Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼ sources | |
▼ syndication | |
▼ src | |
► atom | |
atom.h | |
atomtools.cpp | |
atomtools.h | |
category.cpp | |
category.h | |
constants.cpp | |
constants.h | |
content.cpp | |
content.h | |
document.cpp | |
document.h | |
entry.cpp | |
entry.h | |
generator.cpp | |
generator.h | |
link.cpp | |
link.h | |
parser.cpp | |
parser.h | |
person.cpp | |
person.h | |
source.cpp | |
source.h | |
► mapper | |
categoryatomimpl.cpp | |
categoryatomimpl.h | |
categoryrss2impl.cpp | |
categoryrss2impl.h | |
enclosureatomimpl.cpp | |
enclosureatomimpl.h | |
enclosurerss2impl.cpp | |
enclosurerss2impl.h | |
feedatomimpl.cpp | |
feedatomimpl.h | |
feedrdfimpl.cpp | |
feedrdfimpl.h | |
feedrss2impl.cpp | |
feedrss2impl.h | |
imageatomimpl.h | |
imagerdfimpl.cpp | |
imagerdfimpl.h | |
imagerss2impl.cpp | |
imagerss2impl.h | |
itematomimpl.cpp | |
itematomimpl.h | |
itemrdfimpl.cpp | |
itemrdfimpl.h | |
itemrss2impl.cpp | |
itemrss2impl.h | |
mapperatomimpl.h | |
mapperrdfimpl.h | |
mapperrss2impl.h | |
► rdf | |
contentvocab.cpp | |
contentvocab.h | |
document.cpp | |
document.h | |
dublincore.cpp | |
dublincore.h | |
dublincorevocab.cpp | |
dublincorevocab.h | |
image.cpp | |
image.h | |
item.cpp | |
item.h | |
literal.cpp | |
literal.h | |
model.cpp | |
model.h | |
modelmaker.cpp | |
modelmaker.h | |
node.cpp | |
node.h | |
nodevisitor.cpp | |
nodevisitor.h | |
parser.cpp | |
parser.h | |
property.cpp | |
property.h | |
rdf.h | |
rdfvocab.cpp | |
rdfvocab.h | |
resource.cpp | |
resource.h | |
resourcewrapper.cpp | |
resourcewrapper.h | |
rssvocab.cpp | |
rssvocab.h | |
sequence.cpp | |
sequence.h | |
statement.cpp | |
statement.h | |
syndicationinfo.cpp | |
syndicationinfo.h | |
syndicationvocab.cpp | |
syndicationvocab.h | |
textinput.cpp | |
textinput.h | |
► rss2 | |
category.cpp | |
category.h | |
cloud.cpp | |
cloud.h | |
document.cpp | |
document.h | |
enclosure.cpp | |
enclosure.h | |
image.cpp | |
image.h | |
item.cpp | |
item.h | |
parser.cpp | |
parser.h | |
rss2.h | |
source.cpp | |
source.h | |
textinput.cpp | |
textinput.h | |
abstractparser.cpp | |
abstractparser.h | |
category.cpp | |
category.h | |
constants.cpp | |
constants.h | |
dataretriever.cpp | |
dataretriever.h | |
documentsource.cpp | |
documentsource.h | |
documentvisitor.cpp | |
documentvisitor.h | |
elementwrapper.cpp | |
elementwrapper.h | |
enclosure.cpp | |
enclosure.h | |
feed.cpp | |
feed.h | |
global.cpp | |
global.h | |
image.cpp | |
image.h | |
item.cpp | |
item.h | |
loader.cpp | |
loader.h | |
loaderutil.cpp | |
mapper.h | |
parsercollection.h | |
parsercollectionimpl.h | |
person.cpp | |
person.h | |
personimpl.cpp | |
personimpl.h | |
specificdocument.cpp | |
specificdocument.h | |
specificitem.cpp | |
specificitem.h | |
specificitemvisitor.cpp | |
specificitemvisitor.h | |
syndication.h | |
syndication_private_export.h | |
tools.cpp | |
tools.h | |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:51:08 by
doxygen 1.13.2 written
Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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