
2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Tobias Koenig <tokoe@kde.org> *
3 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org> *
4 * *
5 * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later *
6 ***************************************************************************/
8#pragma once
10#include <QHash>
11#include <QStringList>
13#include "agentinstance.h"
14#include "agenttype.h"
16class QDir;
18namespace Akonadi
20class ProcessControl;
24 * The agent manager has knowledge about all available agents (it scans
25 * for .desktop files in the agent directory) and the available configured
26 * instances.
27 */
28class AgentManager : public QObject, protected QDBusContext
31 Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.freedesktop.Akonadi.AgentManager")
34 /**
35 * Creates a new agent manager.
36 *
37 * @param parent The parent object.
38 */
39 explicit AgentManager(bool verbose, QObject *parent = nullptr);
41 /**
42 * Destroys the agent manager.
43 */
44 ~AgentManager() override;
46 /**
47 * Called by the crash handler and dtor to terminate
48 * the child processes.
49 */
50 void cleanup();
52 /**
53 * Returns the list of identifiers of all available
54 * agent types.
55 */
56 [[nodiscard]] QStringList agentTypes() const;
58 /**
59 * Returns the i18n'ed name of the agent type for
60 * the given @p identifier.
61 */
62 [[nodiscard]] QString agentName(const QString &identifier) const;
64 /**
65 * Returns the i18n'ed comment of the agent type for
66 * the given @p identifier..
67 */
68 [[nodiscard]] QString agentComment(const QString &identifier) const;
70 /**
71 * Returns the icon name of the agent type for the
72 * given @p identifier.
73 */
74 [[nodiscard]] QString agentIcon(const QString &identifier) const;
76 /**
77 * Returns a list of supported mimetypes of the agent type
78 * for the given @p identifier.
79 */
80 [[nodiscard]] QStringList agentMimeTypes(const QString &identifier) const;
82 /**
83 * Returns a list of supported capabilities of the agent type
84 * for the given @p identifier.
85 */
86 [[nodiscard]] QStringList agentCapabilities(const QString &identifier) const;
88 /**
89 * Returns a list of Custom added properties of the agent type
90 * for the given @p identifier
91 * @since 1.11
92 */
93 [[nodiscard]] QVariantMap agentCustomProperties(const QString &identifier) const;
95 /**
96 * Creates a new agent of the given agent type @p identifier.
97 *
98 * @return The identifier of the new agent if created successfully,
99 * an empty string otherwise.
100 * The identifier consists of two parts, the type of the
101 * agent and an unique instance number, and looks like
102 * the following: 'file_1' or 'imap_267'.
103 */
104 [[nodiscard]] QString createAgentInstance(const QString &identifier);
106 /**
107 * Removes the agent with the given @p identifier.
108 */
109 void removeAgentInstance(const QString &identifier);
111 /**
112 * Returns the type of the agent instance with the given @p identifier.
113 */
114 [[nodiscard]] QString agentInstanceType(const QString &identifier);
116 /**
117 * Returns the list of identifiers of configured instances.
118 */
119 [[nodiscard]] QStringList agentInstances() const;
121 /**
122 * Returns the current status code of the agent with the given @p identifier.
123 */
124 int agentInstanceStatus(const QString &identifier) const;
126 /**
127 * Returns the i18n'ed description of the current status of the agent with
128 * the given @p identifier.
129 */
130 [[nodiscard]] QString agentInstanceStatusMessage(const QString &identifier) const;
132 /**
133 * Returns the current progress of the agent with the given @p identifier
134 * in percentage.
135 */
136 [[nodiscard]] uint agentInstanceProgress(const QString &identifier) const;
138 /**
139 * Returns the i18n'ed description of the current progress of the agent with
140 * the given @p identifier.
141 */
142 QString agentInstanceProgressMessage(const QString &identifier) const;
144 /**
145 * Sets the @p name of the agent instance with the given @p identifier.
146 */
147 void setAgentInstanceName(const QString &identifier, const QString &name);
149 /**
150 * Returns the name of the agent instance with the given @p identifier.
151 */
152 [[nodiscard]] QString agentInstanceName(const QString &identifier) const;
154 /**
155 * Triggers the agent instance with the given @p identifier to show
156 * its configuration dialog.
157 * @param windowId Parent window id for the configuration dialog.
158 */
159 void agentInstanceConfigure(const QString &identifier, qlonglong windowId);
161 /**
162 * Triggers the agent instance with the given @p identifier to start
163 * synchronization.
164 */
165 void agentInstanceSynchronize(const QString &identifier);
167 /**
168 Trigger a synchronization of the collection tree by the given resource agent.
169 @param identifier The resource agent identifier.
170 */
171 void agentInstanceSynchronizeCollectionTree(const QString &identifier);
173 /**
174 Trigger a synchronization of the given collection by its owning resource agent.
175 */
176 void agentInstanceSynchronizeCollection(const QString &identifier, qint64 collection);
178 /**
179 Trigger a synchronization of the given collection by its owning resource agent.
180 @param recursive set it true to have sub-collection synchronized as well
181 */
182 void agentInstanceSynchronizeCollection(const QString &identifier, qint64 collection, bool recursive);
184 /**
185 * Trigger a synchronization of tags by the given resource agent.
186 * @param identifier The resource agent identifier.
187 */
188 void agentInstanceSynchronizeTags(const QString &identifier);
190 /**
191 Returns if the agent instance @p identifier is in online mode.
192 */
193 bool agentInstanceOnline(const QString &identifier);
195 /**
196 Sets agent instance @p identifier to online or offline mode.
197 */
198 void setAgentInstanceOnline(const QString &identifier, bool state);
200 /**
201 Restarts the agent instance @p identifier. This is supposed to be used as a
202 development aid and not something to use during normal operations.
203 */
204 void restartAgentInstance(const QString &identifier);
206 /**
207 * Add a persistent search to remote search agents.
208 */
209 void addSearch(const QString &query, const QString &queryLanguage, qint64 resultCollectionId);
211 /**
212 * Removes a persistent search for the given result collection.
213 */
214 void removeSearch(quint64 resultCollectionId);
216 void setAgentInstanceActivities(const QString &identifier, const QStringList &activities);
217 [[nodiscard]] QStringList agentInstanceActivities(const QString &identifier);
219 void setAgentInstanceActivitiesEnabled(const QString &identifier, bool enabled);
220 [[nodiscard]] bool agentInstanceActivitiesEnabled(const QString &identifier);
223 /**
224 * This signal is emitted whenever a new agent type was installed on the system.
225 *
226 * @param agentType The identifier of the new agent type.
227 */
228 void agentTypeAdded(const QString &agentType);
230 /**
231 * This signal is emitted whenever an agent type was removed from the system.
232 *
233 * @param agentType The identifier of the removed agent type.
234 */
235 void agentTypeRemoved(const QString &agentType);
237 /**
238 * This signal is emitted whenever a new agent instance was created.
239 *
240 * @param agentIdentifier The identifier of the new agent instance.
241 */
242 void agentInstanceAdded(const QString &agentIdentifier);
244 /**
245 * This signal is emitted whenever an agent instance was removed.
246 *
247 * @param agentIdentifier The identifier of the removed agent instance.
248 */
249 void agentInstanceRemoved(const QString &agentIdentifier);
251 /**
252 * This signal is emitted whenever the status of an agent instance has
253 * changed.
254 *
255 * @param agentIdentifier The identifier of the agent that has changed.
256 * @param status The new status code.
257 * @param message The i18n'ed description of the new status.
258 */
259 void agentInstanceStatusChanged(const QString &agentIdentifier, int status, const QString &message);
261 /**
262 * This signal is emitted whenever the status of an agent instance has
263 * changed.
264 *
265 * @param agentIdentifier The identifier of the agent that has changed.
266 * @param status The object that describes the status change.
267 */
268 void agentInstanceAdvancedStatusChanged(const QString &agentIdentifier, const QVariantMap &status);
270 /**
271 * This signal is emitted whenever the progress of an agent instance has
272 * changed.
273 *
274 * @param agentIdentifier The identifier of the agent that has changed.
275 * @param progress The new progress in percentage.
276 * @param message The i18n'ed description of the new progress.
277 */
278 void agentInstanceProgressChanged(const QString &agentIdentifier, uint progress, const QString &message);
280 /**
281 * This signal is emitted whenever an agent instance raised a warning.
282 *
283 * @param agentIdentifier The identifier of the agent instance.
284 * @param message The i18n'ed warning message.
285 */
286 void agentInstanceWarning(const QString &agentIdentifier, const QString &message);
288 /**
289 * This signal is emitted whenever an agent instance raised an error.
290 *
291 * @param agentIdentifier The identifier of the agent instance.
292 * @param message The i18n'ed error message.
293 */
294 void agentInstanceError(const QString &agentIdentifier, const QString &message);
296 /**
297 * This signal is emitted whenever the name of the agent instance has changed.
298 *
299 * @param agentIdentifier The identifier of the agent that has changed.
300 * @param name The new name of the agent instance.
301 */
302 void agentInstanceNameChanged(const QString &agentIdentifier, const QString &name);
304 /**
305 * Emitted when the online state of an agent changed.
306 */
307 void agentInstanceOnlineChanged(const QString &agentIdentifier, bool state);
309private Q_SLOTS:
310 void updatePluginInfos();
311 void serviceOwnerChanged(const QString &name, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner);
312 void agentExeChanged(const QString &fileName);
315 /**
316 * Returns the list of directory paths where the .desktop files
317 * for the plugins are located.
318 */
319 static QStringList pluginInfoPathList();
321 /**
322 * Loads the internal state from config file.
323 */
324 void load();
326 /**
327 * Saves internal state to the config file.
328 */
329 void save();
331 /**
332 * Reads the plugin information from directory.
333 */
334 void readPluginInfos();
336 /**
337 * Reads the plugin information from directory.
338 *
339 * @param directory the directory to get plugin information from
340 */
341 void readPluginInfos(const QDir &directory);
343 AgentInstance::Ptr createAgentInstance(const AgentType &type);
344 bool checkAgentInterfaces(const QString &identifier, const QString &method) const;
345 bool checkInstance(const QString &identifier) const;
346 bool checkResourceInterface(const QString &identifier, const QString &method) const;
347 bool checkAgentExists(const QString &identifier) const;
348 void ensureAutoStart(const AgentType &info);
349 void continueStartup();
350 void registerAgentAtServer(const QString &agentIdentifier, const AgentType &type);
353 /**
354 * The map which stores the .desktop file
355 * entries for every agent type.
356 *
357 * Key is the agent type (e.g. 'file' or 'imap').
358 */
361 /**
362 * The map which stores the active instances.
363 *
364 * Key is the instance identifier.
365 */
368 std::unique_ptr<Akonadi::ProcessControl> mAgentServer;
369 std::unique_ptr<Akonadi::ProcessControl> mStorageController;
370 bool mAgentServerEnabled = false;
371 bool mVerbose = false;
373 friend class AgentInstance;
bool agentInstanceOnline(const QString &identifier)
Returns if the agent instance identifier is in online mode.
void setAgentInstanceName(const QString &identifier, const QString &name)
Sets the name of the agent instance with the given identifier.
QString agentInstanceStatusMessage(const QString &identifier) const
Returns the i18n'ed description of the current status of the agent with the given identifier.
void agentInstanceAdded(const QString &agentIdentifier)
This signal is emitted whenever a new agent instance was created.
void agentTypeAdded(const QString &agentType)
This signal is emitted whenever a new agent type was installed on the system.
QStringList agentInstances() const
Returns the list of identifiers of configured instances.
void agentInstanceError(const QString &agentIdentifier, const QString &message)
This signal is emitted whenever an agent instance raised an error.
QString agentInstanceName(const QString &identifier) const
Returns the name of the agent instance with the given identifier.
QStringList agentTypes() const
Returns the list of identifiers of all available agent types.
void removeAgentInstance(const QString &identifier)
Removes the agent with the given identifier.
void agentInstanceSynchronizeCollectionTree(const QString &identifier)
Trigger a synchronization of the collection tree by the given resource agent.
AgentManager(bool verbose, QObject *parent=nullptr)
Creates a new agent manager.
void agentInstanceProgressChanged(const QString &agentIdentifier, uint progress, const QString &message)
This signal is emitted whenever the progress of an agent instance has changed.
void agentInstanceNameChanged(const QString &agentIdentifier, const QString &name)
This signal is emitted whenever the name of the agent instance has changed.
QString agentInstanceProgressMessage(const QString &identifier) const
Returns the i18n'ed description of the current progress of the agent with the given identifier.
void agentInstanceStatusChanged(const QString &agentIdentifier, int status, const QString &message)
This signal is emitted whenever the status of an agent instance has changed.
uint agentInstanceProgress(const QString &identifier) const
Returns the current progress of the agent with the given identifier in percentage.
void agentInstanceSynchronizeCollection(const QString &identifier, qint64 collection)
Trigger a synchronization of the given collection by its owning resource agent.
void removeSearch(quint64 resultCollectionId)
Removes a persistent search for the given result collection.
QVariantMap agentCustomProperties(const QString &identifier) const
Returns a list of Custom added properties of the agent type for the given identifier.
QStringList agentMimeTypes(const QString &identifier) const
Returns a list of supported mimetypes of the agent type for the given identifier.
QString agentInstanceType(const QString &identifier)
Returns the type of the agent instance with the given identifier.
void agentInstanceAdvancedStatusChanged(const QString &agentIdentifier, const QVariantMap &status)
This signal is emitted whenever the status of an agent instance has changed.
void agentInstanceSynchronizeTags(const QString &identifier)
Trigger a synchronization of tags by the given resource agent.
void agentInstanceRemoved(const QString &agentIdentifier)
This signal is emitted whenever an agent instance was removed.
QString agentComment(const QString &identifier) const
Returns the i18n'ed comment of the agent type for the given identifier.
QStringList agentCapabilities(const QString &identifier) const
Returns a list of supported capabilities of the agent type for the given identifier.
QString agentName(const QString &identifier) const
Returns the i18n'ed name of the agent type for the given identifier.
void addSearch(const QString &query, const QString &queryLanguage, qint64 resultCollectionId)
Add a persistent search to remote search agents.
void setAgentInstanceOnline(const QString &identifier, bool state)
Sets agent instance identifier to online or offline mode.
void agentInstanceConfigure(const QString &identifier, qlonglong windowId)
Triggers the agent instance with the given identifier to show its configuration dialog.
void restartAgentInstance(const QString &identifier)
Restarts the agent instance identifier.
void cleanup()
Called by the crash handler and dtor to terminate the child processes.
~AgentManager() override
Destroys the agent manager.
void agentTypeRemoved(const QString &agentType)
This signal is emitted whenever an agent type was removed from the system.
QString agentIcon(const QString &identifier) const
Returns the icon name of the agent type for the given identifier.
int agentInstanceStatus(const QString &identifier) const
Returns the current status code of the agent with the given identifier.
void agentInstanceWarning(const QString &agentIdentifier, const QString &message)
This signal is emitted whenever an agent instance raised a warning.
QString createAgentInstance(const QString &identifier)
Creates a new agent of the given agent type identifier.
void agentInstanceSynchronize(const QString &identifier)
Triggers the agent instance with the given identifier to start synchronization.
void agentInstanceOnlineChanged(const QString &agentIdentifier, bool state)
Emitted when the online state of an agent changed.
This class starts and observes a process.
Q_SCRIPTABLE CaptureState status()
Helper integration between Akonadi and Qt.
const QDBusMessage & message() const const
QObject(QObject *parent)
Q_CLASSINFO(Name, Value)
QObject * parent() const const
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:29 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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