
1// vi: ts=8 sts=4 sw=4
3 This file is part of the KDE libraries
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1998 Pietro Iglio <>
5 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999, 2000 Geert Jansen <>
6 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004, 2005 Andrew Coles <>
7 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006, 2007 Olivier Goffart <ogoffart @>
8 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Elvis Angelaccio <>
10 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-only
15#include <KPassword>
16#include <KPasswordLineEdit>
17#include <QWidget>
18#include <memory>
20#include <kwidgetsaddons_export.h>
23 * @class KNewPasswordWidget knewpasswordwidget.h KNewPasswordWidget
24 *
25 * @short A password input widget.
26 *
27 * This widget allows the user to enter a new password.
28 *
29 * The password has to be entered twice to check if the passwords
30 * match. A hint about the strength of the entered password is also
31 * shown.
32 *
33 * In order to embed this widget in your custom password dialog,
34 * you may want to connect to the passwordStatus() signal.
35 * This way you can e.g. disable the OK button if the passwords
36 * don't match, warn the user if the password is too weak, and so on.
37 *
38 * \section usage Usage Example
39 * \subsection Setup
40 *
41 * \code
42 * KNewPasswordWidget *m_passwordWidget = new KNewPasswordWidget(this);
43 * // set a background warning color (taken from the current color scheme)
44 * KColorScheme colorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View);
45 * m_passwordWidget->setBackgroundWarningColor(colorScheme.background(KColorScheme::NegativeBackground).color());
46 * // listen to password status updates
47 * connect(m_passwordWidget, &KNewPasswordWidget::passwordStatusChanged, this, &MyCustomDialog::slotPasswordStatusChanged);
48 * ...
49 * \endcode
50 *
51 * \subsection update Update your custom dialog
52 *
53 * @snippet knewpasswordwidget_test.cpp update_custom_dialog
54 *
55 * \subsection accept Accept your custom dialog
56 *
57 * @snippet knewpasswordwidget_test.cpp accept_custom_dialog
58 *
59 * @author Geert Jansen <>
60 * @author Olivier Goffart <>
61 * @author Elvis Angelaccio <>
62 * @since 5.16
63 */
64class KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT KNewPasswordWidget : public QWidget
67 Q_PROPERTY(PasswordStatus passwordStatus READ passwordStatus)
68 Q_PROPERTY(bool allowEmptyPasswords READ allowEmptyPasswords WRITE setAllowEmptyPasswords)
69 Q_PROPERTY(int minimumPasswordLength READ minimumPasswordLength WRITE setMinimumPasswordLength)
70 Q_PROPERTY(int maximumPasswordLength READ maximumPasswordLength WRITE setMaximumPasswordLength)
71 Q_PROPERTY(int reasonablePasswordLength READ reasonablePasswordLength WRITE setReasonablePasswordLength)
72 Q_PROPERTY(int passwordStrengthWarningLevel READ passwordStrengthWarningLevel WRITE setPasswordStrengthWarningLevel)
73 Q_PROPERTY(QColor backgroundWarningColor READ backgroundWarningColor WRITE setBackgroundWarningColor)
74 Q_PROPERTY(bool passwordStrengthMeterVisible READ isPasswordStrengthMeterVisible WRITE setPasswordStrengthMeterVisible)
75 /**
76 * @since 5.31
77 */
81 Q_PROPERTY(KPassword::RevealMode revealPasswordMode READ revealPasswordMode WRITE setRevealPasswordMode)
84 /**
85 * Status of the password being typed in the widget.
86 */
88 EmptyPasswordNotAllowed, /**< Both passwords fields empty, but minimum length > 0. */
89 PasswordTooShort, /**< Password length is too low. */
90 PasswordNotVerified, /**< Password and verification password don't match. */
91 WeakPassword, /**< Passwords match but the strength level is not enough. */
92 StrongPassword, /**< Passwords match and the strength level is good. */
93 };
94 Q_ENUM(PasswordStatus)
96 /**
97 * This enum describe when the reveal password button is visible.
98 * @since 6.0
99 */
101 /**
102 * Display the button when entering a new password, but doesn't let you see a
103 * previously entered password. This is the default.
104 */
106 /**
107 * Never display the reveal button.
108 */
110 /**
111 * Always display the reveal button. Usefull in a password manager for example.
112 */
114 };
115 Q_ENUM(RevealPasswordMode)
117 /**
118 * Constructs a password widget.
119 *
120 * @param parent Passed to lower level constructor.
121 */
122 explicit KNewPasswordWidget(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
124 /**
125 * Destructs the password widget.
126 */
129 /**
130 * The current status of the password in the widget.
131 */
132 PasswordStatus passwordStatus() const;
134 /**
135 * Allow empty passwords?
136 *
137 * @return true if minimumPasswordLength() == 0
138 */
139 bool allowEmptyPasswords() const;
141 /**
142 * Minimum acceptable password length.
143 */
144 int minimumPasswordLength() const;
146 /**
147 * Maximum acceptable password length.
148 */
149 int maximumPasswordLength() const;
151 /**
152 * Password length that is expected to be reasonably safe.
153 */
154 int reasonablePasswordLength() const;
156 /**
157 * Password strength level below which a warning is given
158 */
159 int passwordStrengthWarningLevel() const;
161 /**
162 * The color used as warning for the verification password field's background.
163 */
164 QColor backgroundWarningColor() const;
166 /**
167 * Whether the password strength meter is visible.
168 */
172 /**
173 * Whether the visibility trailing action in the line edit is visible.
174 * @since 5.31
175 */
176 [[deprecated("Use revealPasswordMode instead.")]] bool isRevealPasswordAvailable() const;
179 /**
180 * Whether the visibility trailing action in the line edit is visible.
181 * @since 6.0
182 */
183 KPassword::RevealMode revealPasswordMode() const;
185 /**
186 * Returns the password entered.
187 * @note Only returns meaningful data when passwordStatus
188 * is either WeakPassword or StrongPassword.
189 */
190 QString password() const;
192public Q_SLOTS:
194 /**
195 * Allow empty passwords? - Default: true
196 *
197 * same as setMinimumPasswordLength( allowed ? 0 : 1 )
198 */
199 void setAllowEmptyPasswords(bool allowed);
201 /**
202 * Minimum acceptable password length.
203 *
204 * Default: 0
205 *
206 * @param minLength The new minimum password length
207 */
208 void setMinimumPasswordLength(int minLength);
210 /**
211 * Maximum acceptable password length.
212 *
213 * @param maxLength The new maximum password length.
214 */
215 void setMaximumPasswordLength(int maxLength);
217 /**
218 * Password length that is expected to be reasonably safe.
219 * The value is guaranteed to be in the range from 1 to maximumPasswordLength().
220 *
221 * Used to compute the strength level
222 *
223 * Default: 8 - the standard UNIX password length
224 *
225 * @param reasonableLength The new reasonable password length.
226 */
227 void setReasonablePasswordLength(int reasonableLength);
229 /**
230 * Set the password strength level below which a warning is given
231 * The value is guaranteed to be in the range from 0 to 99. Empty passwords score 0;
232 * non-empty passwords score up to 100, depending on their length and whether they
233 * contain numbers, mixed case letters and punctuation.
234 *
235 * Default: 1 - warn if the password has no discernible strength whatsoever
236 * @param warningLevel The level below which a warning should be given.
237 */
238 void setPasswordStrengthWarningLevel(int warningLevel);
240 /**
241 * When the verification password does not match, the background color
242 * of the verification field is set to @p color. As soon as the passwords match,
243 * the original color of the verification field is restored.
244 */
245 void setBackgroundWarningColor(const QColor &color);
247 /**
248 * Whether to show the password strength meter (label and progress bar).
249 * Default is true.
250 */
254 /**
255 * Whether to show the visibility trailing action in the line edit.
256 * Default is true. This can be used to honor the lineedit_reveal_password
257 * kiosk key, for example:
258 * \code
259 * passwordWidget.setRevealPasswordAvailable(KAuthorized::authorize(QStringLiteral("lineedit_reveal_password")));
260 * \endcode
261 * @since 5.31
262 */
263 [[deprecated("Use setRevealPasswordMode instead.")]] void setRevealPasswordAvailable(bool reveal);
266 /**
267 * Set when the reveal password button will be visible.
268 *
269 * The default is RevealPasswordMode::OnlyNew and the reveal password button will
270 * only be visible when entering a new password.
271 *
272 * This can be used to honor the lineedit_reveal_password kiosk key, for example:
273 *
274 * @code{.cpp}
275 * if (KAuthorized::authorize(QStringLiteral("lineedit_reveal_password"))) {
276 * newPasswordWidget.setRevealPasswordMode(KPassword::RevealMode::OnlyNew);
277 * } else {
278 * newPasswordWidget.setRevealPasswordMode(KPassword::RevealMode::Never);
279 * }
280 * @endcode
281 * @since 6.0
282 */
283 void setRevealPasswordMode(KPassword::RevealMode revealPasswordMode);
287 /**
288 * Notify about the current status of the password being typed.
289 */
293 std::unique_ptr<class KNewPasswordWidgetPrivate> const d;
295 Q_DISABLE_COPY(KNewPasswordWidget)
A password input widget.
void setRevealPasswordAvailable(bool reveal)
Whether to show the visibility trailing action in the line edit.
void passwordStatusChanged()
Notify about the current status of the password being typed.
Status of the password being typed in the widget.
@ PasswordNotVerified
Password and verification password don't match.
@ StrongPassword
Passwords match and the strength level is good.
@ WeakPassword
Passwords match but the strength level is not enough.
@ EmptyPasswordNotAllowed
Both passwords fields empty, but minimum length > 0.
@ PasswordTooShort
Password length is too low.
KNewPasswordWidget(QWidget *parent=nullptr)
Constructs a password widget.
~KNewPasswordWidget() override
Destructs the password widget.
void setAllowEmptyPasswords(bool allowed)
Allow empty passwords?
bool isRevealPasswordAvailable() const
Whether the visibility trailing action in the line edit is visible.
void setPasswordStrengthWarningLevel(int warningLevel)
Set the password strength level below which a warning is given The value is guaranteed to be in the r...
void setBackgroundWarningColor(const QColor &color)
When the verification password does not match, the background color of the verification field is set ...
void setReasonablePasswordLength(int reasonableLength)
Password length that is expected to be reasonably safe.
This enum describe when the reveal password button is visible.
@ Always
Always display the reveal button.
@ Never
Never display the reveal button.
@ OnlyNew
Display the button when entering a new password, but doesn't let you see a previously entered passwor...
void setPasswordStrengthMeterVisible(bool visible)
Whether to show the password strength meter (label and progress bar).
void setMaximumPasswordLength(int maxLength)
Maximum acceptable password length.
bool isPasswordStrengthMeterVisible() const
Whether the password strength meter is visible.
QString password() const
Returns the password entered.
void setRevealPasswordMode(KPassword::RevealMode revealPasswordMode)
Set when the reveal password button will be visible.
void setMinimumPasswordLength(int minLength)
Minimum acceptable password length.
QWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:02:04 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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