Perceptual Color

1// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Lukas Sommer <>
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause OR MIT
7#include <cmath>
8#include <limits>
9#include <optional>
10#include <qgenericmatrix.h>
11#include <qglobal.h>
12#include <qmetatype.h>
13#include <stdlib.h>
14#include <type_traits>
16/** @internal
17 *
18 * @file
19 *
20 * Mathematical helper functions. */
22namespace PerceptualColor
25/** @internal
26 *
27 * @brief A vector with 4 elements (double precision).
28 *
29 * This type is declared as type to Qt’s type system via
30 * <tt>Q_DECLARE_METATYPE</tt>. Depending on your use case (for
31 * example if you want to use for <em>queued</em> signal-slot connections),
32 * you might consider calling <tt>qRegisterMetaType()</tt> for
33 * this type, once you have a QApplication object. */
34using Quartet = QGenericMatrix<1, 4, double>;
36/** @internal
37 *
38 * @brief A 3×3 matrix (double precision).
39 *
40 * This type is declared as type to Qt’s type system via
41 * <tt>Q_DECLARE_METATYPE</tt>. Depending on your use case (for
42 * example if you want to use for <em>queued</em> signal-slot connections),
43 * you might consider calling <tt>qRegisterMetaType()</tt> for
44 * this type, once you have a QApplication object. */
45using SquareMatrix3 = QGenericMatrix<3, 3, double>;
47/** @internal
48 *
49 * @brief A vector with 3 elements (double precision).
50 *
51 * This type is declared as type to Qt’s type system via
52 * <tt>Q_DECLARE_METATYPE</tt>. Depending on your use case (for
53 * example if you want to use for <em>queued</em> signal-slot connections),
54 * you might consider calling <tt>qRegisterMetaType()</tt> for
55 * this type, once you have a QApplication object.
56 *
57 * @sa @ref createTrio() */
58using Trio = QGenericMatrix<1, 3, double>;
60/** @internal
61 *
62 * @brief Convenience constructor for QGenericMatrix.
63 *
64 * @tparam N columns
65 * @tparam M rows
66 * @tparam T typename
67 * @param args Initialization values. The number of arguments must be
68 * exactly N × M.
69 *
70 * @returns The corresponding QGenericMatrix. */
71template<int N, int M, typename T, typename... Args>
72[[nodiscard]] constexpr QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> createMatrix(Args... args)
74 // Too few arguments leave values uninitialized, too many arguments
75 // result in compiler warnings.
76 static_assert(sizeof...(args) == N * M, "Invalid number of arguments.");
77 const T valueArray[] = {args...};
78 return QGenericMatrix<N, M, T>(valueArray);
81SquareMatrix3 createSquareMatrix3(double r0c0, double r0c1, double r0c2, double r1c0, double r1c1, double r1c2, double r2c0, double r2c1, double r2c2);
83Trio createTrio(double first, double second, double third);
85int decimalPlaces(const int rangeMax, const int significantFigures);
87std::optional<SquareMatrix3> inverseMatrix(const SquareMatrix3 &matrix);
89/** @internal
90 *
91 * @brief Template function to test if a value is within a certain range
92 * @param low the lower limit
93 * @param x the value that will be tested
94 * @param high the higher limit
95 * @returns @snippet this Helper isInRange */
96template<typename T>
97[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool isInRange(const T &low, const T &x, const T &high)
99 return (
100 // The Doxygen comments contain @private because apparently
101 // the tag @internal is not enough to hide it in the API documentation.
102 // The snippet marker [] is hidden within HTML comments to avoid
103 // that is shows up literally in the private documentation, and this
104 // independent from the HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS parameter in Doxyfile.
105 //! @private @internal <!-- [Helper isInRange] -->
106 (low <= x) && (x <= high)
107 //! @private @internal <!-- [Helper isInRange] -->
108 );
111/** @internal
112 *
113 * @brief Test if an integer is odd.
114 *
115 * @param number The number to test. Must be an integer type
116 *
117 * @returns <tt>true</tt> if the number is odd, <tt>false</tt> otherwise. */
118template<typename T>
119[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool isOdd(const T &number)
121 static_assert(std::is_integral_v<T>, //
122 "Template isOdd() only works with integer types.");
123 constexpr T two = 2;
124 return static_cast<bool>(number % two);
127/** @internal
128 *
129 * @brief Test if two floating point values are nearly equal.
130 *
131 * Comparison is done in a relative way, where the
132 * exactness is stronger the smaller the numbers are.
133 * <a href="">
134 * This is the reasonable behaviour for floating point comparisons.</a>
135 * Unlike <tt>qFuzzyCompare</tt> and <tt>qFuzzyIsNull</tt> this function
136 * works for both cases: numbers near to 0 and numbers far from 0.
137 *
138 * @tparam T Must be a floating point type.
139 * @param a one of the values to compare
140 * @param b one of the values to compare
141 * @param epsilon indicator for desired precision assuming that the values
142 * to compare are close to 1. Values lower the the compiler-epsilon
143 * from type T will be replaced by the compiler-epsilon from type T.
144 * If epsilon is infinity or near to the maximum value of type T,
145 * the result of this function might be wrong.
146 * @returns <tt>true</tt> if the values are nearly equal. <tt>false</tt>
147 * otherwise.
148 *
149 * @sa @ref isNearlyEqual(A a, B b) provides a default epsilon. */
150template<typename T>
151[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool isNearlyEqual(T a, T b, T epsilon)
153 static_assert( //
154 std::is_floating_point<T>::value, //
155 "Template isNearlyEqual(T a, T b, T epsilon) only works with floating point types");
157 // Implementation based on
158 const auto actualEpsilon = //
159 qMax(std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon(), epsilon);
161 if ((a == b) && (!std::isnan(epsilon))) {
162 // Not explicitly checking if a or b are NaN, because if any of those
163 // is NaN, the code above will return “false” anyway.
164 return true;
165 }
167 const auto norm = qMin<T>( //
168 qAbs(a) + qAbs(b), //
169 std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
170 return std::abs(a - b) < std::max(actualEpsilon, actualEpsilon * norm);
173/** @internal
174 *
175 * @brief Test if two floating point values are nearly equal, using
176 * a default epsilon.
177 *
178 * Calls @ref isNearlyEqual(T a, T b, T epsilon) with a default epsilon
179 * who’s value depends on the type with <em>less</em> precision among A and B.
180 *
181 * @tparam A Must be a floating point type.
182 * @tparam B Must be a floating point type.
183 * @param a one of the values to compare
184 * @param b one of the values to compare
185 * @returns <tt>true</tt> if the values are nearly equal. <tt>false</tt>
186 * otherwise. */
187template<typename A, typename B>
188[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool isNearlyEqual(A a, B b)
190 static_assert( //
191 std::is_floating_point<A>::value, //
192 "Template isNearlyEqual(A a, B b) only works with floating point types");
193 static_assert( //
194 std::is_floating_point<B>::value, //
195 "Template isNearlyEqual(A a, B b) only works with floating point types");
197 // Define a factor to multiply with. Our epsilon has to be bigger than
198 // std::numeric_limits<>::epsilon(), which represents the smallest
199 // representable difference for the value 1.0. Doing various consecutive
200 // floating point operations will increase the error, therefore we need
201 // a factor with which we multiply std::numeric_limits<>::epsilon().
202 // The choice is somewhat arbitrary. Qt’s qFuzzyCompare uses this:
203 //
204 // float:
205 // std::numeric_limits<>::epsilon() is around 1.2e-07.
206 // Qt uses 1e-5.
207 // Factor is around 100
208 //
209 // double:
210 // std::numeric_limits<>::epsilon() is around 2.2e-16.
211 // Qt uses 1e-12.
212 // Factor is around 5000
213 //
214 // long double:
215 // std::numeric_limits<>::epsilon() might vary depending on implementation,
216 // as “long double” might have different sizes on different implementations.
217 // Qt does not support “long double” in qFuzzyCompare.
218 constexpr auto factor = 100;
220 // Use the type with less precision to get epsilon, but use the type
221 // with more precision to the the actual comparison.
222 if constexpr (sizeof(A) > sizeof(B)) {
223 return PerceptualColor::isNearlyEqual<A>( //
224 a, //
225 static_cast<A>(b), //
226 static_cast<A>(std::numeric_limits<B>::epsilon() * factor));
227 } else {
228 return PerceptualColor::isNearlyEqual<B>( //
229 static_cast<B>(a), //
230 b, //
231 static_cast<B>(std::numeric_limits<A>::epsilon() * factor));
232 }
235/** @internal
236 *
237 * @brief Normalizes an angle.
238 *
239 * | Value | Normalized Value |
240 * | :-------------: | :--------------: |
241 * | <tt>  0°  </tt> | <tt>  0°  </tt> |
242 * | <tt>359.9°</tt> | <tt>359.9°</tt> |
243 * | <tt>360°  </tt> | <tt>  0°  </tt> |
244 * | <tt>361.2°</tt> | <tt>  1.2°</tt> |
245 * | <tt>720°  </tt> | <tt>  0°  </tt> |
246 * | <tt> −1°  </tt> | <tt>359°  </tt> |
247 * | <tt> −1.3°</tt> | <tt>358.7°</tt> |
248 *
249 * @param value an angle (coordinates in degree)
250 * @returns the value, normalized to the range 0° ≤ value < 360° */
251template<typename T>
252T normalizedAngle360(T value)
254 static_assert( //
255 std::is_floating_point<T>::value, //
256 "Template normalizeAngle360() only works with floating point types");
257 constexpr T min = 0;
258 constexpr T max = 360;
259 qreal temp = fmod(value, max);
260 if (temp < min) {
261 temp += max;
262 }
263 return temp;
266/** @internal
267 *
268 * @brief Normalizes polar coordinates.
269 *
270 * @param radius Reference to the radius. It will get normalized to value ≥ 0.
271 * If it was < 0 (but not if it was 0 with a negative sign) its sign
272 * is changed and angleDegree is turned by 180°.
273 * @param angleDegree Reference to the angle (measured in degree). It will get
274 * normalized to 0° ≤ value < 360° (see @ref normalizedAngle360() for
275 * details)
276 *
277 * @note When the radius is 0, one could set by convention the (meaningless)
278 * angle also 0. However, note that this function does <em>not</em> do that! */
279template<typename T>
280void normalizePolar360(T &radius, T &angleDegree)
282 if (radius < 0) {
283 radius *= (-1);
284 angleDegree = normalizedAngle360(angleDegree + 180);
285 } else {
286 angleDegree = normalizedAngle360(angleDegree);
287 }
290/** @internal
291 *
292 * @brief Round floating point numbers to a certain number of digits
293 *
294 * @tparam T a floating point type
295 * @param value the value that will be rounded
296 * @param precision the number of decimal places to which rounding takes place
297 * @returns the rounded value */
298template<typename T>
299[[nodiscard]] constexpr T roundToDigits(T value, int precision)
301 static_assert( //
302 std::is_floating_point<T>::value, //
303 "Template roundToDigits() only works with floating point types");
304 const T multiplier = std::pow(
305 // Make sure that pow returns a T:
306 static_cast<T>(10),
307 precision);
308 return std::round(value * multiplier) / multiplier;
311} // namespace PerceptualColor
317#endif // HELPERMATH_H
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