
2 This file is part of the KDE Libraries
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Tobias Koenig <>
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
11#include "kpagemodel.h"
12#include <memory>
14class QWidget;
15class QAction;
18 * @class KPageWidgetItem kpagewidgetmodel.h KPageWidgetItem
19 *
20 * KPageWidgetItem is used by @ref KPageWidget and represents
21 * a page.
22 *
23 * <b>Example:</b>\n
24 *
25 * \code
26 * ColorPage *page = new ColorPage;
27 *
28 * KPageWidgetItem *item = new KPageWidgetItem( page, i18n( "Colors" ) );
29 * item->setHeader( i18n( "Colors of Main Window" ) );
30 * item->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme( "colors" ) );
31 *
32 * KPageWidget *pageWidget = new KPageWidget( this );
33 * pageWidget->addPage( item );
34 * \endcode
35 *
36 * @author Tobias Koenig (
37 */
38class KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT KPageWidgetItem : public QObject
41 Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName)
42 Q_PROPERTY(QString header READ header WRITE setHeader)
43 Q_PROPERTY(QIcon icon READ icon WRITE setIcon)
44 Q_PROPERTY(bool checkable READ isCheckable WRITE setCheckable)
45 Q_PROPERTY(bool checked READ isChecked WRITE setChecked)
46 /**
47 * This property holds whether the item is enabled.
48 *
49 * It dis-/enables both the widget and the item in the list-/treeview.
50 */
52 /**
53 * @since 5.52
54 */
56 /**
57 * This property holds the actions associated to the page.
58 *
59 * @warning This is not supported when using a KPageView/KPageWidget/KPageDialog with
60 * the Tabbed face type.
61 * @since 6.6
62 */
65 /**
66 * Creates a new page widget item.
67 *
68 * @param widget The widget that is shown as page in the KPageWidget.
69 */
72 /**
73 * Creates a new page widget item.
74 *
75 * @param widget The widget that is shown as page in the KPageWidget.
76 * @param name The localized string that is show in the navigation view
77 * of the KPageWidget.
78 */
81 /**
82 * Destroys the page widget item.
83 */
84 ~KPageWidgetItem() override;
86 /**
87 * Returns the widget of the page widget item.
88 */
89 QWidget *widget() const;
91 /**
92 * Sets the name of the item as shown in the navigation view of the page
93 * widget.
94 */
95 void setName(const QString &name);
97 /**
98 * Returns the name of the page widget item.
99 */
100 QString name() const;
102 /**
103 * Sets the header of the page widget item.
104 *
105 * If setHeader(QString()) is used, what is the default if the header
106 * does not got set explicit, then the defined name() will also be used
107 * for the header.
108 *
109 * @param header Header of the page widget item.
110 */
111 void setHeader(const QString &header);
113 /**
114 * Returns the header of the page widget item.
115 */
116 QString header() const;
118 /**
119 * Sets the icon of the page widget item.
120 * @param icon Icon of the page widget item.
121 */
122 void setIcon(const QIcon &icon);
124 /**
125 * Returns the icon of the page widget item.
126 */
127 QIcon icon() const;
129 /**
130 * Sets whether the page widget item is checkable in the view.
131 * @param checkable True if the page widget is checkable,
132 * otherwise false.
133 */
134 void setCheckable(bool checkable);
136 /**
137 * Returns whether the page widget item is checkable.
138 */
139 bool isCheckable() const;
141 /**
142 * Returns whether the page widget item is checked.
143 */
144 bool isChecked() const;
146 /**
147 * Returns whether the page widget item is enabled.
148 */
149 bool isEnabled() const;
151 /**
152 * Returns whether the page will show the header title
153 * @since 5.52
154 */
155 bool isHeaderVisible() const;
157 /**
158 * Set whether the page should show the header title
159 * @since 5.52
160 */
161 void setHeaderVisible(bool visible);
163 /**
164 * Returns the actions associated to the page.
165 * @since 6.6
166 */
167 QList<QAction *> actions() const;
169 /**
170 * Set the actions associated to the page.
171 * @since 6.6
172 */
175public Q_SLOTS:
176 /**
177 * Sets whether the page widget item is enabled.
178 */
179 void setEnabled(bool);
181 /**
182 * Sets whether the page widget item is checked.
183 */
184 void setChecked(bool checked);
187 /**
188 * This signal is emitted whenever the icon or header
189 * is changed.
190 */
191 void changed();
193 /**
194 * This signal is emitted whenever the user checks or
195 * unchecks the item of setChecked() is called.
196 */
197 void toggled(bool checked);
199 /**
200 * This signal is emitted whenever the actions associated to the
201 * page are changed.
202 * @since 6.6
203 */
207 std::unique_ptr<class KPageWidgetItemPrivate> const d;
210class KPageWidgetModelPrivate;
213 * @class KPageWidgetModel kpagewidgetmodel.h KPageWidgetModel
214 *
215 * This page model is used by KPageWidget to provide
216 * a hierarchical layout of pages.
217 */
218class KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT KPageWidgetModel : public KPageModel
221 Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(KPageWidgetModel)
224 /**
225 * Creates a new page widget model.
226 *
227 * @param parent The parent object.
228 */
229 explicit KPageWidgetModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
231 /**
232 * Destroys the page widget model.
233 */
234 ~KPageWidgetModel() override;
236 /**
237 * Adds a new top level page to the model.
238 *
239 * @param widget The widget of the page.
240 * @param name The name which is displayed in the navigation view.
241 *
242 * @returns The associated KPageWidgetItem.
243 */
244 KPageWidgetItem *addPage(QWidget *widget, const QString &name);
246 /**
247 * Adds a new top level page to the model.
248 *
249 * @param item The KPageWidgetItem which describes the page.
250 */
253 /**
254 * Inserts a new page in the model.
255 *
256 * @param before The new page will be insert before this KPageWidgetItem
257 * on the same level in hierarchy.
258 * @param widget The widget of the page.
259 * @param name The name which is displayed in the navigation view.
260 *
261 * @returns The associated KPageWidgetItem.
262 */
263 KPageWidgetItem *insertPage(KPageWidgetItem *before, QWidget *widget, const QString &name);
265 /**
266 * Inserts a new page in the model.
267 *
268 * @param before The new page will be insert before this KPageWidgetItem
269 * on the same level in hierarchy.
270 *
271 * @param item The KPageWidgetItem which describes the page.
272 */
275 /**
276 * Inserts a new sub page in the model.
277 *
278 * @param parent The new page will be insert as child of this KPageWidgetItem.
279 * @param widget The widget of the page.
280 * @param name The name which is displayed in the navigation view.
281 *
282 * @returns The associated KPageWidgetItem.
283 */
284 KPageWidgetItem *addSubPage(KPageWidgetItem *parent, QWidget *widget, const QString &name);
286 /**
287 * Inserts a new sub page in the model.
288 *
289 * @param parent The new page will be insert as child of this KPageWidgetItem.
290 *
291 * @param item The KPageWidgetItem which describes the page.
292 */
295 /**
296 * Removes the page associated with the given KPageWidgetItem.
297 */
300 /**
301 * These methods are reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.
302 */
303 int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
304 QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
305 bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role = Qt::EditRole) override;
306 Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const override;
307 QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
308 QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &index) const override;
309 int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
311 /**
312 * Returns the KPageWidgetItem for a given index or a null pointer if the index is invalid.
313 */
314 KPageWidgetItem *item(const QModelIndex &index) const;
316 /**
317 * Returns the index for a given KPageWidgetItem. The index is invalid if the
318 * item can't be found in the model.
319 */
320 QModelIndex index(const KPageWidgetItem *item) const;
323 /**
324 * This signal is emitted whenever a checkable page changes its state. @param checked is true
325 * when the @p page is checked, or false if the @p page is unchecked.
326 */
327 void toggled(KPageWidgetItem *page, bool checked);
330 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _k_itemChanged())
331 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _k_itemToggled(bool))
KPageModel(QObject *parent=nullptr)
Constructs a page model with the given parent.
KPageWidgetItem is used by KPageWidget and represents a page.
void setHeaderVisible(bool visible)
Set whether the page should show the header title.
void setName(const QString &name)
Sets the name of the item as shown in the navigation view of the page widget.
bool isEnabled() const
Returns whether the page widget item is enabled.
void setChecked(bool checked)
Sets whether the page widget item is checked.
void changed()
This signal is emitted whenever the icon or header is changed.
bool isCheckable() const
Returns whether the page widget item is checkable.
void toggled(bool checked)
This signal is emitted whenever the user checks or unchecks the item of setChecked() is called.
bool isChecked() const
Returns whether the page widget item is checked.
void actionsChanged()
This signal is emitted whenever the actions associated to the page are changed.
void setIcon(const QIcon &icon)
Sets the icon of the page widget item.
QWidget * widget() const
Returns the widget of the page widget item.
void setActions(QList< QAction * > actions)
Set the actions associated to the page.
void setEnabled(bool)
Sets whether the page widget item is enabled.
KPageWidgetItem(QWidget *widget)
Creates a new page widget item.
QList< QAction * > actions
This property holds the actions associated to the page.
void setCheckable(bool checkable)
Sets whether the page widget item is checkable in the view.
bool isHeaderVisible() const
Returns whether the page will show the header title.
void setHeader(const QString &header)
Sets the header of the page widget item.
bool enabled
This property holds whether the item is enabled.
KPageWidgetItem * insertPage(KPageWidgetItem *before, QWidget *widget, const QString &name)
Inserts a new page in the model.
KPageWidgetItem * addPage(QWidget *widget, const QString &name)
Adds a new top level page to the model.
void removePage(KPageWidgetItem *item)
Removes the page associated with the given KPageWidgetItem.
int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const override
These methods are reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.
KPageWidgetModel(QObject *parent=nullptr)
Creates a new page widget model.
KPageWidgetItem * item(const QModelIndex &index) const
Returns the KPageWidgetItem for a given index or a null pointer if the index is invalid.
void toggled(KPageWidgetItem *page, bool checked)
This signal is emitted whenever a checkable page changes its state.
KPageWidgetItem * addSubPage(KPageWidgetItem *parent, QWidget *widget, const QString &name)
Inserts a new sub page in the model.
QObject(QObject *parent)
QObject * parent() const const
typedef ItemFlags
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Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:02:04 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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