
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 John Layt <>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
10#include <kwidgetsaddons_export.h>
12#include <QComboBox>
13#include <QLocale>
14#include <memory>
17 * @class KDateComboBox kdatecombobox.h KDateComboBox
18 *
19 * @short A combobox for dates.
20 */
21class KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT KDateComboBox : public QComboBox
25 Q_PROPERTY(QDate date READ date WRITE setDate NOTIFY dateChanged USER true)
26 Q_PROPERTY(QDate minimumDate READ minimumDate WRITE setMinimumDate RESET resetMinimumDate)
27 Q_PROPERTY(QDate maximumDate READ maximumDate WRITE setMaximumDate RESET resetMaximumDate)
28 Q_PROPERTY(Options options READ options WRITE setOptions)
31 /**
32 * Options provided by the widget
33 * @see options()
34 * @see setOptions()
35 * @see Options
36 */
37 enum Option {
38 EditDate = 0x0001, /**< Allow the user to manually edit the date in the combo line edit */
39 SelectDate = 0x0002, /**< Allow the user to select the date from a drop-down menu */
40 DatePicker = 0x0004, /**< Show a date picker in the drop-down */
41 DateKeywords = 0x0008, /**< Show date keywords in the drop-down */
42 WarnOnInvalid = 0x0010, /**< Show a warning on focus out if the date is invalid */
43 };
44 /**
45 * Stores a combination of #Option values.
46 */
47 Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Options, Option)
50 /**
51 * Create a new KDateComboBox widget
52 *
53 * By default the EditDate, SelectDate, DatePicker and DateKeywords options
54 * are enabled, the ShortDate format is used and the date is set to the
55 * current date.
56 */
57 explicit KDateComboBox(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
59 /**
60 * Destroy the widget
61 */
62 ~KDateComboBox() override;
64 /**
65 * Return the currently selected date
66 *
67 * @return the currently selected date
68 */
69 QDate date() const;
71 /**
72 * Return if the current user input is valid
73 *
74 * If the user input is null then it is not valid
75 *
76 * @return if the current user input is valid
77 *
78 * @see isNull()
79 */
80 bool isValid() const;
82 /**
83 * Return if the current user input is null
84 *
85 * @return if the current user input is null
86 *
87 * @see isValid()
88 */
89 bool isNull() const;
91 /**
92 * Return the currently set widget options
93 *
94 * @return the currently set widget options
95 */
96 Options options() const;
98 /**
99 * Return the currently set date display format
100 *
101 * By default this is the Short Format
102 *
103 * @return the currently set date format
104 */
107 /**
108 * Return the current minimum date
109 *
110 * @return the current minimum date
111 */
112 QDate minimumDate() const;
114 /**
115 * Return the current maximum date
116 *
117 * @return the current maximum date
118 */
119 QDate maximumDate() const;
121 /**
122 * Return the map of dates listed in the drop-down and their displayed
123 * string forms.
124 *
125 * @return the select date map
126 *
127 * @see setDateMap()
128 */
133 /**
134 * Signal if the date has been manually entered (by typing a date and losing focus, or pressing Enter)
135 * or selected by the user (using the popup selector, or up, down, page up, page down keys, or the mouse wheel).
136 *
137 * The emitted date may be invalid.
138 *
139 * @param date the new date
140 */
141 void dateEntered(const QDate &date);
143 /**
144 * Signal if the date has been changed either manually by the user
145 * or programmatically.
146 *
147 * The emitted date may be invalid.
148 *
149 * @param date the new date
150 */
151 void dateChanged(const QDate &date);
153 /**
154 * Signal if the date is being manually edited by the user.
155 *
156 * The emitted date may be invalid, or may not yet be what the user intends as the final date.
157 *
158 * @param date the new date
159 */
160 void dateEdited(const QDate &date);
162public Q_SLOTS:
164 /**
165 * Set the currently selected date
166 *
167 * You can set an invalid date or a date outside the valid range, validity
168 * checking is only done via isValid().
169 *
170 * @param date the new date
171 */
172 void setDate(const QDate &date);
174 /**
175 * Set the new widget options
176 *
177 * @param options the new widget options
178 */
179 void setOptions(Options options);
181 /**
182 * Sets the date format to display.
183 *
184 * By default is the Short Format.
185 *
186 * @param format the date format to use
187 */
190 /**
191 * Set the valid date range to be applied by isValid().
192 *
193 * Both dates must be valid and the minimum date must be less than or equal
194 * to the maximum date, otherwise the date range will not be set.
195 *
196 * @param minDate the minimum date
197 * @param maxDate the maximum date
198 * @param minWarnMsg the minimum warning message
199 * @param maxWarnMsg the maximum warning message
200 */
201 void setDateRange(const QDate &minDate, const QDate &maxDate, const QString &minWarnMsg = QString(), const QString &maxWarnMsg = QString());
203 /**
204 * Reset the minimum and maximum date to the default values.
205 * @see setDateRange()
206 */
207 void resetDateRange();
209 /**
210 * Set the minimum allowed date.
211 *
212 * If the date is invalid, or greater than current maximum,
213 * then the minimum will not be set.
214 *
215 * @param minDate the minimum date
216 * @param minWarnMsg the minimum warning message
217 *
218 * @see minimumDate()
219 * @see maximumDate()
220 * @see setMaximumDate()
221 * @see setDateRange()
222 */
223 void setMinimumDate(const QDate &minDate, const QString &minWarnMsg = QString());
225 /**
226 * Reset the minimum date to the default.
227 *
228 * The default is to have no minimum date.
229 */
230 void resetMinimumDate();
232 /**
233 * Set the maximum allowed date.
234 *
235 * If the date is invalid, or less than current minimum,
236 * then the maximum will not be set.
237 *
238 * @param maxDate the maximum date
239 * @param maxWarnMsg the maximum warning message
240 *
241 * @see minimumDate()
242 * @see maximumDate()
243 * @see setMaximumDate()
244 * @see setDateRange()
245 */
246 void setMaximumDate(const QDate &maxDate, const QString &maxWarnMsg = QString());
248 /**
249 * Reset the maximum date to the default
250 *
251 * The default is to have no maximum date.
252 */
253 void resetMaximumDate();
255 /**
256 * Set the list of dates able to be selected from the drop-down and the
257 * string form to display for those dates, e.g. "2010-01-01" and "Yesterday".
258 *
259 * Any invalid or duplicate dates will be used, the list will NOT be
260 * sorted, and the minimum and maximum date will not be affected.
261 *
262 * The @p dateMap is keyed by the date to be listed and the value is the
263 * string to be displayed. If you want the date to be displayed in the
264 * default date format then the string should be null. If you want a
265 * separator to be displayed then set the string to "separator".
266 *
267 * @param dateMap the map of dates able to be selected
268 *
269 * @see dateMap()
270 */
274 bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) override;
275 void showPopup() override;
276 void hidePopup() override;
277 void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
278 void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override;
279 void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override;
280 void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event) override;
281 void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *event) override;
282 void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override;
284 /**
285 * Assign the date for the widget.
286 *
287 * Virtual to allow sub-classes to apply extra validation rules.
288 *
289 * @param date the new date
290 */
291 virtual void assignDate(const QDate &date);
294 friend class KDateComboBoxPrivate;
295 std::unique_ptr<class KDateComboBoxPrivate> const d;
300#endif // KDATECOMBOBOX_H
KDateComboBox(QWidget *parent=nullptr)
Create a new KDateComboBox widget.
void setOptions(Options options)
Set the new widget options.
void setDisplayFormat(QLocale::FormatType format)
Sets the date format to display.
void dateEdited(const QDate &date)
Signal if the date is being manually edited by the user.
bool isNull() const
Return if the current user input is null.
void resetMinimumDate()
Reset the minimum date to the default.
Options provided by the widget.
@ SelectDate
Allow the user to select the date from a drop-down menu.
@ DateKeywords
Show date keywords in the drop-down.
@ WarnOnInvalid
Show a warning on focus out if the date is invalid.
@ EditDate
Allow the user to manually edit the date in the combo line edit.
@ DatePicker
Show a date picker in the drop-down.
void setMinimumDate(const QDate &minDate, const QString &minWarnMsg=QString())
Set the minimum allowed date.
void setDateMap(QMap< QDate, QString > dateMap)
Set the list of dates able to be selected from the drop-down and the string form to display for those...
void setDate(const QDate &date)
Set the currently selected date.
void setMaximumDate(const QDate &maxDate, const QString &maxWarnMsg=QString())
Set the maximum allowed date.
void resetDateRange()
Reset the minimum and maximum date to the default values.
QMap< QDate, QString > dateMap() const
Return the map of dates listed in the drop-down and their displayed string forms.
virtual void assignDate(const QDate &date)
Assign the date for the widget.
void resetMaximumDate()
Reset the maximum date to the default.
bool isValid() const
Return if the current user input is valid.
void dateChanged(const QDate &date)
Signal if the date has been changed either manually by the user or programmatically.
void dateEntered(const QDate &date)
Signal if the date has been manually entered (by typing a date and losing focus, or pressing Enter) o...
~KDateComboBox() override
Destroy the widget.
QLocale::FormatType displayFormat() const
Return the currently set date display format.
QFlags< Option > Options
Stores a combination of Option values.
void setDateRange(const QDate &minDate, const QDate &maxDate, const QString &minWarnMsg=QString(), const QString &maxWarnMsg=QString())
Set the valid date range to be applied by isValid().
QComboBox(QWidget *parent)
virtual bool event(QEvent *event) override
virtual void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e) override
virtual void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *e) override
virtual void hidePopup()
virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override
virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override
virtual void showPopup()
virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) override
QObject(QObject *parent)
virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
QObject * parent() const const
QWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
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Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:02:04 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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