
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2007 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
7#pragma once
9#include "akonadicore_export.h"
10#include "collection.h"
11#include "job.h"
13namespace Akonadi
16class CollectionFetchJobPrivate;
19 * @short Job that fetches collections from the Akonadi storage.
20 *
21 * This class can be used to retrieve the complete or partial collection tree
22 * from the Akonadi storage. This fetches collection data, not item data.
23 *
24 * @code
25 * using namespace Akonadi;
26 * using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
27 *
28 * // fetching all collections containing emails recursively, starting at the root collection
29 * auto job = new CollectionFetchJob(Collection::root(), CollectionFetchJob::Recursive, this);
30 * job->fetchScope().setContentMimeTypes({ u"message/rfc822"_s });
31 * connect(job, &CollectionFetchJob::collectionsReceived, this &MyClass::myCollectionsReceived);
32 * connect(job, &KJob::result, this, &MyClass::collectionFetchResult);
33 *
34 * @endcode
35 *
36 * @author Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
37 */
38class AKONADICORE_EXPORT CollectionFetchJob : public Job
43 /**
44 * Describes the type of fetch depth.
45 */
46 enum Type {
47 Base, ///< Only fetch the base collection.
48 FirstLevel, ///< Only list direct sub-collections of the base collection.
49 Recursive, ///< List all sub-collections.
50 NonOverlappingRoots ///< List the roots of a list of fetched collections. @since 4.7
51 };
53 /**
54 * Creates a new collection fetch job. If the given base collection
55 * has a unique identifier, this is used to identify the collection in the
56 * Akonadi server. If only a remote identifier is available the collection
57 * is identified using that, provided that a resource search context has
58 * been specified by calling setResource().
59 *
60 * @internal
61 * For internal use only, if a remote identifier is set, the resource
62 * search context can be set globally using ResourceSelectJob.
63 * @endinternal
64 *
65 * @param collection The base collection for the listing.
66 * @param type The type of fetch depth.
67 * @param parent The parent object.
68 */
69 explicit CollectionFetchJob(const Collection &collection, Type type = FirstLevel, QObject *parent = nullptr);
71 /**
72 * Creates a new collection fetch job to retrieve a list of collections.
73 * If a given collection has a unique identifier, this is used to identify
74 * the collection in the Akonadi server. If only a remote identifier is
75 * available the collection is identified using that, provided that a
76 * resource search context has been specified by calling setResource().
77 *
78 * @internal
79 * For internal use only, if a remote identifier is set, the resource
80 * search context can be set globally using ResourceSelectJob.
81 * @endinternal
82 *
83 * @param collections A list of collections to fetch. Must not be empty.
84 * @param parent The parent object.
85 */
86 explicit CollectionFetchJob(const Collection::List &collections, QObject *parent = nullptr);
88 /**
89 * Creates a new collection fetch job to retrieve a list of collections.
90 * If a given collection has a unique identifier, this is used to identify
91 * the collection in the Akonadi server. If only a remote identifier is
92 * available the collection is identified using that, provided that a
93 * resource search context has been specified by calling setResource().
94 *
95 * @internal
96 * For internal use only, if a remote identifier is set, the resource
97 * search context can be set globally using ResourceSelectJob.
98 * @endinternal
99 *
100 * @param collections A list of collections to fetch. Must not be empty.
101 * @param type The type of fetch depth.
102 * @param parent The parent object.
103 * @todo KDE5 merge with ctor above.
104 * @since 4.7
105 */
106 CollectionFetchJob(const Collection::List &collections, Type type, QObject *parent = nullptr);
108 /**
109 * Convenience ctor equivalent to CollectionFetchJob(const Collection::List &collections, Type type, QObject *parent = nullptr)
110 * @since 4.8
111 * @param collections list of collection ids
112 * @param type fetch job type
113 * @param parent parent object
114 */
115 explicit CollectionFetchJob(const QList<Collection::Id> &collections, Type type = Base, QObject *parent = nullptr);
117 /**
118 * Destroys the collection fetch job.
119 */
122 /**
123 * Returns the list of fetched collection.
124 */
125 [[nodiscard]] Collection::List collections() const;
127 /**
128 * Sets the collection fetch scope.
129 *
130 * The CollectionFetchScope controls how much of a collection's data is
131 * fetched from the server as well as a filter to select which collections
132 * to fetch.
133 *
134 * @param fetchScope The new scope for collection fetch operations.
135 *
136 * @see fetchScope()
137 * @since 4.4
138 */
141 /**
142 * Returns the collection fetch scope.
143 *
144 * Since this returns a reference it can be used to conveniently modify the
145 * current scope in-place, i.e. by calling a method on the returned reference
146 * without storing it in a local variable. See the CollectionFetchScope documentation
147 * for an example.
148 *
149 * @return a reference to the current collection fetch scope
150 *
151 * @see setFetchScope() for replacing the current collection fetch scope
152 * @since 4.4
153 */
154 [[nodiscard]] CollectionFetchScope &fetchScope();
157 /**
158 * This signal is emitted whenever the job has received collections.
159 *
160 * @param collections The received collections.
161 */
165 void doStart() override;
166 bool doHandleResponse(qint64 tag, const Protocol::CommandPtr &response) override;
168protected Q_SLOTS:
169 /// @cond PRIVATE
170 void slotResult(KJob *job) override;
171 /// @endcond
174 Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(CollectionFetchJob)
Job that fetches collections from the Akonadi storage.
void setFetchScope(const CollectionFetchScope &fetchScope)
Sets the collection fetch scope.
bool doHandleResponse(qint64 tag, const Protocol::CommandPtr &response) override
This method should be reimplemented in the concrete jobs in case you want to handle incoming data.
void doStart() override
This method must be reimplemented in the concrete jobs.
CollectionFetchScope & fetchScope()
Returns the collection fetch scope.
Describes the type of fetch depth.
@ Recursive
List all sub-collections.
@ FirstLevel
Only list direct sub-collections of the base collection.
@ NonOverlappingRoots
List the roots of a list of fetched collections.
@ Base
Only fetch the base collection.
CollectionFetchJob(const Collection &collection, Type type=FirstLevel, QObject *parent=nullptr)
Creates a new collection fetch job.
void collectionsReceived(const Akonadi::Collection::List &collections)
This signal is emitted whenever the job has received collections.
~CollectionFetchJob() override
Destroys the collection fetch job.
Collection::List collections() const
Returns the list of fetched collection.
Specifies which parts of a collection should be fetched from the Akonadi storage.
Represents a collection of PIM items.
Definition collection.h:62
QList< Collection > List
Describes a list of collections.
Definition collection.h:84
Job(QObject *parent=nullptr)
Creates a new job.
Definition job.cpp:290
KJob(QObject *parent=nullptr)
Helper integration between Akonadi and Qt.
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:29 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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