#include <KUrlNavigator>

Signals | |
void | activated () |
void | activeTabRequested (const QUrl &url) |
void | editableStateChanged (bool editable) |
void | historyChanged () |
void | layoutChanged () |
void | newWindowRequested (const QUrl &url) |
void | returnPressed () |
void | tabRequested (const QUrl &url) |
void | urlAboutToBeChanged (const QUrl &newUrl) |
void | urlChanged (const QUrl &url) |
void | urlsDropped (const QUrl &destination, QDropEvent *event) |
void | urlSelectionRequested (const QUrl &url) |
Public Slots | |
void | requestActivation () |
void | setLocationUrl (const QUrl &url) |
Public Member Functions | |
KUrlNavigator (KFilePlacesModel *placesModel, const QUrl &url, QWidget *parent) | |
KUrlNavigator (QWidget *parent=nullptr) | |
QWidget * | badgeWidget () const |
QWidget * | dropWidget () const |
KUrlComboBox * | editor () const |
bool | goBack () |
bool | goForward () |
void | goHome () |
bool | goUp () |
int | historyIndex () const |
int | historySize () const |
QUrl | homeUrl () const |
bool | isActive () const |
bool | isPlacesSelectorVisible () const |
bool | isUrlEditable () const |
QByteArray | locationState (int historyIndex=-1) const |
QUrl | locationUrl (int historyIndex=-1) const |
void | saveLocationState (const QByteArray &state) |
void | setActive (bool active) |
void | setBadgeWidget (QWidget *widget) |
void | setHomeUrl (const QUrl &url) |
void | setPlacesSelectorVisible (bool visible) |
void | setShowFullPath (bool show) |
void | setShowHiddenFolders (bool showHiddenFolders) |
void | setSortHiddenFoldersLast (bool sortHiddenFoldersLast) |
void | setSupportedSchemes (const QStringList &schemes) |
void | setUrlEditable (bool editable) |
bool | showFullPath () const |
bool | showHiddenFolders () const |
bool | sortHiddenFoldersLast () const |
QStringList | supportedSchemes () const |
QUrl | uncommittedUrl () const |
![]() | |
QWidget (QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) | |
bool | acceptDrops () const const |
QString | accessibleDescription () const const |
QString | accessibleName () const const |
QList< QAction * > | actions () const const |
void | activateWindow () |
QAction * | addAction (const QIcon &icon, const QString &text) |
QAction * | addAction (const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, Args &&... args) |
QAction * | addAction (const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut) |
QAction * | addAction (const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, Args &&... args) |
QAction * | addAction (const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type) |
QAction * | addAction (const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type) |
QAction * | addAction (const QString &text) |
QAction * | addAction (const QString &text, Args &&... args) |
QAction * | addAction (const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut) |
QAction * | addAction (const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, Args &&... args) |
QAction * | addAction (const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type) |
QAction * | addAction (const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type) |
void | addAction (QAction *action) |
void | addActions (const QList< QAction * > &actions) |
void | adjustSize () |
bool | autoFillBackground () const const |
QPalette::ColorRole | backgroundRole () const const |
QBackingStore * | backingStore () const const |
QSize | baseSize () const const |
QWidget * | childAt (const QPoint &p) const const |
QWidget * | childAt (int x, int y) const const |
QRect | childrenRect () const const |
QRegion | childrenRegion () const const |
void | clearFocus () |
void | clearMask () |
bool | close () |
QMargins | contentsMargins () const const |
QRect | contentsRect () const const |
Qt::ContextMenuPolicy | contextMenuPolicy () const const |
QCursor | cursor () const const |
void | customContextMenuRequested (const QPoint &pos) |
WId | effectiveWinId () const const |
void | ensurePolished () const const |
Qt::FocusPolicy | focusPolicy () const const |
QWidget * | focusProxy () const const |
QWidget * | focusWidget () const const |
const QFont & | font () const const |
QFontInfo | fontInfo () const const |
QFontMetrics | fontMetrics () const const |
QPalette::ColorRole | foregroundRole () const const |
QRect | frameGeometry () const const |
QSize | frameSize () const const |
const QRect & | geometry () const const |
QPixmap | grab (const QRect &rectangle) |
void | grabGesture (Qt::GestureType gesture, Qt::GestureFlags flags) |
void | grabKeyboard () |
void | grabMouse () |
void | grabMouse (const QCursor &cursor) |
int | grabShortcut (const QKeySequence &key, Qt::ShortcutContext context) |
QGraphicsEffect * | graphicsEffect () const const |
QGraphicsProxyWidget * | graphicsProxyWidget () const const |
bool | hasEditFocus () const const |
bool | hasFocus () const const |
virtual bool | hasHeightForWidth () const const |
bool | hasMouseTracking () const const |
bool | hasTabletTracking () const const |
int | height () const const |
virtual int | heightForWidth (int w) const const |
void | hide () |
Qt::InputMethodHints | inputMethodHints () const const |
virtual QVariant | inputMethodQuery (Qt::InputMethodQuery query) const const |
void | insertAction (QAction *before, QAction *action) |
void | insertActions (QAction *before, const QList< QAction * > &actions) |
bool | isActiveWindow () const const |
bool | isAncestorOf (const QWidget *child) const const |
bool | isEnabled () const const |
bool | isEnabledTo (const QWidget *ancestor) const const |
bool | isFullScreen () const const |
bool | isHidden () const const |
bool | isMaximized () const const |
bool | isMinimized () const const |
bool | isModal () const const |
bool | isTopLevel () const const |
bool | isVisible () const const |
bool | isVisibleTo (const QWidget *ancestor) const const |
bool | isWindow () const const |
bool | isWindowModified () const const |
QLayout * | layout () const const |
Qt::LayoutDirection | layoutDirection () const const |
QLocale | locale () const const |
void | lower () |
QPoint | mapFrom (const QWidget *parent, const QPoint &pos) const const |
QPointF | mapFrom (const QWidget *parent, const QPointF &pos) const const |
QPoint | mapFromGlobal (const QPoint &pos) const const |
QPointF | mapFromGlobal (const QPointF &pos) const const |
QPoint | mapFromParent (const QPoint &pos) const const |
QPointF | mapFromParent (const QPointF &pos) const const |
QPoint | mapTo (const QWidget *parent, const QPoint &pos) const const |
QPointF | mapTo (const QWidget *parent, const QPointF &pos) const const |
QPoint | mapToGlobal (const QPoint &pos) const const |
QPointF | mapToGlobal (const QPointF &pos) const const |
QPoint | mapToParent (const QPoint &pos) const const |
QPointF | mapToParent (const QPointF &pos) const const |
QRegion | mask () const const |
int | maximumHeight () const const |
QSize | maximumSize () const const |
int | maximumWidth () const const |
int | minimumHeight () const const |
QSize | minimumSize () const const |
virtual QSize | minimumSizeHint () const const |
int | minimumWidth () const const |
void | move (const QPoint &) |
void | move (int x, int y) |
QWidget * | nativeParentWidget () const const |
QWidget * | nextInFocusChain () const const |
QRect | normalGeometry () const const |
void | overrideWindowFlags (Qt::WindowFlags flags) |
virtual QPaintEngine * | paintEngine () const const override |
const QPalette & | palette () const const |
QWidget * | parentWidget () const const |
QPoint | pos () const const |
QWidget * | previousInFocusChain () const const |
void | raise () |
QRect | rect () const const |
void | releaseKeyboard () |
void | releaseMouse () |
void | releaseShortcut (int id) |
void | removeAction (QAction *action) |
void | render (QPaintDevice *target, const QPoint &targetOffset, const QRegion &sourceRegion, RenderFlags renderFlags) |
void | render (QPainter *painter, const QPoint &targetOffset, const QRegion &sourceRegion, RenderFlags renderFlags) |
void | repaint () |
void | repaint (const QRect &rect) |
void | repaint (const QRegion &rgn) |
void | repaint (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
void | resize (const QSize &) |
void | resize (int w, int h) |
bool | restoreGeometry (const QByteArray &geometry) |
QByteArray | saveGeometry () const const |
QScreen * | screen () const const |
void | scroll (int dx, int dy) |
void | scroll (int dx, int dy, const QRect &r) |
void | setAcceptDrops (bool on) |
void | setAccessibleDescription (const QString &description) |
void | setAccessibleName (const QString &name) |
void | setAttribute (Qt::WidgetAttribute attribute, bool on) |
void | setAutoFillBackground (bool enabled) |
void | setBackgroundRole (QPalette::ColorRole role) |
void | setBaseSize (const QSize &) |
void | setBaseSize (int basew, int baseh) |
void | setContentsMargins (const QMargins &margins) |
void | setContentsMargins (int left, int top, int right, int bottom) |
void | setContextMenuPolicy (Qt::ContextMenuPolicy policy) |
void | setCursor (const QCursor &) |
void | setDisabled (bool disable) |
void | setEditFocus (bool enable) |
void | setEnabled (bool) |
void | setFixedHeight (int h) |
void | setFixedSize (const QSize &s) |
void | setFixedSize (int w, int h) |
void | setFixedWidth (int w) |
void | setFocus () |
void | setFocus (Qt::FocusReason reason) |
void | setFocusPolicy (Qt::FocusPolicy policy) |
void | setFocusProxy (QWidget *w) |
void | setFont (const QFont &) |
void | setForegroundRole (QPalette::ColorRole role) |
void | setGeometry (const QRect &) |
void | setGeometry (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
void | setGraphicsEffect (QGraphicsEffect *effect) |
void | setHidden (bool hidden) |
void | setInputMethodHints (Qt::InputMethodHints hints) |
void | setLayout (QLayout *layout) |
void | setLayoutDirection (Qt::LayoutDirection direction) |
void | setLocale (const QLocale &locale) |
void | setMask (const QBitmap &bitmap) |
void | setMask (const QRegion ®ion) |
void | setMaximumHeight (int maxh) |
void | setMaximumSize (const QSize &) |
void | setMaximumSize (int maxw, int maxh) |
void | setMaximumWidth (int maxw) |
void | setMinimumHeight (int minh) |
void | setMinimumSize (const QSize &) |
void | setMinimumSize (int minw, int minh) |
void | setMinimumWidth (int minw) |
void | setMouseTracking (bool enable) |
void | setPalette (const QPalette &) |
void | setParent (QWidget *parent) |
void | setParent (QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) |
void | setScreen (QScreen *screen) |
void | setShortcutAutoRepeat (int id, bool enable) |
void | setShortcutEnabled (int id, bool enable) |
void | setSizeIncrement (const QSize &) |
void | setSizeIncrement (int w, int h) |
void | setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy) |
void | setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Policy horizontal, QSizePolicy::Policy vertical) |
void | setStatusTip (const QString &) |
void | setStyle (QStyle *style) |
void | setStyleSheet (const QString &styleSheet) |
void | setTabletTracking (bool enable) |
void | setToolTip (const QString &) |
void | setToolTipDuration (int msec) |
void | setUpdatesEnabled (bool enable) |
void | setupUi (QWidget *widget) |
virtual void | setVisible (bool visible) |
void | setWhatsThis (const QString &) |
void | setWindowFilePath (const QString &filePath) |
void | setWindowFlag (Qt::WindowType flag, bool on) |
void | setWindowFlags (Qt::WindowFlags type) |
void | setWindowIcon (const QIcon &icon) |
void | setWindowIconText (const QString &) |
void | setWindowModality (Qt::WindowModality windowModality) |
void | setWindowModified (bool) |
void | setWindowOpacity (qreal level) |
void | setWindowRole (const QString &role) |
void | setWindowState (Qt::WindowStates windowState) |
void | setWindowTitle (const QString &) |
void | show () |
void | showFullScreen () |
void | showMaximized () |
void | showMinimized () |
void | showNormal () |
QSize | size () const const |
virtual QSize | sizeHint () const const |
QSize | sizeIncrement () const const |
QSizePolicy | sizePolicy () const const |
void | stackUnder (QWidget *w) |
QString | statusTip () const const |
QStyle * | style () const const |
QString | styleSheet () const const |
bool | testAttribute (Qt::WidgetAttribute attribute) const const |
QString | toolTip () const const |
int | toolTipDuration () const const |
QWidget * | topLevelWidget () const const |
bool | underMouse () const const |
void | ungrabGesture (Qt::GestureType gesture) |
void | unsetCursor () |
void | unsetLayoutDirection () |
void | unsetLocale () |
void | update () |
void | update (const QRect &rect) |
void | update (const QRegion &rgn) |
void | update (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
void | updateGeometry () |
bool | updatesEnabled () const const |
QRegion | visibleRegion () const const |
QString | whatsThis () const const |
int | width () const const |
QWidget * | window () const const |
QString | windowFilePath () const const |
Qt::WindowFlags | windowFlags () const const |
QWindow * | windowHandle () const const |
QIcon | windowIcon () const const |
void | windowIconChanged (const QIcon &icon) |
QString | windowIconText () const const |
void | windowIconTextChanged (const QString &iconText) |
Qt::WindowModality | windowModality () const const |
qreal | windowOpacity () const const |
QString | windowRole () const const |
Qt::WindowStates | windowState () const const |
QString | windowTitle () const const |
void | windowTitleChanged (const QString &title) |
Qt::WindowType | windowType () const const |
WId | winId () const const |
int | x () const const |
int | y () const const |
![]() | |
QObject (QObject *parent) | |
QBindable< QString > | bindableObjectName () |
bool | blockSignals (bool block) |
const QObjectList & | children () const const |
QMetaObject::Connection | connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) const const |
void | deleteLater () |
void | destroyed (QObject *obj) |
bool | disconnect (const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const const |
bool | disconnect (const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const const |
void | dumpObjectInfo () const const |
void | dumpObjectTree () const const |
QList< QByteArray > | dynamicPropertyNames () const const |
virtual bool | eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *event) |
T | findChild (const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const |
QList< T > | findChildren (const QRegularExpression &re, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const |
QList< T > | findChildren (const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const |
QList< T > | findChildren (Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const |
bool | inherits (const char *className) const const |
void | installEventFilter (QObject *filterObj) |
bool | isQuickItemType () const const |
bool | isWidgetType () const const |
bool | isWindowType () const const |
void | killTimer (int id) |
virtual const QMetaObject * | metaObject () const const |
void | moveToThread (QThread *targetThread) |
QString | objectName () const const |
void | objectNameChanged (const QString &objectName) |
QObject * | parent () const const |
QVariant | property (const char *name) const const |
Q_CLASSINFO (Name, Value) | |
Q_ENUM (...) | |
Q_ENUM_NS (...) | |
Q_ENUMS (...) | |
Q_FLAG (...) | |
Q_FLAG_NS (...) | |
Q_FLAGS (...) | |
Q_INTERFACES (...) | |
Q_PROPERTY (...) | |
Q_SET_OBJECT_NAME (Object) | |
T | qobject_cast (const QObject *object) |
T | qobject_cast (QObject *object) |
void | removeEventFilter (QObject *obj) |
void | setObjectName (const QString &name) |
void | setObjectName (QAnyStringView name) |
void | setParent (QObject *parent) |
bool | setProperty (const char *name, const QVariant &value) |
bool | setProperty (const char *name, QVariant &&value) |
bool | signalsBlocked () const const |
int | startTimer (int interval, Qt::TimerType timerType) |
int | startTimer (std::chrono::milliseconds interval, Qt::TimerType timerType) |
QThread * | thread () const const |
![]() | |
int | colorCount () const const |
int | depth () const const |
qreal | devicePixelRatio () const const |
qreal | devicePixelRatioF () const const |
int | height () const const |
int | heightMM () const const |
int | logicalDpiX () const const |
int | logicalDpiY () const const |
bool | paintingActive () const const |
int | physicalDpiX () const const |
int | physicalDpiY () const const |
int | width () const const |
int | widthMM () const const |
Detailed Description
Widget that allows to navigate through the paths of an URL.
The URL navigator offers two modes:
- Editable: The URL of the location is editable inside an editor. By pressing RETURN the URL will get activated.
- Non editable ("breadcrumb view"): The URL of the location is represented by a number of buttons, where each button represents a path of the URL. By clicking on a button the path will get activated. This mode also supports drag and drop of items.
The mode can be changed by clicking on the empty area of the URL navigator. It is recommended that the application remembers the setting or allows to configure the default mode (see KUrlNavigator::setUrlEditable()).
The URL navigator remembers the URL history during navigation and allows to go back and forward within this history.
In the non editable mode ("breadcrumb view") it can be configured whether the full path should be shown. It is recommended that the application remembers the setting or allows to configure the default mode (see KUrlNavigator::setShowFullPath()).
The typical usage of the KUrlNavigator is:
- Create an instance providing a places model and an URL.
- Create an instance of QAbstractItemView which shows the content of the URL given by the URL navigator.
- Connect to the signal KUrlNavigator::urlChanged() and synchronize the content of QAbstractItemView with the URL given by the URL navigator.
It is recommended, that the application remembers the state of the QAbstractItemView when the URL has been changed. This allows to restore the view state when going back in history. KUrlNavigator offers support for remembering the view state:
- The signal urlAboutToBeChanged() will be emitted before the URL change takes places. This allows the application to store the view state by KUrlNavigator::saveLocationState().
- The signal urlChanged() will be emitted after the URL change took place. This allows the application to restore the view state by getting the values from KUrlNavigator::locationState().
Definition at line 69 of file kurlnavigator.h.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
◆ KUrlNavigator() [1/2]
KUrlNavigator::KUrlNavigator | ( | QWidget * | parent = nullptr | ) |
- Since
- 4.5
Definition at line 1000 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ KUrlNavigator() [2/2]
KUrlNavigator::KUrlNavigator | ( | KFilePlacesModel * | placesModel, |
const QUrl & | url, | ||
QWidget * | parent ) |
- Parameters
placesModel Model for the places which are selectable inside a menu. A place can be a bookmark or a device. If it is 0, no places selector is displayed. url URL which is used for the navigation or editing. parent Parent widget.
Definition at line 1005 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ ~KUrlNavigator()
override |
Definition at line 1018 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
Member Function Documentation
◆ activated
signal |
Is emitted, if the URL navigator has been activated by an user interaction.
- See also
- KUrlNavigator::setActive()
◆ activeTabRequested
signal |
Is emitted if the URL url should be opened in a new active tab because the user clicked on a breadcrumb with the middle mouse button with the shift modifier pressed or left-clicked with both the ctrl and shift modifiers pressed or pressed return with both the alt and shift modifiers pressed.
- Since
- 5.89
◆ badgeWidget()
QWidget * KUrlNavigator::badgeWidget | ( | ) | const |
Returns the badge widget set by setBadgeWidget().
If setBadgeWidget() hasn't been called, returns nullptr.
- Since
- 6.2
Definition at line 1355 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ dropWidget()
QWidget * KUrlNavigator::dropWidget | ( | ) | const |
The child widget that received the QDropEvent when dropping on the URL navigator.
You can pass this widget to KJobWidgets::setWindow() if you need to show a drop menu with KIO::drop().
- Returns
- Child widget that has received the last drop event, or nullptr if nothing has been dropped yet on the URL navigator.
- Since
- 5.37
- See also
- KIO::drop()
Definition at line 1316 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ editableStateChanged
signal |
Is emitted, if the editable state for the URL has been changed (see KUrlNavigator::setUrlEditable()).
◆ editor()
KUrlComboBox * KUrlNavigator::editor | ( | ) | const |
- Returns
- The used editor when the navigator is in the edit mode
- See also
- KUrlNavigator::setUrlEditable()
Definition at line 1300 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ goBack()
bool KUrlNavigator::goBack | ( | ) |
Goes back one step in the URL history.
The signals KUrlNavigator::urlAboutToBeChanged(), KUrlNavigator::urlChanged() and KUrlNavigator::historyChanged() are emitted if true is returned. False is returned if the beginning of the history has already been reached and hence going back was not possible. The history index (see KUrlNavigator::historyIndex()) is increased by one if the operation was successful.
Definition at line 1044 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ goForward()
bool KUrlNavigator::goForward | ( | ) |
Goes forward one step in the URL history.
The signals KUrlNavigator::urlAboutToBeChanged(), KUrlNavigator::urlChanged() and KUrlNavigator::historyChanged() are emitted if true is returned. False is returned if the end of the history has already been reached and hence going forward was not possible. The history index (see KUrlNavigator::historyIndex()) is decreased by one if the operation was successful.
Definition at line 1049 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ goHome()
void KUrlNavigator::goHome | ( | ) |
Goes to the home URL and remembers the old URL in the history.
The signals KUrlNavigator::urlAboutToBeChanged(), KUrlNavigator::urlChanged() and KUrlNavigator::historyChanged() are emitted.
- See also
- KUrlNavigator::setHomeUrl()
Definition at line 1059 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ goUp()
bool KUrlNavigator::goUp | ( | ) |
Goes up one step of the URL path and remembers the old path in the history.
The signals KUrlNavigator::urlAboutToBeChanged(), KUrlNavigator::urlChanged() and KUrlNavigator::historyChanged() are emitted if true is returned. False is returned if going up was not possible as the root has been reached.
Definition at line 1054 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ historyChanged
signal |
Is emitted, if the history has been changed.
Usually the history is changed if a new URL has been selected.
◆ historyIndex()
int KUrlNavigator::historyIndex | ( | ) | const |
- Returns
- The history index of the current location, where 0 <= history index < KUrlNavigator::historySize(). 0 is the most recent history entry.
Definition at line 1295 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ historySize()
int KUrlNavigator::historySize | ( | ) | const |
- Returns
- The amount of locations in the history. The data for each location can be retrieved by KUrlNavigator::locationUrl() and KUrlNavigator::locationState().
Definition at line 1290 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ homeUrl()
QUrl KUrlNavigator::homeUrl | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1073 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ isActive()
bool KUrlNavigator::isActive | ( | ) | const |
- Returns
- True, if the URL navigator is in the active mode.
- See also
- KUrlNavigator::setActive()
Definition at line 1120 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ isPlacesSelectorVisible()
bool KUrlNavigator::isPlacesSelectorVisible | ( | ) | const |
- Returns
- True, if the places selector is visible.
Definition at line 1145 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ isUrlEditable()
bool KUrlNavigator::isUrlEditable | ( | ) | const |
- Returns
- True, if the URL is editable within a line editor. If false is returned, each part of the URL is presented by a button for fast navigation ("breadcrumb view").
Definition at line 1085 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ layoutChanged
signal |
The internal layout and graphical representation of components has changed, either after an url change or after a switch between editable mode and breadcrumb mode.
- Since
- 6.11
◆ locationState()
QByteArray KUrlNavigator::locationState | ( | int | historyIndex = -1 | ) | const |
- Returns
- Location state given by historyIndex. If historyIndex is smaller than 0, the state of the current location is returned.
- Since
- 4.5
Definition at line 1039 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ locationUrl()
QUrl KUrlNavigator::locationUrl | ( | int | historyIndex = -1 | ) | const |
- Returns
- URL of the location given by the historyIndex. If historyIndex is smaller than 0, the URL of the current location is returned.
- Since
- 4.5
Definition at line 1027 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ newWindowRequested
signal |
Is emitted if the URL url should be opened in a new window because the user left-clicked on a breadcrumb with the shift modifier pressed or pressed return with the shift modifier pressed.
- Since
- 5.89
◆ requestActivation
slot |
Activates the URL navigator (KUrlNavigator::isActive() will return true) and emits the signal KUrlNavigator::activated().
- See also
- KUrlNavigator::setActive()
Definition at line 1170 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ returnPressed
signal |
This signal is emitted when the Return or Enter key is pressed.
◆ saveLocationState()
void KUrlNavigator::saveLocationState | ( | const QByteArray & | state | ) |
Saves the location state described by state for the current location.
It is recommended that at least the scroll position of a view is remembered and restored when traversing through the history. Saving the location state should be done when the signal KUrlNavigator::urlAboutToBeChanged() has been emitted. Restoring the location state (see KUrlNavigator::locationState()) should be done when the signal KUrlNavigator::urlChanged() has been emitted.
Definition at line 1032 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ setActive()
void KUrlNavigator::setActive | ( | bool | active | ) |
Set the URL navigator to the active mode, if active is true.
The active mode is default. The inactive mode only differs visually from the active mode, no change of the behavior is given.
Using the URL navigator in the inactive mode is useful when having split views, where the inactive view is indicated by an inactive URL navigator visually.
Definition at line 1103 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ setBadgeWidget()
void KUrlNavigator::setBadgeWidget | ( | QWidget * | widget | ) |
Puts widget to the right of the breadcrumb.
KUrlNavigator takes ownership over widget. Any existing badge widget is deleted.
NOTE: There is no limit to the size of the badge widget. If your badge widget is taller than other controls in KUrlNavigator, then the whole KUrlNavigator will be resized to accommodate it. Also, KUrlNavigator has fixed minimumWidth of 100, so if your badge widget is too wide, it might be clipped when the space is tight. You might want to call KUrlNavigator::setMinimumWidth() with a larger value in that case. In general, it is recommended to keep the badge widget small and not expanding, to avoid layout issues.
- Since
- 6.2
Definition at line 1341 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ setHomeUrl()
void KUrlNavigator::setHomeUrl | ( | const QUrl & | url | ) |
Sets the home URL used by KUrlNavigator::goHome().
If no home URL is set, the default home path of the user is used.
Definition at line 1068 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ setLocationUrl
slot |
Sets the location to url.
The old URL is added to the history. The signals KUrlNavigator::urlAboutToBeChanged(), KUrlNavigator::urlChanged() and KUrlNavigator::historyChanged() are emitted. Use KUrlNavigator::locationUrl() to read the location.
Definition at line 1161 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ setPlacesSelectorVisible()
void KUrlNavigator::setPlacesSelectorVisible | ( | bool | visible | ) |
Sets the places selector visible, if visible is true.
The places selector allows to select the places provided by the places model passed in the constructor. Per default the places selector is visible.
Definition at line 1125 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ setShowFullPath()
void KUrlNavigator::setShowFullPath | ( | bool | show | ) |
Shows the full path of the URL even if a place represents a part of the URL.
Assuming that a place called "Pictures" uses the URL /home/user/Pictures. An URL like /home/user/Pictures/2008 is shown as [Pictures] > [2008] in the breadcrumb view, if showing the full path is turned off. If showing the full path is turned on, the URL is shown as [/] > [home] > [Pictures] > [2008].
Definition at line 1090 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ setShowHiddenFolders()
void KUrlNavigator::setShowHiddenFolders | ( | bool | showHiddenFolders | ) |
Sets whether to show hidden folders in the subdirectories popup.
- Since
- 5.87
Definition at line 1321 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ setSortHiddenFoldersLast()
void KUrlNavigator::setSortHiddenFoldersLast | ( | bool | sortHiddenFoldersLast | ) |
Sets whether to sort hidden folders in the subdirectories popup last.
- Since
- 5.87
Definition at line 1331 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ setSupportedSchemes()
void KUrlNavigator::setSupportedSchemes | ( | const QStringList & | schemes | ) |
Set the URL schemes that the navigator should allow navigating to.
If the passed list is empty, all schemes are supported. Examples for schemes are "file"
or "ftp"
- See also
- QFileDialog::setSupportedSchemes
- Since
- 5.103
Definition at line 1305 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ setUrlEditable()
void KUrlNavigator::setUrlEditable | ( | bool | editable | ) |
Allows to edit the URL of the navigation bar if editable is true, and sets the focus accordingly.
If editable is false, each part of the URL is presented by a button for a fast navigation ("breadcrumb view").
Definition at line 1078 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ showFullPath()
bool KUrlNavigator::showFullPath | ( | ) | const |
- Returns
- True, if the full path of the URL should be shown in the breadcrumb view.
- Since
- 4.2
Definition at line 1098 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ showHiddenFolders()
bool KUrlNavigator::showHiddenFolders | ( | ) | const |
Returns whether to show hidden folders in the subdirectories popup.
- Since
- 5.87
Definition at line 1326 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ sortHiddenFoldersLast()
bool KUrlNavigator::sortHiddenFoldersLast | ( | ) | const |
Returns whether to sort hidden folders in the subdirectories popup last.
- Since
- 5.87
Definition at line 1336 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ supportedSchemes()
QStringList KUrlNavigator::supportedSchemes | ( | ) | const |
Returns the URL schemes that the navigator should allow navigating to.
If the returned list is empty, all schemes are supported.
- See also
- QFileDialog::supportedSchemes
- Since
- 5.103
Definition at line 1311 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ tabRequested
signal |
Is emitted if the URL url should be opened in a new inactive tab because the user clicked on a breadcrumb with the middle mouse button or left-clicked with the ctrl modifier pressed or pressed return with the alt modifier pressed.
◆ uncommittedUrl()
QUrl KUrlNavigator::uncommittedUrl | ( | ) | const |
- Returns
- The currently entered, but not accepted URL. It is possible that the returned URL is not valid.
Definition at line 1150 of file kurlnavigator.cpp.
◆ urlAboutToBeChanged
signal |
Is emitted, before the location URL is going to be changed to newUrl.
The signal KUrlNavigator::urlChanged() will be emitted after the change has been done. Connecting to this signal is useful to save the state of a view with KUrlNavigator::saveLocationState().
◆ urlChanged
signal |
Is emitted, if the location URL has been changed e.
g. by the user.
- See also
- KUrlNavigator::setUrl()
◆ urlsDropped
signal |
Is emitted if a dropping has been done above the destination destination.
The receiver must accept the drop event if the dropped data can be handled.
◆ urlSelectionRequested
signal |
When the URL is changed and the new URL (e.g. /home/user1/) is a parent of the previous URL (e.g. /home/user1/data/stuff), then this signal is emitted and url
is set to the child directory of the new URL which is an ancestor of the old URL (in the example paths this would be /home/user1/data/).
This signal allows file managers to pre-select the directory that the user is navigating up from.
- Since
- 5.37.0
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Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:09 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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