2 This file is part of the KDE libraries
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Malte Starostik <>
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Nicolas Fella <>
6 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
12#include "kiogui_export.h"
14#include <QObject>
15#include <QUrl>
17#include <memory>
19class QString;
20class QImage;
22namespace KIO
25class ThumbnailCreatorPrivate;
26class ThumbnailRequestPrivate;
27class ThumbnailResultPrivate;
30 * Encapsulates the input data for a thumbnail request.
31 * This includes the URL of the target file as well as additional
32 * data such as the target size
33 *
34 * @since 5.100
35 *
36 */
37class KIOGUI_EXPORT ThumbnailRequest
40 /**
41 * Contruct a new ThumbnailRequest for a given file.
42 *
43 * @param url URL of the relevant file.
44 * @param targetSize A size hint for the result image.
45 * The actual result size may be different. This already
46 * accounts for highdpi scaling, i.e. if a 500x500px thumbnail
47 * with a DPR of 2 is requested 1000x1000 is passed here.
48 * @param mimeType The MIME type of the target file.
49 * @param dpr The device pixle ratio for this request. This can
50 * be used to adjust the level of detail rendered. For example
51 * a thumbnail for text of size 1000x1000 and DPR 1 should have
52 * the name number of text lines as for a request of size 2000x2000
53 * and DPR 2.
54 * @param sequenceIndex If the thumbnailer supports sequences this
55 * determines which sequence frame is used. Pass 0 otherwise.
56 *
57 */
58 explicit ThumbnailRequest(const QUrl &url, const QSize &targetSize, const QString &mimeType, qreal dpr, float sequenceIndex);
60 ThumbnailRequest &operator=(const ThumbnailRequest &);
63 /**
64 * URL of the relevant file
65 */
66 QUrl url() const;
68 /**
69 * The target thumbnail size
70 */
71 QSize targetSize() const;
73 /**
74 * The target file's MIME type
75 */
76 QString mimeType() const;
78 /**
79 * The device Pixel Ratio used for thumbnail creation
80 */
81 qreal devicePixelRatio() const;
83 /**
84 * If the thumb-creator can create a sequence of thumbnails,
85 * it should use this to decide what sequence item to use.
86 *
87 * If the value is zero, the standard thumbnail should be created.
88 *
89 * This can be used for example to create thumbnails for different
90 * timeframes in videos(For example 0m, 10m, 20m, ...).
91 *
92 * If the thumb-creator supports a high granularity, like a video,
93 * the sub-integer precision coming from the float should be respected.
94 *
95 * If the end of the sequence is reached, the sequence should start
96 * from the beginning.
97 */
98 float sequenceIndex() const;
101 std::unique_ptr<ThumbnailRequestPrivate> d;
105 * Encapsulates the output of a thumbnail request.
106 * It contains information on whether the request was successful and,
107 * if successful, the requested thumbnail
108 *
109 * To create a result use KIO::ThumbnailResult::pass(image) or KIO::ThumbnailResult::fail()
110 *
111 * @since 5.100
112 */
113class KIOGUI_EXPORT ThumbnailResult
116 ThumbnailResult(const ThumbnailResult &);
117 ThumbnailResult &operator=(const ThumbnailResult &);
118 ~ThumbnailResult();
120 /**
121 * The requested thumbnail.
122 *
123 * If the request failed the image is null
124 */
125 QImage image() const;
127 /**
128 * Whether the request was successful.
129 */
130 bool isValid() const;
132 /**
133 * Returns the point at which this thumb-creator's sequence indices
134 * will wrap around (loop).
135 *
136 * Usually, the frontend will call setSequenceIndex() with indices
137 * that increase indefinitely with time, e.g. as long as the user
138 * keeps hovering a video file. Most thumb-creators however only
139 * want to display a finite sequence of thumbs, after which their
140 * sequence repeats.
141 *
142 * This method can return the sequence index at which this
143 * thumb-creator's sequence starts wrapping around to the start
144 * again ("looping"). The frontend may use this to generate only
145 * thumbs up to this index, and then use cached versions for the
146 * repeating sequence instead.
147 *
148 * Like sequenceIndex(), fractional values can be used if the
149 * wraparound does not happen at an integer position, but
150 * frontends handling only integer sequence indices may choose
151 * to round it down.
152 *
153 * By default, this method returns a negative index, which signals
154 * the frontend that it can't rely on this fixed-length sequence.
155 *
156 */
157 float sequenceIndexWraparoundPoint() const;
159 /**
160 * Sets the point at which this thumb-creator's sequence indices
161 * will wrap around.
162 *
163 * @see sequenceIndexWraparoundPoint()
164 */
165 void setSequenceIndexWraparoundPoint(float wraparoundPoint);
167 /**
168 * Create a successful result with a given image
169 */
170 static ThumbnailResult pass(const QImage &image);
172 /**
173 * Create an error result, i.e. the thumbnail creation failed
174 */
175 static ThumbnailResult fail();
178 KIOGUI_NO_EXPORT ThumbnailResult();
179 std::unique_ptr<ThumbnailResultPrivate> d;
183 * @class ThumbnailCreator thumbnailcreator.h <KIO/ThumbnailCreator>
184 *
185 * Base class for thumbnail generator plugins.
186 *
187 * KIO::PreviewJob, via the "thumbnail" KIO worker, uses instances of this class
188 * to generate the thumbnail previews.
189 *
190 * To add support for a new document type, subclass KIO::ThumbnailCreator and implement
191 * create() to generate a thumbnail for a given path.
192 *
193 * Compile your ThumbCreator as a plugin; for example, the relevant CMake code
194 * for a thumbnailer for the "foo" filetype might look like
195 * \code
196 * kcoreaddons_add_plugin(foothumbnail SOURCES foothumbnail.cpp INSTALL_NAMESPACE "kf6/thumbcreator")
197 * target_link_libraries(foothumbnail PRIVATE KF5::KIOGui)
198 * \endcode
199 *
200 * You also need a JSON file containing the metadata:
201 * \code
202 * {
203 * "CacheThumbnail": true,
204 * "KPlugin": {
205 * "MimeTypes": [
206 * "image/x-foo"
207 * ],
208 * "Name": "Foo Documents"
209 * }
210 * }
211 * \endcode
212 *
213 * MIME types can also use
214 * simple wildcards, like
215 * \htmlonly "text/&#42;".\endhtmlonly\latexonly text/$\ast$.\endlatexonly
216 *
217 * If the thumbnail creation is cheap (such as text previews), you can set
218 * \code
219 * "CacheThumbnail": false
220 * \endcode
221 * in metadata to prevent your thumbnails from being cached on disk.
222 *
223 * You can also use the "ThumbnailerVersion" optional property in the .desktop
224 * file, like
225 * \code
226 * "ThumbnailerVersion": 5
227 * \endcode
228 * When this is incremented (or defined when it previously was not), all the
229 * previously-cached thumbnails for this creator will be discarded. You should
230 * increase the version if and only if old thumbnails need to be regenerated.
231 *
232 * @since 5.100
233 */
234class KIOGUI_EXPORT ThumbnailCreator : public QObject
238 explicit ThumbnailCreator(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args);
239 virtual ~ThumbnailCreator();
241 /**
242 * Creates a thumbnail for a given request
243 */
244 virtual ThumbnailResult create(const ThumbnailRequest &request) = 0;
247 void *d; // Placeholder
virtual ThumbnailResult create(const ThumbnailRequest &request)=0
Creates a thumbnail for a given request.
Encapsulates the input data for a thumbnail request.
ThumbnailRequest(const QUrl &url, const QSize &targetSize, const QString &mimeType, qreal dpr, float sequenceIndex)
Contruct a new ThumbnailRequest for a given file.
QString mimeType() const
The target file's MIME type.
QSize targetSize() const
The target thumbnail size.
qreal devicePixelRatio() const
The device Pixel Ratio used for thumbnail creation.
QUrl url() const
URL of the relevant file.
float sequenceIndex() const
If the thumb-creator can create a sequence of thumbnails, it should use this to decide what sequence ...
Encapsulates the output of a thumbnail request.
QImage image() const
The requested thumbnail.
static ThumbnailResult fail()
Create an error result, i.e.
float sequenceIndexWraparoundPoint() const
Returns the point at which this thumb-creator's sequence indices will wrap around (loop).
void setSequenceIndexWraparoundPoint(float wraparoundPoint)
Sets the point at which this thumb-creator's sequence indices will wrap around.
bool isValid() const
Whether the request was successful.
static ThumbnailResult pass(const QImage &image)
Create a successful result with a given image.
A namespace for KIO globals.
QObject(QObject *parent)
QObject * parent() const const
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:09 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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