Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
►NAkonadi | Helper integration between Akonadi and Qt |
►NServer | |
►N_detail | |
CById | |
►NQuery | Building blocks for SQL queries |
CCondition | Represents a WHERE condition tree |
CAbstractSearchEngine | Abstract interface for search engines |
CAgentSearchEngine | Search engine for distributing searches to agents |
CCacheCleaner | Cache cleaner |
CCacheCleanerInhibitor | A RAII helper class to temporarily stop the CacheCleaner |
CCollectionCopyHandler | Handler for the CollectionCopyHandler command |
CCollectionDeleteHandler | Handler for the collection deletion command |
CCollectionFetchHandler | Handler for the LIST command |
CCollectionModifyHandler | This command is used to modify collections |
CCollectionMoveHandler | Handler for the MoveCollection command |
CCollectionStatistics | Provides cache for collection statistics |
CCollectionStatsFetchHandler | Handler for the STATUS command |
CColumnDescription | A helper class that describes a column of a table for the DbInitializer |
CConnection | An Connection represents one connection of a client to the server |
CCountQueryBuilder | Helper class for creating queries to count elements in a database |
CDataDescription | A helper class that describes the predefined data of a table for the DbInitializer |
CDataStore | This class handles all the database access |
CDbConfig | A base class that provides an unique access layer to configuration and initialization of different database backends |
CDbDeadlockCatcher | This class catches DbDeadlockException (as emitted by QueryBuilder) and retries execution of the method when it happens, as required by SQL databases |
CDbException | Exception for reporting SQL errors |
CDbInitializer | A helper class which takes a reference to a database object and the file name of a template file and initializes the database according to the rules in the template file |
►CDbIntrospector | Methods for introspecting the current state of a database schema |
CForeignKey | A structure describing an existing foreign key |
CDbUpdater | Updates the database schema |
CDBusTracer | A tracer which forwards all tracing information as dbus signals |
CDebugInterface | Interface to configure and query debugging options |
CEntity | Base class for classes representing database records |
CException | Base class for exception used internally by the Akonadi server |
CFileTracer | A tracer which forwards all tracing information to a log file |
CHandler | The handler interfaces describes an entity capable of handling an AkonadiIMAP command |
CHandlerHelper | Helper functions for command handlers |
CIndexDescription | A helper class that describes indexes of a table for the DbInitializer |
CIntervalCheck | Interval checking thread |
CItemCopyHandler | Handler for the COPY command |
CItemCreateHandler | Handler for the X-AKAPPEND command |
CItemDeleteHandler | Handler for the item deletion command |
CItemFetchHandler | Handler for the fetch command |
CItemLinkHandler | Handler for the LINK and UNLINK commands |
CItemModifyHandler | Handler for the item modification command |
CItemMoveHandler | Handler for the item move command |
CItemRetrievalJob | Async D-Bus retrieval, no modification of the request (thus no need for locking) |
CItemRetrievalManager | Manages and processes item retrieval requests |
CItemRetrievalRequest | Details of a single item retrieval request |
CItemRetriever | Helper class for retrieving missing items parts from remote resources |
CLoginHandler | Handler for the login command |
CLogoutHandler | Handler for the logout command |
CNotificationCollector | Part of the DataStore, collects change notifications and emits them after the current transaction has been successfully committed |
CPreprocessorInstance | A single preprocessor (agent) instance |
CPreprocessorManager | The manager for preprocessor agents |
CQueryBuilder | Helper class to construct arbitrary SQL queries |
CRelationDescription | A helper class that describes the relation between two tables for the DbInitializer |
CRelationTableDescription | TableDescription constructed based on RelationDescription |
CResourceManager | Listens to agent instance added/removed signals and creates/removes the corresponding data in the database |
CResourceSelectHandler | Handler for the resource selection command |
CSchema | Methods to access the desired database schema ( |
CSearchCreateHandler | Handler for the search_store search_delete commands |
CSearchHandler | Handler for the search commands |
CSearchManager | SearchManager creates and deletes persistent searches for all currently active search engines |
CSearchResultHandler | Handler for the search_result command |
CSelectQueryBuilder | Helper class for creating and executing database SELECT queries |
CStorageJanitor | Various database checking/maintenance features |
CTableDescription | A helper class that describes a table for the DbInitializer |
CTagFetchHandler | Handler for the FETCHTAG command |
CTracer | The global tracer instance where all akonadi components can send their tracing information to |
CTracerInterface | This interface can be reimplemented to deliver tracing information of the akonadi server to the outside |
CTransaction | Helper class for DataStore transaction handling |
CTransactionHandler | Handler for transaction commands (BEGIN, COMMIT, ROLLBACK) |
CUpdateSet | A helper class that contains an update set |
CAbstractDifferencesReporter | An interface to report differences between two arbitrary objects |
CAbstractSearchPlugin | 3rd party applications can install a search plugin for Akonadi server to provide access to their search capability |
CAgentActionManager | Manages generic actions for agent and agent instance views |
►CAgentBase | The base class for all Akonadi agents and resources |
CObserver | The interface for reacting on monitored or replayed changes |
CObserverV2 | BC extension of Observer with support for monitoring item and collection moves |
CObserverV3 | BC extension of ObserverV2 with support for batch operations |
CAgentConfigurationBase | Base class for configuration UI for Akonadi agents |
CAgentConfigurationWidget | A widget for displaying agent configuration in applications |
CAgentFactory | A factory for in-process agents |
CAgentFactoryBase | A factory base class for in-process agents |
CAgentFilterProxyModel | A proxy model for filtering AgentType or AgentInstance |
CAgentInstance | A representation of an agent instance |
CAgentInstanceCreateJob | Job for creating new agent instances |
CAgentInstanceFilterProxyModel | A proxy model for filtering AgentType or AgentInstance |
CAgentInstanceModel | Provides a data model for agent instances |
CAgentInstanceWidget | Provides a widget that lists all available agent instances |
CAgentManager | Provides an interface to retrieve agent types and manage agent instances |
CAgentSearchInterface | An interface for agents (or resources) that support searching in their backend |
CAgentThread | A class that encapsulates an agent instance inside a thread |
CAgentType | A representation of an agent type |
CAgentTypeDialog | A dialog to select an available agent type |
CAgentTypeModel | Provides a data model for agent types |
CAgentTypeWidget | Provides a widget that lists all available agent types |
CAttribute | Provides interface for custom attributes for Entity |
CAttributeFactory | Provides the functionality of registering and creating arbitrary entity attributes |
CCachePolicy | Represents the caching policy for a collection |
CCachePolicyPage | A page in a collection properties dialog to configure the cache policy |
CChangeNotification | Emitted by Monitor::debugNotification() signal |
CChangeRecorder | Records and replays change notification |
CCollection | Represents a collection of PIM items |
CCollectionAnnotationsAttribute | Collection annotations attribute |
CCollectionAttributesSynchronizationJob | Job that synchronizes the attributes of a collection |
CCollectionColorAttribute | Attribute that stores colors of a collection |
CCollectionComboBox | A combobox for selecting an Akonadi collection |
CCollectionCopyJob | Job that copies a collection into another collection in the Akonadi storage |
CCollectionCreateJob | Job that creates a new collection in the Akonadi storage |
CCollectionDeleteJob | Job that deletes a collection in the Akonadi storage |
CCollectionDialog | A collection selection dialog |
CCollectionFetchJob | Job that fetches collections from the Akonadi storage |
CCollectionFetchScope | Specifies which parts of a collection should be fetched from the Akonadi storage |
CCollectionFilterProxyModel | A proxy model that filters collections by mime type |
CCollectionIdentificationAttribute | Attribute that stores additional information on a collection that can be used for searching |
CCollectionModifyJob | Job that modifies a collection in the Akonadi storage |
CCollectionMoveJob | Job that moves a collection in the Akonadi storage to a new parent collection |
CCollectionPathResolver | |
CCollectionPropertiesDialog | A generic and extensible dialog for collection properties |
CCollectionPropertiesPage | A single page in a collection properties dialog |
CCollectionPropertiesPageFactory | A factory class for collection properties dialog pages |
CCollectionQuotaAttribute | Attribute that provides quota information for a collection |
CCollectionRequester | A widget to request an Akonadi collection from the user |
CCollectionStatistics | Provides statistics information of a Collection |
CCollectionStatisticsDelegate | A delegate that draws unread and total count for StatisticsProxyModel |
CCollectionStatisticsJob | Job that fetches collection statistics from the Akonadi storage |
CContactSearchTerm | A search term for a contact field |
CControl | Provides methods to control the Akonadi server process |
CControlGui | Provides methods to ControlGui the Akonadi server process |
CDifferencesAlgorithmInterface | An interface to find out differences between two Akonadi objects |
CEmailSearchTerm | A search term for an email field |
CEntityAnnotationsAttribute | An attribute for annotations |
CEntityDeletedAttribute | An Attribute that marks that an entity was marked as deleted |
CEntityDisplayAttribute | Attribute that stores the properties that are used to display an entity |
CEntityHiddenAttribute | An Attribute that marks that an entity should be hidden in the UI |
CEntityListView | A view to show an item/collection list provided by an EntityTreeModel |
CEntityMimeTypeFilterModel | A proxy model that filters entities by mime type |
CEntityOrderProxyModel | A model that keeps the order of entities persistent |
CEntityRightsFilterModel | A proxy model that filters entities by access rights |
CEntityTreeModel | A model for collections and items together |
CEntityTreeView | A view to show an item/collection tree provided by an EntityTreeModel |
CException | Base class for exceptions used by the Akonadi library |
CFavoriteCollectionsModel | A model that lists a set of favorite collections |
CGidExtractorInterface | An interface to extract the GID of an object contained in an akonadi item |
CIncidenceSearchTerm | A search term for a incidence field |
CIndexPolicyAttribute | An attribute to specify how a collection should be indexed for searching |
CItem | Represents a PIM item stored in Akonadi storage |
CItemCopyJob | Job that copies a set of items to a target collection in the Akonadi storage |
CItemCreateJob | Job that creates a new item in the Akonadi storage |
CItemDeleteJob | Job that deletes items from the Akonadi storage |
CItemFetchJob | Job that fetches items from the Akonadi storage |
CItemFetchScope | Specifies which parts of an item should be fetched from the Akonadi storage |
CItemModifyJob | Job that modifies an existing item in the Akonadi storage |
CItemMonitor | A convenience class to monitor a single item for changes |
CItemMoveJob | Job that moves an item into a different collection in the Akonadi storage |
CItemSearchJob | Job that searches for items in the Akonadi storage |
CItemSerializerPlugin | The base class for item type serializer plugins |
CItemSync | Syncs between items known to a client (usually a resource) and the Akonadi storage |
CJob | Base class for all actions in the Akonadi storage |
CLinkJob | Job that links items inside the Akonadi storage |
CMimeTypeChecker | Helper for checking MIME types of Collections and Items |
CMonitor | Monitors an item or collection for changes |
CPartFetcher | Convenience class for getting payload parts from an Akonadi Model |
CPersistentSearchAttribute | An attribute to store query properties of persistent search collections |
CPreprocessorBase | The base class for all Akonadi preprocessor agents |
CProcessControl | This class starts and observes a process |
CRecursiveCollectionFilterProxyModel | A model to filter out collections of non-matching content types |
CRecursiveItemFetchJob | Job that fetches all items of a collection recursive |
CResourceBase | The base class for all Akonadi resources |
CResourceSynchronizationJob | Job that synchronizes a resource |
CSearchCreateJob | Job that creates a virtual/search collection in the Akonadi storage |
CSearchQuery | A query that can be passed to ItemSearchJob or others |
CSearchTerm | Search term represents the actual condition within query |
CSelectionProxyModel | A proxy model used to reference count selected Akonadi::Collection in a view |
CSelfTestDialog | A dialog that checks the current status of the Akonadi system |
CServerManager | Provides methods to control the Akonadi server process |
CSession | A communication session with the Akonadi storage |
CSpecialCollectionAttribute | An Attribute that stores the special collection type of a collection |
CSpecialCollections | An interface to special collections |
CSpecialCollectionsDiscoveryJob | A job to discover all SpecialCollections |
CSpecialCollectionsRequestJob | A job to request SpecialCollections |
CStandardActionManager | Manages generic actions for collection and item views |
CStatisticsProxyModel | A proxy model that exposes collection statistics through extra columns |
CSubscriptionDialog | Local subscription dialog |
CSuperClass | Type trait to provide information about a base class for a given class |
CSuperClassTrait | |
CTag | An Akonadi Tag |
CTagAttribute | Attribute that stores the properties that are used to display a tag |
CTagCache | Client-side cache of all exist tags |
CTagCreateJob | Job that creates a new tag in the Akonadi storage |
CTagDeleteJob | Job that deletes tags |
CTagEditWidget | A widget that offers facilities to add/remove tags and optionally provides a way to select tags |
CTagFetchJob | Job that fetches tags from the Akonadi storage |
CTagFetchScope | Specifies which parts of a tag should be fetched from the Akonadi storage |
CTagManagementDialog | A dialog to manage tags |
CTagModifyJob | Job that modifies a tag in the Akonadi storage |
CTagSelectionComboBox | The TagSelectionCombo class |
CTagSelectionDialog | A widget that shows a tag selection and provides means to edit that selection |
CTagSelectWidget | A widget that offers facilities to add/remove tags and provides a way to select tags |
CTagWidget | A widget that shows a tag selection and provides means to edit that selection |
CTransactionBeginJob | Job that begins a session-global transaction |
CTransactionCommitJob | Job that commits a session-global transaction |
CTransactionRollbackJob | Job that aborts a session-global transaction |
CTransactionSequence | Base class for jobs that need to run a sequence of sub-jobs in a transaction |
CTransportResourceBase | Resource implementing mail transport capability |
CTrashFilterProxyModel | Filter model which hides/shows entities marked as trash |
CTrashJob | Job that moves items/collection to trash |
CTrashRestoreJob | Job that restores entities from trash |
CUnlinkJob | Job that unlinks items inside the Akonadi storage |
CXmlDocument | Represents a document of the KNUT XML serialization format for Akonadi objects |
CXmlWriteJob | Serializes a given Akonadi collection into a XML file |
CAgentInstance | Represents one agent instance and takes care of communication with it |
CAgentManager | The agent manager has knowledge about all available agents (it scans for .desktop files in the agent directory) and the available configured instances |
CAkApplicationBase | D-Bus session bus monitoring and command line handling |
CControlManager | The control manager provides a dbus method to shutdown the Akonadi Control process cleanly |
CProcessControl | This class starts and observes a process |
CSession | ASAP CLI session |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:31 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:31 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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