52bool KPasswdServer::AuthInfoContainer::Sorter::operator()(const AuthInfoContainer &n1, const AuthInfoContainer &n2) const
70 connect(this, &KPasswdServer::checkAuthInfoAsyncResult, adaptor, &KPasswdServerAdaptor::checkAuthInfoAsyncResult);
71 connect(this, &KPasswdServer::queryAuthInfoAsyncResult, adaptor, &KPasswdServerAdaptor::queryAuthInfoAsyncResult);
113static bool storeInWallet(KWallet::Wallet *wallet, const QString &key, const KIO::AuthInfo &info)
157 // qCDebug(category) << "key =" << key << " username =" << username << " password =" /*<< password*/
206 const QString path1(request->info.url.path().left(info.url.path().indexOf(QLatin1Char('/')) + 1));
219QByteArray KPasswdServer::checkAuthInfo(const QByteArray &data, qlonglong windowId, qlonglong usertime)
246 // qCDebug(category) << "key =" << key << "user =" << info.username << "windowId =" << windowId;
251 && !KWallet::Wallet::keyDoesNotExist(KWallet::Wallet::NetworkWallet(), KWallet::Wallet::PasswordFolder(), makeWalletKey(key, info.realmValue))) {
254 if (readFromWallet(m_wallet, key, info.realmValue, info.username, info.password, info.readOnly, knownLogins)) {
277qlonglong KPasswdServer::checkAuthInfoAsync(KIO::AuthInfo info, qlonglong windowId, qlonglong usertime)
310 && !KWallet::Wallet::keyDoesNotExist(KWallet::Wallet::NetworkWallet(), KWallet::Wallet::PasswordFolder(), makeWalletKey(key, info.realmValue))) {
313 if (readFromWallet(m_wallet, key, info.realmValue, info.username, info.password, info.readOnly, knownLogins)) {
335QByteArray KPasswdServer::queryAuthInfo(const QByteArray &data, const QString &errorMsg, qlonglong windowId, qlonglong seqNr, qlonglong usertime)
341 qCDebug(category) << "User =" << info.username << ", WindowId =" << windowId << "seqNr =" << seqNr << ", errorMsg =" << errorMsg;
377qlonglong KPasswdServer::queryAuthInfoAsync(const KIO::AuthInfo &info, const QString &errorMsg, qlonglong windowId, qlonglong seqNr, qlonglong usertime)
379 qCDebug(category) << "User =" << info.username << ", WindowId =" << windowId << "seqNr =" << seqNr << ", errorMsg =" << errorMsg;
416 qCDebug(category) << "User =" << info.username << ", Realm =" << info.realmValue << ", WindowId =" << windowId;
418 qWarning() << "This KIO worker is caching a password in KWallet even though the user didn't ask for it!";
448void KPasswdServer::removeAuthInfo(const QString &host, const QString &protocol, const QString &user)
462 qCDebug(category) << "Evaluating: " << << <<;
463 if ( == protocol && == host && ( == user || user.isEmpty())) {
479 m_wallet = KWallet::Wallet::openWallet(KWallet::Wallet::NetworkWallet(), static_cast<WId>(windowId));
512 const bool bypassCacheAndKWallet = info.getExtraField(QString::fromLatin1(s_bypassCacheAndKwallet)).toBool();
515 qCDebug(category) << "key=" << request->key << ", user=" << info.username << "seqNr: request=" << request->seqNr
529 const QString prompt = request->errorMsg.trimmed() + QLatin1Char('\n') + i18n("Do you want to retry?");
531 KMessageDialog *dlg = new KMessageDialog(KMessageDialog::WarningContinueCancel, prompt, nullptr);
596const KPasswdServer::AuthInfoContainer *KPasswdServer::findAuthInfoItem(const QString &key, const KIO::AuthInfo &info)
606 if (current.expire == AuthInfoContainer::expTime && static_cast<qulonglong>(time(nullptr)) > current.expireTime) {
613 if (path2.startsWith(path1) && (info.username.isEmpty() || info.username == {
617 if ( == info.realmValue && (info.username.isEmpty() || info.username == {
648void KPasswdServer::addAuthInfoItem(const QString &key, const KIO::AuthInfo &info, qlonglong windowId, qlonglong seqNr, bool canceled)
650 qCDebug(category) << "key=" << key << "window-id=" << windowId << "username=" << info.username << "realm=" << info.realmValue << "seqNr=" << seqNr
688void KPasswdServer::updateAuthExpire(const QString &key, const AuthInfoContainer *auth, qlonglong windowId, bool keep)
693 qCDebug(category) << "key=" << key << "expire=" << current->expire << "window-id=" << windowId << "keep=" << keep;
745 const bool bypassCacheAndKWallet = info.getExtraField(QString::fromLatin1(s_bypassCacheAndKwallet)).toBool();
752 hasWalletData = readFromWallet(m_wallet, request->key, info.realmValue, username, password, info.readOnly, knownLogins);
762 if (info.getExtraFieldFlags(QString::fromLatin1(s_domain)) & KIO::AuthInfo::ExtraFieldReadOnly) {
823 if (info.getExtraField(QString::fromLatin1(s_anonymous)).isValid() && password.isEmpty() && username.isEmpty()) {
827 const QVariant userContextHelp = info.getExtraField(QString::fromLatin1(s_usernameContextHelp));
856 QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(request->transaction.createReply(QVariantList{QVariant(replyData), QVariant(m_seqNr)}));
884 QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(waitRequest->transaction.createReply(QVariantList{QVariant(replyData), QVariant(m_seqNr)}));
908 const bool bypassCacheAndKWallet = info.getExtraField(QString::fromLatin1(s_bypassCacheAndKwallet)).toBool();
910 qCDebug(category) << "dialog result=" << result << ", bypassCacheAndKWallet?" << bypassCacheAndKWallet;
950 const bool skipAutoCaching = info.getExtraField(QString::fromLatin1(s_skipCachingOnQuery)).toBool();
1032void KPasswdServer::updateCachedRequestKey(QList<KPasswdServer::Request *> &list, const QString &oldKey, const QString &newKey)
void windowUnregistered(qlonglong windowId)
KDEDModule(QObject *parent=nullptr)
This class is intended to make it easier to prompt for, cache and retrieve authorization information.
Definition authinfo.h:50
QString realmValue
A unique identifier that allows caching of multiple passwords for different resources in the same ser...
Definition authinfo.h:179
void setModified(bool flag)
Use this method to indicate that this object has been modified.
Definition authinfo.cpp:147
bool verifyPath
Flag that, if set, indicates whether a path match should be performed when requesting for cached auth...
Definition authinfo.h:202
QVariant getExtraField(const QString &fieldName) const
Get Extra Field Value Check QVariant::isValid() to find out if the field exists.
Definition authinfo.cpp:164
QString comment
Additional comment to be displayed when prompting the user for authentication information.
Definition authinfo.h:156
QString caption
The text to displayed in the title bar of the password prompting dialog.
Definition authinfo.h:132
AuthInfo::FieldFlags getExtraFieldFlags(const QString &fieldName) const
Get Extra Field Flags.
Definition authinfo.cpp:173
void setExtraField(const QString &fieldName, const QVariant &value)
Set Extra Field Value.
Definition authinfo.cpp:154
QString prompt
Information to be displayed when prompting the user for authentication information.
Definition authinfo.h:121
QString commentLabel
Descriptive label to be displayed in front of the comment when prompting the user for password.
Definition authinfo.h:165
void setButtons(const KGuiItem &primaryAction=KGuiItem(), const KGuiItem &secondaryAction=KGuiItem(), const KGuiItem &cancelAction=KGuiItem())
void setDomain(const QString &)
void setKeepPassword(bool b)
void setAnonymousMode(bool anonymous)
void setUsername(const QString &)
void setPrompt(const QString &prompt)
QFlags< KPasswordDialogFlag > KPasswordDialogFlags
void setPassword(const QString &password)
void addCommentLine(const QString &label, const QString &comment)
void setUsernameReadOnly(bool readOnly)
void setKnownLogins(const QMap< QString, QString > &knownLogins)
void setUsernameContextHelp(const QString &help)
static const QString PasswordFolder()
virtual bool createFolder(const QString &f)
static const QString NetworkWallet()
virtual bool hasFolder(const QString &f)
virtual int readMap(const QString &key, QMap< QString, QString > &value)
static bool isEnabled()
static Wallet * openWallet(const QString &name, WId w, OpenType ot=Synchronous)
virtual bool setFolder(const QString &f)
static bool keyDoesNotExist(const QString &wallet, const QString &folder, const QString &key)
virtual int writeMap(const QString &key, const QMap< QString, QString > &value)
static void setMainWindow(QWindow *subwindow, const QString &mainwindow)
void windowRemoved(WId id)
QString i18nc(const char *context, const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
QString i18n(const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
const QList< QKeySequence > & end()
bool send(const QDBusMessage &message) const const
QDBusConnection sessionBus()
bool calledFromDBus() const const
const QDBusMessage & message() const const
void setDelayedReply(bool enable) const const
QDBusMessage createReply(const QList< QVariant > &arguments) const const
void finished(int result)
virtual void open()
QIcon fromTheme(const QString &name)
void append(QList< T > &&value)
T value(qsizetype i) const const
iterator begin()
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
bool isEmpty() const const
QObject(QObject *parent)
QMetaObject::Connection connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)
QObject * parent() const const
QObject * sender() const const
void setObjectName(QAnyStringView name)
iterator begin()
QString fromLatin1(QByteArrayView str)
qsizetype indexOf(QChar ch, qsizetype from, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const const
bool isEmpty() const const
QString left(qsizetype n) const const
QString number(double n, char format, int precision)
bool startsWith(QChar c, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const const
bool contains(QLatin1StringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const const
QFuture< void > map(Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&function)
QFuture< ArgsType< Signal > > connect(Sender *sender, Signal signal)
QString host(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const
bool isValid() const const
QString path(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const
int port(int defaultPort) const const
QString scheme() const const
void setUserName(const QString &userName, ParsingMode mode)
QString userName(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const
bool isValid() const const
bool toBool() const const
QString toString() const const
QWidget * find(WId id)
void setAttribute(Qt::WidgetAttribute attribute, bool on)
QWindow * windowHandle() const const
void setWindowIcon(const QIcon &icon)
void setWindowTitle(const QString &)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:09 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:09 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.