Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CKIO::AuthInfoThis class is intended to make it easier to prompt for, cache and retrieve authorization information
 CKIO::DesktopExecParserParses the Exec= line from a .desktop file, and process all the '%' placeholders, e.g. handling URLs vs local files
 CKProtocolInfo::ExtraFieldDefinition of an extra field in the UDS entries, returned by a listDir operation
 CFixHostUriFilterThis filter tries to automatically prepend www
 CKIO::JobUiDelegateExtensionAn abstract class defining interaction with users from KIO jobs:
 CKIO::JobUiDelegateA UI delegate tuned to be used with KIO Jobs
 CKIO::JobUiDelegateFactoryA factory for creating job ui delegates
 CKACLEncapsulates a POSIX Access Control List
 CKCompletionBase [external]
 CKComboBox [external]
 CKDialogJobUiDelegate [external]
 CKIO::JobUiDelegateA UI delegate tuned to be used with KIO Jobs
 CKFileKFile is a class which provides a namespace for some enumerated values associated with the kfile library
 CKFileFilterEncapsulates rules to filter a list of files
 CKFileItemA KFileItem is a generic class to handle a file, local or remote
 CKFileItemListPropertiesProvides information about the common properties of a group of KFileItem objects
 CKPasswdServerClientInterface class for kpasswdserver
 CKProtocolInfoInformation about I/O (Internet, etc.) protocols supported by KDE
 CKProtocolManagerProvides information about I/O (Internet, etc.) settings chosen/set by the end user
 CKRecentDocumentManage the "Recent Document Menu" entries displayed by applications such as Kicker and Konqueror
 CKRemoteEncodingAllows encoding and decoding properly remote filenames into Unicode
 CKSambaShareDataThis class represents a Samba user share
 CKShortUriFilterThis is short URL filter class
 CKSslCertificateManagerCertificate manager
 CKSslCertificateRuleCertificate rule
 CKSslErrorUiDataThis class can hold all the necessary data from a QSslSocket or QNetworkReply to ask the user to continue connecting in the face of SSL errors
 CKUriFilterKUriFilter applies a number of filters to a URI and returns a filtered version if any filter matches
 CKUriFilterDataThis class is a basic messaging class used to exchange filtering information between the filter plugins and the application requesting the filtering service
 CKUriFilterSearchProviderClass that holds information about a search provider
 CLocalDomainUriFilterThis filter takes care of hostnames in the local search domain
 CKIO::OpenWithCore class for open with style dialog handling
 CQList< KFileItem > [external]
 CKFileItemListList of KFileItems, which adds a few helper methods to QList<KFileItem>
 CQList< Ptr > [external]
 CKMountPoint::ListList of mount points
 CQMap< QString, QString > [external]
 CKIO::MetaDataMetaData is a simple map of key/value strings
 CQObject [external]
 CKAbstractFileItemActionPluginBase class for KFileItemAction plugins
 CKAbstractViewAdapterInterface used by KFilePreviewGenerator to generate previews for files
 CKCompletion [external]
 CKCoreDirListerHelper class for the kiojob used to list and update a directory
 CKCoreUrlNavigatorObject that helps with keeping track of URLs in file-manager like interfaces
 CKFileCopyToMenuThis class adds "Copy To" and "Move To" submenus to a popupmenu
 CKFileItemActionsThis class creates and handles the actions for a url (or urls) in a popupmenu
 CKFilePreviewGeneratorGenerates previews for files of an item view
 CKIO::AskUserActionInterfaceAllows a KIO::Job to prompt the user for a decision when e.g. copying directories/files and there is a conflict (e.g. a file with the same name already exists at the destination)
 CKIO::DndPopupMenuPluginBase class for drag and drop popup menus
 CKIO::FileUndoManagerFileUndoManager: makes it possible to undo kio jobs
 CKIO::ForwardingWorkerBaseThis class should be used as a base for KIO workers acting as a forwarder to other KIO workers
 CKIO::KUriFilterSearchProviderActionsThis class is a manager for web shortcuts
 CKIO::OpenOrExecuteFileInterfaceAllows OpenUrlJob to ask the user about how to handle various types of executable files, basically whether to run/execute the file, or in the case of text-based ones (shell scripts and .desktop files) open them as text
 CKIO::OpenWithHandlerInterfaceAllows OpenUrlJob to prompt the user about which application to use to open URLs that do not have an associated application (via the "Open With" dialog)
 CKIO::ThumbnailCreatorBase class for thumbnail generator plugins
 CKIO::UntrustedProgramHandlerInterfaceAllows ApplicationLauncherJob to prompt the user about an untrusted executable or desktop file
 CKIO::WorkerConfigThis class manages the configuration for KIO workers based on protocol and host
 CKJob [external]
 CKNFSShareSimilar functionality like KFileShare, but works only for NFS and do not need any suid script
 CKOverlayIconPluginBase class for overlay icon plugins
 CKPropertiesDialogPluginA Plugin in the Properties dialog This is an abstract class
 CKSambaShareThis class lists Samba user shares and monitors them for addition, update and removal
 CQAbstractItemDelegate [external]
 CQAbstractItemModel [external]
 CQAction [external]
 CQDBusAbstractInterface [external]
 CQWidget [external]
 CQPaintDevice [external]
 CQWidget [external]
 CQSharedData [external]
 CKMountPointInformation about mounted and unmounted disks
 CKIO::SlaveBaseThere are two classes that specifies the protocol between application (job) and kioslave
 CKIO::ThumbnailRequestEncapsulates the input data for a thumbnail request
 CKIO::ThumbnailResultEncapsulates the output of a thumbnail request
 CKIO::UDSEntryUniversal Directory Service
 CKIO::FileUndoManager::UiInterfaceInterface for the gui handling of FileUndoManager
 CKIO::WorkerBaseWorkerBase is the class to use to implement a worker - simply inherit WorkerBase in your worker
 CKIO::ForwardingWorkerBaseThis class should be used as a base for KIO workers acting as a forwarder to other KIO workers
 CKIO::WorkerResultThe result of a worker call When using the Result type always mark the function Q_REQUIRED_RESULT to enforce handling of the Result
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Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:09 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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