
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CKTextTemplate::AbstractLocalizerInterface for implementing an internationalization system
 CKTextTemplate::QtLocalizerProvides internationalization based on QLocale and QTranslator
 CKTextTemplate::AbstractTemplateLoaderAn retrieval interface to a storage location for Template objects
 CKTextTemplate::CachingLoaderDecoratorImplements a loader decorator which caches compiled Template objects
 CKTextTemplate::FileSystemTemplateLoaderThe FileSystemTemplateLoader loads Templates from the file system
 CKTextTemplate::InMemoryTemplateLoaderThe InMemoryTemplateLoader loads Templates set dynamically in memory
 CKTextTemplate::ContextThe Context class holds the context to render a Template with
 CKTextTemplate::ExceptionAn exception for use when implementing template tags
 CKTextTemplate::FilterBase class for all filters
 CKTextTemplate::FilterExpressionA FilterExpression object represents a filter expression in a template
 CKTextTemplate::OutputStreamThe OutputStream class is used to render templates to a QTextStream
 CQList< KTextTemplate::Node * > [external]
 CKTextTemplate::NodeListA list of Nodes with some convenience API for rendering them
 CQObject [external]
 CKTextTemplate::AbstractNodeFactoryBase class for all NodeFactories
 CKTextTemplate::EngineKTextTemplate::Engine is the main entry point for creating KTextTemplate Templates
 CKTextTemplate::NodeBase class for all nodes
 CKTextTemplate::ParserThe Parser class processes a string template into a tree of nodes
 CKTextTemplate::TemplateThe Template class is a tree of nodes which may be rendered
 CQString [external]
 CKTextTemplate::SafeString::NestedStringThe NestedString is a QString whose methods always return a SafeString
 CKTextTemplate::RenderContextProvides storage facility for state while rendering a template
 CKTextTemplate::SafeStringA QString wrapper class for containing whether a string is safe or needs to be escaped
 CKTextTemplate::TagLibraryInterfaceThe TagLibraryInterface returns available tags and filters from libraries
 CKTextTemplate::TokenA token in a parse stream for a template
 CKTextTemplate::VariableA container for static variables defined in Templates
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