
plasma-activities-stats Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for plasma-activities-stats:



Detailed Description

Library to access the usage statistics data collected by the KDE activity manager.


The KActivitiesStats library provides a querying mechanism for the data that the activity manager collects - which documents hae been opened by which applications, and what documents have been linked to which activity. The activity manager also keeps the score for each document which gets higher when a particular document has been often accessed or kept open for longer periods of time. This score is also available through the querying mechanism.


The library provides the following important classes:

  • KActivities::Stats::ResultSet is a low level class that provides a forward iterator to the list of results that match the specified query
  • KActivities::Stats::ResultWatcher provides signals when a new resource that matches a query arrives, or when an existing one is gone (usage statistics cleared or some for other reason)
  • KActivities::Stats::ResultModel provides a Qt data model that shows the resources that match the specified query. This model should be subclassed to teach it to handle the different resource types that you want to show as the results.

Queries are defined by the KActivities::Stats::Query class using a simple range-like syntax.

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Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:01:02 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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