Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼ sources | |
▼ kwidgetsaddons | |
► src | |
common_helpers.cpp | |
kacceleratormanager.cpp | |
kacceleratormanager.h | |
kactionmenu.cpp | |
kactionmenu.h | |
kactionselector.cpp | |
kactionselector.h | |
kadjustingscrollarea.cpp | |
kadjustingscrollarea.h | |
kanimatedbutton.cpp | |
kanimatedbutton.h | |
kassistantdialog.cpp | |
kassistantdialog.h | |
kbusyindicatorwidget.cpp | |
kbusyindicatorwidget.h | |
kcapacitybar.cpp | |
kcapacitybar.h | |
kcharselect-translation.cpp | |
kcharselect.cpp | |
kcharselect.h | |
kcharselectdata.cpp | |
kcollapsiblegroupbox.cpp | |
kcollapsiblegroupbox.h | |
kcolorbutton.cpp | |
kcolorbutton.h | |
kcolorcombo.cpp | |
kcolorcombo.h | |
kcolumnresizer.cpp | |
kcolumnresizer.h | |
kcontextualhelpbutton.cpp | |
kcontextualhelpbutton.h | |
kcursor.cpp | |
kcursor.h | |
kdatecombobox.cpp | |
kdatecombobox.h | |
kdatepicker.cpp | |
kdatepicker.h | |
kdatepickerpopup.cpp | |
kdatepickerpopup.h | |
kdaterangecontrol.cpp | |
kdatetable.cpp | |
kdatetimeedit.cpp | |
kdatetimeedit.h | |
kdragwidgetdecorator.cpp | |
kdragwidgetdecorator.h | |
kdualaction.cpp | |
kdualaction.h | |
keditlistwidget.cpp | |
keditlistwidget.h | |
kfontaction.cpp | |
kfontaction.h | |
kfontchooser.cpp | |
kfontchooser.h | |
kfontchooserdialog.cpp | |
kfontchooserdialog.h | |
kfontrequester.cpp | |
kfontrequester.h | |
kfontsizeaction.cpp | |
kfontsizeaction.h | |
kguiitem.cpp | |
kguiitem.h | |
kjobwidgets.cpp | |
kjobwidgets.h | |
kled.cpp | |
kled.h | |
klineediteventhandler.cpp | |
klineediteventhandler.h | |
klineediturldropeventfilter.cpp | |
klineediturldropeventfilter.h | |
kmessagebox.cpp | |
kmessagebox.h | |
kmessageboxdontaskagaininterface.h | |
kmessageboxnotifyinterface.h | |
kmessagedialog.cpp | |
kmessagedialog.h | |
kmessagewidget.cpp | |
kmessagewidget.h | |
kmimetypechooser.cpp | |
kmimetypechooser.h | |
kmimetypeeditor.cpp | |
kmimetypeeditor.h | |
kmultitabbar.cpp | |
kmultitabbar.h | |
knewpassworddialog.cpp | |
knewpassworddialog.h | |
knewpasswordwidget.cpp | |
knewpasswordwidget.h | |
kpagedialog.cpp | |
kpagedialog.h | |
kpagemodel.cpp | |
kpagemodel.h | |
kpageview.cpp | |
kpageview.h | |
kpagewidget.cpp | |
kpagewidget.h | |
kpagewidgetmodel.cpp | |
kpagewidgetmodel.h | |
kpassword.h | |
kpassworddialog.cpp | |
kpassworddialog.h | |
kpasswordlineedit.cpp | |
kpasswordlineedit.h | |
kpixmapregionselectordialog.cpp | |
kpixmapregionselectordialog.h | |
kpixmapregionselectorwidget.cpp | |
kpixmapregionselectorwidget.h | |
kpixmapsequence.cpp | |
kpixmapsequence.h | |
kpixmapsequenceoverlaypainter.cpp | |
kpixmapsequenceoverlaypainter.h | |
kpixmapsequencewidget.cpp | |
kpixmapsequencewidget.h | |
kpopupframe.cpp | |
kpopupframe.h | |
kratingpainter.cpp | |
kratingpainter.h | |
kratingwidget.cpp | |
kratingwidget.h | |
krecentfilesmenu.cpp | |
krecentfilesmenu.h | |
kruler.cpp | |
kruler.h | |
kselectaction.cpp | |
kselectaction.h | |
kselector.cpp | |
kselector.h | |
kseparator.cpp | |
kseparator.h | |
ksplittercollapserbutton.cpp | |
ksplittercollapserbutton.h | |
ksqueezedtextlabel.cpp | |
ksqueezedtextlabel.h | |
kstandardguiitem.cpp | |
kstandardguiitem.h | |
kstyleextensions.cpp | |
kstyleextensions.h | |
ktimecombobox.cpp | |
ktimecombobox.h | |
ktitlewidget.cpp | |
ktitlewidget.h | |
ktoggleaction.cpp | |
ktoggleaction.h | |
ktogglefullscreenaction.cpp | |
ktogglefullscreenaction.h | |
ktoolbarlabelaction.cpp | |
ktoolbarlabelaction.h | |
ktoolbarpopupaction.cpp | |
ktoolbarpopupaction.h | |
ktoolbarspaceraction.cpp | |
ktoolbarspaceraction.h | |
ktooltipwidget.cpp | |
ktooltipwidget.h | |
ktwofingerswipe.cpp | |
ktwofingerswipe.h | |
ktwofingertap.cpp | |
ktwofingertap.h | |
kurllabel.cpp | |
kurllabel.h | |
kviewstatemaintainerbase.cpp | |
kviewstatemaintainerbase.h | |
kviewstateserializer.cpp | |
kviewstateserializer.h | |
kxyselector.cpp | |
kxyselector.h | |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:02:04 by
doxygen 1.13.2 written
Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.