.0); // FIXME: Is it okay to make up stuff like this?
194 else
195 setMag(stardata->V / 1000.0);
197 setRA0(ra);
198 setDec0(dec);
199 setRA(ra);
200 setDec(dec);
202 SpType[1] = '?';
203 SpType[0] = 'B';
204 if (stardata->B == 30000 || stardata->V == 30000)
205 {
206 // Unused value
207// BV_Index = -100;
208 SpType[0] = '?';
209 }
210 else
211 {
212 BV_Index = (stardata->B - stardata->V) / 1000.0;
213 if (BV_Index > 0.0) SpType[0] = 'A';
214 if (BV_Index > 0.325) SpType[0] = 'F';
215 if (BV_Index > 0.575) SpType[0] = 'G';
216 if (BV_Index > 0.975) SpType[0] = 'K';
217 if (BV_Index > 1.6) SpType[0] = 'M';
218 }
220 PM_RA = stardata->dRA / 100.0;
221 PM_Dec = stardata->dDec / 100.0;
222 Parallax = 0.0;
223 Multiplicity = 0;
224 Variability = 0;
225 updateID = updateNumID = 0;
226 B = stardata->B / 1000.0;
227 V = stardata->V / 1000.0;
228 lastPrecessJD = J2000;
233 QString lname;
235 setName(name);
239 if (hasName() && name.startsWith(QLatin1String("HD")) == false)
240 {
241 lname = name;
242 if (hasName2())
243 lname += " (" + gname() + ')';
244 }
245 else if (hasName2())
246 lname = gname();
247 setLongName(lname);
251#ifdef KSTARS_LITE
252 Q_UNUSED(pmenu)
254 pmenu->createStarMenu(this);
258void StarObject::updateCoords(const KSNumbers *num, bool, const CachingDms *, const CachingDms *, bool)
260//Correct for proper motion of stars. Determine RA and Dec offsets.
261//Proper motion is given im milliarcsec per year by the pmRA() and pmDec() functions.
262//That is numerically identical to the number of arcsec per millenium, so multiply by
263//KSNumbers::julianMillenia() to find the offsets in arcsec.
265// Correction: The method below computes the proper motion before the
266// precession. If we precessed first then the direction of the proper
267// motion correction would depend on how far we've precessed. -jbb
269 std::clock_t start, stop;
270 start = std::clock();
272 CachingDms saveRA = ra0(), saveDec = dec0();
273 CachingDms newRA, newDec;
275 getIndexCoords(num, newRA, newDec);
277 setRA0(newRA);
278 setDec0(newDec);
280 setRA0(saveRA);
281 setDec0(saveDec);
284 stop = std::clock();
285 updateCoordsCpuTime += double(stop - start) / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
286 ++starsUpdated;
290bool StarObject::getIndexCoords(const double julianMillenia, CachingDms &ra, CachingDms &dec) const
292 static double pmms;
294 // =================== NOTE: CODE DUPLICATION ====================
295 // If you modify this, please also modify the other getIndexCoords
296 // ===============================================================
297 //
298 // Reason for code duplication is as follows:
299 //
300 // This method is designed to use CachingDms, i.e. we know we are
301 // going to use the sine and cosine of the returned values.
302 //
303 // The other method is designed to avoid CachingDms and try to
304 // compute as little trigonometry as possible when the ra/dec has
305 // to be returned in double (used in SkyMesh::indexStar() for
306 // example)
307 //
308 // Thus, the philosophy of writing code is different. Granted, we
309 // don't need to optimize for the smaller star catalogs (which use
310 // SkyMesh::indexStar()), but it is nevertheless a good idea,
311 // given that getIndexCoords() shows up in callgrind as one of the
312 // slightly more expensive operations.
314 // Old, Incorrect Proper motion Computation. We retain this in a
315 // comment because we might want to use it to come up with a
316 // linear approximation that's faster.
317 // double dra = pmRA() * julianMillenia / ( cos( dec0().radians() ) * 3600.0 );
318 // double ddec = pmDec() * julianMillenia / 3600.0;
321 pmms = pmMagnitudeSquared();
323 if (std::isnan(pmms) || pmms * julianMillenia * julianMillenia < .01)
324 {
325 // Ignore corrections
326 ra = ra0();
327 dec = dec0();
328 return false;
329 }
331 /*
333 // Proper Motion Correction should be implemented as motion along a great
334 // circle passing through the given (ra0, dec0) in a direction of
335 // atan2( pmRA(), pmDec() ) to an angular distance given by the Magnitude of
336 // PM times the number of Julian millenia since J2000.0
338 double pm = pmMagnitude() * julianMillenia; // Proper Motion in arcseconds
340 double dir0 = ((pm > 0) ? atan2(pmRA(), pmDec()) : atan2(-pmRA(), -pmDec())); // Bearing, in radian
342 if (pm < 0)
343 pm = -pm;
345 double dst = (pm * M_PI / (180.0 * 3600.0));
346 // double phi = M_PI / 2.0 - dec0().radians();
348 // Note: According to callgrind, dms::dms() + dms::setRadians()
349 // takes ~ 40 CPU cycles, whereas, the advantage afforded by using
350 // sincos() instead of sin() and cos() calls seems to be about 30
351 // CPU cycles.
353 // So it seems like it is not worth turning dir0 and dst into dms
354 // objects and using SinCos(). However, caching the values of sin
355 // and cos if we are going to reuse them avoids expensive (~120
356 // CPU cycle) recomputation!
357 CachingDms lat1, dtheta;
358 double sinDst = sin(dst), cosDst = cos(dst);
359 lat1.setUsing_asin(dec0().sin() * cosDst + dec0().cos() * sinDst * cos(dir0));
360 dtheta.setUsing_atan2(sin(dir0) * sinDst * dec0().cos(), cosDst - dec0().sin() * lat1.sin());
362 ra = ra0() + dtheta; // Use operator + to avoid trigonometry
363 dec = lat1; // Need variable lat1 because dec may refer to dec0, so cannot construct result in-place
365 */
367 // Use the formula given in Seidelmann (Explanatory Supplement to
368 // the Astronomical Almanac) instead. The formulas used here are
369 // the combination of (3.23-1), (3.23-3), (3.23-5). Not only does
370 // it reduce trigonometry use, it is more likely to be correct
371 // than the stuff we came up with on our own above
373 // Although it is not explained in the above reference, a formula
374 // that reduces to α' = α + μ_α * t must have μ_α be the rate of
375 // change of the angle at the center of the declination circle,
376 // and not the rate of change of arclength, i.e. μ_α must _not_
377 // include the cos(δ) factor. I have checked that the formulas
378 // used here do reduce to the above, and therefore expect μ_α =
379 // pmRa / cos(δ)
381 double cosDec, sinDec, cosRa, sinRa;
382 double scale = julianMillenia * (M_PI / (180.0 * 3600.0));
383 dec0().SinCos(sinDec, cosDec);
384 ra0().SinCos(sinRa, cosRa);
386 // Note: Below assumes that pmRA is already pre-scaled by cos(delta), as it is for Hipparcos
387 double net_pmRA = pmRA() * scale, net_pmDec = pmDec() * scale;
389 double x0 = cosDec * cosRa, y0 = cosDec * sinRa, z0 = sinDec;
390 double dX = - net_pmRA * sinRa - net_pmDec * sinDec * cosRa;
391 double dY = net_pmRA * cosRa - net_pmDec * sinDec * sinRa;
392 double dZ = net_pmDec * cosDec;
393 double x = x0 + dX, y = y0 + dY, z = z0 + dZ;
395 ra.setUsing_atan2(y, x);
397 // Note: dec = asin(z) is a poor choice, because we aren't
398 // guaranteed that (x, y, z) lies on the unit sphere due to the
399 // first-order approximation. Therefore, we must "project" out any
400 // change in the length of the vector to get our best estimate,
401 // and this is achieved by using atan. In fact atan gives the
402 // least-squares estimate for an angle given both its sin and
403 // cosine components.
404 dec.setUsing_atan2(z, sqrt(x * x + y * y));
406 return true;
409bool StarObject::getIndexCoords(const double julianMillenia, double *ra, double *dec) const
411 static double pmms;
413 // =================== NOTE: CODE DUPLICATION ====================
414 // If you modify this, please also modify the other getIndexCoords
415 // ===============================================================
416 //
417 // Reason for code duplication is as follows:
418 //
419 // This method is designed to avoid CachingDms and try to compute
420 // as little trigonometry as possible when the ra/dec has to be
421 // returned in double (used in SkyMesh::indexStar() for example)
422 //
423 // The other method is designed to use CachingDms, i.e. we know we
424 // are going to use the sine and cosine of the returned values.
425 //
426 // Thus, the philosophy of writing code is different. Granted, we
427 // don't need to optimize for the smaller star catalogs (which use
428 // SkyMesh::indexStar()), but it is nevertheless a good idea,
429 // given that getIndexCoords() shows up in callgrind as one of the
430 // slightly more expensive operations.
432 // Old, Incorrect Proper motion Computation. We retain this in a
433 // comment because we might want to use it to come up with a
434 // linear approximation that's faster.
435 // double dra = pmRA() * julianMillenia / ( cos( dec0().radians() ) * 3600.0 );
436 // double ddec = pmDec() * julianMillenia / 3600.0;
438 // Proper Motion Correction should be implemented as motion along a great
439 // circle passing through the given (ra0, dec0) in a direction of
440 // atan2( pmRA(), pmDec() ) to an angular distance given by the Magnitude of
441 // PM times the number of Julian millenia since J2000.0
443 pmms = pmMagnitudeSquared();
445 if (std::isnan(pmms) || pmms * julianMillenia * julianMillenia < .01)
446 {
447 // Ignore corrections
448 *ra = ra0().Degrees();
449 *dec = dec0().Degrees();
450 return false;
451 }
453 /*
454 double pm = pmMagnitude() * julianMillenia; // Proper Motion in arcseconds
456 double dir0 = ((pm > 0) ? atan2(pmRA(), pmDec()) : atan2(-pmRA(), -pmDec())); // Bearing, in radian
458 (pm < 0) && (pm = -pm);
460 double dst = (pm * M_PI / (180.0 * 3600.0));
461 // double phi = M_PI / 2.0 - dec0().radians();
463 // Note: According to callgrind, dms::dms() + dms::setRadians()
464 // takes ~ 40 CPU cycles, whereas, the advantage afforded by using
465 // sincos() instead of sin() and cos() calls seems to be about 30
466 // CPU cycles.
468 // So it seems like it is not worth turning dir0 and dst into dms
469 // objects and using SinCos(). However, caching the values of sin
470 // and cos if we are going to reuse them avoids expensive (~120
471 // CPU cycle) recomputation!
472 dms lat1, dtheta;
473 double sinDst = sin(dst), cosDst = cos(dst);
474 double sinLat1 = dec0().sin() * cosDst + dec0().cos() * sinDst * cos(dir0);
475 lat1.setRadians(asin(sinLat1));
476 dtheta.setRadians(atan2(sin(dir0) * sinDst * dec0().cos(), cosDst - dec0().sin() * sinLat1));
478 // Using dms instead, to ensure that the numbers are in the right range.
479 dms finalRA(ra0().Degrees() + dtheta.Degrees());
481 *ra = finalRA.Degrees();
482 *dec = lat1.Degrees();
483 */
486 // Although it is not explained in the above reference, a formula
487 // that reduces to α' = α + μ_α * t must have μ_α be the rate of
488 // change of the angle at the center of the declination circle,
489 // and not the rate of change of arclength, i.e. μ_α must _not_
490 // include the cos(δ) factor. I have checked that the formulas
491 // used in Seidelmann do reduce to the above, and therefore expect
492 // μ_α = pmRa / cos(δ). Therefore, I'm absorbing the factor in the
493 // implementation here.
495 double cosDec, sinDec, cosRa, sinRa;
496 double scale = julianMillenia * (M_PI / (180.0 * 3600.0));
497 dec0().SinCos(sinDec, cosDec);
498 ra0().SinCos(sinRa, cosRa);
500 // Note: Below assumes that pmRA is already pre-scaled by cos(delta), as it is for Hipparcos
501 double net_pmRA = pmRA() * scale, net_pmDec = pmDec() * scale;
503 double x0 = cosDec * cosRa, y0 = cosDec * sinRa, z0 = sinDec;
504 double dX = - net_pmRA * sinRa - net_pmDec * sinDec * cosRa;
505 double dY = net_pmRA * cosRa - net_pmDec * sinDec * sinRa;
506 double dZ = net_pmDec * cosDec;
507 double x = x0 + dX, y = y0 + dY, z = z0 + dZ;
509 dms alpha, delta;
510 alpha.setRadians(atan2(y, x));
512 // Note: dec = asin(z) is a poor choice, because we aren't
513 // guaranteed that (x, y, z) lies on the unit sphere due to the
514 // first-order approximation. Therefore, we must "project" out any
515 // change in the length of the vector to get our best estimate,
516 // and this is achieved by using atan. In fact atan gives the
517 // least-squares estimate for an angle given both its sin and
518 // cosine components.
519 delta.setRadians(atan2(z, sqrt(x * x + y * y)));
520 *ra = alpha.reduce().Degrees();
521 *dec = delta.Degrees();
523 return true;
528 static KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance();
530 if (updateNumID != data->updateNumID())
531 {
532 // TODO: This can be optimized and reorganized further in a better manner.
533 // Maybe we should do this only for stars, since this is really a slow step only for stars
534 Q_ASSERT(std::isfinite(lastPrecessJD));
536 if (Options::alwaysRecomputeCoordinates() || (Options::useRelativistic() && checkBendLight()) ||
537 std::abs(lastPrecessJD - data->updateNum()->getJD()) >= 0.00069444) // Update is once per solar minute
538 {
539 // Short circuit right here, if recomputing coordinates is not required. NOTE: POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS
540 updateCoords(data->updateNum());
541 }
543 updateNumID = data->updateNumID();
544 }
545 EquatorialToHorizontal(data->lst(), data->geo()->lat());
546 updateID = data->updateID();
551 return QString(QByteArray(SpType, 2));
556 return SpType[0];
559QString StarObject::gname(bool useGreekChars) const
561 if (!name2().isEmpty())
562 return greekLetter(useGreekChars) + ' ' + constell();
563 else
564 return QString();
569 QString code = name2().left(3);
570 QString letter = code; //in case genitive name is *not* a Greek letter
571 int alpha = 0x03B1;
573 auto checkAndGreekify = [&code, gchar, alpha, &letter](const QString &abbrev, int unicodeOffset,
574 const QString &expansion) {
575 if (code == abbrev)
576 gchar ? letter = QString(QChar(alpha + unicodeOffset)) : letter = expansion;
577 };
579 checkAndGreekify("alp", 0, i18n("alpha"));
580 checkAndGreekify("bet", 1, i18n("beta"));
581 checkAndGreekify("gam", 2, i18n("gamma"));
582 checkAndGreekify("del", 3, i18n("delta"));
583 checkAndGreekify("eps", 4, i18n("epsilon"));
584 checkAndGreekify("zet", 5, i18n("zeta"));
585 checkAndGreekify("eta", 6, i18n("eta"));
586 checkAndGreekify("the", 7, i18n("theta"));
587 checkAndGreekify("iot", 8, i18n("iota"));
588 checkAndGreekify("kap", 9, i18n("kappa"));
589 checkAndGreekify("lam", 10, i18n("lambda"));
590 checkAndGreekify("mu ", 11, i18n("mu"));
591 checkAndGreekify("nu ", 12, i18n("nu"));
592 checkAndGreekify("xi ", 13, i18n("xi"));
593 checkAndGreekify("omi", 14, i18n("omicron"));
594 checkAndGreekify("pi ", 15, i18n("pi"));
595 checkAndGreekify("rho", 16, i18n("rho"));
596 //there are two unicode symbols for sigma;
597 //skip the first one, the second is more widely used
598 checkAndGreekify("sig", 18, i18n("sigma"));
599 checkAndGreekify("tau", 19, i18n("tau"));
600 checkAndGreekify("ups", 20, i18n("upsilon"));
601 checkAndGreekify("phi", 21, i18n("phi"));
602 checkAndGreekify("chi", 22, i18n("chi"));
603 checkAndGreekify("psi", 23, i18n("psi"));
604 checkAndGreekify("ome", 24, i18n("omega"));
606 if (name2().length() && name2().mid(3, 1) != " ")
607 letter += '[' + name2().mid(3, 1) + ']';
609 return letter;
612// FIXME: Move this somewhere else, make this static, and give it a better name.
613// Mostly for code cleanliness. Also, try to put it in a DB.
616 QString code = name2().mid(4, 3);
618 return KSUtils::constGenetiveFromAbbrev(code);
621// The two routines below seem overly complicated but at least they are doing
622// the right thing now. Please resist the temptation to simplify them unless
623// you are prepared to ensure there is no ugly label overlap for all 8 cases
624// they deal with ( drawName x DrawMag x star-has-name). -jbb
626QString StarObject::nameLabel(bool drawName, bool drawMag) const
628 QString sName;
630 if (drawName)
631 {
632 QString translation = translatedName();
633 if (translation != i18n("star") && !translation.startsWith("HD"))
634 sName = translation;
635 else if (!gname().trimmed().isEmpty())
636 sName = gname(true);
637 else
638 {
639 if (drawMag)
640 return ('[' + QLocale().toString(mag(), 'f', 1) + "m]");
641 }
642 if (!drawMag)
643 return sName;
644 else
645 return sName + " [" + QLocale().toString(mag(), 'f', 1) + "m]";
646 }
647 return ('[' + QLocale().toString(mag(), 'f', 1) + "m]");
650//If this works, we can maybe get rid of customLabel() and nameLabel()??
653 return nameLabel(Options::showStarNames(), Options::showStarMagnitudes());
658 return (6. + 0.5 * (5.0 - mag()) + 0.01 * (Options::zoomFactor() / 500.));
663 // mag takes 10 bit
664 SkyObject::UID m = mag() * 10;
665 if (m < 0)
666 m = 0;
668 // Both RA & dec fits in 24-bits
669 SkyObject::UID ra = ra0().Degrees() * 36000;
670 SkyObject::UID dec = (ra0().Degrees() + 91) * 36000;
672 Q_ASSERT("Magnitude is expected to fit into 10bits" && m >= 0 && m < (1 << 10));
673 Q_ASSERT("RA should fit into 24bits" && ra >= 0 && ra < (1 << 24));
674 Q_ASSERT("Dec should fit into 24bits" && dec >= 0 && dec < (1 << 24));
676 return (SkyObject::UID_STAR << 60) | (m << 48) | (ra << 24) | dec;
a dms subclass that caches its sine and cosine values every time the angle is changed.
Definition cachingdms.h:19
void SinCos(double &s, double &c) const
Get the sine and cosine together.
Definition cachingdms.h:175
const CachingDms * lat() const
Definition geolocation.h:70
There are several time-dependent values used in position calculations, that are not specific to an ob...
Definition ksnumbers.h:43
long double getJD() const
Definition ksnumbers.h:128
The KStars Popup Menu.
Definition kspopupmenu.h:35
void createStarMenu(StarObject *star)
Create a popup menu for a star.
KStarsData is the backbone of KStars.
Definition kstarsdata.h:74
CachingDms * lst()
Definition kstarsdata.h:232
GeoLocation * geo()
Definition kstarsdata.h:238
void setName2(const QString &name2=QString())
Set the object's secondary name.
Definition skyobject.h:401
void setLongName(const QString &longname=QString())
Set the object's long name.
Definition skyobject.cpp:76
void setMag(float m)
Set the object's sorting magnitude.
Definition skyobject.h:472
SkyObject(int t=TYPE_UNKNOWN, dms r=dms(0.0), dms d=dms(0.0), float m=0.0, const QString &n=QString(), const QString &n2=QString(), const QString &lname=QString())
Definition skyobject.cpp:30
QString translatedName() const
Definition skyobject.h:160
qint64 UID
Type for Unique object IDenticator.
Definition skyobject.h:57
static const UID UID_STAR
Kind of UID.
Definition skyobject.h:60
void setName(const QString &name)
Set the object's primary name.
Definition skyobject.h:392
QString name2(void) const
Definition skyobject.h:168
float mag() const
Definition skyobject.h:236
void setType(int t)
Set the object's type identifier to the argument.
Definition skyobject.h:222
const CachingDms & dec() const
Definition skypoint.h:269
const CachingDms & ra0() const
Definition skypoint.h:251
void setDec(dms d)
Sets Dec, the current Declination.
Definition skypoint.h:169
void setRA(dms &r)
Sets RA, the current Right Ascension.
Definition skypoint.h:144
const CachingDms & ra() const
Definition skypoint.h:263
void EquatorialToHorizontal(const CachingDms *LST, const CachingDms *lat)
Determine the (Altitude, Azimuth) coordinates of the SkyPoint from its (RA, Dec) coordinates,...
Definition skypoint.cpp:77
void setRA0(dms r)
Sets RA0, the catalog Right Ascension.
Definition skypoint.h:94
virtual void updateCoords(const KSNumbers *num, bool includePlanets=true, const CachingDms *lat=nullptr, const CachingDms *LST=nullptr, bool forceRecompute=false)
Determine the current coordinates (RA, Dec) from the catalog coordinates (RA0, Dec0),...
Definition skypoint.cpp:602
bool checkBendLight()
Check if this sky point is close enough to the sun for gravitational lensing to be significant.
Definition skypoint.cpp:419
const CachingDms & dec0() const
Definition skypoint.h:257
void setDec0(dms d)
Sets Dec0, the catalog Declination.
Definition skypoint.h:119
UID getUID() const override
Return UID for object.
QString constell(void) const
static double reindexInterval(double pm)
returns the reindex interval (in centuries!) for the given magnitude of proper motion (in milliarcsec...
StarObject * clone() const override
Create copy of object.
QString labelString() const override
QString name(void) const override
If star is unnamed return "star" otherwise return the name.
Definition starobject.h:130
QString nameLabel(bool drawName, bool drawMag) const
returns the name, the magnitude or both.
double pmDec() const
Definition starobject.h:233
void initPopupMenu(KSPopupMenu *pmenu) override
Initialize the popup menut.
QString greekLetter(bool useGreekChars=true) const
Returns the greek letter portion of the star's genetive name.
void updateCoords(const KSNumbers *num, bool includePlanets=true, const CachingDms *lat=nullptr, const CachingDms *LST=nullptr, bool forceRecompute=false) override
Determine the current coordinates (RA, Dec) from the catalog coordinates (RA0, Dec0),...
double labelOffset() const override
void JITupdate()
added for JIT updates from both StarComponent and ConstellationLines
void setNames(const QString &name, const QString &name2)
Sets the name, genetive name, and long name.
double pmRA() const
Definition starobject.h:230
StarObject(dms r=dms(0.0), dms d=dms(0.0), float m=0.0, const QString &n=QString(), const QString &n2=QString(), const QString &sptype="--", double pmra=0.0, double pmdec=0.0, double par=0.0, bool mult=false, bool var=false, int hd=0)
double pmMagnitudeSquared() const
returns the square of the magnitude of the proper motion correction in (milliarcsec/year)^2
Definition starobject.h:212
char spchar() const
Returns just the first character of the spectral type string.
bool getIndexCoords(const double julianMillenia, CachingDms &ra, CachingDms &dec) const
Fills ra and dec with the coordinates of the star with the proper motion correction but without preci...
QString sptype(void) const
Returns entire spectral type string.
bool hasName() const
Definition starobject.h:120
void init(const StarData *stardata)
Initializes a StarObject to given data.
QString gname(bool useGreekChars=true) const
Returns the genetive name of the star.
An angle, stored as degrees, but expressible in many ways.
Definition dms.h:38
const dms reduce() const
return the equivalent angle between 0 and 360 degrees.
Definition dms.cpp:251
virtual void setRadians(const double &Rad)
Set angle according to the argument, in radians.
Definition dms.h:333
const double & Degrees() const
Definition dms.h:141
QString i18n(const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
QString toString(QDate date, FormatType format) const const
QString left(qsizetype n) const const
QString mid(qsizetype position, qsizetype n) const const
QString number(double n, char format, int precision)
bool startsWith(QChar c, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const const
A 16-byte structure that holds star data for really faint stars.
A 32-byte Structure that holds star data.
Definition stardata.h:18
qint16 mag
signed 16-bit raw magnitude.
Definition stardata.h:25
qint32 RA
Raw signed 32-bit RA value.
Definition stardata.h:19
qint32 HD
unsigned 32-bit Henry Draper Index.
Definition stardata.h:24
qint32 Dec
Raw signed 32-bit DE value.
Definition stardata.h:20
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Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:56:03 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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