
2 This file is part of the KDE libraries
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999 Waldo Bastian <>
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-only
8// krazy:excludeall=dpointer
13#include <QDialogButtonBox>
14#include <QMessageBox>
15#include <QStringList>
17#include <kguiitem.h>
18#include <kstandardguiitem.h>
20#include <kwidgetsaddons_export.h>
24class QDialog;
26class QWidget;
27class KConfig;
30 * Easy message dialog box.
31 *
32 * Provides convenience functions for some i18n'ed standard dialogs,
33 * as well as audible notification via @ref KNotification
34 *
35 * The text in message boxes is wrapped automatically. The text may either
36 * be plaintext or richtext. If the text is plaintext, a newline-character
37 * may be used to indicate the end of a paragraph.
38 *
39 * \image html kmessagebox.png "An information dialog box"
40 *
41 * @author Waldo Bastian (
42 */
43namespace KMessageBox
46 * Button types.
47 */
49 Ok = 1, ///< Ok button
50 Cancel = 2, ///< Cancel button
51 PrimaryAction = 3, ///< Primary action button; @since 5.100
52 SecondaryAction = 4, ///< Secondary action button; @since 5.100
53 Continue = 5, ///< Continue button
57 QuestionTwoActions = 1, ///< Question dialog with two buttons; @since 5.100
58 WarningTwoActions = 2, ///< Warning dialog with two buttons; @since 5.100
59 WarningContinueCancel = 3, ///< Warning dialog with Continue and Cancel
60 WarningTwoActionsCancel = 4, ///< Warning dialog with two buttons and Cancel; @since 5.100
61 Information = 5, ///< Information dialog
62 // Reserved for: SSLMessageBox = 6
63 Error = 8, ///< Error dialog
64 QuestionTwoActionsCancel = 9, ///< Question dialog with two buttons and Cancel; @since 5.100
68 * @see Options
69 */
70enum Option {
71 Notify = 1, ///< Emit a KNotify event
72 AllowLink = 2, ///< The message may contain links.
73 Dangerous = 4, ///< The action to be confirmed by the dialog is a potentially destructive one. The default button will be set to Cancel or SecondaryAction,
74 ///< depending on which is available.
75 NoExec = 16, ///< Do not call exec() in createKMessageBox()
76 WindowModal = 32, ///< The window is to be modal relative to its parent. By default, it is application modal.
77 PlainText = 64, ///< @since 6.9 The label content should be considered as plain text. This should be used when the text comes from untrusted user input.
81 * Stores a combination of #Option values.
82 */
83Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Options, Option)
85// This declaration must be defined before first Option is used in method signatures
89 * Display a "question" dialog with two action buttons.
90 *
91 * To be used for questions like "Do you want to save the message for later or discard it?".
92 *
93 * The default button is the primary button. Pressing "Esc" triggers the secondary button.
94 *
95 * @param parent the parent widget
96 * @param text the message string
97 * @param title the message box title. If an empty string, defaults to i18n("Question").
98 * @param primaryAction the action for the primary button
99 * @param secondaryAction the action for the secondary button
100 * @param dontAskAgainName If not an empty string, a checkbox is added with which
101 * further confirmation can be turned off.
102 * The string is used to lookup and store the setting
103 * in the applications config file.
104 * The setting is stored in the "Notification Messages" group.
105 * If @p dontAskAgainName starts with a ':' then the setting
106 * is stored in the global config file.
107 * @param options see Option
108 *
109 * @returns @c PrimaryAction if the primary button is triggered, @c SecondaryAction
110 * if the secondary button is triggered.
111 *
112 * @since 5.100
113 */
116 const QString &text,
117 const QString &title,
118 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
119 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
120 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
121 Options options = Notify);
124 * Display a "question" dialog with two action buttons and a cancel button.
125 *
126 * To be used for questions like "Do you want to save the message for later or discard it?".
127 *
128 * The default button is the primary button. Pressing "Esc" triggers the cancel button.
129 *
130 * @param parent the parent widget
131 * @param text the message string
132 * @param title the message box title. If an empty string, defaults to i18n("Question").
133 * @param primaryAction the action for the primary button
134 * @param secondaryAction the action for the secondary button
135 * @param cancelAction the action for the cancel button
136 * @param dontAskAgainName If not an empty string, a checkbox is added with which
137 * further confirmation can be turned off.
138 * The string is used to lookup and store the setting
139 * in the applications config file.
140 * The setting is stored in the "Notification Messages" group.
141 * If @p dontAskAgainName starts with a ':' then the setting
142 * is stored in the global config file.
143 * @param options see Option
144 *
145 * @returns @c PrimaryAction if the primary button is triggered, @c SecondaryAction
146 * if the secondary button is triggered. @c Cancel if the cancel button is triggered.
147 *
148 * @since 5.100
149 */
152 const QString &text,
153 const QString &title,
154 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
155 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
156 const KGuiItem &cancelAction = KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
157 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
158 Options options = Notify);
161 * Display a "question" dialog with a listbox to show information to the user
162 * and two action buttons.
163 *
164 * To be used for questions like "Do you really want to delete these files?"
165 * and show the user exactly which files are going to be deleted in case.
166 *
167 * The default button is the primary button. Pressing "Esc" triggers the secondary button.
168 *
169 * @param parent the parent widget
170 * @param text the message string
171 * @param strlist List of strings to be written in the listbox. If the list is
172 * empty, it doesn't show any listbox, working as questionTwoActions().
173 * @param title the message box title. If an empty string, defaults to i18n("Question").
174 * @param primaryAction the action for the primary button
175 * @param secondaryAction the action for the secondary button
176 * @param dontAskAgainName If not an empty string, a checkbox is added with which
177 * further confirmation can be turned off.
178 * The string is used to lookup and store the setting
179 * in the applications config file.
180 * The setting is stored in the "Notification Messages" group.
181 * If @p dontAskAgainName starts with a ':' then the setting
182 * is stored in the global config file.
183 * @param options see Option
184 *
185 * @returns @c PrimaryAction if the primary button is triggered, @c SecondaryAction
186 * if the secondary button is triggered.
187 *
188 * @since 5.100
189 */
192 const QString &text,
193 const QStringList &strlist,
194 const QString &title,
195 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
196 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
197 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
198 Options options = Notify);
201 * Display a "warning" dialog with two action buttons.
202 *
203 * To be used for questions like "Shall I update your configuration?".
204 * The text should explain the implication of both actions.
205 *
206 * The default button is the secondary button. Pressing "Esc" triggers the secondary button.
207 *
208 * @param parent the parent widget
209 * @param text the message string
210 * @param title the message box title. If an empty string, defaults to i18n("Warning").
211 * @param primaryAction the action for the primary button
212 * @param secondaryAction the action for the secondary button
213 * @param dontAskAgainName If not an empty string, a checkbox is added with which
214 * further confirmation can be turned off.
215 * The string is used to lookup and store the setting
216 * in the applications config file.
217 * The setting is stored in the "Notification Messages" group.
218 * If @p dontAskAgainName starts with a ':' then the setting
219 * is stored in the global config file.
220 * @param options see Options
221 *
222 * @returns @c PrimaryAction if the primary button is triggered, @c SecondaryAction
223 * if the secondary button is triggered.
224 *
225 * @since 5.100
226 */
229 const QString &text,
230 const QString &title,
231 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
232 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
233 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
234 Options options = Options(Notify | Dangerous));
237 * Display a "warning" dialog with a listbox to show information to the user
238 * and two action buttons.
239 *
240 * To be used for questions like "Shall I update your configuration?".
241 * The text should explain the implication of both actions.
242 *
243 * The default button is the secondary button. Pressing "Esc" triggers the secondary button.
244 *
245 * @param parent the parent widget
246 * @param text the message string
247 * @param strlist List of strings to be written in the listbox. If the list is
248 * empty, it doesn't show any listbox, working as warningTwoActions.
249 * @param title the message box title. If an empty string, defaults to i18n("Warning").
250 * @param primaryAction the action for the primary button
251 * @param secondaryAction the action for the secondary button
252 * @param dontAskAgainName If not an empty string, a checkbox is added with which
253 * further confirmation can be turned off.
254 * The string is used to lookup and store the setting
255 * in the applications config file.
256 * The setting is stored in the "Notification Messages" group.
257 * If @p dontAskAgainName starts with a ':' then the setting
258 * is stored in the global config file.
259 * @param options see Options
260 *
261 * @returns @c PrimaryAction if the primary button is triggered, @c SecondaryAction
262 * if the secondary button is triggered.
263 *
264 * @since 5.100
265 */
268 const QString &text,
269 const QStringList &strlist,
270 const QString &title,
271 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
272 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
273 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
274 Options options = Options(Notify | Dangerous));
277 * Display a "warning" dialog.
278 *
279 * @param parent Parent widget.
280 * @param text Message string.
281 * @param title Message box title. The application name is added to
282 * the title. The default title is i18n("Warning").
283 * @param buttonContinue The text for the first button.
284 * The default is KStandardGuiItem::cont().
285 * @param buttonCancel The text for the second button.
286 * The default is KStandardGuiItem::cancel().
287 * @param dontAskAgainName If provided, a checkbox is added with which
288 * further confirmation can be turned off.
289 * The string is used to lookup and store the setting
290 * in the applications config file.
291 * The setting is stored in the "Notification Messages" group.
292 * If @p dontAskAgainName starts with a ':' then the setting
293 * is stored in the global config file.
294 * @param options see Options
295 *
296 * @return @p Continue is returned if the Continue-button is pressed.
297 * @p Cancel is returned if the Cancel-button is pressed.
298 *
299 * To be used for questions like "You are about to Print. Are you sure?"
300 * the continueButton should then be labeled "Print".
301 *
302 * The default button is buttonContinue. Pressing "Esc" selects "Cancel".
303 */
304KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT ButtonCode warningContinueCancel(QWidget *parent,
305 const QString &text,
306 const QString &title = QString(),
307 const KGuiItem &buttonContinue = KStandardGuiItem::cont(),
308 const KGuiItem &buttonCancel = KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
309 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
310 Options options = Notify);
313 * Display a "warning" dialog with a collapsible "Details" section.
314 *
315 * @since 5.61
316 */
317KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT ButtonCode warningContinueCancelDetailed(QWidget *parent,
318 const QString &text,
319 const QString &title = QString(),
320 const KGuiItem &buttonContinue = KStandardGuiItem::cont(),
321 const KGuiItem &buttonCancel = KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
322 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
323 Options options = Notify,
324 const QString &details = QString());
327 * Display a "warning" dialog with a listbox to show information to the user.
328 *
329 * @param parent Parent widget.
330 * @param text Message string.
331 * @param strlist List of strings to be written in the listbox. If the
332 * list is empty, it doesn't show any listbox, working
333 * as warningContinueCancel.
334 * @param title Message box title. The application name is added to
335 * the title. The default title is i18n("Warning").
336 * @param buttonContinue The text for the first button.
337 * The default is KStandardGuiItem::cont().
338 * @param buttonCancel The text for the second button.
339 * The default is KStandardGuiItem::cancel().
340 * @param dontAskAgainName If provided, a checkbox is added with which
341 * further confirmation can be turned off.
342 * The string is used to lookup and store the setting
343 * in the applications config file.
344 * The setting is stored in the "Notification Messages" group.
345 * If @p dontAskAgainName starts with a ':' then the setting
346 * is stored in the global config file.
347 *
348 * @param options see Options
349 *
350 * @return @p Continue is returned if the Continue-button is pressed.
351 * @p Cancel is returned if the Cancel-button is pressed.
352 *
353 * To be used for questions like "You are about to Print. Are you sure?"
354 * the continueButton should then be labeled "Print".
355 *
356 * The default button is buttonContinue. Pressing "Esc" selects "Cancel".
357 */
358KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT ButtonCode warningContinueCancelList(QWidget *parent,
359 const QString &text,
360 const QStringList &strlist,
361 const QString &title = QString(),
362 const KGuiItem &buttonContinue = KStandardGuiItem::cont(),
363 const KGuiItem &buttonCancel = KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
364 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
365 Options options = Notify);
368 * Display a "warning" dialog with two action buttons and a cancel button.
369 *
370 * To be used for questions like "Shall I update your configuration?".
371 * The text should explain the implication of both actions.
372 *
373 * The default button is the cancel button. Pressing "Esc" triggers the cancel button.
374 *
375 * @param parent the parent widget
376 * @param text the message string
377 * @param title the message box title. If an empty string, defaults to i18n("Warning").
378 * @param primaryAction the action for the primary button
379 * @param secondaryAction the action for the secondary button
380 * @param cancelAction the action for the cancel button
381 * @param dontAskAgainName If not an empty string, a checkbox is added with which
382 * further confirmation can be turned off.
383 * The string is used to lookup and store the setting
384 * in the applications config file.
385 * The setting is stored in the "Notification Messages" group.
386 * If @p dontAskAgainName starts with a ':' then the setting
387 * is stored in the global config file.
388 * @param options see Options
389 *
390 * @returns @c PrimaryAction if the primary button is triggered, @c SecondaryAction
391 * if the secondary button is triggered. @c Cancel if the cancel button is triggered.
392 *
393 * @since 5.100
394 */
397 const QString &text,
398 const QString &title,
399 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
400 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
401 const KGuiItem &cancelAction = KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
402 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
403 Options options = Options(Notify | Dangerous));
406 * Display a "warning" dialog with a listbox to show information
407 * to the user, two action buttons and a cancel button.
408 *
409 * To be used for questions like "Shall I update your configuration?".
410 * The text should explain the implication of both actions.
411 *
412 * The default button is the cancel button. Pressing "Esc" triggers the cancel button.
413 *
414 * @param parent the parent widget
415 * @param text the message string
416 * @param strlist a List of strings to be written in the listbox. If the
417 * list is empty, it doesn't show any listbox, working
418 * as warningTwoActionsCancel().
419 * @param title the message box title. If an empty string, defaults to i18n("Warning").
420 * @param primaryAction the action for the primary button
421 * @param secondaryAction the action for the secondary button
422 * @param cancelAction the action for the cancel button
423 * @param dontAskAgainName If not an empty string, a checkbox is added with which
424 * further confirmation can be turned off.
425 * The string is used to lookup and store the setting
426 * in the applications config file.
427 * The setting is stored in the "Notification Messages" group.
428 * If @p dontAskAgainName starts with a ':' then the setting
429 * is stored in the global config file.
430 * @param options see Options
431 *
432 * @returns @c PrimaryAction if the primary button is triggered, @c SecondaryAction
433 * if the secondary button is triggered. @c Cancel if the cancel button is triggered.
434 *
435 * @since 5.100
436 */
439 const QString &text,
440 const QStringList &strlist,
441 const QString &title,
442 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
443 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
444 const KGuiItem &cancelAction = KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
445 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
446 Options options = Options(Notify | Dangerous));
449 * Display an "Error" dialog.
450 *
451 * @param parent Parent widget.
452 * @param text Message string.
453 * @param title Message box title. The application name is added to
454 * the title. The default title is i18n("Error").
455 * @param options see Options
456 *
457 * Your program messed up and now it's time to inform the user.
458 * To be used for important things like "Sorry, I deleted your hard disk."
459 *
460 * The default button is "&OK". Pressing "Esc" selects the OK-button.
461 *
462 * @note The OK button will always have the i18n'ed text '&OK'.
463 */
464KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT void error(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &title = QString(), Options options = Notify);
467 * Display an "Error" dialog.
468 *
469 * @param parent Parent widget.
470 * @param text Message string.
471 * @param title Message box title. The application name is added to
472 * the title. The default title is i18n("Error").
473 * @param buttonOk The text for the only button.
474 * The default is KStandardGuiItem::ok().
475 * @param options see Options
476 *
477 * There is only one button, therefore it's the default button, and pressing "Esc" selects it as well.
478 *
479 * @since 5.97
480 */
482void error(QWidget *parent,
483 const QString &text,
484 const QString &title /*= QString()*/,
485 const KGuiItem &buttonOk /*= KStandardGuiItem::ok()*/,
486 Options options = Notify); // TODO KF6 merge with previous overload
489 * Display an "Error" dialog with a listbox.
490 *
491 * @param parent Parent widget.
492 * @param text Message string.
493 * @param strlist List of strings to be written in the listbox. If the
494 * list is empty, it doesn't show any listbox, working
495 * as error().
496 * @param title Message box title. The application name is added to
497 * the title. The default title is i18n("Error").
498 * @param options see Options
499 *
500 * Your program messed up and now it's time to inform the user.
501 * To be used for important things like "Sorry, I deleted your hard disk."
502 *
503 * The default button is "&OK". Pressing "Esc" selects the OK-button.
504 *
505 * @note The OK button will always have the i18n'ed text '&OK'.
506 */
508errorList(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &title = QString(), Options options = Notify);
511 * Displays an "Error" dialog with a "Details >>" button.
512 *
513 * @param parent Parent widget.
514 * @param text Message string.
515 * @param details Detailed message string.
516 * @param title Message box title. The application name is added to
517 * the title. The default title is i18n("Error").
518 * @param options see Options
519 *
520 * Your program messed up and now it's time to inform the user.
521 * To be used for important things like "Sorry, I deleted your hard disk."
522 *
523 * The @p details message can contain additional information about
524 * the problem and can be shown on request to advanced/interested users.
525 *
526 * The default button is "&OK". Pressing "Esc" selects the OK-button.
527 *
528 * @note The OK button will always have the i18n'ed text '&OK'.
529 */
531detailedError(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &details, const QString &title = QString(), Options options = Notify);
534 * Displays an "Error" dialog with a "Details >>" button.
535 *
536 * @param parent Parent widget.
537 * @param text Message string.
538 * @param details Detailed message string.
539 * @param title Message box title. The application name is added to
540 * the title. The default title is i18n("Error").
541 * @param buttonOk The text for the only button.
542 * The default is KStandardGuiItem::ok().
543 * @param options see Options
544 *
545 * Your program messed up and now it's time to inform the user.
546 * To be used for important things like "Sorry, I deleted your hard disk."
547 *
548 * The @p details message can contain additional information about
549 * the problem and can be shown on request to advanced/interested users.
550 *
551 * There is only one button, therefore it's the default button, and pressing "Esc" selects it as well.
552 *
553 * @since 5.97
554 */
556void detailedError(QWidget *parent,
557 const QString &text,
558 const QString &details,
559 const QString &title /*= QString()*/,
560 const KGuiItem &buttonOk /*= KStandardGuiItem::ok()*/,
561 Options options = Notify); // TODO KF6 merge with previous overload
564 * Display an "Information" dialog.
565 *
566 * @param parent Parent widget.
567 * @param text Message string.
568 * @param title Message box title. The application name is added to
569 * the title. The default title is i18n("Information").
570 * @param dontShowAgainName If provided, a checkbox is added with which
571 * further notifications can be turned off.
572 * The string is used to lookup and store the setting
573 * in the applications config file.
574 * The setting is stored in the "Notification Messages" group.
575 * @param options see Options
576 *
577 *
578 * Your program wants to tell the user something.
579 * To be used for things like:
580 * "Your bookmarks have been rearranged."
581 *
582 * The default button is "&OK". Pressing "Esc" selects the OK-button.
583 *
584 * @note The OK button will always have the i18n'ed text '&OK'.
585 */
587information(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &title = QString(), const QString &dontShowAgainName = QString(), Options options = Notify);
590 * Display an "Information" dialog with a listbox.
591 *
592 * @param parent Parent widget.
593 * @param text Message string.
594 * @param strlist List of strings to be written in the listbox. If the
595 * list is empty, it doesn't show any listbox, working
596 * as information.
597 * @param title Message box title. The application name is added to
598 * the title. The default title is i18n("Information").
599 * @param dontShowAgainName If provided, a checkbox is added with which
600 * further notifications can be turned off.
601 * The string is used to lookup and store the setting
602 * in the applications config file.
603 * The setting is stored in the "Notification Messages" group.
604 * @param options see Options
605 *
606 *
607 * Your program wants to tell the user something.
608 * To be used for things like:
609 * "The following bookmarks have been rearranged:"
610 *
611 * The default button is "&OK". Pressing "Esc" selects the OK-button.
612 *
613 * @note The OK button will always have the i18n'ed text '&OK'.
614 */
615KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT void informationList(QWidget *parent,
616 const QString &text,
617 const QStringList &strlist,
618 const QString &title = QString(),
619 const QString &dontShowAgainName = QString(),
620 Options options = Notify);
623 * Enable all messages which have been turned off with the
624 * @p dontShowAgainName feature.
625 */
626KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT void enableAllMessages();
629 * Re-enable a specific @p dontShowAgainName messages that had
630 * previously been turned off.
631 * @see saveDontShowAgainTwoActions()
632 * @see saveDontShowAgainContinue()
633 */
634KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT void enableMessage(const QString &dontShowAgainName);
637 * Alternate method to show a messagebox:
638 *
639 * @param parent Parent widget.
640 * @param type type of message box: QuestionTwoActions, WarningTwoActions, WarningContinueCancel...
641 * @param text Message string.
642 * @param title Message box title.
643 * @param primaryAction The KGuiItem for the first button.
644 * @param secondaryAction The KGuiItem for the second button.
645 * @param cancelAction The text for the third button.
646 * The default is KStandardGuiItem::cancel().
647 * @param dontShowAskAgainName If provided, a checkbox is added with which
648 * further questions/information can be turned off. If turned off
649 * all questions will be automatically answered with the
650 * last answer (either PrimaryAction or SecondaryAction),
651 * if the message box needs an answer.
652 * The string is used to lookup and store the setting
653 * in the applications config file.
654 * @param options see Options
655 * Note: for ContinueCancel, primaryAction is the continue button and secondaryAction is unused.
656 * and for Information, none is used.
657 * @return a button code, as defined in KMessageBox.
658 */
661 DialogType type,
662 const QString &text,
663 const QString &title,
664 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
665 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
666 const KGuiItem &cancelAction = KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
667 const QString &dontShowAskAgainName = QString(),
668 Options options = Notify);
671 * @param dontShowAgainName the name that identifies the message box.
672 * If empty, @c true is always returned.
673 * @param result reference to a variable to be set to the choice (@c PrimaryAction or @c SecondaryAction)
674 * that was chosen the last time the message box was shown.
675 * Only meaningful if the message box should not be shown.
676 * @returns @c true if the corresponding two actions message box should be shown, @c false otherwise.
677 *
678 * @since 5.100
679 */
681bool shouldBeShownTwoActions(const QString &dontShowAgainName, ButtonCode &result);
684 * @return true if the corresponding continue/cancel message box should be
685 * shown.
686 * @param dontShowAgainName the name that identify the message box. If
687 * empty, true is always returned.
688 */
689KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT bool shouldBeShownContinue(const QString &dontShowAgainName);
692 * Save the fact that a two actions message box should not be shown again.
693 *
694 * @param dontShowAgainName the name that identifies the message box.
695 * If empty, this method does nothing.
696 * @param result the value (@c PrimaryAction or @c SecondaryAction) that should be used
697 * as the result for the message box.
698 *
699 * @since 5.100
700 */
702void saveDontShowAgainTwoActions(const QString &dontShowAgainName, ButtonCode result);
705 * Save the fact that the continue/cancel message box should not be shown
706 * again.
707 * @param dontShowAgainName the name that identify the message box. If
708 * empty, this method does nothing.
709 */
710KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT void saveDontShowAgainContinue(const QString &dontShowAgainName);
713 * Use @p cfg for all settings related to the dontShowAgainName feature.
714 * If @p cfg is 0 (default) KGlobal::config() will be used.
715 */
716KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT void setDontShowAgainConfig(KConfig *cfg);
719 * Use @p dontAskAgainInterface for all settings related to the dontShowAgain feature.
720 * This method does not take ownership of @p dontAskAgainInterface.
721 *
722 * @since 5.0
723 */
724KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT void setDontShowAgainInterface(KMessageBoxDontAskAgainInterface *dontAskAgainInterface);
727 * Use @p notifyInterface to send notifications.
728 * This method does not take ownership of @p notifyInterface.
729 *
730 * @since 5.0
731 */
732KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT void setNotifyInterface(KMessageBoxNotifyInterface *notifyInterface);
735 * Create content and layout of a standard dialog
736 *
737 * @param dialog The parent dialog base
738 * @param buttons a QDialogButtonBox instance. This function will take care of connecting to it.
739 * @param icon Which predefined icon the message box shall show.
740 * @param text Message string.
741 * @param strlist List of strings to be written in the listbox.
742 * If the list is empty, it doesn't show any listbox
743 * @param ask The text of the checkbox. If empty none will be shown.
744 * @param checkboxReturn The result of the checkbox. If it's initially
745 * true then the checkbox will be checked by default.
746 * May be a null pointer. Incompatible with NoExec.
747 * @param options see Options
748 * @param details Detailed message string.
749 * @return A QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton button code, not a KMessageBox
750 * button code, based on the buttonmask given to the constructor of
751 * the @p dialog (ie. will return QDialogButtonBox::Yes instead of
752 * KMessageBox::PrimaryAction). Will return QDialogButtonBox::NoButton if the
753 * message box is queued for display instead of exec()ed immediately
754 * or if the option NoExec is set.
755 * @note Unless NoExec is used,
756 * the @p dialog that is passed in is deleted by this
757 * function. Do not delete it yourself.
758 */
760 QDialogButtonBox *buttons,
761 QMessageBox::Icon icon, // krazy:exclude=qclasses
762 const QString &text,
763 const QStringList &strlist,
764 const QString &ask,
765 bool *checkboxReturn,
766 Options options,
767 const QString &details = QString());
770 * Create content and layout of a standard dialog
771 *
772 * @param dialog The parent dialog base
773 * @param buttons a QDialogButtonBox instance. This function will take care of connecting to it.
774 * @param icon A QPixmap containing the icon to be displayed in the
775 * dialog next to the text.
776 * @param text Message string.
777 * @param strlist List of strings to be written in the listbox.
778 * If the list is empty, it doesn't show any listbox
779 * @param ask The text of the checkbox. If empty none will be shown.
780 * @param checkboxReturn The result of the checkbox. If it's initially
781 * true then the checkbox will be checked by default.
782 * May be a null pointer. Incompatible with NoExec.
783 * @param options see Options
784 * @param details Detailed message string.
785 * @param notifyType The type of notification to send when this message
786 * is presentend.
787 * @return A QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton button code, not a KMessageBox
788 * button code, based on the buttonmask given to the constructor of
789 * the @p dialog (ie. will return QDialogButtonBox::Yes instead of
790 * KMessageBox::PrimaryAction). Will return QDialogButtonBox::NoButton if the
791 * message box is queued for display instead of exec()ed immediately
792 * or if the option NoExec is set.
793 * @note Unless NoExec is used,
794 * the @p dialog that is passed in is deleted by this
795 * function. Do not delete it yourself.
796 */
798 QDialogButtonBox *buttons,
799 const QIcon &icon,
800 const QString &text,
801 const QStringList &strlist,
802 const QString &ask,
803 bool *checkboxReturn,
804 Options options,
805 const QString &details = QString(),
806 QMessageBox::Icon notifyType = QMessageBox::Information); // krazy:exclude=qclasses
809 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
810 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
811 *
812 * @see questionTwoActions()
813 * @since 5.100
814 */
817 const QString &text,
818 const QString &title,
819 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
820 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
821 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
822 Options options = Notify);
825 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
826 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
827 *
828 * @see questionTwoActionsCancel()
829 * @since 5.100
830 */
833 const QString &text,
834 const QString &title,
835 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
836 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
837 const KGuiItem &cancelAction = KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
838 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
839 Options options = Notify);
842 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
843 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
844 *
845 * @see questionTwoActionsList()
846 * @since 5.100
847 */
850 const QString &text,
851 const QStringList &strlist,
852 const QString &title,
853 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
854 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
855 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
856 Options options = Notify);
859 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
860 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
861 *
862 * @see warningTwoActions()
863 * @since 5.100
864 */
866ButtonCode warningTwoActionsWId(WId parent_id,
867 const QString &text,
868 const QString &title,
869 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
870 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
871 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
872 Options options = Options(Notify | Dangerous));
875 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
876 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
877 *
878 * @see warningTwoActionsList()
879 * @since 5.100
880 */
883 const QString &text,
884 const QStringList &strlist,
885 const QString &title,
886 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
887 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
888 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
889 Options options = Options(Notify | Dangerous));
892 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
893 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
894 */
895KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT ButtonCode warningContinueCancelWId(WId parent_id,
896 const QString &text,
897 const QString &title = QString(),
898 const KGuiItem &buttonContinue = KStandardGuiItem::cont(),
899 const KGuiItem &buttonCancel = KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
900 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
901 Options options = Notify);
904 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
905 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
906 */
907KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT ButtonCode warningContinueCancelListWId(WId parent_id,
908 const QString &text,
909 const QStringList &strlist,
910 const QString &title = QString(),
911 const KGuiItem &buttonContinue = KStandardGuiItem::cont(),
912 const KGuiItem &buttonCancel = KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
913 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
914 Options options = Notify);
917 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
918 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
919 *
920 * @see warningTwoActionsCancel()
921 * @since 5.100
922 */
925 const QString &text,
926 const QString &title,
927 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
928 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
929 const KGuiItem &cancelAction = KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
930 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
931 Options options = Options(Notify | Dangerous));
934 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
935 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
936 *
937 * @see warningTwoActionsCancelList()
938 * @since 5.100
939 */
942 const QString &text,
943 const QStringList &strlist,
944 const QString &title,
945 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
946 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
947 const KGuiItem &cancelAction = KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
948 const QString &dontAskAgainName = QString(),
949 Options options = Options(Notify | Dangerous));
952 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
953 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
954 */
955KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT void errorWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QString &title = QString(), Options options = Notify);
958 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
959 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
960 */
962errorListWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &title = QString(), Options options = Notify);
965 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
966 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
967 */
969detailedErrorWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QString &details, const QString &title = QString(), Options options = Notify);
972 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
973 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
974 * @since 5.97
975 */
977void detailedErrorWId(WId parent_id,
978 const QString &text,
979 const QString &details,
980 const QString &title /*= QString()*/,
981 const KGuiItem &buttonOk /*= KStandardGuiItem::ok()*/,
982 Options options = Notify); // TODO KF6 merge with previous overload
985 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
986 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
987 */
989informationWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QString &title = QString(), const QString &dontShowAgainName = QString(), Options options = Notify);
992 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
993 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
994 */
995KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT void informationListWId(WId parent_id,
996 const QString &text,
997 const QStringList &strlist,
998 const QString &title = QString(),
999 const QString &dontShowAgainName = QString(),
1000 Options options = Notify);
1003 * This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead
1004 * of QWidget*. It should be used only when necessary.
1005 */
1007ButtonCode messageBoxWId(WId parent_id,
1008 DialogType type,
1009 const QString &text,
1010 const QString &title,
1011 const KGuiItem &primaryAction,
1012 const KGuiItem &secondaryAction,
1013 const KGuiItem &cancelAction = KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
1014 const QString &dontShowAskAgainName = QString(),
1015 Options options = Notify);
An abstract class for setting the text, icon, tooltip and WhatsThis data on a GUI item (e....
Definition kguiitem.h:34
Easy message dialog box.
void saveDontShowAgainTwoActions(const QString &dontShowAgainName, ButtonCode result)
Save the fact that a two actions message box should not be shown again.
ButtonCode warningContinueCancel(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &buttonContinue, const KGuiItem &buttonCancel, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
Display a "warning" dialog.
ButtonCode warningTwoActionsCancelListWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const KGuiItem &buttonCancel, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
void error(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &title, Options options)
Display an "Error" dialog.
ButtonCode warningTwoActionsListWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
ButtonCode warningContinueCancelListWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &buttonContinue, const KGuiItem &buttonCancel, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
ButtonCode messageBoxWId(WId parent_id, DialogType type, const QString &text, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const KGuiItem &cancelAction, const QString &dontShow, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
void saveDontShowAgainContinue(const QString &dontShowAgainName)
Save the fact that the continue/cancel message box should not be shown again.
ButtonCode questionTwoActionsWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
void errorList(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &title, Options options)
Display an "Error" dialog with a listbox.
ButtonCode warningTwoActions(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
Display a "warning" dialog with two action buttons.
void enableAllMessages()
Enable all messages which have been turned off with the dontShowAgainName feature.
ButtonCode questionTwoActionsCancelWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const KGuiItem &cancelAction, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
ButtonCode warningTwoActionsWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
ButtonCode warningTwoActionsList(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
Display a "warning" dialog with a listbox to show information to the user and two action buttons.
void errorWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QString &title, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
void informationList(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &title, const QString &dontShowAgainName, Options options)
Display an "Information" dialog with a listbox.
void informationListWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &title, const QString &dontShowAgainName, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
ButtonCode warningContinueCancelList(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &buttonContinue, const KGuiItem &buttonCancel, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
Display a "warning" dialog with a listbox to show information to the user.
void detailedErrorWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QString &details, const QString &title, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
void setNotifyInterface(KMessageBoxNotifyInterface *notifyInterface)
Use notifyInterface to send notifications.
void informationWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QString &title, const QString &dontShowAgainName, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
Button types.
Definition kmessagebox.h:48
@ PrimaryAction
Primary action button;.
Definition kmessagebox.h:51
@ SecondaryAction
Secondary action button;.
Definition kmessagebox.h:52
@ Continue
Continue button.
Definition kmessagebox.h:53
@ Cancel
Cancel button.
Definition kmessagebox.h:50
@ Ok
Ok button.
Definition kmessagebox.h:49
void information(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &title, const QString &dontShowAgainName, Options options)
Display an "Information" dialog.
bool shouldBeShownContinue(const QString &dontShowAgainName)
ButtonCode questionTwoActionsList(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
Display a "question" dialog with a listbox to show information to the user and two action buttons.
ButtonCode messageBox(QWidget *parent, DialogType type, const QString &text, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const KGuiItem &buttonCancel, const QString &dontShow, Options options)
Alternate method to show a messagebox:
bool shouldBeShownTwoActions(const QString &dontShowAgainName, ButtonCode &result)
ButtonCode warningContinueCancelDetailed(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &buttonContinue, const KGuiItem &buttonCancel, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options, const QString &details)
Display a "warning" dialog with a collapsible "Details" section.
QFlags< Option > Options
Stores a combination of Option values.
Definition kmessagebox.h:83
ButtonCode questionTwoActionsCancel(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const KGuiItem &cancelAction, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
Display a "question" dialog with two action buttons and a cancel button.
ButtonCode warningTwoActionsCancelWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const KGuiItem &buttonCancel, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton createKMessageBox(QDialog *dialog, QDialogButtonBox *buttons, QMessageBox::Icon icon, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &ask, bool *checkboxReturn, Options options, const QString &details)
Create content and layout of a standard dialog.
void setDontShowAgainInterface(KMessageBoxDontAskAgainInterface *dontAskAgainInterface)
Use dontAskAgainInterface for all settings related to the dontShowAgain feature.
@ Notify
Emit a KNotify event.
Definition kmessagebox.h:71
@ WindowModal
The window is to be modal relative to its parent. By default, it is application modal.
Definition kmessagebox.h:76
@ NoExec
Do not call exec() in createKMessageBox()
Definition kmessagebox.h:75
@ Dangerous
The action to be confirmed by the dialog is a potentially destructive one.
Definition kmessagebox.h:73
@ AllowLink
The message may contain links.
Definition kmessagebox.h:72
ButtonCode warningTwoActionsCancelList(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const KGuiItem &cancelAction, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
Display a "warning" dialog with a listbox to show information to the user, two action buttons and a c...
ButtonCode warningContinueCancelWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &buttonContinue, const KGuiItem &buttonCancel, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
void detailedError(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &details, const QString &title, Options options)
Displays an "Error" dialog with a "Details >>" button.
@ Error
Error dialog.
Definition kmessagebox.h:63
@ WarningTwoActionsCancel
Warning dialog with two buttons and Cancel;.
Definition kmessagebox.h:60
@ QuestionTwoActionsCancel
Question dialog with two buttons and Cancel;.
Definition kmessagebox.h:64
@ QuestionTwoActions
Question dialog with two buttons;.
Definition kmessagebox.h:57
@ WarningContinueCancel
Warning dialog with Continue and Cancel.
Definition kmessagebox.h:59
@ WarningTwoActions
Warning dialog with two buttons;.
Definition kmessagebox.h:58
@ Information
Information dialog.
Definition kmessagebox.h:61
void errorListWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &title, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
void setDontShowAgainConfig(KConfig *cfg)
Use cfg for all settings related to the dontShowAgainName feature.
ButtonCode questionTwoActions(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
Display a "question" dialog with two action buttons.
ButtonCode questionTwoActionsListWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
This function accepts the window id of the parent window, instead of QWidget*.
ButtonCode warningTwoActionsCancel(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &primaryAction, const KGuiItem &secondaryAction, const KGuiItem &cancelAction, const QString &dontAskAgainName, Options options)
Display a "warning" dialog with two action buttons and a cancel button.
void enableMessage(const QString &dontShowAgainName)
Re-enable a specific dontShowAgainName messages that had previously been turned off.
KGuiItem cont()
Returns the 'Continue' gui item.
KGuiItem cancel()
Returns the 'Cancel' gui item.
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:02:04 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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