163 if (m_internals->hasCredentials(m_baseUrl) && m_internals->loadCredentials(m_baseUrl, user, pass)) {
404 return new PostJob(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("person/check")), postParameters);
417PostJob *Provider::registerAccount(const QString &id, const QString &password, const QString &mail, const QString &firstName, const QString &lastName)
482ListJob<Person> *Provider::requestPersonSearchByLocation(qreal latitude, qreal longitude, qreal distance, int page, int pageSize)
547ListJob<Achievement> *Provider::requestAchievements(const QString &contentId, const QString &achievementId, const QString &userId)
560ItemPostJob<Achievement> *Provider::addNewAchievement(const QString &contentId, const Achievement &newAchievement)
577 postParameters.insert(QString::fromLatin1("dependencies[%1]").arg(QString::number(i++)), dependency);
580 postParameters.insert(QLatin1String("type"), Achievement::achievementTypeToString(newAchievement.type()));
587 postParameters.insert(QLatin1String("visibility"), Achievement::achievementVisibilityToString(newAchievement.visibility()));
589 return new ItemPostJob<Achievement>(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("achievements/content/") + contentId), postParameters);
592PutJob *Provider::editAchievement(const QString &contentId, const QString &achievementId, const Achievement &achievement)
613 postParameters.insert(QString::fromLatin1("dependencies[%1]").arg(QString::number(i++)), dependency);
616 postParameters.insert(QLatin1String("type"), Achievement::achievementTypeToString(achievement.type()));
623 postParameters.insert(QLatin1String("visibility"), Achievement::achievementVisibilityToString(achievement.visibility()));
625 return new ItemPutJob<Achievement>(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("achievement/content/") + contentId + achievementId), postParameters);
638 return new ItemDeleteJob<Achievement>(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("achievements/progress/") + contentId + achievementId));
641PostJob *Provider::setAchievementProgress(const QString &id, const QVariant &progress, const QDateTime ×tamp)
652 return new ItemPostJob<Achievement>(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("achievements/progress/") + id), postParameters);
665 return new ItemDeleteJob<Achievement>(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("achievements/progress/") + id));
718 postParameters.insert(QLatin1String("developers"), project.developers().join(QLatin1Char('\n')));
729 // The specfile generator expects an empty string parameter if it is supposed to regenerate the spec file
743 return new PostJob(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("buildservice/project/create")), projectPostParameters(project));
752 return new PostJob(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("buildservice/project/edit/") +, projectPostParameters(project));
761 return new PostJob(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("buildservice/project/delete/") +, projectPostParameters(project));
810 QString url = QLatin1String("buildservice/publishing/publishtargetresult/") + + QLatin1Char('/') +;
867 return new PostJob(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("buildservice/jobs/cancel/") +, postParameters);
884 createRequest(QLatin1String("buildservice/jobs/create/") + job.projectId() + QLatin1Char('/') + job.buildServiceId() + QLatin1Char('/') +,
945 postParameters.insert(QLatin1String("typeid"), account.remoteServiceId()); // FIXME: remoteserviceid?
947 // qCDebug(ATTICA) << "Creating new Remoteaccount" << << account.login() << account.password();
948 return new PostJob(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("buildservice/remoteaccounts/add")), postParameters);
964 postParameters.insert(QLatin1String("typeid"), account.remoteServiceId()); // FIXME: remoteserviceid?
966 // qCDebug(ATTICA) << "Creating new Remoteaccount" << << account.login() << account.password();
967 return new PostJob(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("buildservice/remoteaccounts/edit/") +, postParameters);
988 return new PostJob(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("buildservice/remoteaccounts/remove/") + id), postParameters);
991PostJob *Provider::uploadTarballToBuildService(const QString &projectId, const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &payload)
1000 postRequest.addFile(fileName, payload, QLatin1String("application/octet-stream"), QLatin1String("source"));
1025 return new PostJob(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("friend/invite/") + to), postParameters);
1055PostJob *Provider::postLocation(qreal latitude, qreal longitude, const QString &city, const QString &country)
1066 return new PostJob(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("person/self")), postParameters);
1106 return new ItemJob<Message>(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("message/") + + QLatin1Char('/') + id));
1176ListJob<Content> *Provider::searchContents(const Category::List &categories, const QString &search, SortMode sortMode, uint page, uint pageSize)
1178 return searchContents(categories, QString(), Distribution::List(), License::List(), search, sortMode, page, pageSize);
1182Provider::searchContentsByPerson(const Category::List &categories, const QString &person, const QString &search, SortMode sortMode, uint page, uint pageSize)
1184 return searchContents(categories, person, Distribution::List(), License::List(), search, sortMode, page, pageSize);
1282ItemPostJob<Content> *Provider::editContent(const Category &updatedCategory, const QString &contentId, const Content &updatedContent)
1324PostJob *Provider::setDownloadFile(const QString &contentId, const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &payload)
1350PostJob *Provider::setPreviewImage(const QString &contentId, const QString &previewId, const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &image)
1356 QUrl url = createUrl(QLatin1String("content/uploadpreview/") + contentId + QLatin1Char('/') + previewId);
1373 QUrl url = createUrl(QLatin1String("content/deletepreview/") + contentId + QLatin1Char('/') + previewId);
1395 return new PostJob(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("content/vote/") + contentId), postParameters);
1442Provider::requestTopics(const QString &forum, const QString &search, const QString &description, Provider::SortMode mode, int page, int pageSize)
1474PostJob *Provider::postTopic(const QString &forumId, const QString &subject, const QString &content)
1484 return new PostJob(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("forum/topic/add")), postParameters);
1493 QUrl url = createUrl(QLatin1String("content/download/") + contentId + QLatin1Char('/') + itemId);
1505 ItemJob<KnowledgeBaseEntry> *job = new ItemJob<KnowledgeBaseEntry>(d->m_internals, createRequest(url));
1509ListJob<KnowledgeBaseEntry> *Provider::searchKnowledgeBase(const Content &content, const QString &search, Provider::SortMode sortMode, int page, int pageSize)
1546 ListJob<KnowledgeBaseEntry> *job = new ListJob<KnowledgeBaseEntry>(d->m_internals, createRequest(url));
1556 ItemJob<Event> *job = new ItemJob<Event>(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("event/data/") + id));
1560ListJob<Event> *Provider::requestEvent(const QString &country, const QString &search, const QDate &startAt, Provider::SortMode mode, int page, int pageSize)
1602ListJob<Comment> *Provider::requestComments(const Comment::Type commentType, const QString &id, const QString &id2, int page, int pageSize)
1614 QUrl url = createUrl(QLatin1String("comments/data/") + commentTypeString + QLatin1Char('/') + id + QLatin1Char('/') + id2);
1651 return new ItemPostJob<Comment>(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("comments/add")), postParameters);
1673 QUrl url = createUrl(QLatin1String("privatedata/setattribute/") + app + QLatin1Char('/') + key);
1688 new ItemJob<PrivateData>(d->m_internals, createRequest(QLatin1String("privatedata/getattribute/") + app + QLatin1Char('/') + key));
1701 request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QStringLiteral("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));
1705 agentHeader = QString::fromLocal8Bit("%1/%2").arg(QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationName(), QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationVersion());
1707 agentHeader = QString::fromLocal8Bit("Attica/%1").arg(QLatin1String(LIBATTICA_VERSION_STRING));
1710 agentHeader = QString::fromLocal8Bit("%1 (+%2)").arg(agentHeader, d->m_additionalAgentInformation);
1715 request.setAttribute((QNetworkRequest::Attribute)BaseJob::UserAttribute, QVariant(d->m_credentialsUserName));
1716 request.setAttribute((QNetworkRequest::Attribute)BaseJob::PasswordAttribute, QVariant(d->m_credentialsPassword));
The Distribution class contains information about one distribution that the server offers.
Definition distribution.h:27
The License class contains information about one license that the server offers.
Definition license.h:24
The Provider class represents one Open Collaboration Service provider.
Definition provider.h:97
bool hasActivityService() const
Test if the server supports the activity part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1823
ListJob< Distribution > * requestDistributions()
Get a list of distributions (such as Ark, Debian)
Definition provider.cpp:1154
QString name() const
A name for the provider that can be displayed to the user.
Definition provider.cpp:340
PostJob * publishBuildJob(const BuildServiceJob &buildjob, const Publisher &publisher)
Publish the result of a completed build job to a publisher.
Definition provider.cpp:801
QString messageServiceVersion() const
Version of the message part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1809
QString contentServiceVersion() const
Version of the content part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1789
QString personServiceVersion() const
Version of the person part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1813
ListJob< Achievement > * requestAchievements(const QString &contentId, const QString &achievementId, const QString &userId)
Get a list of achievements.
Definition provider.cpp:547
PostJob * deleteRemoteAccount(const QString &id)
Deletes a remote account stored on the OCS server.
Definition provider.cpp:981
bool hasCredentials() const
Test if the provider has user name/password available.
Definition provider.cpp:359
ListJob< Category > * requestCategories()
Get a list of categories (such as wallpaper)
Definition provider.cpp:1122
QString additionalAgentInformation() const
The custom identifier sent along with requests.
Definition provider.cpp:335
ListJob< Content > * searchContentsByPerson(const Category::List &categories, const QString &person, const QString &search=QString(), SortMode mode=Rating, uint page=0, uint pageSize=10)
Request a list of Contents.
Definition provider.cpp:1182
PostJob * setPreviewImage(const QString &contentId, const QString &previewId, const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &image)
Upload an image file as preview for the content.
Definition provider.cpp:1350
ItemJob< BuildServiceJob > * requestBuildServiceJob(const QString &id)
Get the information for a specific build service job, such as status and progress.
Definition provider.cpp:827
PostJob * savePublisherField(const Project &project, const PublisherField &field)
Save the value of a single publishing field.
Definition provider.cpp:785
PostJob * voteForComment(const QString &id, uint rating)
Vote a comment item.
Definition provider.cpp:1654
PutJob * editAchievement(const QString &contentId, const QString &achievementId, const Achievement &achievement)
Post modifications to an Achievement on the server.
Definition provider.cpp:592
PostJob * deleteProject(const Project &project)
Deletes a project on the server.
Definition provider.cpp:755
bool hasForumService() const
Test if the server supports the forum part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1839
bool hasMessageService() const
Test if the server supports the message part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1851
ListJob< RemoteAccount > * requestRemoteAccounts()
Get a list of remote accounts, account for a build service instance which is stored in the OCS servic...
Definition provider.cpp:921
bool saveCredentials(const QString &user, const QString &password)
Sets (and remembers) user name and password for this provider.
Definition provider.cpp:382
bool hasFriendService() const
Test if the server supports the friend part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1843
ItemPostJob< Achievement > * addNewAchievement(const QString &id, const Achievement &newAchievement)
Add a new achievement.
Definition provider.cpp:560
PostJob * createProject(const Project &project)
Post modifications to a Project on the server.
Definition provider.cpp:737
ListJob< BuildService > * requestBuildServices()
Get a list of build service build services.
Definition provider.cpp:888
bool hasAchievementService() const
Test if the server supports the achievement part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1818
PostJob * editRemoteAccount(const RemoteAccount &account)
Edit an existing remote account.
Definition provider.cpp:951
ItemJob< Project > * requestProject(const QString &id)
Get a Project's data.
Definition provider.cpp:690
bool loadCredentials(QString &user, QString &password)
Load user name and password from the store.
Definition provider.cpp:368
ItemJob< RemoteAccount > * requestRemoteAccount(const QString &id)
Get a remote account by its ID.
Definition provider.cpp:970
ItemPostJob< Comment > * addNewComment(const Comment::Type commentType, const QString &id, const QString &id2, const QString &parentId, const QString &subject, const QString &message)
Add a new comment.
Definition provider.cpp:1625
ItemJob< BuildService > * requestBuildService(const QString &id)
Get the information for a specific build service instance.
Definition provider.cpp:764
QString achievementServiceVersion() const
Version of the achievement part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1776
ListJob< License > * requestLicenses()
Get a list of licenses (such as GPL)
Definition provider.cpp:1143
ListJob< HomePageType > * requestHomePageTypes()
Get a list of home page types (such as blog, Facebook)
Definition provider.cpp:1165
DeleteJob * deleteAchievement(const QString &contentId, const QString &achievementId)
Deletes an achievement on the server.
Definition provider.cpp:628
ItemJob< Publisher > * requestPublisher(const QString &id)
Get the information for a specific publisher.
Definition provider.cpp:774
QString knowledgebaseServiceVersion() const
Version of the knowledgebase part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1805
bool hasCommentService() const
Test if the server supports the comments part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1827
ItemJob< Content > * requestContent(const QString &contentId)
Retrieve a single content.
Definition provider.cpp:1254
ListJob< Content > * searchContents(const Category::List &categories, const QString &search=QString(), SortMode mode=Rating, uint page=0, uint pageSize=10)
Request a list of Contents.
Definition provider.cpp:1176
PostJob * createRemoteAccount(const RemoteAccount &account)
Create a new remote account, an account for a build service instance which is stored in the OCS servi...
Definition provider.cpp:932
QString forumServiceVersion() const
Version of the forum part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1797
PostJob * checkLogin(const QString &user, const QString &password)
Test if the server accepts the login/password.
Definition provider.cpp:393
void setAdditionalAgentInformation(const QString &additionalInformation)
Set a custom identifier for your application (sent along with the requests as the http agent header i...
Definition provider.cpp:330
bool hasContentService() const
Test if the server supports the content part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1831
ListJob< Project > * requestProjects()
Get a list of build service projects.
Definition provider.cpp:679
bool isValid() const
Returns true if the provider has been set up and can be used.
Definition provider.cpp:307
bool hasPersonService() const
Test if the server supports the person part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1855
PostJob * createBuildServiceJob(const BuildServiceJob &job)
Create a new job for a given project on a given buildservice for a given target.
Definition provider.cpp:870
ListJob< Comment > * requestComments(const Comment::Type commentType, const QString &id, const QString &id2, int page, int pageSize)
Request a list of comments for a content / forum / knowledgebase / event.
Definition provider.cpp:1602
Attica::PostJob * uploadTarballToBuildService(const QString &projectId, const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &payload)
Upload a tarball to the buildservice.
Definition provider.cpp:991
ItemJob< PrivateData > * requestPrivateData()
Fetches all stored private data.
Definition provider.h:329
PostJob * editProject(const Project &project)
Post modifications to a Project on the server.
Definition provider.cpp:746
QString friendServiceVersion() const
Version of the friend part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1801
ItemJob< BuildServiceJobOutput > * requestBuildServiceJobOutput(const QString &id)
Get the build output for a specific build service job.
Definition provider.cpp:816
PostJob * setPrivateData(const QString &app, const QString &key, const QString &value)
Sets the value of an attribute.
Definition provider.cpp:1667
QString commentServiceVersion() const
Version of the comments part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1785
bool hasKnowledgebaseService() const
Test if the server supports the knowledgebase part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1847
PostJob * voteForContent(const QString &contentId, uint rating)
Vote for a content item.
Definition provider.cpp:1380
ListJob< BuildServiceJob > * requestBuildServiceJobs(const Project &project)
Get a list of build service projects.
Definition provider.cpp:910
bool hasFanService() const
Test if the server supports the fan part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1835
QString activityServiceVersion() const
Version of the activity part of the API.
Definition provider.cpp:1781
Q_SCRIPTABLE CaptureState status()
AKONADI_CALENDAR_EXPORT KCalendarCore::Event::Ptr event(const Akonadi::Item &item)
QStringView country(QStringView ifopt)
QString name(StandardAction id)
QCoreApplication * instance()
QString toString(QStringView format, QCalendar cal) const const
QString toString(QStringView format, QCalendar cal) const const
void append(QList< T > &&value)
qsizetype count() const const
bool isEmpty() const const
void reserve(qsizetype size)
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
QMetaObject::Connection connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)
QString arg(Args &&... args) const const
QString fromLatin1(QByteArrayView str)
QString fromLocal8Bit(QByteArrayView str)
bool isEmpty() const const
bool isNull() const const
QString number(double n, char format, int precision)
QString join(QChar separator) const const
bool isEmpty() const const
T & localData()
bool isEmpty() const const
void setQuery(const QString &query, ParsingMode mode)
QString toLocalFile() const const
void addQueryItem(const QString &key, const QString &value)
QString toString() const const
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:02:10 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:02:10 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.