
Internationalization and Localization

KTextTemplate provides tools to make it possible to create templated content in multiple languages and locales. This is known as the concepts of localization and internationalization.

KTextTemplate can use either the QLocale and QTranslator API provided with Qt, or the KLocale API provided as part of the KDE platform.

For an introduction to Internationalization and Localization see http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Localization/i18n.

Using internationalization and localization in KTextTemplate involves several steps:

Preparing templates for localization

The content of templates which is made up of strings, numbers, dates, times and monetary values may be localized.

For strings, this means marking the string as translatable in the template, and using a translation when rendering the template. Strings may be have different structure, pluralization or disambiguation when translated. Strings are marked for translation using the template tags {% i18n %}, {% i18nc %}, {% i18np %} and {% i18ncp %}. Additionally, {% i18n_var %}, {% i18nc_var %}, {% i18np_var %} and {% i18ncp_var %} may be used to insert a translated string into the context.

  <h1>{% i18n "Subject" %}</h1>
  <h1>{% i18n "My name is %1" personName %}</h1>
  <h1>{% i18nc "Subject of an email" "Subject" %}</h1>
  <h1>{% i18np "%n email(s)" numEmails %}</h1> <!-- Qt plural form -->
  <h1>{% i18np "%n email" "%n emails" numEmails %}</h1> <!-- KDE plural form -->

  {% i18n_var "Subject" as subj %}
  <h1>{{ subj }}</h1>
  {% i18n_var "Subject of an email" "Subject" as subj %}
  <h1>{{ subj }}</h1>

  ... etc.

Each of the template tags may take additional arguments which will be substituted into the finalized string.

The QLocale and KLocale systems are notably different in how they process plurals. Both forms are supported by KTextTemplate, but only one form can be used for a particular application for consistency.

As a shortcut to the i18n tag with no arguments, the _() syntax may be used. Substitution arguments, disambiguation context, and plurals cannot be used in this case. The _() form can be used with any variable and may form part of a filter expression.

  <h1>{{ _("Subject") }}</h1>

  {% i18n "The %1 is %2" _("Subject") messageSubject %}

  <h1>{{ _("Subject")|lower }}</h1>

  {% with someList|join:_("some i18n'd var") as result %}
  {{ result }}

Dates and times, numbers and monetary values are represented differently in different countries and locales. For example, in the US, dates are represented as m/d/yy, so that the 4th May 2006 is written as 5/4/06. In British locales however, dates are represented as dd/mm/yyyy, for example 04/05/2006. Other locales are different again, such as Germany which would write the same date as 04.05.06. Similarly, the use of thousand separators and decimal separators is different between locales, such that 100,001 means "One hundred thousand and one" in English locales, but it means "one hundred point zero zero one" in German locales. "One hundred thousand and one" in German locales would be written as 100.001.

The _() syntax can also be used to localize any data object to format it correctly for the target locale.

  {% i18n "The date of the message is %1, the time of the message is %2" _(messageDate) _(messageTime) %}

  {{ _(10000) }}, {{ _(someNumber) }}

Some features of the KTextTemplate i18n and l10n system are aimed at KLocale API which is not available with Qt. For example, the QLocale system does not have a machanism for formatting monetary values, but KLocale does. KTextTemplate provides support for that in the form of the l10n_money template tag.

  {% l10n_money 10000 "USD" %}

  {% l10n_money someValue "EUR" %}

Extracting translatable strings from templates.

KTextTemplate provides scripts for extracting translatable strings from templates. The scripts generate C++ files as output, which can then be processed with standard tools such as lupdate or xgettext. The lrelease and xgettext executables create .ts and .po language respectively. It is quite simple to automate the extraction of translatable strings in your build process.

Building distributable translation catalogs.

Translators use standard tools for translating strings, such as Qt Linguist, or Lokalize for translating in gettext based systems.

Translation catalogs are built using standard tools, such as lrelease or msgfmt. Description of these tools is out of scope of KTextTemplate, but are described elsewhere.

Consuming translations in your application.

Internationalized data can be accessed and used in applications by setting an AbstractLocalizer object on the Context used to render the Template.

auto t = getTemplate();
auto c = getContext();
auto deLocalizer = QSharedPointer<QtLocalizer>::create(deLocale);
t->render(&c); // Render the template with the de locale.
auto frLocalizer = QSharedPointer<QtLocalizer>::create(frLocale);
t->render(&c); // Render the same template with the fr locale.
QSharedPointer< T > create(Args &&... args)

Third party translation extensions.

Third party providers of templates, such as themes may wish to add their own translatable content.

In such cases, it is necessary for the theme writer to provide the translation files along with their templates.

To consume such third party templates it is necessary to set the localizer on the FileSystemTemplateLoader.

The same localizer object must be used with the template loader and the Context object. It can therefore be useful to store them as members.
m_deLocalizer(new QtLocalizer(deLocale));
m_loader(new FileSystemTemplateLoader);
// ...
QString SomeClass::render()
auto c = getContext();
auto t = getTemplate();
return t->render(&c);
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