
Search for usage in LXR

#include <KCoreConfigSkeleton>

Inheritance diagram for KCoreConfigSkeleton:


class  ItemBool
class  ItemDateTime
class  ItemDouble
class  ItemEnum
class  ItemInt
class  ItemIntList
class  ItemLongLong
class  ItemPassword
class  ItemPath
class  ItemPathList
class  ItemPoint
class  ItemPointF
class  ItemProperty
class  ItemRect
class  ItemRectF
class  ItemSize
class  ItemSizeF
class  ItemString
class  ItemStringList
class  ItemUInt
class  ItemULongLong
class  ItemUrl
class  ItemUrlList


void configChanged ()

Public Slots

bool save ()

Public Member Functions

 KCoreConfigSkeleton (const QString &configname=QString(), QObject *parent=nullptr)
 KCoreConfigSkeleton (KSharedConfig::Ptr config, QObject *parent=nullptr)
 ~KCoreConfigSkeleton () override
void addItem (KConfigSkeletonItem *item, const QString &name=QString())
ItemBooladdItemBool (const QString &name, bool &reference, bool defaultValue=false, const QString &key=QString())
ItemDateTimeaddItemDateTime (const QString &name, QDateTime &reference, const QDateTime &defaultValue=QDateTime(), const QString &key=QString())
ItemDoubleaddItemDouble (const QString &name, double &reference, double defaultValue=0.0, const QString &key=QString())
ItemIntaddItemInt (const QString &name, qint32 &reference, qint32 defaultValue=0, const QString &key=QString())
ItemIntListaddItemIntList (const QString &name, QList< int > &reference, const QList< int > &defaultValue=QList< int >(), const QString &key=QString())
ItemLongLongaddItemLongLong (const QString &name, qint64 &reference, qint64 defaultValue=0, const QString &key=QString())
ItemPasswordaddItemPassword (const QString &name, QString &reference, const QString &defaultValue=QLatin1String(""), const QString &key=QString())
ItemPathaddItemPath (const QString &name, QString &reference, const QString &defaultValue=QLatin1String(""), const QString &key=QString())
ItemPointaddItemPoint (const QString &name, QPoint &reference, const QPoint &defaultValue=QPoint(), const QString &key=QString())
ItemPointFaddItemPointF (const QString &name, QPointF &reference, const QPointF &defaultValue=QPointF(), const QString &key=QString())
ItemPropertyaddItemProperty (const QString &name, QVariant &reference, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant(), const QString &key=QString())
ItemRectaddItemRect (const QString &name, QRect &reference, const QRect &defaultValue=QRect(), const QString &key=QString())
ItemRectFaddItemRectF (const QString &name, QRectF &reference, const QRectF &defaultValue=QRectF(), const QString &key=QString())
ItemSizeaddItemSize (const QString &name, QSize &reference, const QSize &defaultValue=QSize(), const QString &key=QString())
ItemSizeFaddItemSizeF (const QString &name, QSizeF &reference, const QSizeF &defaultValue=QSizeF(), const QString &key=QString())
ItemStringaddItemString (const QString &name, QString &reference, const QString &defaultValue=QLatin1String(""), const QString &key=QString())
ItemStringListaddItemStringList (const QString &name, QStringList &reference, const QStringList &defaultValue=QStringList(), const QString &key=QString())
ItemUIntaddItemUInt (const QString &name, quint32 &reference, quint32 defaultValue=0, const QString &key=QString())
ItemULongLongaddItemULongLong (const QString &name, quint64 &reference, quint64 defaultValue=0, const QString &key=QString())
void clearItems ()
KConfigconfig ()
const KConfigconfig () const
QString currentGroup () const
KConfigSkeletonItemfindItem (const QString &name) const
bool isDefaults () const
Q_INVOKABLE bool isImmutable (const QString &name) const
bool isSaveNeeded () const
KConfigSkeletonItem::List items () const
void load ()
void read ()
void removeItem (const QString &name)
void setCurrentGroup (const QString &group)
virtual void setDefaults ()
void setSharedConfig (KSharedConfig::Ptr pConfig)
KSharedConfig::Ptr sharedConfig () const
virtual bool useDefaults (bool b)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QObject
 QObject (QObject *parent)
QBindable< QStringbindableObjectName ()
bool blockSignals (bool block)
const QObjectListchildren () const const
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) const const
void deleteLater ()
void destroyed (QObject *obj)
bool disconnect (const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const const
bool disconnect (const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const const
void dumpObjectInfo () const const
void dumpObjectTree () const const
QList< QByteArraydynamicPropertyNames () const const
virtual bool event (QEvent *e)
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
findChild (const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
QList< T > findChildren (const QRegularExpression &re, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
QList< T > findChildren (const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
QList< T > findChildren (Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
bool inherits (const char *className) const const
void installEventFilter (QObject *filterObj)
bool isQuickItemType () const const
bool isWidgetType () const const
bool isWindowType () const const
void killTimer (int id)
virtual const QMetaObjectmetaObject () const const
void moveToThread (QThread *targetThread)
QString objectName () const const
void objectNameChanged (const QString &objectName)
QObjectparent () const const
QVariant property (const char *name) const const
 Q_CLASSINFO (Name, Value)
 Q_ENUM (...)
 Q_ENUM_NS (...)
 Q_ENUMS (...)
 Q_FLAG (...)
 Q_FLAG_NS (...)
 Q_FLAGS (...)
qobject_cast (const QObject *object)
qobject_cast (QObject *object)
void removeEventFilter (QObject *obj)
void setObjectName (const QString &name)
void setObjectName (QAnyStringView name)
void setParent (QObject *parent)
bool setProperty (const char *name, const QVariant &value)
bool setProperty (const char *name, QVariant &&value)
bool signalsBlocked () const const
int startTimer (int interval, Qt::TimerType timerType)
int startTimer (std::chrono::milliseconds interval, Qt::TimerType timerType)
QThreadthread () const const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void usrRead ()
virtual bool usrSave ()
virtual void usrSetDefaults ()
virtual bool usrUseDefaults (bool b)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QObject
virtual void childEvent (QChildEvent *event)
virtual void connectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
virtual void customEvent (QEvent *event)
virtual void disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
bool isSignalConnected (const QMetaMethod &signal) const const
int receivers (const char *signal) const const
QObjectsender () const const
int senderSignalIndex () const const
virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *event)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QObject
typedef  QObjectList
- Properties inherited from QObject
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QObject
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *context, Functor functor, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)
bool disconnect (const QMetaObject::Connection &connection)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method)
QString tr (const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n)

Detailed Description

Class for handling preferences settings for an application.

Cornelius Schumacher

This class provides an interface to preferences settings. Preferences items can be registered by the addItem() function corresponding to the data type of the setting. KCoreConfigSkeleton then handles reading and writing of config files and setting of default values.

Normally you will subclass KCoreConfigSkeleton, add data members for the preferences settings and register the members in the constructor of the subclass.


class MyPrefs : public KCoreConfigSkeleton
addItemBool("MySetting1", mMyBool, false);
addItemPoint("MySetting2", mMyPoint, QPoint(100, 200));
addItemDouble("MySetting3", mMyDouble, 3.14);
bool mMyBool;
QPoint mMyPoint;
double mMyDouble;
Class for handling preferences settings for an application.
ItemDouble * addItemDouble(const QString &name, double &reference, double defaultValue=0.0, const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type double.
ItemPoint * addItemPoint(const QString &name, QPoint &reference, const QPoint &defaultValue=QPoint(), const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type QPoint.
ItemBool * addItemBool(const QString &name, bool &reference, bool defaultValue=false, const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type bool.
void setCurrentGroup(const QString &group)
Set the config file group for subsequent addItem() calls.

It might be convenient in many cases to make this subclass of KCoreConfigSkeleton a singleton for global access from all over the application without passing references to the KCoreConfigSkeleton object around.

You can write the data to the configuration file by calling save() and read the data from the configuration file by calling readConfig(). If you want to watch for config changes, use configChanged() signal.

If you have items, which are not covered by the existing addItem() functions you can add customized code for reading, writing and default setting by implementing the functions usrUseDefaults(), usrRead() and usrSave().

Internally preferences settings are stored in instances of subclasses of KConfigSkeletonItem. You can also add KConfigSkeletonItem subclasses for your own types and call the generic addItem() to register them.

In many cases you don't have to write the specific KCoreConfigSkeleton subclasses yourself, but you can use The KDE Configuration Compiler to automatically generate the C++ code from an XML description of the configuration options.

Use KConfigSkeleton if you need GUI types as well.

See also

Definition at line 550 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KCoreConfigSkeleton() [1/2]

KCoreConfigSkeleton::KCoreConfigSkeleton ( const QString & configname = QString(),
QObject * parent = nullptr )


confignamename of config file. If no name is given, the default config file as returned by KSharedConfig::openConfig() is used
parentthe parent object (see QObject documentation)

Definition at line 1211 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ KCoreConfigSkeleton() [2/2]

KCoreConfigSkeleton::KCoreConfigSkeleton ( KSharedConfig::Ptr config,
QObject * parent = nullptr )


configconfiguration object to use
parentthe parent object (see QObject documentation)

Definition at line 1220 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ ~KCoreConfigSkeleton()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::~KCoreConfigSkeleton ( )


Definition at line 1228 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addItem()

void KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItem ( KConfigSkeletonItem * item,
const QString & name = QString() )

Register a custom KConfigSkeletonItem item with a given name.

If name is a null string, take the name from KConfigSkeletonItem::key().

All names must be unique but multiple entries can have the same key if they reside in different groups.

KCoreConfigSkeleton takes ownership of item.

Definition at line 1357 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemBool()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemBool * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemBool ( const QString & name,
bool & reference,
bool defaultValue = false,
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type bool.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1429 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemDateTime()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemDateTime * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemDateTime ( const QString & name,
QDateTime & reference,
const QDateTime & defaultValue = QDateTime(),
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type QDateTime.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1526 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemDouble()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemDouble ( const QString & name,
double & reference,
double defaultValue = 0.0,
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type double.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1469 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemInt()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemInt * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemInt ( const QString & name,
qint32 & reference,
qint32 defaultValue = 0,
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type qint32.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1437 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemIntList()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemIntList * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemIntList ( const QString & name,
QList< int > & reference,
const QList< int > & defaultValue = QList<int>(),
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type QList<int>.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1544 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemLongLong()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemLongLong * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemLongLong ( const QString & name,
qint64 & reference,
qint64 defaultValue = 0,
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type qint64.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1453 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemPassword()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemPassword * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemPassword ( const QString & name,
QString & reference,
const QString & defaultValue = QLatin1String(""),
const QString & key = QString() )

Register a password item of type QString.

The string value is written encrypted to the config file.

The current encryption scheme is very weak.
nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1404 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemPath()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemPath * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemPath ( const QString & name,
QString & reference,
const QString & defaultValue = QLatin1String(""),
const QString & key = QString() )

Register a path item of type QString.

The string value is interpreted as a path. This means, dollar expansion is activated for this value, so that e.g. $HOME gets expanded.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1412 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemPoint()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemPoint * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemPoint ( const QString & name,
QPoint & reference,
const QPoint & defaultValue = QPoint(),
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type QPoint.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1493 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemPointF()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemPointF * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemPointF ( const QString & name,
QPointF & reference,
const QPointF & defaultValue = QPointF(),
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type QPointF.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1501 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemProperty()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemProperty * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemProperty ( const QString & name,
QVariant & reference,
const QVariant & defaultValue = QVariant(),
const QString & key = QString() )

Register a property item of type QVariant.

The following QVariant types are allowed: String, StringList, Font, Point, PointF, Rect, RectF, Size, SizeF, Color, Int, UInt, Bool, Double, DateTime and Date.
nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1421 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemRect()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemRect * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemRect ( const QString & name,
QRect & reference,
const QRect & defaultValue = QRect(),
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type QRect.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1477 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemRectF()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemRectF * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemRectF ( const QString & name,
QRectF & reference,
const QRectF & defaultValue = QRectF(),
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type QRectF.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1485 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemSize()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemSize * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemSize ( const QString & name,
QSize & reference,
const QSize & defaultValue = QSize(),
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type QSize.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1509 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemSizeF()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemSizeF * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemSizeF ( const QString & name,
QSizeF & reference,
const QSizeF & defaultValue = QSizeF(),
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type QSizeF.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1517 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemString()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemString * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemString ( const QString & name,
QString & reference,
const QString & defaultValue = QLatin1String(""),
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type QString.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1395 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemStringList()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemStringList * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemStringList ( const QString & name,
QStringList & reference,
const QStringList & defaultValue = QStringList(),
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type QStringList.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1535 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemUInt()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemUInt ( const QString & name,
quint32 & reference,
quint32 defaultValue = 0,
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type quint32.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1445 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ addItemULongLong()

KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemULongLong * KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItemULongLong ( const QString & name,
quint64 & reference,
quint64 defaultValue = 0,
const QString & key = QString() )

Register an item of type quint64.

nameName used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
referencePointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig() calls and read by save() calls.
defaultValueDefault value, which is used when the config file does not yet contain the key of this item.
keyKey used in config file. If key is a null string, name is used as key.
The created item

Definition at line 1461 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ clearItems()

void KCoreConfigSkeleton::clearItems ( )

Removes and deletes all items.

Definition at line 1387 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ config() [1/2]

KConfig * KCoreConfigSkeleton::config ( )

Return the KConfig object used for reading and writing the settings.

Definition at line 1243 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ config() [2/2]

const KConfig * KCoreConfigSkeleton::config ( ) const

Return the KConfig object used for reading and writing the settings.

Definition at line 1248 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ configChanged

void KCoreConfigSkeleton::configChanged ( )

This signal is emitted when the configuration change.

◆ currentGroup()

QString KCoreConfigSkeleton::currentGroup ( ) const

Returns the current group used for addItem() calls.

Definition at line 1238 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ findItem()

KConfigSkeletonItem * KCoreConfigSkeleton::findItem ( const QString & name) const

Lookup item by name.


Definition at line 1558 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ isDefaults()

bool KCoreConfigSkeleton::isDefaults ( ) const

Indicates if all the registered items are set to their default value.


Definition at line 1305 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ isImmutable()

bool KCoreConfigSkeleton::isImmutable ( const QString & name) const

Return whether a certain item is immutable.


Definition at line 1552 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ isSaveNeeded()

bool KCoreConfigSkeleton::isSaveNeeded ( ) const

Indicates if any registered item has a different value than the previously loaded value.


Definition at line 1312 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ items()

KConfigSkeletonItem::List KCoreConfigSkeleton::items ( ) const

Return list of items managed by this KCoreConfigSkeleton object.

Definition at line 1263 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ load()

void KCoreConfigSkeleton::load ( )

Read preferences from config file.

All registered items are set to the values read from disk. This method calls usrRead() after reading the settings of the registered items from the KConfig. You can override usrRead() in derived classes if you have special requirements.

Definition at line 1291 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ read()

void KCoreConfigSkeleton::read ( )

Read preferences from the KConfig object.

This method assumes that the KConfig object was previously loaded, i.e. it uses the in-memory values from KConfig without reloading from disk.

This method calls usrRead() after reading the settings of the registered items from the KConfig. You can override usrRead() in derived classes if you have special requirements.


Definition at line 1297 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ removeItem()

void KCoreConfigSkeleton::removeItem ( const QString & name)

Removes and deletes an item by name.

namethe name of the item to remove

Definition at line 1377 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ save

bool KCoreConfigSkeleton::save ( )

Write preferences to config file.

The values of all registered items are written to disk. This method calls usrSave() after writing the settings from the registered items to the KConfig. You can override usrSave() in derived classes if you have special requirements.

Definition at line 1319 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ setCurrentGroup()

void KCoreConfigSkeleton::setCurrentGroup ( const QString & group)

Set the config file group for subsequent addItem() calls.

It is valid until setCurrentGroup() is called with a new argument. Call this before you add any items. The default value is "No Group".

Definition at line 1233 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ setDefaults()

void KCoreConfigSkeleton::setDefaults ( )

Set all registered items to their default values.

This method calls usrSetDefaults() after setting the defaults for the registered items. You can override usrSetDefaults() in derived classes if you have special requirements. If you need more fine-grained control of setting the default values of the registered items you can override setDefaults() in a derived class.

Definition at line 1283 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ setSharedConfig()

void KCoreConfigSkeleton::setSharedConfig ( KSharedConfig::Ptr pConfig)

Set the KSharedConfig object used for reading and writing the settings.

Definition at line 1258 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ sharedConfig()

KSharedConfig::Ptr KCoreConfigSkeleton::sharedConfig ( ) const

Return the KConfig object used for reading and writing the settings.


Definition at line 1253 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ useDefaults()

bool KCoreConfigSkeleton::useDefaults ( bool b)

Specify whether this object should reflect the actual values or the default values.

This method is implemented by usrUseDefaults(), which can be overridden in derived classes if you have special requirements and can call usrUseDefaults() directly. If you don't have control whether useDefaults() or usrUseDefaults() is called override useDefaults() directly.

btrue to make this object reflect the default values, false to make it reflect the actual values.
The state prior to this call

Definition at line 1268 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ usrRead()

void KCoreConfigSkeleton::usrRead ( )

Perform the actual reading of the configuration file.

Override in derived classes to read special config values. Called from read()

Definition at line 1348 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ usrSave()

bool KCoreConfigSkeleton::usrSave ( )

Perform the actual writing of the configuration file.

Override in derived classes to write special config values. Called from save()

Reimplemented in KConfigLoader.

Definition at line 1352 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ usrSetDefaults()

void KCoreConfigSkeleton::usrSetDefaults ( )

Perform the actual setting of default values.

Override in derived classes to set special default values. Called from setDefaults()

Definition at line 1344 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

◆ usrUseDefaults()

bool KCoreConfigSkeleton::usrUseDefaults ( bool b)

Implemented by subclasses that use special defaults.

It replaces the default values with the actual values and vice versa. Called from useDefaults()

btrue to make this object reflect the default values, false to make it reflect the actual values.
The state prior to this call

Definition at line 1339 of file kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp.

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Generated on Fri Oct 11 2024 12:17:22 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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