2 This file is part of the KDE libraries
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999 Torben Weis <>
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000-2001 Waldo Bastian <>
5 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 David Faure <>
7 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-only
13#include "kiocore_export.h"
14#include <QMetaType>
15#include <QStringList>
18 * \class KProtocolInfo kprotocolinfo.h <KProtocolInfo>
19 *
20 * Information about I/O (Internet, etc.) protocols supported by KDE.
22 * KProtocolInfo is useful if you want to know which protocols
23 * KDE supports. In addition you can find out lots of information
24 * about a certain protocol. All of the functionality is provided by the static
25 * methods.
26 * The implementation scans the *.protocol files of all installed KIO workers to get
27 * this information and stores the result into an internal cache.
28 *
29 * *.protocol files are installed in the "services" resource.
30 *
31 * The KProtocolInfo methods are reentrant (i.e. can be called from multiple threads simultaneously).
32 */
33class KIOCORE_EXPORT KProtocolInfo
36 //
37 // Static functions:
38 //
40 /**
41 * Returns list of all known protocols.
42 * @return a list of all known protocols
43 */
44 static QStringList protocols();
46 /**
47 * Returns whether a protocol is installed that is able to handle @p url.
48 *
49 * @param url the url to check
50 * @return true if the protocol is known
51 * @see name()
52 */
53 static bool isKnownProtocol(const QUrl &url);
55 /**
56 * Same as above except you can supply just the protocol instead of
57 * the whole URL.
58 */
59 static bool isKnownProtocol(const QString &protocol, bool updateCacheIfNotfound = true);
61 /**
62 * Returns the library / executable to open for the protocol @p protocol
63 * Example : "kio_ftp", meaning either the executable "kio_ftp" or
64 * the library "" (recommended), whichever is available.
65 *
66 * This corresponds to the "exec=" field in the protocol description file.
67 * @param protocol the protocol to check
68 * @return the executable of library to open, or QString() for
69 * unsupported protocols
70 * @see KUrl::protocol()
71 */
72 static QString exec(const QString &protocol);
74 /**
75 * Describes the type of a protocol.
76 * For instance ftp:// appears as a filesystem with folders and files,
77 * while bzip2:// appears as a single file (a stream of data),
78 * and telnet:// doesn't output anything.
79 * @see outputType
80 */
81 enum Type {
82 T_STREAM, ///< stream of data (e.g.\ single file)
83 T_FILESYSTEM, ///< structured directory
84 T_NONE, ///< no information about the type available
85 T_ERROR, ///< used to signal an error
86 };
88 /**
89 * Definition of an extra field in the UDS entries, returned by a listDir operation.
90 *
91 * The name is the name of the column, translated.
92 *
93 * The type name comes from QMetaType::name()
94 * Currently supported types: "QString", "QDateTime" (ISO-8601 format)
95 */
96 struct ExtraField {
97 enum Type {
98 String = QMetaType::QString,
99 DateTime = QMetaType::QDateTime,
100 Invalid = QMetaType::UnknownType
101 };
103 ExtraField()
104 : type(Invalid)
105 {
106 }
107 ExtraField(const QString &_name, Type _type)
108 : name(_name)
109 , type(_type)
110 {
111 }
112 QString name;
113 Type type;
114 };
115 typedef QList<ExtraField> ExtraFieldList;
116 /**
117 * Definition of extra fields in the UDS entries, returned by a listDir operation.
118 *
119 * This corresponds to the "ExtraNames=" and "ExtraTypes=" fields in the protocol description file.
120 * Those two lists should be separated with ',' in the protocol description file.
121 * See ExtraField for details about names and types
122 */
123 static ExtraFieldList extraFields(const QUrl &url);
125 /**
126 * Returns whether the protocol can act as a helper protocol.
127 * A helper protocol invokes an external application and does not return
128 * a file or stream.
129 *
130 * This corresponds to the "helper=" field in the protocol description file.
131 * Valid values for this field are "true" or "false" (default).
132 *
133 * @param url the url to check
134 * @return true if the protocol is a helper protocol (e.g. vnc), false
135 * if not (e.g. http)
136 */
137 static bool isHelperProtocol(const QUrl &url);
139 /**
140 * Same as above except you can supply just the protocol instead of
141 * the whole URL.
142 */
143 static bool isHelperProtocol(const QString &protocol);
145 /**
146 * Returns whether the protocol can act as a filter protocol.
147 *
148 * A filter protocol can operate on data that is passed to it
149 * but does not retrieve/store data itself, like gzip.
150 * A filter protocol is the opposite of a source protocol.
151 *
152 * The "source=" field in the protocol description file determines
153 * whether a protocol is a source protocol or a filter protocol.
154 * Valid values for this field are "true" (default) for source protocol or
155 * "false" for filter protocol.
156 *
157 * @param url the url to check
158 * @return true if the protocol is a filter (e.g. gzip), false if the
159 * protocol is a helper or source
160 */
161 static bool isFilterProtocol(const QUrl &url);
163 /**
164 * Same as above except you can supply just the protocol instead of
165 * the whole URL.
166 */
167 static bool isFilterProtocol(const QString &protocol);
169 /**
170 * Returns the name of the icon, associated with the specified protocol.
171 *
172 * This corresponds to the "Icon=" field in the protocol description file.
173 *
174 * @param protocol the protocol to check
175 * @return the icon of the protocol, or an empty string if unknown
176 */
177 static QString icon(const QString &protocol);
179 /**
180 * Returns the name of the config file associated with the
181 * specified protocol. This is useful if two similar protocols
182 * need to share a single config file, e.g. http and https.
183 *
184 * This corresponds to the "config=" field in the protocol description file.
185 * The default is the protocol name, see name()
186 *
187 * @param protocol the protocol to check
188 * @return the config file, or an empty string if unknown
189 */
190 static QString config(const QString &protocol);
192 /**
193 * Returns the soft limit on the number of KIO workers for this protocol.
194 * This limits the number of workers used for a single operation, note
195 * that multiple operations may result in a number of instances that
196 * exceeds this soft limit.
197 *
198 * This corresponds to the "maxInstances=" field in the protocol's worker metadata.
199 * The default is 1.
200 *
201 * @param protocol the protocol to check
202 * @return the maximum number of workers, or 1 if unknown
203 *
204 * @since 5.101
205 */
206 static int maxWorkers(const QString &protocol);
208 /**
209 * Returns the limit on the number of KIO workers for this protocol per host.
210 *
211 * This corresponds to the "maxInstancesPerHost=" field in the protocol's worker metadata.
212 * The default is 0 which means there is no per host limit.
213 *
214 * @param protocol the protocol to check
215 * @return the maximum number of workers, or 1 if unknown
216 *
217 * @since 5.101
218 */
219 static int maxWorkersPerHost(const QString &protocol);
221 /**
222 * Returns whether MIME types can be determined based on extension for this
223 * protocol. For some protocols, e.g. http, the filename extension in the URL
224 * can not be trusted to truly reflect the file type.
225 *
226 * This corresponds to the "determineMimetypeFromExtension=" field in the protocol description file.
227 * Valid values for this field are "true" (default) or "false".
228 *
229 * @param protocol the protocol to check
230 * @return true if the MIME types can be determined by extension
231 */
232 static bool determineMimetypeFromExtension(const QString &protocol);
234 /**
235 * Returns the default MIME type for the specified protocol, if one exists.
236 *
237 * This corresponds to the "defaultMimetype=" field in the protocol description file.
238 *
239 * @param protocol the protocol to check
240 * @return the default MIME type of the protocol, or an empty string if none set or protocol unknown
241 * @since 5.60
242 */
243 static QString defaultMimetype(const QString &protocol);
245 /**
246 * Returns the documentation path for the specified protocol.
247 *
248 * This corresponds to the "X-DocPath=" or "DocPath=" field in the protocol description file.
249 *
250 * @param protocol the protocol to check
251 * @return the docpath of the protocol, or an empty string if unknown
252 */
253 static QString docPath(const QString &protocol);
255 /**
256 * Returns the protocol class for the specified protocol.
257 *
258 * This corresponds to the "Class=" field in the protocol description file.
259 *
260 * The following classes are defined:
261 * @li ":internet" for common internet protocols
262 * @li ":local" for protocols that access local resources
263 *
264 * Protocol classes always start with a ':' so that they can not be confused with
265 * the protocols themselves.
266 *
267 * @param protocol the protocol to check
268 * @return the class of the protocol, or an empty string if unknown
269 */
270 static QString protocolClass(const QString &protocol);
272 /**
273 * Returns whether file previews should be shown for the specified protocol.
274 *
275 * This corresponds to the "ShowPreviews=" field in the protocol description file.
276 *
277 * By default previews are shown if protocolClass is :local.
278 *
279 * @param protocol the protocol to check
280 * @return true if previews should be shown by default, false otherwise
281 */
282 static bool showFilePreview(const QString &protocol);
284 /**
285 * Returns the list of capabilities provided by the KIO worker implementing
286 * this protocol.
287 *
288 * This corresponds to the "Capabilities=" field in the protocol description file.
289 *
290 * The capability names are not defined globally, they are up to each
291 * worker implementation. For example when adding support for a new
292 * special command for mounting, one would add the string "Mount" to the
293 * capabilities list, and applications could check for that string
294 * before sending a special() command that would otherwise do nothing
295 * on older KIO worker implementations.
296 *
297 * @param protocol the protocol to check
298 * @return the list of capabilities.
299 */
300 static QStringList capabilities(const QString &protocol);
302 /**
303 * Returns the list of archive MIME types handled by the KIO worker implementing
304 * this protocol.
305 *
306 * This corresponds to the "archiveMimetype=" field in the protocol description file.
307 *
308 * @param protocol the protocol to check
309 * @return the list of archive MIME types (e.g. application/x-zip) handled.
310 * @since 5.23
311 */
312 static QStringList archiveMimetypes(const QString &protocol);
315 /**
316 * Returns the name of the protocol through which the request
317 * will be routed if proxy support is enabled.
318 *
319 * A good example of this is the ftp protocol for which proxy
320 * support is commonly handled by the http protocol.
321 *
322 * This corresponds to the "ProxiedBy=" in the protocol description file.
323 *
324 * @deprecated since 6.4, not used.
325 */
327 static QString proxiedBy(const QString &protocol);
330 typedef enum {
331 Name,
332 FromUrl,
333 DisplayName
334 } FileNameUsedForCopying;
337 Q_DISABLE_COPY(KProtocolInfo)
Information about I/O (Internet, etc.) protocols supported by KDE.
static QString config(const QString &protocol)
Returns the name of the config file associated with the specified protocol.
static QString protocolClass(const QString &protocol)
Returns the protocol class for the specified protocol.
static bool determineMimetypeFromExtension(const QString &protocol)
Returns whether MIME types can be determined based on extension for this protocol.
static bool showFilePreview(const QString &protocol)
Returns whether file previews should be shown for the specified protocol.
static QString proxiedBy(const QString &protocol)
Returns the name of the protocol through which the request will be routed if proxy support is enabled...
static QStringList archiveMimetypes(const QString &protocol)
Returns the list of archive MIME types handled by the KIO worker implementing this protocol.
static QStringList capabilities(const QString &protocol)
Returns the list of capabilities provided by the KIO worker implementing this protocol.
static int maxWorkersPerHost(const QString &protocol)
Returns the limit on the number of KIO workers for this protocol per host.
Describes the type of a protocol.
used to signal an error
stream of data (e.g. single file)
no information about the type available
structured directory
static QStringList protocols()
Returns list of all known protocols.
static QString docPath(const QString &protocol)
Returns the documentation path for the specified protocol.
static bool isKnownProtocol(const QUrl &url)
Returns whether a protocol is installed that is able to handle url.
static QString icon(const QString &protocol)
Returns the name of the icon, associated with the specified protocol.
static QString exec(const QString &protocol)
Returns the library / executable to open for the protocol protocol Example : "kio_ftp",...
static int maxWorkers(const QString &protocol)
Returns the soft limit on the number of KIO workers for this protocol.
static ExtraFieldList extraFields(const QUrl &url)
Definition of extra fields in the UDS entries, returned by a listDir operation.
static bool isHelperProtocol(const QUrl &url)
Returns whether the protocol can act as a helper protocol.
static bool isFilterProtocol(const QUrl &url)
Returns whether the protocol can act as a filter protocol.
static QString defaultMimetype(const QString &protocol)
Returns the default MIME type for the specified protocol, if one exists.
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:08 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.