
2 This file is part of the KDE libraries
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 David Faure <>
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Dawit Alemayehu <>
5 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Olivier Goffart <ogoffart at>
6 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Harald Sitter <>
8 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
14#include <KPassword>
15#include <QDialog>
16#include <QDialogButtonBox>
17#include <memory>
19#include <kwidgetsaddons_export.h>
22 * @class KPasswordDialog kpassworddialog.h KPasswordDialog
23 *
24 * A dialog for requesting a password and optionally a login from the end user.
25 *
26 * \section usage Usage Example
27 *
28 * Requesting a simple password, asynchronous
29 *
30 * \code
31 * KPasswordDialog *dlg = new KPasswordDialog(parent);
32 * dlg->setPrompt(i18n("Enter a password"));
33 * connect(dlg, &KPasswordDialog::gotPassword,
34 * this, [this](const QString &password) { setPassword(password); });
35 * connect(dlg, &QDialog::rejected, this, [this]() { slotCancel(); });
36 * dlg->show();
37 * \endcode
38 *
39 * Requesting a login and a password, synchronous
40 *
41 * \code
42 * KPasswordDialog dlg(parent, KPasswordDialog::ShowUsernameLine);
43 * dlg.setPrompt(i18n("Enter a login and a password"));
44 * if(!dlg.exec()) {
45 * return; //the user canceled
46 * }
47 * use(dlg.username(), dlg.password());
48 * \endcode
49 *
50 * \image html kpassworddialog.png "KPasswordDialog"
51 *
52 * @short dialog for requesting login and password from the end user
53 */
54class KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT KPasswordDialog : public QDialog
59 /**
60 * @see KPasswordDialogFlags
61 */
63 NoFlags = 0x00,
64 /**
65 * If this flag is set, the "keep this password" checkbox will been shown,
66 * otherwise, it will not be shown and keepPassword will have no effect
67 */
69 /**
70 * If this flag is set, there will be an additional line to let the user enter his login.
71 * otherwise, only the password line will be shown.
72 */
74 /**
75 * If this flag is set, the login lineedit will be in read only mode.
76 */
78 /**
79 * If this flag is set, the Anonymous Login checkbox will be displayed
80 * @since 4.1
81 */
83 /**
84 * If this flag is set, there will be an additional line to let the user enter the domain.
85 * @since 4.1
86 */
88 /**
89 * If this flag is set, the domain lineedit will be in read only mode.
90 * @since 4.1
91 */
93 };
94 /**
95 * Stores a combination of #KPasswordDialogFlag values.
96 */
99 enum ErrorType {
100 UnknownError = 0,
102 /**
103 * A problem with the user name as entered
104 */
107 /**
108 * Incorrect password
109 */
112 /**
113 * Error preventing further attempts, will result in disabling most of the interface
114 */
117 /**
118 * A problem with the domain as entered
119 * @since 4.1
120 */
122 };
124 /**
125 * create a password dialog
126 *
127 * @param parent the parent widget
128 * @param flags a set of KPasswordDialogFlag flags
129 */
130 explicit KPasswordDialog(QWidget *parent = nullptr, const KPasswordDialogFlags &flags = KPasswordDialog::NoFlags);
132 /**
133 * Destructor
134 */
137 /**
138 * Sets the prompt to show to the user.
139 * @param prompt instructional text to be shown.
140 */
141 void setPrompt(const QString &prompt);
143 /**
144 * Returns the prompt
145 */
146 QString prompt() const;
148 /**
149 * Set the icon that appears next to the prompt.
150 * @since 5.63
151 */
152 void setIcon(const QIcon &icon);
154 /**
155 * Returns the icon that appears next to the prompt.
156 */
157 QIcon icon() const;
159 /**
160 * Adds a comment line to the dialog.
161 *
162 * This function allows you to add one additional comment
163 * line to this widget. Calling this function after a
164 * comment has already been added will not have any effect.
165 *
166 * @param label label for comment (ex:"Command:")
167 * @param comment the actual comment text.
168 */
169 void addCommentLine(const QString &label, const QString &comment);
171 /**
172 * Shows an error message in the dialog box. Prevents having to show a dialog-on-a-dialog.
173 *
174 * @param message the error message to show
175 */
176 void showErrorMessage(const QString &message, const ErrorType type = PasswordError);
178 /**
179 * Returns the password entered by the user.
180 * @return the password
181 */
182 QString password() const;
184 /**
185 * set the default username.
186 */
187 void setUsername(const QString &);
189 /**
190 * Returns the username entered by the user.
191 * @return the user name
192 */
193 QString username() const;
195 /**
196 * set the default domain.
197 * @since 4.1
198 */
199 void setDomain(const QString &);
201 /**
202 * Returns the domain entered by the user.
203 * @return the domain name
204 * @since 4.1
205 */
206 QString domain() const;
208 /**
209 * set anonymous mode (all other fields will be grayed out)
210 * @since 4.1
211 */
212 void setAnonymousMode(bool anonymous);
214 /**
215 * @return anonymous mode has been selected.
216 * @since 4.1
217 */
218 bool anonymousMode() const;
220 /**
221 * Determines whether supplied authorization should
222 * persist even after the application has been closed.
223 *
224 * this is set with the check password checkbox is the ShowKeepCheckBox flag
225 * is set in the constructor, if it is not set, this function return false
226 *
227 * @return true to keep the password
228 */
229 bool keepPassword() const;
231 /**
232 * Check or uncheck the "keep password" checkbox.
233 * This can be used to check it before showing the dialog, to tell
234 * the user that the password is stored already (e.g. in the wallet).
235 * enableKeep must have been set to true in the constructor.
236 *
237 * has only effect if ShowKeepCheckBox is set in the constructor
238 */
239 void setKeepPassword(bool b);
241 /**
242 * Sets the username field read-only and sets the
243 * focus to the password field.
244 *
245 * this can also be set by passing UsernameReadOnly as flag in the constructor
246 *
247 * @param readOnly true to set the user field to read-only
248 */
249 void setUsernameReadOnly(bool readOnly);
251 /**
252 * Presets the password.
253 * If the password is not empty, the ability to show the password will not be available.
254 * @param password the password to set
255 */
256 void setPassword(const QString &password);
258 /**
259 * Presets a number of login+password pairs that the user can choose from.
260 * The passwords can be empty if you simply want to offer usernames to choose from.
261 *
262 * This require the flag ShowUsernameLine to be set in the constructoe, and not the flag UsernameReadOnly
263 * @param knownLogins map of known logins: the keys are usernames, the values are passwords.
264 */
265 void setKnownLogins(const QMap<QString, QString> &knownLogins);
267 /**
268 * @internal
269 */
270 void accept() override;
272 /**
273 * Returns the button box used in the dialog.
274 * This can be used to add new buttons.
275 *
276 * @return the button box
277 *
278 * @since 5.0
279 */
282 /**
283 * Sets contextual help for the username input field. This displays a
284 * somewhat visual hint in the UI giving very visible access to a whats-this
285 * style input description for the user name line. This is particularly useful
286 * when the user name may require or support special input syntax.
287 * For example windows-like auth dialogs supports multiple different logon
288 * name syntax.
289 * @since 5.76
290 */
291 void setUsernameContextHelp(const QString &help);
294 /**
295 * Whether to show the visibility trailing action in the line edit.
296 * Default is @c true. This can be used to honor the lineedit_reveal_password
297 * kiosk key, for example:
298 * \code
299 * dlg->setRevealPasswordAvailable(KAuthorized::authorize(QStringLiteral("lineedit_reveal_password")));
300 * \endcode
301 * @since 5.84
302 */
303 [[deprecated("Use setRevealPasswordMode instead.")]] void setRevealPasswordAvailable(bool reveal);
305 /**
306 * Whether the visibility trailing action in the line edit is visible.
307 * @since 5.84
308 */
309 [[deprecated("Use revealPasswordMode instead.")]] bool isRevealPasswordAvailable() const;
312 /**
313 * Return when the reveal password button is visible.
314 * @since 6.0
315 */
316 KPassword::RevealMode revealPasswordMode() const;
318 /**
319 * Set when the reveal password button will be visible.
320 *
321 * The default is RevealMode::OnlyNew and the reveal password button will
322 * only be visible when entering a new password.
323 *
324 * This can be used to honor the lineedit_reveal_password kiosk key, for example:
325 *
326 * @code{.cpp}
327 * if (KAuthorized::authorize(QStringLiteral("lineedit_reveal_password"))) {
328 * passwordDialog.setRevealPasswordMode(KPassword::RevealMode::OnlyNew);
329 * } else {
330 * passwordDialog.setRevealPasswordMode(KPassword::RevealMode::Never);
331 * }
332 * @endcode
333 * @since 6.0
334 */
335 void setRevealPasswordMode(KPassword::RevealMode revealPasswordMode);
338 /**
339 * emitted when the dialog has been accepted
340 * @param password the entered password
341 * @param keep true if the "remember password" checkbox was checked, false otherwise. false if ShowKeepPassword was not set in the constructor
342 */
343 void gotPassword(const QString &password, bool keep);
345 /**
346 * emitted when the dialog has been accepted, and ShowUsernameLine was set on the constructor
347 * @param username the entered username
348 * @param password the entered password
349 * @param keep true if the "remember password" checkbox was checked, false otherwise. false if ShowKeepPassword was not set in the constructor
350 */
351 void gotUsernameAndPassword(const QString &username, const QString &password, bool keep);
354 /**
355 * Virtual function that can be overridden to provide password
356 * checking in derived classes. It should return @p true if the
357 * password is valid, @p false otherwise.
358 */
359 virtual bool checkPassword();
362 friend class KPasswordDialogPrivate;
363 std::unique_ptr<class KPasswordDialogPrivate> const d;
365 Q_DISABLE_COPY(KPasswordDialog)
A dialog for requesting a password and optionally a login from the end user.
QString prompt() const
Returns the prompt.
void setDomain(const QString &)
set the default domain.
void setKeepPassword(bool b)
Check or uncheck the "keep password" checkbox.
bool anonymousMode() const
void setAnonymousMode(bool anonymous)
set anonymous mode (all other fields will be grayed out)
@ ShowAnonymousLoginCheckBox
If this flag is set, the Anonymous Login checkbox will be displayed.
@ ShowKeepPassword
If this flag is set, the "keep this password" checkbox will been shown, otherwise,...
@ UsernameReadOnly
If this flag is set, the login lineedit will be in read only mode.
@ DomainReadOnly
If this flag is set, the domain lineedit will be in read only mode.
@ ShowDomainLine
If this flag is set, there will be an additional line to let the user enter the domain.
@ ShowUsernameLine
If this flag is set, there will be an additional line to let the user enter his login.
QString password() const
Returns the password entered by the user.
QString domain() const
Returns the domain entered by the user.
void gotUsernameAndPassword(const QString &username, const QString &password, bool keep)
emitted when the dialog has been accepted, and ShowUsernameLine was set on the constructor
~KPasswordDialog() override
void setUsername(const QString &)
set the default username.
@ PasswordError
Incorrect password.
@ UsernameError
A problem with the user name as entered.
@ DomainError
A problem with the domain as entered.
@ FatalError
Error preventing further attempts, will result in disabling most of the interface.
bool isRevealPasswordAvailable() const
Whether the visibility trailing action in the line edit is visible.
void setPrompt(const QString &prompt)
Sets the prompt to show to the user.
QFlags< KPasswordDialogFlag > KPasswordDialogFlags
Stores a combination of KPasswordDialogFlag values.
void gotPassword(const QString &password, bool keep)
emitted when the dialog has been accepted
void setIcon(const QIcon &icon)
Set the icon that appears next to the prompt.
void setRevealPasswordAvailable(bool reveal)
Whether to show the visibility trailing action in the line edit.
virtual bool checkPassword()
Virtual function that can be overridden to provide password checking in derived classes.
void setPassword(const QString &password)
Presets the password.
KPasswordDialog(QWidget *parent=nullptr, const KPasswordDialogFlags &flags=KPasswordDialog::NoFlags)
create a password dialog
void addCommentLine(const QString &label, const QString &comment)
Adds a comment line to the dialog.
QDialogButtonBox * buttonBox() const
Returns the button box used in the dialog.
void setUsernameReadOnly(bool readOnly)
Sets the username field read-only and sets the focus to the password field.
void setKnownLogins(const QMap< QString, QString > &knownLogins)
Presets a number of login+password pairs that the user can choose from.
bool keepPassword() const
Determines whether supplied authorization should persist even after the application has been closed.
QString username() const
Returns the username entered by the user.
KPassword::RevealMode revealPasswordMode() const
Return when the reveal password button is visible.
void setUsernameContextHelp(const QString &help)
Sets contextual help for the username input field.
void setRevealPasswordMode(KPassword::RevealMode revealPasswordMode)
Set when the reveal password button will be visible.
QIcon icon() const
Returns the icon that appears next to the prompt.
void showErrorMessage(const QString &message, const ErrorType type=PasswordError)
Shows an error message in the dialog box.
QDialog(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
virtual void accept()
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:02:04 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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